From 72f57a220d9ec7ebe094de099e807e4ecd9b55ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Frederick [Bot]" Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2023 00:04:26 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] [skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin --- src/i18n/lang/ar-SA.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/ca-ES.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/cs-CZ.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/da-DK.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json | 49 +++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json | 51 +++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/eo-UY.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/hu-HU.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/ja-JP.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/ko-KR.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/no-NO.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json | 165 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------- src/i18n/lang/sk-SK.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/sr-CS.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json | 61 ++++++++++--- src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/zh-CN.json | 53 ++++++++++-- src/i18n/lang/zh-TW.json | 53 ++++++++++-- 27 files changed, 1245 insertions(+), 300 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/ar-SA.json b/src/i18n/lang/ar-SA.json index 64b1851b..4d23a0ed 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/ar-SA.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/ar-SA.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "مُعرّف المشروع", "identifierPlaceholder": "معرف المشروع هنا…", "description": "الوصف", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "وصف المشاريع هنا…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "اللون", "success": "تم تحديث المشروع بنجاح." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "العنوان", "titlePlaceholder": "عنوان الفلتر المحفوظ هنا…", "description": "الوصف", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "الوصف هنا…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "تضمين المهام التي لا تحتوي على مجموعة من القيم", "requireAll": "يتطلب أن تكون جميع الفلاتر صحيحة لظهور المهمة", "showDoneTasks": "إظهار المهام المكتملة", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "تعديل", "done": "أكتمل", "heading1": "العنوان 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "العنوان 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "العنوان 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "العنوان أصغر", "headingBigger": "العنوان أكبر", "bold": "عريض", "italic": "مائل", "strikethrough": "يتوسطه خط", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "تعليمات برمجية", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "اقتباس", - 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"descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Admin", "member": "Member" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/cs-CZ.json b/src/i18n/lang/cs-CZ.json index a0e71d78..3af621a0 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/cs-CZ.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/cs-CZ.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Project Identifier", "identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Color", "success": "The project was successfully updated." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Název", "titlePlaceholder": "Název uloženého filtru přijde sem…", "description": "Popis", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Popis přijde sem…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Zahrnout úkoly, které nemají nastavenou hodnotu", "requireAll": "Vyžaduje aby všechny filtry odpovídaly, aby se úkol zobrazil", "showDoneTasks": "Zobrazit dokončené úkoly", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Upravit", "done": "Hotovo", "heading1": "Nadpis 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Nadpis 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Nadpis 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Menší nadpis", "headingBigger": "Větší nadpis", "bold": "Tučné", "italic": "Skloněné", "strikethrough": "Přeškrtnuté", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Kód", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Citace", - 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"descriptionPlaceholder": "Popis týmu přijde sem…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Administrátor", "member": "Člen" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/da-DK.json b/src/i18n/lang/da-DK.json index 5b3930fa..56febb27 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/da-DK.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/da-DK.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Project Identifier", "identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Color", "success": "The project was successfully updated." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Titel", "titlePlaceholder": "Det gemte filters titel skrives her…", "description": "Beskrivelse", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Beskrivelsen skrives her…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Inkluder Opgaver som ikke har en værdi indstillet", "requireAll": "Kræv at alle filtre er sande for at en opgave kan vises", "showDoneTasks": "Vis Udførte Opgaver", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Rediger", "done": "Udfør", "heading1": "Overskrift 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Overskrift 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Overskrift 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Overskrift Mindre", "headingBigger": "Overskrift Større", "bold": "Fed", "italic": "Kursiv", "strikethrough": "Gennemstreget", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Kode", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Citat", - 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"descriptionPlaceholder": "Holdets beskrivelse skrives her…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Administrator", "member": "Medlem" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json b/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json index 1356a0d2..10a86996 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Projektbezeichner", "identifierPlaceholder": "Der Projektbezeichner kommt hierhin…", "description": "Beschreibung", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Projektbeschreibung eingeben…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung für dieses Projekt ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…", "color": "Farbe", "success": "Das Projekt wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Titel", "titlePlaceholder": "Einen gespeicherten Filternamen eingeben …", "description": "Beschreibung", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Eine Beschreibung eingeben …", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung für diesen Filter ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…", "includeNulls": "Aufgaben ohne Werte einbeziehen", "requireAll": "Alle Filterkriterien müssen erfüllt sein, damit eine Aufgabe angezeigt wird", "showDoneTasks": "Erledigte Aufgaben anzeigen", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Bearbeiten", "done": "Fertig", "heading1": "Überschrift 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Große Überschrift.", "heading2": "Überschrift 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Mittlere Überschrift.", "heading3": "Überschrift 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Kleine Überschrift.", "headingSmaller": "Kleinere Überschrift", "headingBigger": "Grössere Überschrift", "bold": "Fett", "italic": "Kursiv", "strikethrough": "Durchgestrichen", + "underline": "Unterstrichen", "code": "Code", + "codeTooltip": "Erfasse ein Code-Snippet.", "quote": "Zitat", + "quoteTooltip": "Erfasse ein Zitat.", + "bulletList": "Stichpunktliste", + "bulletListTooltip": "Erstelle eine einfache Stichpunktliste.", "unorderedList": "Ungeordnete Liste", "orderedList": "Geordnete Liste", + "orderedListTooltip": "Erstelle eine Liste mit Nummerierung.", "cleanBlock": "Formatierung löschen", "link": "Link", "image": "Bild", - 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"placeholder": "Füge deinen Kommentar hinzu …", + "placeholder": "Füge deinen Kommentar hinzu, drücke '/' für weitere Optionen…", "comment": "Kommentieren", "delete": "Diesen Kommentar löschen", "deleteText1": "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Kommentar löschen willst?", @@ -719,7 +754,7 @@ "1week": "1 Woche" }, "description": { - "placeholder": "Klicke hier, um eine Beschreibung einzugeben …", + "placeholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…", "empty": "Noch keine Beschreibung vorhanden." }, "assignee": { @@ -870,7 +905,7 @@ "namePlaceholder": "Teamname eingeben …", "nameRequired": "Bitte gib einen Namen an.", "description": "Beschreibung", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Die Beschreibung des Teams steht hier …", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung für dieses Team ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…", "admin": "Admin", "member": "Mitglied" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json b/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json index 83782500..be0f502b 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Projektbezeichner", "identifierPlaceholder": "Der Projektbezeichner kommt hierhin…", "description": "Beschreibung", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Projektbeschreibung eingeben…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung für dieses Projekt ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…", "color": "Farbe", "success": "Das Projekt wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Titl", "titlePlaceholder": "De Name für de g'speicheret Filter chunt da ahne…", "description": "Beschriibig", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "D'Beschriibig chunt da hane…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung für diesen Filter ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…", "includeNulls": "Uufgabe ohni Wert iihbezieh", "requireAll": "Alli Filter mend wahr sii, demits die Uufgab ahzeigt", "showDoneTasks": "Zeig die fertige Uufgabe", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Bearbeitä", "done": "Fertig", "heading1": "Überschrift 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Große Überschrift.", "heading2": "Überschrift 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Mittlere Überschrift.", "heading3": "Überschrift 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Kleine Überschrift.", "headingSmaller": "Chliini Überschrift", "headingBigger": "Grösseri Überschrift", "bold": "Fett", "italic": "Kursiiv", "strikethrough": "Duregstriche", + "underline": "Unterstrichen", "code": "Code", + "codeTooltip": "Erfasse ein Code-Snippet.", "quote": "Zitaat", - 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"descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Admin", "member": "Member" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json b/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json index a82de8ca..f36a1742 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Identificador del proyecto", "identifierPlaceholder": "El identificador del proyecto va aquí…", "description": "Descripción", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "La descripción del proyecto va aquí…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Color", "success": "El proyecto se ha actualizado con éxito." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Título", "titlePlaceholder": "El título del filtro guardado va aquí…", "description": "Descripción", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "La descripción va aquí…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Incluye tareas que no tienen un valor establecido", "requireAll": "Requerir que todos los filtros sean verdaderos para que una tarea se muestre", "showDoneTasks": "Mostrar tareas completadas", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Editar", "done": "Hecho", "heading1": "Encabezado 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Encabezado 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Encabezado 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Reducir Encabezado", "headingBigger": "Aumentar Encabezado", "bold": "Negrita", "italic": "Cursiva", "strikethrough": "Tachado", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Código", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Cita", - 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"guide": "Guía" + "guide": "Guía", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Crear nuevo", @@ -705,7 +740,7 @@ "loading": "Cargando comentarios…", "edited": "editado {date}", "creating": "Creando comentario…", - "placeholder": "Añade tu comentario…", + "placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…", "comment": "Comentar", "delete": "Eliminar este comentario", "deleteText1": "¿Está seguro que desea eliminar este comentario?", @@ -719,7 +754,7 @@ "1week": "1 semana" }, "description": { - "placeholder": "Presione aquí para añadir una descripción…", + "placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…", "empty": "Aún no hay descripción disponible." }, "assignee": { @@ -870,7 +905,7 @@ "namePlaceholder": "El nombre del equipo va aquí…", "nameRequired": "Por favor especifica un nombre.", "description": "Descripción", - 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"descriptionPlaceholder": "A csapat leírása ide kerül…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Adminisztrátor", "member": "Tag" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json b/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json index 6a3e8f2f..866488ee 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Project Identifier", "identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…", "description": "Descrizione", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Descrizione del progetto…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Colore", "success": "The project was successfully updated." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Titolo", "titlePlaceholder": "Il titolo del filtro salvato va qui…", "description": "Descrizione", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "La descrizione va qui…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Includi attività che non hanno un valore impostato", "requireAll": "Tutti i filtri devono essere veri affinché l'attività venga mostrata", "showDoneTasks": "Mostra Attività Fatte", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Modifica", "done": "Fatto", "heading1": "Intestazione 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Intestazione 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Intestazione 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Intestazione Più Piccola", "headingBigger": "Intestazione Più Grande", "bold": "Grassetto", "italic": "Corsivo", "strikethrough": "Barrato", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Codice", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Citazione", - 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"descriptionPlaceholder": "La descrizione del gruppo va qui…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Amministratore", "member": "Membro" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/ja-JP.json b/src/i18n/lang/ja-JP.json index 6034ec1a..6be3c301 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/ja-JP.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/ja-JP.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "プロジェクトID", "identifierPlaceholder": "プロジェクトIDを入力…", "description": "説明", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "プロジェクトの説明を入力…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "色", "success": "プロジェクトは正常に更新されました。" }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "絞り込み条件名", "titlePlaceholder": "絞り込み条件名を入力…", "description": "説明", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "絞り込み条件の説明を入力…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "値が設定されていないタスクを含める", "requireAll": "すべての条件に一致するタスクのみ表示", "showDoneTasks": "完了したタスクを表示", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "編集", "done": "完了", "heading1": "見出し1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "見出し2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "見出し3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "見出しを小さくする", "headingBigger": "見出しを大きくする", "bold": "太字", "italic": "斜体", "strikethrough": "打ち消し線", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "コード", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "引用", - 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"descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Color", "success": "The project was successfully updated." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Titel", "titlePlaceholder": "The saved filter title goes here…", "description": "Beschrijving", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "De beschrijving komt hier…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set", "requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up", "showDoneTasks": "Show Done Tasks", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Bewerken", "done": "Voltooid", "heading1": "Kop 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Kop 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Kop 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller", "headingBigger": "Heading Bigger", "bold": "Dikgedrukt", "italic": "Cursief", "strikethrough": "Doorgestreept", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Code", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Citaat", - 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"descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Beheerder", "member": "Lid" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/no-NO.json b/src/i18n/lang/no-NO.json index d441c3f1..ae03d0c5 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/no-NO.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/no-NO.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Prosjekt identifikator", "identifierPlaceholder": "Prosjektidentifikatoren kommer her…", "description": "Beskrivelse", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Beskrivelsen gis her…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Farger", "success": "Prosjektet ble opprettet." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Tittel", "titlePlaceholder": "Den lagrede filtertittelen kommer hit…", "description": "Beskrivelse", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Beskrivelsen gis her…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Inkluder oppgaver som ikke har en verdi satt", "requireAll": "Krev at alle filtre er oppfylt for at en oppgave skal vises", "showDoneTasks": "Vis utførte oppgaver", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Edit", "done": "Ferdig", "heading1": "Overskrift 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Overskrift 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Overskrift 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Overskrift mindre", "headingBigger": "Overskrift større", "bold": "Fet", "italic": "Kursiv", "strikethrough": "Gjennomstrekning", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Kode", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Sitat", - 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"guide": "Przewodnik" + "guide": "Przewodnik", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Utwórz nowy", @@ -705,7 +740,7 @@ "loading": "Ładowanie komentarzy…", "edited": "edytowane {date}", "creating": "Tworzenie komentarza…", - "placeholder": "Dodaj swój komentarz…", + "placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…", "comment": "Skomentuj", "delete": "Usuń ten komentarz", "deleteText1": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten komentarz?", @@ -719,7 +754,7 @@ "1week": "1 tydzień" }, "description": { - "placeholder": "Kliknij tutaj, aby wprowadzić opis…", + "placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…", "empty": "Nie ma jeszcze opisu." }, "assignee": { @@ -870,7 +905,7 @@ "namePlaceholder": "Tu wpisz nazwę zespołu…", "nameRequired": "Proszę, podaj nazwę.", "description": "Opis", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Tu wpisz opis drużyny…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Administrator", "member": "Członek" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json b/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json index cb267e40..69e1224a 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Project Identifier", "identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Color", "success": "The project was successfully updated." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Título", "titlePlaceholder": "O título do filtro salvo fica aqui…", "description": "Descrição", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "A descrição fica aqui…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Incluir tarefas que não possuem um conjunto de valores", "requireAll": "Exigir que todos os filtros sejam verdadeiros para uma tarefa ser exibida", "showDoneTasks": "Mostrar tarefas concluídas", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Editar", "done": "Concluído", "heading1": "Título 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Título 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Título 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller", "headingBigger": "Heading Bigger", "bold": "Negrito", "italic": "Itálico", "strikethrough": "Riscado", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Código", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Citação", - "unorderedList": "Lista não ordenada", - "orderedList": "Ordered List", + "quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.", + "bulletList": "Bullet list", + "bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.", + "unorderedList": "Unordered list", + "orderedList": "Ordered list", + "orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.", "cleanBlock": "Clean Block", "link": "Link", "image": "Imagem", - "table": "Tabela", + "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "table": { + "title": "Table", + "insert": "Insert table", + "addColumnBefore": "Add column before", + "addColumnAfter": "Add column after", + "deleteColumn": "Delete column", + "addRowBefore": "Add row before", + "addRowAfter": "Add row after", + "deleteRow": "Delete row", + "deleteTable": "Delete table", + "mergeCells": "Merge cells", + "splitCell": "Split cell", + "toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column", + "toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row", + "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", + "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", + "fixTables": "Fix tables" + }, "horizontalRule": "Linha horizontal", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", "sideBySide": "Lado a Lado", - "guide": "Guide" + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Criar novo", @@ -705,7 +740,7 @@ "loading": "Loading comments…", "edited": "edited {date}", "creating": "Criando comentário…", - "placeholder": "Adicione seu comentário…", + "placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…", "comment": "Comentário", "delete": "Apagar este comentário", "deleteText1": "Tem certeza que deseja apagar este comentário?", @@ -719,7 +754,7 @@ "1week": "1 semana" }, "description": { - "placeholder": "Clique aqui para inserir uma descrição…", + "placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…", "empty": "Nenhuma descrição disponível ainda." }, "assignee": { @@ -870,7 +905,7 @@ "namePlaceholder": "The team's name goes here…", "nameRequired": "Por favor, especifique um nome.", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Administrador", "member": "Membro" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json b/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json index b810c916..c1fbbd5a 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Identificador do Projeto", "identifierPlaceholder": "O identificador do porjeto será aqui…", "description": "Descrição", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "A descrição do projeto será aqui…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Cor", "success": "O projeto foi atualizado com sucesso." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Título", "titlePlaceholder": "O título do filtro memorizado será aqui…", "description": "Descrição", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "A descrição será aqui…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Incluir Tarefas que não têm um valor definido", "requireAll": "Requerer que todos os filtros sejam verdadeiros para que uma tarefa apareça", "showDoneTasks": "Mostrar Tarefas Concluídas", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Editar", "done": "Concluído", "heading1": "Cabeçalho 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Cabeçalho 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Cabeçalho 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Título Menor", "headingBigger": "Título Maior", "bold": "Negrito", "italic": "Itálico", "strikethrough": "Rasurado", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Código", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Citação", - "unorderedList": "Lista Não Ordenada", - "orderedList": "Lista Ordenada", + "quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.", + "bulletList": "Bullet list", + "bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.", + "unorderedList": "Unordered list", + "orderedList": "Ordered list", + "orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.", "cleanBlock": "Limpar Formatação", "link": "Link", "image": "Imagem", - "table": "Tabela", + "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "table": { + "title": "Table", + "insert": "Insert table", + "addColumnBefore": "Add column before", + "addColumnAfter": "Add column after", + "deleteColumn": "Delete column", + "addRowBefore": "Add row before", + "addRowAfter": "Add row after", + "deleteRow": "Delete row", + "deleteTable": "Delete table", + "mergeCells": "Merge cells", + "splitCell": "Split cell", + "toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column", + "toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row", + "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", + "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", + "fixTables": "Fix tables" + }, "horizontalRule": "Linha Horizontal", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", "sideBySide": "Lado-a-lado", - "guide": "Guia" + "guide": "Guia", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Criar novo", @@ -705,7 +740,7 @@ "loading": "A carregar comentários…", "edited": "editado em {date}", "creating": "A criar comentário…", - "placeholder": "Adiciona o teu comentário…", + "placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…", "comment": "Comentário", "delete": "Eliminar este comentário", "deleteText1": "Tens a certeza que pretendes eliminar este comentário?", @@ -719,7 +754,7 @@ "1week": "1 semana" }, "description": { - "placeholder": "Clica aqui para inserir uma descrição…", + "placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…", "empty": "Nenhuma descrição ainda disponível." }, "assignee": { @@ -870,7 +905,7 @@ "namePlaceholder": "O nome da equipa será aqui…", "nameRequired": "Por favor, específica um nome.", "description": "Descrição", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "A descrição da equipa será aqui…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Administrador", "member": "Membro" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json b/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json index 466eb1bb..5e99a7c2 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Project Identifier", "identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Color", "success": "The project was successfully updated." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Title", "titlePlaceholder": "The saved filter title goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set", "requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up", "showDoneTasks": "Show Done Tasks", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Edit", "done": "Done", "heading1": "Heading 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Heading 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Heading 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller", "headingBigger": "Heading Bigger", "bold": "Bold", "italic": "Italic", "strikethrough": "Strikethrough", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Code", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Quote", - "unorderedList": "Unordered List", - "orderedList": "Ordered List", + "quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.", + "bulletList": "Bullet list", + "bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.", + "unorderedList": "Unordered list", + "orderedList": "Ordered list", + "orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.", "cleanBlock": "Clean Block", "link": "Link", "image": "Image", - "table": "Table", + "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "table": { + "title": "Table", + "insert": "Insert table", + "addColumnBefore": "Add column before", + "addColumnAfter": "Add column after", + "deleteColumn": "Delete column", + "addRowBefore": "Add row before", + "addRowAfter": "Add row after", + "deleteRow": "Delete row", + "deleteTable": "Delete table", + "mergeCells": "Merge cells", + "splitCell": "Split cell", + "toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column", + "toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row", + "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", + "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", + "fixTables": "Fix tables" + }, "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Guide" + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create new", @@ -705,7 +740,7 @@ "loading": "Loading comments…", "edited": "edited {date}", "creating": "Creating comment…", - "placeholder": "Add your comment…", + "placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…", "comment": "Comment", "delete": "Delete this comment", "deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?", @@ -719,7 +754,7 @@ "1week": "1 week" }, "description": { - "placeholder": "Click here to enter a description…", + "placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…", "empty": "No description available yet." }, "assignee": { @@ -870,7 +905,7 @@ "namePlaceholder": "The team's name goes here…", "nameRequired": "Please specify a name.", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Admin", "member": "Member" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json b/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json index e5e75c7e..68a4151e 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ } }, "demo": { - "title": "This instance is in demo mode. Do not use this for real data!", - "everythingWillBeDeleted": "Everything will be deleted in regular intervals!", - "accountWillBeDeleted": "Your account will be deleted, including all projects, tasks and attachments you might create." + "title": "Этот сервер находится в демо-режиме. Не используйте его для реальных данных!", + "everythingWillBeDeleted": "Все данные регулярно удаляются!", + "accountWillBeDeleted": "Однажды ваш аккаунт будет удалён вместе со всеми созданными проектами, задачами и вложениями." }, "404": { "title": "Не найдено", @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ "savedSuccess": "Настройки обновлены.", "emailReminders": "Присылать мне напоминания о задачах на e-mail", "overdueReminders": "Присылать сводку о просроченных задачах каждый день", - "discoverableByName": "Allow other users to add me as a member to teams or projects when they search for my name", - "discoverableByEmail": "Allow other users to add me as a member to teams or projects when they search for my full email", + "discoverableByName": "Разрешить другим пользователям добавлять меня в состав команд или проектов при поиске моего имени", + "discoverableByEmail": "Разрешить другим пользователям добавлять меня в состав команд или проектов при поиске моего полного email", "playSoundWhenDone": "Проигрывать звук, когда задача помечается завершённой", "weekStart": "Первый день недели", "weekStartSunday": "Воскресенье", @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ "defaultProject": "Проект по умолчанию", "timezone": "Часовой пояс", "overdueTasksRemindersTime": "Время напоминания о невыполненных задачах", - "filterUsedOnOverview": "Saved filter used on the overview page" + "filterUsedOnOverview": "Сохранённый фильтр, используемый на странице обзора" }, "totp": { "title": "Двухфакторная аутентификация", @@ -146,29 +146,29 @@ } }, "apiTokens": { - "title": "API Tokens", - "general": "API tokens allow you to use Vikunja's API without user credentials.", - "apiDocs": "Check out the api docs", - "createAToken": "Create a token", - "createToken": "Create token", - "30d": "30 Days", - "60d": "60 Days", - "90d": "90 Days", - "permissionExplanation": "Permissions allow you to scope what an api token is allowed to do.", - "titleRequired": "The title is required", - "expired": "This token has expired {ago}.", - "tokenCreatedSuccess": "Here is your new api token: {token}", - "tokenCreatedNotSeeAgain": "Store it in a secure location, you won't see it again!", + "title": "Токены API", + "general": "Токены API позволяют использовать Vikunja API без использования данных для входа пользователя.", + "apiDocs": "Документация API", + "createAToken": "Создать токен", + "createToken": "Создать токен", + "30d": "30 дней", + "60d": "60 дней", + "90d": "90 дней", + "permissionExplanation": "Разрешения позволяют выбрать, какие действия можно выполнять с использованием этого токена.", + "titleRequired": "Название обязательно", + "expired": "Срок действия этого токена истёк {ago}.", + "tokenCreatedSuccess": "Ваш новый токен: {token}", + "tokenCreatedNotSeeAgain": "Сохраните его в безопасном месте, вы не увидите его снова!", "delete": { - "header": "Delete this token", - "text1": "Are you sure you want to delete the token \"{token}\"?", - "text2": "This will revoke access to all applications or integrations using it. You cannot undo this." + "header": "Удалить этот токен", + "text1": "Удалить токен «{token}»?", + "text2": "Все приложения или интеграции, использующие его, потеряют доступ. Это действие отменить нельзя." }, "attributes": { - "title": "Title", + "title": "Название", "titlePlaceholder": "Enter a title you will recognize later", - "expiresAt": "Expires at", - "permissions": "Permissions" + "expiresAt": "Срок действия", + "permissions": "Разрешения" } } }, @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ "title": "Удалить свой аккаунт VIkunja", "text1": "Удаление аккаунта необратимо. Мы удалим все ваши проекты, задачи и всё связанное с ними.", "text2": "Для продолжения введите свой пароль. На почту будет отправлено письмо с дальнейшими инструкциями.", - "text3": "To proceed, please press the button below. You will receive an email with further instructions.", + "text3": "Для продолжения нажмите кнопку внизу. На почту будет отправлено письмо с дальнейшими инструкциями.", "confirm": "Удалить мой аккаунт", "requestSuccess": "Запрос успешно выполнен. На почту будет отправлено письмо с дальнейшими инструкциями.", "passwordRequired": "Введите свой пароль.", @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ "scheduled": "Мы удалим ваш аккаунт Vikunja {date} ({dateSince}).", "scheduledCancel": "Что отменить удаление аккаунта, нажмите сюда.", "scheduledCancelText": "Чтобы отменить удаление аккаунта, введите свой пароль ниже:", - "scheduledCancelButton": "To cancel the deletion of your account, please press the button below:", + "scheduledCancelButton": "Чтобы отменить удаление аккаунта, нажмите кнопку внизу:", "scheduledCancelConfirm": "Отменить удаление моего аккаунта", "scheduledCancelSuccess": "Мы не будем удалять ваш аккаунт." }, @@ -258,8 +258,8 @@ "identifier": "Идентификатор проекта", "identifierPlaceholder": "Введите идентификатор проекта…", "description": "Описание", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Введите описание проекта…", - "color": "Color", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", + "color": "Цвет", "success": "Проект успешно обновлён." }, "share": { @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ "namePlaceholder": "напр. Lorem Ipsum", "nameExplanation": "Все действия, выполненные через эту ссылку, будут подписаны этим именем.", "password": "Пароль (необязательно)", - "passwordExplanation": "When signing in, the user will be required to enter this password.", + "passwordExplanation": "Пользователь будет должен ввести пароль для входа.", "noName": "Без имени", "remove": "Удалить ссылку для обмена", "removeText": "Удалить эту ссылку для обмена? Больше не удастся получить доступ к проекту через эту ссылку. Это действие отменить нельзя!", @@ -338,9 +338,9 @@ "doneBucketHint": "Все задачи, помещённые в эту колонку, автоматически отмечаются как завершённые.", "doneBucketHintExtended": "Все задачи, перенесённые в колонку завершённых, будут помечены как завершённые. Все задачи, помеченные как завершённые, также будут перемещены в эту колонку.", "doneBucketSavedSuccess": "Колонка завершённых была успешно сохранена.", - "defaultBucket": "Default bucket", - "defaultBucketHint": "When creating tasks without specifying a bucket, they will be added to this bucket.", - "defaultBucketSavedSuccess": "The default bucket has been saved successfully.", + "defaultBucket": "Колонка по умолчанию", + "defaultBucketHint": "При создании задач без указания колонки они будут добавлены в эту колонку.", + "defaultBucketSavedSuccess": "Колонка по умолчанию была успешно сохранена.", "deleteLast": "Нельзя удалить последнюю колонку.", "addTaskPlaceholder": "Введите название задачи…", "addTask": "Добавить задачу", @@ -361,19 +361,19 @@ } }, "webhooks": { - "title": "Webhooks", - "targetUrl": "Target URL", - "targetUrlInvalid": "Please provide a valid URL.", - "events": "Events", - "eventsHint": "Select all events this webhook should recieve updates for (within the current project).", - "mustSelectEvents": "You must select at least one event.", - "delete": "Delete this webhook", - "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to delete this webhook? External targets will not be notified of its events anymore.", - "deleteSuccess": "The webhook was successfully deleted.", - "create": "Create webhook", - "secret": "Secret", - "secretHint": "If provided, all requests to the webhook target URL will be signed using HMAC.", - "secretDocs": "Check out the docs for more details about how to use secrets." + "title": "Вебхуки", + "targetUrl": "URL обработчика", + "targetUrlInvalid": "Укажите корректный URL.", + "events": "События", + "eventsHint": "Выберите все события, для которых этот вебхук должен получать обновления (в пределах текущего проекта).", + "mustSelectEvents": "Выберите хотя бы одно событие.", + "delete": "Удалить этот вебхук", + "deleteText": "Удалить этот вебхук? Внешние обработчики больше не будет получать события этого вебхука.", + "deleteSuccess": "Вебхук успешно удалён.", + "create": "Создать вебхук", + "secret": "Секрет", + "secretHint": "Если указан, все запросы к URL обработчика будут подписаны с помощью HMAC.", + "secretDocs": "Подробнее об использовании секретов в документации." } }, "filters": { @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Название", "titlePlaceholder": "Введите название сохранённого фильтра…", "description": "Описание", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Введите описание…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Включать задачи, у которых не установлено значение", "requireAll": "Для отображения задачи требовать истинность всех фильтров", "showDoneTasks": "Показывать завершённые задачи", @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ }, "create": { "title": "Создать сохранённый фильтр", - "description": "A saved filter is a virtual project which is computed from a set of filters each time it is accessed.", + "description": "Сохранённый фильтр — это виртуальный проект, содержимое которого выбирается с помощью фильтров в момент его просмотра.", "action": "Создать новый сохранённый фильтр", "titleRequired": "Укажите название фильтра." }, @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Изменить", "done": "Готово", "heading1": "Заголовок 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Заголовок 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Заголовок 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Заголовок меньше", "headingBigger": "Заголовок больше", "bold": "Жирный", "italic": "Курсив", "strikethrough": "Зачёркнутый", + "underline": "Подчёркнутый", "code": "Код", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Цитата", - "unorderedList": "Маркированный список", - "orderedList": "Нумерованный список", + "quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.", + "bulletList": "Bullet list", + "bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.", + "unorderedList": "Unordered list", + "orderedList": "Ordered list", + "orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.", "cleanBlock": "Очистить блок", "link": "Ссылка", "image": "Изображение", - "table": "Таблица", + "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "table": { + "title": "Таблица", + "insert": "Insert table", + "addColumnBefore": "Add column before", + "addColumnAfter": "Add column after", + "deleteColumn": "Delete column", + "addRowBefore": "Add row before", + "addRowAfter": "Add row after", + "deleteRow": "Delete row", + "deleteTable": "Delete table", + "mergeCells": "Merge cells", + "splitCell": "Split cell", + "toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column", + "toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row", + "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", + "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", + "fixTables": "Fix tables" + }, "horizontalRule": "Разделитель", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Руководство" + "guide": "Руководство", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Список задач", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Отменить", + "redo": "Вернуть", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Создать", @@ -567,8 +602,8 @@ "add1Day": "Добавить один день", "minus1Day": "Вычесть один день", "roundDay": "Округление вниз до начала дня", - "supportedUnits": "Supported time units", - "someExamples": "Examples of time expressions", + "supportedUnits": "Поддерживаемые единицы времени", + "someExamples": "Примеры выражений", "units": { "seconds": "Секунды", "minutes": "Минуты", @@ -625,9 +660,9 @@ "belongsToProject": "Задача принадлежит проекту «{project}»", "due": "Истекает {at}", "closePopup": "Закрыть всплывающее окно", - "organization": "Organization", - "management": "Management", - "dateAndTime": "Date and time", + "organization": "Организация", + "management": "Управление", + "dateAndTime": "Дата и время", "delete": { "header": "Удалить задачу", "text1": "Удалить эту задачу?", @@ -705,7 +740,7 @@ "loading": "Загрузка комментариев…", "edited": "изменено {date}", "creating": "Комментируем…", - "placeholder": "Добавить комментарий…", + "placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…", "comment": "Комментировать", "delete": "Удалить комментарий", "deleteText1": "Удалить этот комментарий?", @@ -719,7 +754,7 @@ "1week": "1 неделя" }, "description": { - "placeholder": "Нажмите сюда для ввода описания…", + "placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…", "empty": "Описания ещё нет." }, "assignee": { @@ -788,7 +823,7 @@ "repeat": { "everyDay": "Каждый день", "everyWeek": "Каждую неделю", - "every30d": "Every 30 Days", + "every30d": "Каждые 30 дней", "mode": "Режим повтора", "monthly": "Ежемесячно", "fromCurrentDate": "От сегодняшей даты", @@ -870,7 +905,7 @@ "namePlaceholder": "Имя команды здесь…", "nameRequired": "Пожалуйста, укажите имя.", "description": "Описание", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Описание команды здесь…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Администратор", "member": "Участник" } @@ -898,8 +933,8 @@ "description": "Включить изменение описания задачи", "delete": "Удалить задачу", "priority": "Изменить приоритет задачи", - "favorite": "Mark this task as favorite / unfavorite", - "save": "Save the current task" + "favorite": "Добавить задачу в избранное или удалить из избранного", + "save": "Сохранить текущую задачу" }, "project": { "title": "Просмотр проекта", @@ -950,8 +985,8 @@ "title": "Уведомления", "none": "Уведомлений нет. Хорошего дня!", "explainer": "Здесь появятся уведомления, когда что-нибудь произойдёт с проектами или задачами, на которые вы подписаны.", - "markAllRead": "Mark all notifications as read", - "markAllReadSuccess": "Successfully marked all notifications as read." + "markAllRead": "Отметить всё как прочитанное", + "markAllReadSuccess": "Все уведомления отмечены как прочитанные." }, "quickActions": { "commands": "Команды", diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/sk-SK.json b/src/i18n/lang/sk-SK.json index 466eb1bb..5e99a7c2 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/sk-SK.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/sk-SK.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Project Identifier", "identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Color", "success": "The project was successfully updated." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Title", "titlePlaceholder": "The saved filter title goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set", "requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up", "showDoneTasks": "Show Done Tasks", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Edit", "done": "Done", "heading1": "Heading 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Heading 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Heading 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller", "headingBigger": "Heading Bigger", "bold": "Bold", "italic": "Italic", "strikethrough": "Strikethrough", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Code", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Quote", - "unorderedList": "Unordered List", - "orderedList": "Ordered List", + "quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.", + "bulletList": "Bullet list", + "bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.", + "unorderedList": "Unordered list", + "orderedList": "Ordered list", + "orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.", "cleanBlock": "Clean Block", "link": "Link", "image": "Image", - "table": "Table", + "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "table": { + "title": "Table", + "insert": "Insert table", + "addColumnBefore": "Add column before", + "addColumnAfter": "Add column after", + "deleteColumn": "Delete column", + "addRowBefore": "Add row before", + "addRowAfter": "Add row after", + "deleteRow": "Delete row", + "deleteTable": "Delete table", + "mergeCells": "Merge cells", + "splitCell": "Split cell", + "toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column", + "toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row", + "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", + "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", + "fixTables": "Fix tables" + }, "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Guide" + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create new", @@ -705,7 +740,7 @@ "loading": "Loading comments…", "edited": "edited {date}", "creating": "Creating comment…", - "placeholder": "Add your comment…", + "placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…", "comment": "Comment", "delete": "Delete this comment", "deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?", @@ -719,7 +754,7 @@ "1week": "1 week" }, "description": { - "placeholder": "Click here to enter a description…", + "placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…", "empty": "No description available yet." }, "assignee": { @@ -870,7 +905,7 @@ "namePlaceholder": "The team's name goes here…", "nameRequired": "Please specify a name.", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Admin", "member": "Member" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/sr-CS.json b/src/i18n/lang/sr-CS.json index 466eb1bb..5e99a7c2 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/sr-CS.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/sr-CS.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Project Identifier", "identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Color", "success": "The project was successfully updated." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Title", "titlePlaceholder": "The saved filter title goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set", "requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up", "showDoneTasks": "Show Done Tasks", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Edit", "done": "Done", "heading1": "Heading 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Heading 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Heading 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller", "headingBigger": "Heading Bigger", "bold": "Bold", "italic": "Italic", "strikethrough": "Strikethrough", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Code", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Quote", - "unorderedList": "Unordered List", - "orderedList": "Ordered List", + "quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.", + "bulletList": "Bullet list", + "bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.", + "unorderedList": "Unordered list", + "orderedList": "Ordered list", + "orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.", "cleanBlock": "Clean Block", "link": "Link", "image": "Image", - "table": "Table", + "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "table": { + "title": "Table", + "insert": "Insert table", + "addColumnBefore": "Add column before", + "addColumnAfter": "Add column after", + "deleteColumn": "Delete column", + "addRowBefore": "Add row before", + "addRowAfter": "Add row after", + "deleteRow": "Delete row", + "deleteTable": "Delete table", + "mergeCells": "Merge cells", + "splitCell": "Split cell", + "toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column", + "toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row", + "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", + "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", + "fixTables": "Fix tables" + }, "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Guide" + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create new", @@ -705,7 +740,7 @@ "loading": "Loading comments…", "edited": "edited {date}", "creating": "Creating comment…", - "placeholder": "Add your comment…", + "placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…", "comment": "Comment", "delete": "Delete this comment", "deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?", @@ -719,7 +754,7 @@ "1week": "1 week" }, "description": { - "placeholder": "Click here to enter a description…", + "placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…", "empty": "No description available yet." }, "assignee": { @@ -870,7 +905,7 @@ "namePlaceholder": "The team's name goes here…", "nameRequired": "Please specify a name.", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Admin", "member": "Member" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json b/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json index 57cc7b01..01cd8d6c 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ } }, "deletion": { - "title": "Delete your Vikunja Account", + "title": "Radera ditt Vikunja-konto", "text1": "The deletion of your account is permanent and cannot be undone. We will delete all your projects, tasks and everything associated with it.", "text2": "To proceed, please enter your password. You will receive an email with further instructions.", "text3": "För att fortsätta, tryck på knappen nedan. Du kommer att få ett e-postmeddelande med ytterligare instruktioner.", @@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ "webhooks": { "title": "Webhooks", "targetUrl": "Target URL", - "targetUrlInvalid": "Please provide a valid URL.", + "targetUrlInvalid": "Vänligen ange en giltig URL.", "events": "Events", "eventsHint": "Select all events this webhook should recieve updates for (within the current project).", "mustSelectEvents": "You must select at least one event.", @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Titel", "titlePlaceholder": "The saved filter title goes here…", "description": "Beskrivning", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set", "requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up", "showDoneTasks": "Show Done Tasks", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Redigera", "done": "Done", "heading1": "Heading 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Heading 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Heading 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller", "headingBigger": "Heading Bigger", "bold": "Fetstil", "italic": "Kursiv", "strikethrough": "Genomstruken", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Kod", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Citat", - 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"guide": "Guide" + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Ångra", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create new", @@ -643,7 +678,7 @@ "reminders": "Set Reminders", "repeatAfter": "Set Repeating Interval", "percentDone": "Set Progress", - "attachments": "Add Attachments", + "attachments": "Lägg till bilagor", "relatedTasks": "Add Relation", "moveProject": "Flytta", "color": "Set Color", @@ -688,10 +723,10 @@ "title": "Bilagor", "createdBy": "skapad {0} av {1}", "downloadTooltip": "Download this attachment", - "upload": "Upload attachment", + "upload": "Ladda upp bilaga", "drop": "Drop files here to upload", "delete": "Radera bilaga", - "deleteTooltip": "Delete this attachment", + "deleteTooltip": "Radera denna bilaga", "deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete the attachment {filename}?", "copyUrl": "Kopiera URL", "copyUrlTooltip": "Copy the url of this attachment for usage in text", @@ -705,7 +740,7 @@ "loading": "Laddar kommentarer…", "edited": "edited {date}", "creating": "Creating comment…", - "placeholder": "Skriv din kommentar…", + "placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…", "comment": "Comment", "delete": "Delete this comment", "deleteText1": "Är du säker på att du vill radera denna kommentar?", @@ -719,7 +754,7 @@ "1week": "1 vecka" }, "description": { - "placeholder": "Klicka här för att ange en beskrivning…", + "placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…", "empty": "No description available yet." }, "assignee": { @@ -870,7 +905,7 @@ "namePlaceholder": "The team's name goes here…", "nameRequired": "Please specify a name.", "description": "Beskrivning", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Admin", "member": "Medlem" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json b/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json index 466eb1bb..5e99a7c2 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Project Identifier", "identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Color", "success": "The project was successfully updated." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Title", "titlePlaceholder": "The saved filter title goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set", "requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up", "showDoneTasks": "Show Done Tasks", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Edit", "done": "Done", "heading1": "Heading 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Heading 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Heading 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller", "headingBigger": "Heading Bigger", "bold": "Bold", "italic": "Italic", "strikethrough": "Strikethrough", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Code", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Quote", - 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"descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Admin", "member": "Member" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json b/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json index 02d5ab8a..dd41acdb 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Project Identifier", "identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Color", "success": "The project was successfully updated." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Tiêu đề", "titlePlaceholder": "Tiêu đề bộ lọc đã lưu ở đây…", "description": "Mô tả", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Mô tả ở đây…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Bao gồm các Công việc không có bộ giá trị", "requireAll": "Yêu cầu tất cả các bộ lọc phải đúng để một công việc được hiển thị", "showDoneTasks": "Hiển thị các công việc đã hoàn thành", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Chỉnh sửa", "done": "Hoàn thành", "heading1": "Tiêu đề 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Tiêu đề 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Tiêu đề 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Tiêu đề nhỏ hơn", "headingBigger": "Tiêu đề lớn hơn", "bold": "In đậm", "italic": "In nghiêng", "strikethrough": "Gạch ngang", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Code", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Trích dẫn", - 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"guide": "Hướng dẫn" + "guide": "Hướng dẫn", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Tạo mới", @@ -705,7 +740,7 @@ "loading": "Đang tải bình luận…", "edited": "đã sửa {date}", "creating": "Đang tạo bình luận…", - "placeholder": "Thêm bình luận của bạn…", + "placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…", "comment": "Bình luận", "delete": "Xóa bình luận này", "deleteText1": "Bạn có chắc muốn xóa bình luận này không?", @@ -719,7 +754,7 @@ "1week": "1 tuần" }, "description": { - "placeholder": "Nhấp vào đây để nhập mô tả…", + "placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…", "empty": "Chưa có mô tả." }, "assignee": { @@ -870,7 +905,7 @@ "namePlaceholder": "Tên của Team ở đây…", "nameRequired": "Hãy đặt một cái tên.", "description": "Mô tả", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "Mô tả Team ở đây…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Quản trị viên", "member": "Thành viên" } diff --git a/src/i18n/lang/zh-CN.json b/src/i18n/lang/zh-CN.json index 0e8b4994..0727429f 100644 --- a/src/i18n/lang/zh-CN.json +++ b/src/i18n/lang/zh-CN.json @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ "identifier": "Project Identifier", "identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Color", "success": "The project was successfully updated." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "标题", "titlePlaceholder": "填写筛选器标题", "description": "描述信息", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "填写描述详情", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "包含没有设置值的任务", "requireAll": "要求所有筛选器为真才能显示任务", "showDoneTasks": "显示已完成的任务", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "编辑", "done": "完成", "heading1": "一级标题", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "二级标题", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "三级标题", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "下一级标题", "headingBigger": "上一级标题", "bold": "粗体", "italic": "斜体", "strikethrough": "删除线", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "代码", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "引用", - 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"descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…", "color": "Color", "success": "The project was successfully updated." }, @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ "title": "Title", "titlePlaceholder": "The saved filter title goes here…", "description": "Description", - "descriptionPlaceholder": "The description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…", "includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set", "requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up", "showDoneTasks": "Show Done Tasks", @@ -514,24 +514,59 @@ "edit": "Edit", "done": "Done", "heading1": "Heading 1", + "heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.", "heading2": "Heading 2", + "heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.", "heading3": "Heading 3", + "heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.", "headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller", "headingBigger": "Heading Bigger", "bold": "Bold", "italic": "Italic", "strikethrough": "Strikethrough", + "underline": "Underline", "code": "Code", + "codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.", "quote": "Quote", - 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"descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…", + "descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…", "admin": "Admin", "member": "Member" }