import '../../support/authenticateUser' const setHours = hours => { const date = new Date() date.setHours(hours) cy.clock(+date) } describe('Home Page', () => { it('shows the right salutation in the night', () => { setHours(4) cy.visit('/') cy.get('h2').should('contain', 'Good Night') }) it('shows the right salutation in the morning', () => { setHours(8) cy.visit('/') cy.get('h2').should('contain', 'Good Morning') }) it('shows the right salutation in the day', () => { setHours(13) cy.visit('/') cy.get('h2').should('contain', 'Hi') }) it('shows the right salutation in the night', () => { setHours(20) cy.visit('/') cy.get('h2').should('contain', 'Good Evening') }) it('shows the right salutation in the night again', () => { setHours(23) cy.visit('/') cy.get('h2').should('contain', 'Good Night') }) })