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2018-10-28 16:11:13 +00:00
// The misspell command corrects commonly misspelled English words in source files.
package main
import (
var (
defaultWrite *template.Template
defaultRead *template.Template
stdout *log.Logger
debug *log.Logger
version = "dev"
const (
// Note for gometalinter it must be "File:Line:Column: Msg"
// note space beteen ": Msg"
defaultWriteTmpl = `{{ .Filename }}:{{ .Line }}:{{ .Column }}: corrected "{{ .Original }}" to "{{ .Corrected }}"`
defaultReadTmpl = `{{ .Filename }}:{{ .Line }}:{{ .Column }}: "{{ .Original }}" is a misspelling of "{{ .Corrected }}"`
csvTmpl = `{{ printf "%q" .Filename }},{{ .Line }},{{ .Column }},{{ .Original }},{{ .Corrected }}`
csvHeader = `file,line,column,typo,corrected`
sqliteTmpl = `INSERT INTO misspell VALUES({{ printf "%q" .Filename }},{{ .Line }},{{ .Column }},{{ printf "%q" .Original }},{{ printf "%q" .Corrected }});`
sqliteHeader = `PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;
CREATE TABLE misspell(
"file" TEXT, "line" INTEGER, "column" INTEGER, "typo" TEXT, "corrected" TEXT
sqliteFooter = "COMMIT;"
func worker(writeit bool, r *misspell.Replacer, mode string, files <-chan string, results chan<- int) {
count := 0
for filename := range files {
orig, err := misspell.ReadTextFile(filename)
if err != nil {
if len(orig) == 0 {
debug.Printf("Processing %s", filename)
var updated string
var changes []misspell.Diff
if mode == "go" {
updated, changes = r.ReplaceGo(orig)
} else {
updated, changes = r.Replace(orig)
if len(changes) == 0 {
count += len(changes)
for _, diff := range changes {
// add in filename
diff.Filename = filename
// output can be done by doing multiple goroutines
// and can clobber os.Stdout.
// the log package can be used simultaneously from multiple goroutines
var output bytes.Buffer
if writeit {
defaultWrite.Execute(&output, diff)
} else {
defaultRead.Execute(&output, diff)
// goroutine-safe print to os.Stdout
if writeit {
ioutil.WriteFile(filename, []byte(updated), 0)
results <- count
func main() {
t := time.Now()
var (
workers = flag.Int("j", 0, "Number of workers, 0 = number of CPUs")
writeit = flag.Bool("w", false, "Overwrite file with corrections (default is just to display)")
quietFlag = flag.Bool("q", false, "Do not emit misspelling output")
outFlag = flag.String("o", "stdout", "output file or [stderr|stdout|]")
format = flag.String("f", "", "'csv', 'sqlite3' or custom Golang template for output")
ignores = flag.String("i", "", "ignore the following corrections, comma separated")
locale = flag.String("locale", "", "Correct spellings using locale perferances for US or UK. Default is to use a neutral variety of English. Setting locale to US will correct the British spelling of 'colour' to 'color'")
mode = flag.String("source", "auto", "Source mode: auto=guess, go=golang source, text=plain or markdown-like text")
debugFlag = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Debug matching, very slow")
exitError = flag.Bool("error", false, "Exit with 2 if misspelling found")
showVersion = flag.Bool("v", false, "Show version and exit")
showLegal = flag.Bool("legal", false, "Show legal information and exit")
if *showVersion {
if *showLegal {
if *debugFlag {
debug = log.New(os.Stderr, "DEBUG ", 0)
} else {
debug = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)
r := misspell.Replacer{
Replacements: misspell.DictMain,
Debug: *debugFlag,
// Figure out regional variations
switch strings.ToUpper(*locale) {
case "":
// nothing
case "US":
case "UK", "GB":
case "NZ", "AU", "CA":
log.Fatalf("Help wanted.")
log.Fatalf("Unknown locale: %q", *locale)
// Stuff to ignore
if len(*ignores) > 0 {
r.RemoveRule(strings.Split(*ignores, ","))
// Source input mode
switch *mode {
case "auto":
case "go":
case "text":
log.Fatalf("Mode must be one of auto=guess, go=golang source, text=plain or markdown-like text")
// Custom output
switch {
case *format == "csv":
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("csv").Parse(csvTmpl))
defaultWrite = tmpl
defaultRead = tmpl
case *format == "sqlite" || *format == "sqlite3":
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("sqlite3").Parse(sqliteTmpl))
defaultWrite = tmpl
defaultRead = tmpl
case len(*format) > 0:
t, err := template.New("custom").Parse(*format)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to compile log format: %s", err)
defaultWrite = t
defaultRead = t
default: // format == ""
defaultWrite = template.Must(template.New("defaultWrite").Parse(defaultWriteTmpl))
defaultRead = template.Must(template.New("defaultRead").Parse(defaultReadTmpl))
// we cant't just write to os.Stdout directly since we have multiple goroutine
// all writing at the same time causing broken output. Log is routine safe.
// we see it so it doesn't use a prefix or include a time stamp.
switch {
case *quietFlag || *outFlag == "/dev/null":
stdout = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0)
case *outFlag == "/dev/stderr" || *outFlag == "stderr":
stdout = log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0)
case *outFlag == "/dev/stdout" || *outFlag == "stdout":
stdout = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
case *outFlag == "" || *outFlag == "-":
stdout = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
fo, err := os.Create(*outFlag)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("unable to create outfile %q: %s", *outFlag, err)
defer fo.Close()
stdout = log.New(fo, "", 0)
// Number of Workers / CPU to use
if *workers < 0 {
log.Fatalf("-j must >= 0")
if *workers == 0 {
*workers = runtime.NumCPU()
if *debugFlag {
*workers = 1
// Done with Flags.
// Compile the Replacer and process files
args := flag.Args()
debug.Printf("initialization complete in %v", time.Since(t))
// stdin/stdout
if len(args) == 0 {
// if we are working with pipes/stdin/stdout
// there is no concurrency, so we can directly
// send data to the writers
var fileout io.Writer
var errout io.Writer
switch *writeit {
case true:
// if we ARE writing the corrected stream
// the corrected stream goes to stdout
// and the misspelling errors goes to stderr
// so we can do something like this:
// curl something | misspell -w | gzip > afile.gz
fileout = os.Stdout
errout = os.Stderr
case false:
// if we are not writing out the corrected stream
// then work just like files. Misspelling errors
// are sent to stdout
fileout = ioutil.Discard
errout = os.Stdout
count := 0
next := func(diff misspell.Diff) {
// don't even evaluate the output templates
if *quietFlag {
diff.Filename = "stdin"
if *writeit {
defaultWrite.Execute(errout, diff)
} else {
defaultRead.Execute(errout, diff)
err := r.ReplaceReader(os.Stdin, fileout, next)
if err != nil {
switch *format {
case "sqlite", "sqlite3":
if count != 0 && *exitError {
// error
c := make(chan string, 64)
results := make(chan int, *workers)
for i := 0; i < *workers; i++ {
go worker(*writeit, &r, *mode, c, results)
for _, filename := range args {
filepath.Walk(filename, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err == nil && !info.IsDir() {
c <- path
return nil
count := 0
for i := 0; i < *workers; i++ {
changed := <-results
count += changed
switch *format {
case "sqlite", "sqlite3":
if count != 0 && *exitError {