2023-03-24 16:50:46 +04:00

106 lines
3.7 KiB

import type { ITask } from '@/modelTypes/ITask'
import { getDefaultBucket } from './buckets'
import { defaultPositionIfZero } from './utils/calculateDefaultPosition'
// TODO_OFFLINE return types? ITask is not it, because of snake case and Date format.
// TODO_OFFLINE actually `project_id` is not always present on a task.
// So getTaskOfProject doesn't work right?? Should we make it return all tasks
// (since we only support just one project for now?)
// Actually `project_id` is present on a task when it is created:
// Here it substitutes `{projectId}` in the URL.
let _nextUniqueIntToReturn = 1
* @returns A unique (in this browsing context) integer
function getUniquieInt() {
return _nextUniqueIntToReturn++
* Yes, we store the data in camelCase.
export function getAllTasks(): ITask[] {
const fromStorage = localStorage.getItem('tasks')
if (!fromStorage) {
return []
const tasks: ITask[] = JSON.parse(fromStorage)
// TODO_OFFLINE don't just always sort them by position but look at
// `parameters.sort_by`.
return tasks.sort((a, b) => a.position - b.position)
// getAllTasksWithFilters(params)
// TODO_OFFLINE we only have one project currently, actually.
export function getTasksOfProject<PID extends number>(projectId: PID): Array<ITask & { projectId: PID }> {
const tasks: ITask[] = getAllTasks().filter(t => t.projectId === projectId)
return tasks
* Unsorted
export function getTasksOfBucket<BID extends number>(
bucketId: BID,
): Array<ITask & { bucketId: BID }> {
const tasks: ITask[] = getAllTasks().filter(t => t.bucketId === bucketId)
return tasks
export function createTask(newTask: ITask): ITask {
const allTasks = getAllTasks()
const newTaskFullData: ITask = {
id: Math.round(Math.random() * 1000000000000),
// TODO_OFFLINE created_by, indentifier, index
position: defaultPositionIfZero(newTask.position),
kanbanPosition: defaultPositionIfZero(newTask.kanbanPosition),
bucketId: newTask.bucketId || getDefaultBucket(newTask.projectId).id,
localStorage.setItem('tasks', JSON.stringify(allTasks))
return newTaskFullData
export function getTask(taskId: number) {
return getAllTasks().find(t => === taskId)
export function updateTask(newTaskData: ITask) {
// TODO_OFFLINE a lot of stuff is not implemented. For example, marking a task "done"
// when it is moved to the "done" bucket.
const allTasks = getAllTasks()
const targetTaskInd = allTasks.findIndex(t => ===
if (targetTaskInd < 0) {
console.warn('Tried to update a task, but it does not exist')
allTasks.splice(targetTaskInd, 1, newTaskData)
localStorage.setItem('tasks', JSON.stringify(allTasks))
return newTaskData
export function deleteTask({ id }: { id: number }) {
const allTasks = getAllTasks()
const targetTaskInd = allTasks.findIndex(t => === id)
if (targetTaskInd < 0) {
console.warn('Tried to delete a task, but it does not exist')
allTasks.splice(targetTaskInd, 1)
localStorage.setItem('tasks', JSON.stringify(allTasks))
// TODO_OFFLINE idk what it's supposed to return
return true