package mssql import ( "bytes" "database/sql" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "net/url" "os" "testing" "time" "" ) type MockTransport struct { bytes.Buffer } func (t *MockTransport) Close() error { return nil } func TestSendLogin(t *testing.T) { memBuf := new(MockTransport) buf := newTdsBuffer(1024, memBuf) login := login{ TDSVersion: verTDS73, PacketSize: 0x1000, ClientProgVer: 0x01060100, ClientPID: 100, ClientTimeZone: -4 * 60, ClientID: [6]byte{0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab}, OptionFlags1: 0xe0, OptionFlags3: 8, HostName: "subdev1", UserName: "test", Password: "testpwd", AppName: "appname", ServerName: "servername", CtlIntName: "library", Language: "en", Database: "database", ClientLCID: 0x204, AtchDBFile: "filepath", } err := sendLogin(buf, login) if err != nil { t.Error("sendLogin should succeed") } ref := []byte{ 16, 1, 0, 222, 0, 0, 1, 0, 198 + 16, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 10, 115, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6, 1, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 224, 0, 0, 8, 16, 255, 255, 255, 4, 2, 0, 0, 94, 0, 7, 0, 108, 0, 4, 0, 116, 0, 7, 0, 130, 0, 7, 0, 144, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 164, 0, 7, 0, 178, 0, 2, 0, 182, 0, 8, 0, 18, 52, 86, 120, 144, 171, 198, 0, 0, 0, 198, 0, 8, 0, 214, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 115, 0, 117, 0, 98, 0, 100, 0, 101, 0, 118, 0, 49, 0, 116, 0, 101, 0, 115, 0, 116, 0, 226, 165, 243, 165, 146, 165, 226, 165, 162, 165, 210, 165, 227, 165, 97, 0, 112, 0, 112, 0, 110, 0, 97, 0, 109, 0, 101, 0, 115, 0, 101, 0, 114, 0, 118, 0, 101, 0, 114, 0, 110, 0, 97, 0, 109, 0, 101, 0, 108, 0, 105, 0, 98, 0, 114, 0, 97, 0, 114, 0, 121, 0, 101, 0, 110, 0, 100, 0, 97, 0, 116, 0, 97, 0, 98, 0, 97, 0, 115, 0, 101, 0, 102, 0, 105, 0, 108, 0, 101, 0, 112, 0, 97, 0, 116, 0, 104, 0} out := memBuf.Bytes() if !bytes.Equal(ref, out) { fmt.Println("Expected:") fmt.Print(hex.Dump(ref)) fmt.Println("Returned:") fmt.Print(hex.Dump(out)) t.Error("input output don't match") } } func TestSendSqlBatch(t *testing.T) { checkConnStr(t) p, err := parseConnectParams(makeConnStr(t).String()) if err != nil { t.Error("parseConnectParams failed:", err.Error()) return } conn, err := connect(optionalLogger{testLogger{t}}, p) if err != nil { t.Error("Open connection failed:", err.Error()) return } defer conn.buf.transport.Close() headers := []headerStruct{ {hdrtype: dataStmHdrTransDescr, data: transDescrHdr{0, 1}.pack()}, } err = sendSqlBatch72(conn.buf, "select 1", headers) if err != nil { t.Error("Sending sql batch failed", err.Error()) return } ch := make(chan tokenStruct, 5) go processResponse(context.Background(), conn, ch) var lastRow []interface{} loop: for tok := range ch { switch token := tok.(type) { case doneStruct: break loop case []columnStruct: conn.columns = token case []interface{}: lastRow = token default: fmt.Println("unknown token", tok) } } if len(lastRow) == 0 { t.Fatal("expected row but no row set") } switch value := lastRow[0].(type) { case int32: if value != 1 { t.Error("Invalid value returned, should be 1", value) return } } } func checkConnStr(t *testing.T) { if len(os.Getenv("SQLSERVER_DSN")) > 0 { return } if len(os.Getenv("HOST")) > 0 && len(os.Getenv("DATABASE")) > 0 { return } t.Skip("no database connection string") } // makeConnStr returns a URL struct so it may be modified by various // tests before used as a DSN. func makeConnStr(t *testing.T) *url.URL { dsn := os.Getenv("SQLSERVER_DSN") if len(dsn) > 0 { parsed, err := url.Parse(dsn) if err != nil { t.Fatal("unable to parse SQLSERVER_DSN as URL", err) } values := parsed.Query() values.Set("log", "127") parsed.RawQuery = values.Encode() return parsed } values := url.Values{} values.Set("log", "127") values.Set("database", os.Getenv("DATABASE")) return &url.URL{ Scheme: "sqlserver", Host: os.Getenv("HOST"), Path: os.Getenv("INSTANCE"), User: url.UserPassword(os.Getenv("SQLUSER"), os.Getenv("SQLPASSWORD")), RawQuery: values.Encode(), } } type testLogger struct { t *testing.T } func (l testLogger) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) { l.t.Logf(format, v...) } func (l testLogger) Println(v ...interface{}) { l.t.Log(v...) } func open(t *testing.T) *sql.DB { checkConnStr(t) SetLogger(testLogger{t}) conn, err := sql.Open("mssql", makeConnStr(t).String()) if err != nil { t.Error("Open connection failed:", err.Error()) return nil } return conn } func TestConnect(t *testing.T) { checkConnStr(t) SetLogger(testLogger{t}) conn, err := sql.Open("mssql", makeConnStr(t).String()) if err != nil { t.Error("Open connection failed:", err.Error()) return } defer conn.Close() } func simpleQuery(conn *sql.DB, t *testing.T) (stmt *sql.Stmt) { stmt, err := conn.Prepare("select 1 as a") if err != nil { t.Error("Prepare failed:", err.Error()) return nil } return stmt } func checkSimpleQuery(rows *sql.Rows, t *testing.T) { numrows := 0 for rows.Next() { var val int err := rows.Scan(&val) if err != nil { t.Error("Scan failed:", err.Error()) } if val != 1 { t.Error("query should return 1") } numrows++ } if numrows != 1 { t.Error("query should return 1 row, returned", numrows) } } func TestQuery(t *testing.T) { conn := open(t) if conn == nil { return } defer conn.Close() stmt := simpleQuery(conn, t) if stmt == nil { return } defer stmt.Close() rows, err := stmt.Query() if err != nil { t.Error("Query failed:", err.Error()) } defer rows.Close() columns, err := rows.Columns() if err != nil { t.Error("getting columns failed", err.Error()) } if len(columns) != 1 && columns[0] != "a" { t.Error("returned incorrect columns (expected ['a']):", columns) } checkSimpleQuery(rows, t) } func TestMultipleQueriesSequentialy(t *testing.T) { conn := open(t) defer conn.Close() stmt, err := conn.Prepare("select 1 as a") if err != nil { t.Error("Prepare failed:", err.Error()) return } defer stmt.Close() rows, err := stmt.Query() if err != nil { t.Error("Query failed:", err.Error()) return } defer rows.Close() checkSimpleQuery(rows, t) rows, err = stmt.Query() if err != nil { t.Error("Query failed:", err.Error()) return } defer rows.Close() checkSimpleQuery(rows, t) } func TestMultipleQueryClose(t *testing.T) { conn := open(t) defer conn.Close() stmt, err := conn.Prepare("select 1 as a") if err != nil { t.Error("Prepare failed:", err.Error()) return } defer stmt.Close() rows, err := stmt.Query() if err != nil { t.Error("Query failed:", err.Error()) return } rows.Close() rows, err = stmt.Query() if err != nil { t.Error("Query failed:", err.Error()) return } defer rows.Close() checkSimpleQuery(rows, t) } func TestPing(t *testing.T) { conn := open(t) defer conn.Close() conn.Ping() } func TestSecureWithInvalidHostName(t *testing.T) { checkConnStr(t) SetLogger(testLogger{t}) dsn := makeConnStr(t) dsnParams := dsn.Query() dsnParams.Set("encrypt", "true") dsnParams.Set("TrustServerCertificate", "false") dsnParams.Set("hostNameInCertificate", "") dsn.RawQuery = dsnParams.Encode() conn, err := sql.Open("mssql", dsn.String()) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Open connection failed:", err.Error()) } defer conn.Close() err = conn.Ping() if err == nil { t.Fatal("Connected to fake server") } } func TestSecureConnection(t *testing.T) { checkConnStr(t) SetLogger(testLogger{t}) dsn := makeConnStr(t) dsnParams := dsn.Query() dsnParams.Set("encrypt", "true") dsnParams.Set("TrustServerCertificate", "true") dsn.RawQuery = dsnParams.Encode() conn, err := sql.Open("mssql", dsn.String()) if err != nil { t.Fatal("Open connection failed:", err.Error()) } defer conn.Close() var msg string err = conn.QueryRow("select 'secret'").Scan(&msg) if err != nil { t.Fatal("cannot scan value", err) } if msg != "secret" { t.Fatal("expected secret, got: ", msg) } var secure bool err = conn.QueryRow("select encrypt_option from sys.dm_exec_connections where session_id=@@SPID").Scan(&secure) if err != nil { t.Fatal("cannot scan value", err) } if !secure { t.Fatal("connection is not encrypted") } } func TestInvalidConnectionString(t *testing.T) { connStrings := []string{ "log=invalid", "port=invalid", "packet size=invalid", "connection timeout=invalid", "dial timeout=invalid", "keepalive=invalid", "encrypt=invalid", "trustservercertificate=invalid", "failoverport=invalid", // ODBC mode "odbc:password={", "odbc:password={somepass", "odbc:password={somepass}}", "odbc:password={some}pass", } for _, connStr := range connStrings { _, err := parseConnectParams(connStr) if err == nil { t.Errorf("Connection expected to fail for connection string %s but it didn't", connStr) continue } else { t.Logf("Connection failed for %s as expected with error %v", connStr, err) } } } func TestValidConnectionString(t *testing.T) { type testStruct struct { connStr string check func(connectParams) bool } connStrings := []testStruct{ {"server=server\\instance;database=testdb;user id=tester;password=pwd", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "server" && p.instance == "instance" && p.user == "tester" && p.password == "pwd" }}, {"server=.", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "localhost" }}, {"server=(local)", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "localhost" }}, {"ServerSPN=serverspn;Workstation ID=workstid", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.serverSPN == "serverspn" && p.workstation == "workstid" }}, {"failoverpartner=fopartner;failoverport=2000", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.failOverPartner == "fopartner" && p.failOverPort == 2000 }}, {"app name=appname;applicationintent=ReadOnly", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.appname == "appname" && (p.typeFlags&fReadOnlyIntent != 0) }}, {"encrypt=disable", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.disableEncryption }}, {"encrypt=true", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.encrypt && !p.disableEncryption }}, {"encrypt=false", func(p connectParams) bool { return !p.encrypt && !p.disableEncryption }}, {"trustservercertificate=true", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.trustServerCertificate }}, {"trustservercertificate=false", func(p connectParams) bool { return !p.trustServerCertificate }}, {"certificate=abc", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.certificate == "abc" }}, {"hostnameincertificate=abc", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.hostInCertificate == "abc" }}, {"connection timeout=3;dial timeout=4;keepalive=5", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.conn_timeout == 3*time.Second && p.dial_timeout == 4*time.Second && p.keepAlive == 5*time.Second }}, {"log=63", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.logFlags == 63 && p.port == 1433 }}, {"log=63;port=1000", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.logFlags == 63 && p.port == 1000 }}, {"log=64", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.logFlags == 64 && p.packetSize == 4096 }}, {"log=64;packet size=0", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.logFlags == 64 && p.packetSize == 512 }}, {"log=64;packet size=300", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.logFlags == 64 && p.packetSize == 512 }}, {"log=64;packet size=8192", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.logFlags == 64 && p.packetSize == 8192 }}, {"log=64;packet size=48000", func(p connectParams) bool { return p.logFlags == 64 && p.packetSize == 32767 }}, // those are supported currently, but maybe should not be {"someparam", func(p connectParams) bool { return true }}, {";;=;", func(p connectParams) bool { return true }}, // ODBC mode {"odbc:server=somehost;user id=someuser;password=somepass", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "somepass" }}, {"odbc:server=somehost;user id=someuser;password=some{pass", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "some{pass" }}, {"odbc:server={somehost};user id={someuser};password={somepass}", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "somepass" }}, {"odbc:server={somehost};user id={someuser};password={some=pass}", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "some=pass" }}, {"odbc:server={somehost};user id={someuser};password={some;pass}", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "some;pass" }}, {"odbc:server={somehost};user id={someuser};password={some{pass}", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "some{pass" }}, {"odbc:server={somehost};user id={someuser};password={some}}pass}", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "some}pass" }}, {"odbc:server={somehost};user id={someuser};password={some{}}p=a;ss}", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "some{}p=a;ss" }}, {"odbc: server = somehost; user id = someuser ; password = {some pass } ", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "some pass " }}, // URL mode {"sqlserver://somehost?connection+timeout=30", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.port == 1433 && p.instance == "" && p.conn_timeout == 30*time.Second }}, {"sqlserver://someuser@somehost?connection+timeout=30", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.port == 1433 && p.instance == "" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "" && p.conn_timeout == 30*time.Second }}, {"sqlserver://someuser:@somehost?connection+timeout=30", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.port == 1433 && p.instance == "" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "" && p.conn_timeout == 30*time.Second }}, {"sqlserver://someuser:foo%3A%2F%5C%21~%40;bar@somehost?connection+timeout=30", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.port == 1433 && p.instance == "" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "foo:/\\!~@;bar" && p.conn_timeout == 30*time.Second }}, {"sqlserver://someuser:foo%3A%2F%5C%21~%40;bar@somehost:1434?connection+timeout=30", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.port == 1434 && p.instance == "" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "foo:/\\!~@;bar" && p.conn_timeout == 30*time.Second }}, {"sqlserver://someuser:foo%3A%2F%5C%21~%40;bar@somehost:1434/someinstance?connection+timeout=30", func(p connectParams) bool { return == "somehost" && p.port == 1434 && p.instance == "someinstance" && p.user == "someuser" && p.password == "foo:/\\!~@;bar" && p.conn_timeout == 30*time.Second }}, } for _, ts := range connStrings { p, err := parseConnectParams(ts.connStr) if err == nil { t.Logf("Connection string was parsed successfully %s", ts.connStr) } else { t.Errorf("Connection string %s failed to parse with error %s", ts.connStr, err) continue } if !ts.check(p) { t.Errorf("Check failed on conn str %s", ts.connStr) } } }