mirror of https://github.com/Mowie/Mowie synced 2024-06-02 00:49:38 +00:00

118 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable File

//Check if installed
if (file_exists('config/config.yml'))
//Require Libs
require_once 'inc/libs/Smarty/Smarty.class.php';
require_once 'inc/config.php';
require_once 'inc/libs/functions.php';
require_once 'inc/page.php';
require_once 'inc/apps.php';
//Under Construction?
if (file_exists('content/.system/construction.txt'))
echo file_get_contents('content/.system/construction.txt');
} else
$page = new page();
$page->caching = false;
$page->error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE;
//Set Url
$page->setUrl(str_replace($MCONF['home_uri'], '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
$base = explode('/', str_replace($MCONF['home_uri'], '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
if (count($base) > 1)
$page->setBaseUrl($base[0] . '/');
$apps = new apps();
//Search apps and execute them if necessary
foreach ($apps->getApps() as $app => $appconf)
$appUri = 'apps/' . $appconf['app_path'] . '/';
//Check App dependencies
//If the App should run from one domain only
if ((isset($appconf['domain']) && $page->getDomain() == $appconf['domain']) || !isset($appconf['domain']) || (isset($appconf['domain']) && $appconf['domain'] === ''))
//If we have an alias which equals the current url, execute it
if (isset($appconf['alias']))
if (array_key_exists($page->getUrl(), $appconf['alias']))
require $appUri . $appconf['alias'][$page->getUrl()];
//If we have a type
if (isset($appconf['type']))
//Page for (more or less) dynamic content
if ($appconf['type'] == 'page')
//If we have a base_url_file and the current url equals base_url, execute base_url_file
if (isset($appconf['base_url_file']))
if ($appconf['base_url'] == $page->getUrl())
require $appUri . $appconf['base_url_file'];
//if we have a base_url and a base_file which exists and the current baseUrl equals base_url, execute base_file
if (isset($appconf['base_url']) && file_exists($appUri . '/' . $appconf['base_file']))
if ($appconf['base_url'] == $page->getBaseUrl())
require $appUri . $appconf['base_file'];
if ($appconf['type'] == 'static' && isset($appconf['base_file']) && file_exists($appUri . '/' . $appconf['base_file']))
require $appUri . $appconf['base_file'];
$appconf = [];
if ($page->getResponseCode() == 404)
//Build Copyright
$founded = date('Y', filemtime('config/config.yml'));
$copy = $founded;
if ($founded != date('Y'))
$copy = $founded . ' - ' . date('Y');
$page->assign('copyright', $copy);
//Finally render everything
$page->assign($MCONF['tpl_title'], $page->getTitle() . ' | ' . $MCONF['title']);
$page->assign($MCONF['tpl_content'], $page->getContent());
$page->assign($MCONF['tpl_webUri'], $MCONF['web_uri']);
$page->assign('template', $page->getTemplate());
} else
header('Location: admin/install.php');