
diff --git a/src/ServiceWorker/sw.js b/src/ServiceWorker/sw.js
index ce8b3dd95..3917ec1ef 100644
--- a/src/ServiceWorker/sw.js
+++ b/src/ServiceWorker/sw.js
@@ -3,71 +3,71 @@
// Cache assets
- // This regexp matches all files in precache-manifest
- new RegExp('.+\\.(css|json|js|eot|svg|ttf|woff|woff2|png|html|txt)$'),
- new workbox.strategies.StaleWhileRevalidate()
+ // This regexp matches all files in precache-manifest
+ new RegExp('.+\\.(css|json|js|eot|svg|ttf|woff|woff2|png|html|txt)$'),
+ new workbox.strategies.StaleWhileRevalidate(),
// Always send api reqeusts through the network
new RegExp('api\\/v1\\/.*$'),
- new workbox.strategies.NetworkOnly()
+ new workbox.strategies.NetworkOnly(),
// This code listens for the user's confirmation to update the app.
self.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
if (!e.data) {
- return;
+ return
switch (e.data) {
case 'skipWaiting':
- self.skipWaiting();
- break;
+ self.skipWaiting()
+ break
- break;
+ break
const getBearerToken = async () => {
// we can't get a client that sent the current request, therefore we need
// to ask any controlled page for auth token
- const allClients = await self.clients.matchAll();
- const client = allClients.filter(client => client.type === 'window')[0];
+ const allClients = await self.clients.matchAll()
+ const client = allClients.filter(client => client.type === 'window')[0]
// if there is no page in scope, we can't get any token
// and we indicate it with null value
- if(!client) {
- return null;
+ if (!client) {
+ return null
// to communicate with a page we will use MessageChannels
// they expose pipe-like interface, where a receiver of
// a message uses one end of a port for messaging and
// we use the other end for listening
- const channel = new MessageChannel();
+ const channel = new MessageChannel()
- 'action': 'getBearerToken'
- }, [channel.port1]);
+ 'action': 'getBearerToken',
+ }, [channel.port1])
// ports support only onmessage callback which
// is cumbersome to use, so we wrap it with Promise
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
channel.port2.onmessage = event => {
if (event.data.error) {
- console.error('Port error', event.error);
- reject(event.data.error);
+ console.error('Port error', event.error)
+ reject(event.data.error)
- resolve(event.data.authToken);
+ resolve(event.data.authToken)
- });
+ })
// Notification action
-self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event) {
+self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function (event) {
const taskId = event.notification.data.taskId
@@ -88,15 +88,15 @@ self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event) {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`,
- body: JSON.stringify({id: taskId, done: true})
- })
- .then(r => r.json())
- .then(r => {
- console.debug('Task marked as done from notification', r)
- })
- .catch(e => {
- console.debug('Error marking task as done from notification', e)
+ body: JSON.stringify({id: taskId, done: true}),
+ .then(r => r.json())
+ .then(r => {
+ console.debug('Task marked as done from notification', r)
+ })
+ .catch(e => {
+ console.debug('Error marking task as done from notification', e)
+ })
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ self.addEventListener('notificationclick', function(event) {
// The precaching code provided by Workbox.
-self.__precacheManifest = [].concat(self.__precacheManifest || []);
-workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__precacheManifest, {});
+self.__precacheManifest = [].concat(self.__precacheManifest || [])
+workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__precacheManifest, {})
diff --git a/src/components/input/colorPicker.vue b/src/components/input/colorPicker.vue
index 46c0db92c..761821d37 100644
--- a/src/components/input/colorPicker.vue
+++ b/src/components/input/colorPicker.vue
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
+ :enableAlpha="false"
+ :menuPosition="menuPosition"
+ :rgbSliders="true"
+ model="hex"
+ picker="square"
+ v-model="color"/>
Reset Color
@@ -14,58 +14,58 @@
diff --git a/src/components/input/editor.vue b/src/components/input/editor.vue
index 225256606..f428caf00 100644
--- a/src/components/input/editor.vue
+++ b/src/components/input/editor.vue
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/src/components/input/fancycheckbox.vue b/src/components/input/fancycheckbox.vue
index c1edc3b83..a258ec016 100644
--- a/src/components/input/fancycheckbox.vue
+++ b/src/components/input/fancycheckbox.vue
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@