import * as Y from 'yjs' import { IndexeddbPersistence as YjsIndexeddbPersistence } from 'y-indexeddb' import type { Webxdc as WebxdcGeneric } from './webxdc' type Webxdc = WebxdcGeneric<{ update: number[], sender: typeof webxdc.selfAddr }> declare const webxdc: Webxdc; // declare global { // interface Window { // webxdc: Webxdc; // } // } /** * @returns resolves when all the pending updates have been applied */ function initWebxdcSyncProvider(ydoc: Y.Doc): Promise { // TODO_OFFLINE I'm not sure at all if this is correct. Namely: // I'm not sure if it is right to never apply updates that we've already applied // in the previos sessions, as it looks like that we rely on `IndexeddbPersistence` // to save all the applied updates. What happens if it for some reason doesn't manage // to not save some update? In theore we'd have to download it from other peers then, right? // But we don't do it here. // // Better check how existing providers work, like `y-websocket`. Looks like they use // `y-protocols/sync`. // const lastAppliedWebxdcUpdateSerialNum = localStorage.getItem('__lastAppliedWebxdcUpdate') const lastAppliedWebxdcUpdateSerialNum = 0 const setListenerP = webxdc.setUpdateListener( (update) => { // if (update.payload.sender === webxdc.selfAddr) { // return // } console.log('update', update.serial) // TODO_OFFLINE optimize this. Batch updates? ydoc.transact? Y.applyUpdate(ydoc, new Uint8Array(update.payload.update), 'webxdcUpdateHandler') // localStorage.setItem('__lastAppliedWebxdcUpdate', update.serial.toString()) }, lastAppliedWebxdcUpdateSerialNum ? parseInt(lastAppliedWebxdcUpdateSerialNum) : 0, ) // TODO_OFFLINE throttle // TODO not sure if this reacts to the changes ydoc.on('update', (update, origin) => { if (origin === 'webxdcUpdateHandler') { return } // TODO_OFFLINE conversion to an ordinary array. Not good for performance. // Look up how other Yjs connectors do this. Or // const serializableArray = [...(update as Uint8Array)] webxdc.sendUpdate({ payload: { update: serializableArray, sender: webxdc.selfAddr }, }, '' ) }) return setListenerP } async function maybeInitWebrtcSync(ydoc: Y.Doc) { if (localStorage.getItem('sharingEnabled') !== 'true') { return } const sharingRoomName = localStorage.getItem('sharingRoomName') if (sharingRoomName == null) { return } const sharingRoomPassword = localStorage.getItem('sharingRoomPassword') if (sharingRoomPassword == null) { return } const { WebrtcProvider } = await import('y-webrtc') // To avoid collisions when people are lazy about coming up with a long enough name. const fullRoomName = `vikunja-${sharingRoomName}` const provider = new WebrtcProvider(fullRoomName, ydoc, { password: sharingRoomPassword }) console.log('WebRTC sharing enabled') } async function createSyncedYDoc(): Promise { const ydoc = new Y.Doc() const indexeddbProvider = new YjsIndexeddbPersistence('p2p-tasks-db', ydoc) // Did not check if we actually need to await await indexeddbProvider.whenSynced if (window.webxdc) { // TODO_OFFLINE dynamic import await initWebxdcSyncProvider(ydoc) } else { await maybeInitWebrtcSync(ydoc) } // const lastAppliedWebxdcUpdate = localStorage.getItem('__lastAppliedWebxdcUpdate') // // function onWebxdcUpdate() // const onWebxdcUpdate: Parameters[0] = (update) => { // // update. // } return ydoc } let _ydoc: Promise | undefined = undefined export const ensureCreateSyncedYDoc = () => { if (!_ydoc) { // TODO_OFFLINE fix: if you call it twice in a row before it resolves, // `createSyncedYDoc` will be exected twice. Don't await. _ydoc = createSyncedYDoc() } return _ydoc }