[skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin

This commit is contained in:
Frederick [Bot] 2023-02-24 00:06:10 +00:00 committed by drone
parent c198b9a164
commit 62f6895950
21 changed files with 42 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "New Saved Filter",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"action": "Create new saved filter",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this saved filter",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "Nový uložený filtr",
"description": "Uložený filtr je virtuální seznam, který se počítá ze sady filtrů pokaždé, když je přístupný. Jakmile bude vytvořen, objeví se ve speciálním prostoru.",
"action": "Vytvořit uložený filtr"
"action": "Vytvořit uložený filtr",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Smazat tento uložený filtr",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "Nyt Gemt Filter",
"description": "Et gemt filter er en virtuel liste, som beregnes ud fra et sæt filtre, hver gang det er tilgået. Når den er oprettet, vises den i et særligt navneområde.",
"action": "Opret nyt gemt filter"
"action": "Opret nyt gemt filter",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Slet dette gemte filter",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "Neuer gespeicherter Filter",
"description": "Ein gespeicherter Filter ist eine virtuelle Liste, die bei jedem Zugriff aus einem Satz von Filtern errechnet wird. Einmal erstellt, erscheint diese in einem speziellen Namespace.",
"action": "Neuen gespeicherten Filter erstellen"
"action": "Neuen gespeicherten Filter erstellen",
"titleRequired": "Bitte gib den Titel für den Filter an."
"delete": {
"header": "Diesen gespeicherten Filter löschen",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "Neuer gespeicherter Filter",
"description": "En gspeicherete Filter isch e virtuelli Liste, welche vomene Satz a Filter zemmegsetzt wird, sobald me uf sie zuegriift. Wenn sie mal erstellt worde isch, erhaltet si ihren eigene Namensruum.",
"action": "Neue gspeicherete Filter erstelle"
"action": "Neue gspeicherete Filter erstelle",
"titleRequired": "Bitte gib den Titel für den Filter an."
"delete": {
"header": "De g'speicheret Filter chüble",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "New Saved Filter",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"action": "Create new saved filter",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this saved filter",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "Nouveau filtre enregistré",
"description": "Un filtre enregistré est une liste virtuelle qui est calculée à partir dun ensemble de filtres à chaque fois quon y accède. Une fois créé, il apparaît dans un espace de noms spécial.",
"action": "Créer un nouveau filtre enregistré"
"action": "Créer un nouveau filtre enregistré",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Supprimer ce filtre enregistré",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "Nuovo Filtro Salvato",
"description": "Un filtro salvato è una lista virtuale che viene calcolata da un insieme di filtri di volta in volta. Una volta creato, apparirà in un namespace speciale.",
"action": "Crea nuovo filtro salvato"
"action": "Crea nuovo filtro salvato",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Elimina questo filtro salvato",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "New Saved Filter",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"action": "Create new saved filter",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this saved filter",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "Nytt lagret filter",
"description": "Et lagret filter er en virtuell liste som beregnes fra et sett med filtre hver gang det åpnes. Når du er opprettet, vil det vises i et eget navneområde.",
"action": "Opprett nytt filter"
"action": "Opprett nytt filter",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Slett dette lagrede filteret",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "Nowy filtr stały",
"description": "Filtr stały to wirtualna lista, która jest kalkulowana na podstawie zestawu filtrów przy każdym wejściu w nią. Po utworzeniu pojawi się w specjalnej sekcji.",
"action": "Utwórz nowy filtr stały"
"action": "Utwórz nowy filtr stały",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Usuń ten filtr stały",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "Novo filtro salvo",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"action": "Create new saved filter",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this saved filter",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "Novo Filtro Memorizado",
"description": "Um filtro memorizado é uma lista virtual que é compilada a partir de um conjunto de filtros de cada vez que é acedido. Uma vez criado, irá aparecer num espaço especial.",
"action": "Criar novo filtro memorizado"
"action": "Criar novo filtro memorizado",
"titleRequired": "Por favor, insere um título para o filtro."
"delete": {
"header": "Eliminar este filtro memorizado",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "New Saved Filter",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"action": "Create new saved filter",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this saved filter",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "Создать сохранённый фильтр",
"description": "Сохранённый фильтр — это виртуальный список, построенный из набора фильтров. При создании отображается в специальном пространстве имён.",
"action": "Создать новый сохранённый фильтр"
"action": "Создать новый сохранённый фильтр",
"titleRequired": "Укажите название фильтра."
"delete": {
"header": "Удалить этот сохранённый фильтр",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "New Saved Filter",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"action": "Create new saved filter",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this saved filter",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "New Saved Filter",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"action": "Create new saved filter",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this saved filter",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "New Saved Filter",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"action": "Create new saved filter",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this saved filter",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "Bộ lọc đã lưu mới",
"description": "Bộ lọc sẵn là một danh sách ảo được chọn từ một tập hợp các bộ lọc. Sau khi được tạo, nó sẽ xuất hiện trong một không gian làm việc đặc biệt.",
"action": "Tạo thêm bộ lọc sẵn"
"action": "Tạo thêm bộ lọc sẵn",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Xóa bộ lọc sẵn này",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "新保存的过滤器",
"description": "保存的过滤器是一个虚拟列表,在每次访问时从一组过滤器中计算出来。 创建后,它将出现在一个特殊的命名空间里。",
"action": "创建新保存的过滤器"
"action": "创建新保存的过滤器",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "删除此保存的过滤器",

View File

@ -404,7 +404,8 @@
"create": {
"title": "New Saved Filter",
"description": "A saved filter is a virtual list which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed. Once created, it will appear in a special namespace.",
"action": "Create new saved filter"
"action": "Create new saved filter",
"titleRequired": "Please provide a title for the filter."
"delete": {
"header": "Delete this saved filter",