package models // Create is the handler to create a team // @Summary Creates a new team // @Description Creates a new team in a given namespace. The user needs write-access to the namespace. // @tags team // @Accept json // @Produce json // @Security ApiKeyAuth // @Param team body models.Team true "The team you want to create." // @Success 200 {object} models.Team "The created team." // @Failure 400 {object} models.HTTPError "Invalid team object provided." // @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal error" // @Router /teams [put] func (t *Team) Create(doer *User) (err error) { // Check if we have a name if t.Name == "" { return ErrTeamNameCannotBeEmpty{} } t.CreatedByID = doer.ID t.CreatedBy = *doer _, err = x.Insert(t) if err != nil { return } // Insert the current user as member and admin tm := TeamMember{TeamID: t.ID, UserID: doer.ID, Admin: true} err = tm.Create(doer) return }