import {createFakeUserAndLogin} from '../../support/authenticateUser' import {UserProjectFactory} from '../../factories/users_project' import {TaskFactory} from '../../factories/task' import {UserFactory} from '../../factories/user' import {ProjectFactory} from '../../factories/project' import {prepareProjects} from './prepareProjects' describe('Project View Project', () => { createFakeUserAndLogin() prepareProjects() it('Should be an empty project', () => { cy.visit('/projects/1') cy.url() .should('contain', '/projects/1/list') cy.get('.project-title') .should('contain', 'First Project') cy.get('.project-title-dropdown') .should('exist') cy.get('p') .contains('This project is currently empty.') .should('exist') }) it('Should create a new task', () => { const newTaskTitle = 'New task' cy.visit('/projects/1') cy.get('.task-add textarea') .type(newTaskTitle+'{enter}') cy.get('.tasks') .should('contain.text', newTaskTitle) }) it('Should navigate to the task when the title is clicked', () => { const tasks = TaskFactory.create(5, { id: '{increment}', project_id: 1, }) cy.visit('/projects/1/list') cy.get('.tasks .task .tasktext') .contains(tasks[0].title) .first() .click() cy.url() .should('contain', `/tasks/${tasks[0].id}`) }) it('Should not see any elements for a project which is shared read only', () => { UserFactory.create(2) UserProjectFactory.create(1, { project_id: 2, user_id: 1, right: 0, }) const projects = ProjectFactory.create(2, { owner_id: '{increment}', }) cy.visit(`/projects/${projects[1].id}/`) cy.get('.project-title-wrapper .icon') .should('not.exist') cy.get('input.input[placeholder="Add a new task..."') .should('not.exist') }) it('Should only show the color of a project in the navigation and not in the list view', () => { const projects = ProjectFactory.create(1, { hex_color: '00db60', }) TaskFactory.create(10, { project_id: projects[0].id, }) cy.visit(`/projects/${projects[0].id}/`) cy.get('.menu-list li .list-menu-link .color-bubble') .should('have.css', 'background-color', 'rgb(0, 219, 96)') cy.get('.tasks .color-bubble') .should('not.exist') }) it('Should paginate for > 50 tasks', () => { const tasks = TaskFactory.create(100, { id: '{increment}', title: i => `task${i}`, project_id: 1, }) cy.visit('/projects/1/list') cy.get('.tasks') .should('contain', tasks[1].title) cy.get('.tasks') .should('not.contain', tasks[99].title) cy.get('.card-content .pagination .pagination-link') .contains('2') .click() cy.url() .should('contain', '?page=2') cy.get('.tasks') .should('contain', tasks[99].title) cy.get('.tasks') .should('not.contain', tasks[1].title) }) })