
122 lines
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:class="{ 'is-loading': listService.loading}"
<div class="switch-view">
:to="{ name: 'list.list', params: { listId: listId } }"
:class="{'is-active': $ === 'list.list'}">
:to="{ name: 'list.gantt', params: { listId: listId } }"
:class="{'is-active': $ === 'list.gantt'}">
:to="{ name: 'list.table', params: { listId: listId } }"
:class="{'is-active': $ === 'list.table'}">
:to="{ name: 'list.kanban', params: { listId: listId } }"
:class="{'is-active': $ === 'list.kanban'}">
<div class="notification is-warning" v-if="list.isArchived">
This list is archived.
It is not possible to create new or edit tasks or it.
import router from '../../router'
import ListModel from '../../models/list'
import ListService from '../../services/list'
import {CURRENT_LIST} from '../../store/mutation-types'
import {getListView} from '../../helpers/saveListView'
export default {
data() {
return {
listService: ListService,
list: ListModel,
listLoaded: 0,
created() {
this.listService = new ListService()
this.list = new ListModel()
mounted() {
watch: {
// call again the method if the route changes
'$route.path': 'loadList',
computed: {
// Computed property to let "listId" always have a value
listId() {
return typeof this.$route.params.listId === 'undefined' ? 0 : this.$route.params.listId
background() {
return this.$store.state.background
methods: {
loadList() {
// This invalidates the loaded list at the kanban board which lets it reload its content when
// switched to it. This ensures updates done to tasks in the gantt or list views are consistently
// shown in all views while preventing reloads when closing a task popup.
// We don't do this for the table view because that does not change tasks.
if (
this.$ === 'list.list' ||
this.$ === 'list.gantt'
) {
this.$store.commit('kanban/setListId', 0)
// Don't load the list if we either already loaded it or aren't dealing with a list at all currently
if (this.$route.params.listId === this.listLoaded || typeof this.$route.params.listId === 'undefined') {
// Redirect the user to list view by default
if (
this.$ !== 'list.list' &&
this.$ !== 'list.gantt' &&
this.$ !== 'list.table' &&
this.$ !== 'list.kanban'
) {
const savedListView = getListView(this.$route.params.listId)
router.replace({name: savedListView, params: {id: this.$route.params.listId}})
// We create an extra list object instead of creating it in this.list because that would trigger a ui update which would result in bad ux.
let list = new ListModel({id: this.$route.params.listId})
.then(r => {
this.$set(this, 'list', r)
this.$store.commit(CURRENT_LIST, r)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
.finally(() => {
this.listLoaded = this.$route.params.listId