2018-09-08 13:50:05 +02:00

23 lines
801 B

# This token is used to verify issued JWT tokens.
# Default is a random token which will be generated at each startup of vikunja.
# (This means all already issued tokens will be invalid once you restart vikunja)
JWTSecret: "cei6gaezoosah2bao3ieZohkae5aicah"
# The interface on which to run the webserver
interface: ":3456"
# Database type to use. Supported types are mysql and sqlite.
type: "sqlite"
# Database user which is used to connect to the database.
user: "vikunja"
# Databse password
password: ""
# Databse host
host: "localhost"
# Databse to use
database: "vikunja"
# When using sqlite, this is the path where to store the data
Path: "./vikunja.db"
# Whether to show mysql queries or not. Useful for debugging.
showqueries: "false"