// FIXME: move to loading.vue .loader-container { &.is-loading { position: relative; pointer-events: none; opacity: 0.5; &::after { @include loader; position: absolute; top: calc(50% - 2.5rem); left: calc(50% - 2.5rem); width: 5rem; height: 5rem; border-width: 0.25rem; } } &.is-loading-small.is-loading::after { width: 1.5rem; height: 1.5rem; top: calc(50% - .75rem); left: calc(50% - .75rem); border-width: 2px; } } // FIXME: move to ShowTasks.vue .spinner.is-loading { pointer-events: none; &::after { @include loader; width: 2rem; height: 2rem; margin-left: calc(50% - 1rem); margin-top: 1rem; border-width: 0.25rem; } }