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name: Bug Report
description: Found something you weren't expecting? Report it here!
labels: kind/bug
- type: markdown
value: |
NOTE: If your issue is a security concern, please send an email to security@vikunja.io instead of opening a public issue. [More information about our security policy](https://vikunja.io/contact/#security).
- type: markdown
value: |
Please fill out this issue template to report a bug.
1. If you want to propose a new feature, please open a discussion thread in the forum: https://community.vikunja.io
2. Please ask questions or configuration/deploy problems on our [Matrix Room](https://matrix.to/#/#vikunja:matrix.org) or forum (https://community.vikunja.io).
3. Make sure you are using the latest release and
take a moment to check that your issue hasn't been reported before.
4. Please give all relevant information below for bug reports, because
incomplete details will be handled as an invalid report and closed.
- type: textarea
id: description
label: Description
description: |
Please provide a description of your issue here, with a URL if you were able to reproduce the issue (see below).
- type: input
id: version
label: Vikunja Version
description: Vikunja version (or commit reference) of your instance
required: true
- type: input
id: browser-version
label: Browser and version
description: If your issue is related to a frontend problem, please provide the browser and version you used to reproduce it.
- type: dropdown
id: can-reproduce
label: Can you reproduce the bug on the Vikunja demo site?
- "Please select"
- "Yes"
- "No"
required: true
- type: textarea
id: screenshots
label: Screenshots
description: If this issue involves the Web Interface, please provide one or more screenshots