package main import ( "" "" "" "html/template" "fmt" "" _ "" "" "" "" "time" ) //Initialize Session var GlobalSessions *session.Manager // initialize in init() function func Init() { GlobalSessions, _ = session.NewManager("memory", "kasinoadmin", 43200) go GlobalSessions.GC() } func main() { //Session init Init() //Startup Banner fmt.Println("################################################################") fmt.Println("# _ __ __ _ _____ _ _ #") fmt.Println("# | | / / / _(_) ____ / __ \\ | | | | #") fmt.Println("# | |/ / ___ _ __ | |_ _ / __ \\| / \\/ __ _ ___| |_| | ___ #") fmt.Println("# | \\ / _ \\| '_ \\| _| |/ / _` | | / _` / __| __| |/ _ \\ #") fmt.Println("# | |\\ \\ (_) | | | | | | | | (_| | \\__/\\ (_| \\__ \\ |_| | __/ #") fmt.Println("# \\_| \\_/\\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\\ \\__,_|\\____/\\__,_|___/\\__|_|\\___| #") fmt.Println("# \\____/ #") fmt.Println("# #") fmt.Println("# _ __ _ #") fmt.Println("# | | / / (_) #") fmt.Println("# | |/ / __ _ ___ _ _ __ ___ #") fmt.Println("# | \\ / _` / __| | '_ \\ / _ \\ #") fmt.Println("# | |\\ \\ (_| \\__ \\ | | | | (_) | #") fmt.Println("# \\_| \\_/\\__,_|___/_|_| |_|\\___/ #") fmt.Println("# #") fmt.Println("# © 2017 Konrad Langenberg ( #") fmt.Println("# Version: " + Version + " #") fmt.Println("################################################################") //Echo init e := echo.New() e.HideBanner = true //Logger e.Use(middleware.LoggerWithConfig(middleware.LoggerConfig{ Format: "${time_rfc3339}: ${remote_ip} ${method} ${status} ${uri} - ${user_agent}\n", })) //Static ontent e.Static("/assets", "assets") //Routes e.GET("/", showList) e.GET("/list", getList) e.GET("/admin", adminHandler) e.GET("/logout", logout) e.GET("/ws", ws) e.POST("/login", login) e.POST("/update", update) e.POST("/delete", deleteKonfi) e.POST("/add", addKonfi) //Template t := &Template{ templates: template.Must(template.ParseGlob("tpl/*.html")), } e.Renderer = t //DB init - Create tables db := DBinit() db.Sync(&Kofi{}) db.Sync(&Gemeinde{}) //Config SiteConf := initConfig() //Start the server e.Logger.SetLevel(log.ERROR) go e.Start(SiteConf.Interface) //Windows // Create astilectron var a *astilectron.Astilectron var err error if a, err = astilectron.New(astilectron.Options{ AppName: "Astilectron", AppIconDefaultPath: "/gopher.png", AppIconDarwinPath: "/gopher.icns", BaseDirectoryPath: "astilectron-deps", }); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) astilog.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "creating new astilectron failed")) } defer a.Close() a.HandleSignals() // Start if err = a.Start(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) astilog.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "starting failed")) } // Create Admin window var wAdmin *astilectron.Window if wAdmin, err = a.NewWindow("http://" + SiteConf.Interface + "/admin", &astilectron.WindowOptions{ Center: astilectron.PtrBool(true), Height: astilectron.PtrInt(800), Width: astilectron.PtrInt(1200), }); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) astilog.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "new window failed")) } if err = wAdmin.Create(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) astilog.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "creating window failed")) } // Create Frontend window var wFrontend *astilectron.Window if wFrontend, err = a.NewWindow("http://" + SiteConf.Interface, &astilectron.WindowOptions{ Center: astilectron.PtrBool(true), Height: astilectron.PtrInt(800), Width: astilectron.PtrInt(1200), }); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) astilog.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "new window failed")) } if err = wFrontend.Create(); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) astilog.Fatal(errors.Wrap(err, "creating window failed")) } // If several displays, move the window to the second display var displays = a.Displays() if len(displays) > 1 { time.Sleep(time.Second) wFrontend.MoveInDisplay(displays[1], 50, 50) wFrontend.Maximize() } // Blocking pattern a.Wait() // Initialize astilectron /*var a, _ = astilectron.New(astilectron.Options{ AppName: "Konfi@Castle Kasino Kasse", AppIconDefaultPath: "", AppIconDarwinPath: "", BaseDirectoryPath: "", }) defer a.Close() // Start astilectron a.Start() // Create a new window var wAdmin, _ = a.NewWindow("http://" + SiteConf.Interface + "/admin", &astilectron.WindowOptions{ Center: astilectron.PtrBool(true), Height: astilectron.PtrInt(800), Width: astilectron.PtrInt(1300), }) wAdmin.Create() // Create a new window var wFrontend, _ = a.NewWindow("http://" + SiteConf.Interface, &astilectron.WindowOptions{ Center: astilectron.PtrBool(true), Height: astilectron.PtrInt(600), Width: astilectron.PtrInt(600), }) wFrontend.Create() // If several displays, move the window to the second display var displays = a.Displays() if len(displays) > 1 { wFrontend.MoveInDisplay(displays[1], 50, 50) wFrontend.Maximize() }*/ }