import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:permission_handler/permission_handler.dart'; import 'package:vikunja_app/global.dart'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import '../main.dart'; import '../models/project.dart'; import '../models/user.dart'; import '../service/services.dart'; class SettingsPage extends StatefulWidget { @override State createState() => SettingsPageState(); } class SettingsPageState extends State { List? projectList; int? defaultProject; bool? ignoreCertificates; bool? sentryEnabled; bool? getVersionNotifications; String? versionTag, newestVersionTag; late TextEditingController durationTextController; bool initialized = false; FlutterThemeMode? themeMode; User? currentUser; void init() { durationTextController = TextEditingController(); VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .projectService .getAll() .then((value) => setState(() => projectList = value)); VikunjaGlobal.of(context).settingsManager.getIgnoreCertificates().then( (value) => setState(() => ignoreCertificates = value == "1" ? true : false)); VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .settingsManager .getSentryEnabled() .then((value) => setState(() => sentryEnabled = value)); VikunjaGlobal.of(context).settingsManager.getVersionNotifications().then( (value) => setState( () => getVersionNotifications = value == "1" ? true : false)); VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .versionChecker .getCurrentVersionTag() .then((value) => setState(() => versionTag = value)); VikunjaGlobal.of(context).settingsManager.getWorkmanagerDuration().then( (value) => setState( () => durationTextController.text = (value.inMinutes.toString()))); VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .settingsManager .getThemeMode() .then((value) => setState(() => themeMode = value)); VikunjaGlobal.of(context).newUserService?.getCurrentUser().then((value) => { setState(() { currentUser = value!; defaultProject = value.settings?.default_project_id; }), }); initialized = true; } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final global = VikunjaGlobal.of(context); if (!initialized) init(); return new Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text("Settings"), ), body: ListView( children: [ UserAccountsDrawerHeader( accountName: currentUser != null ? Text(currentUser!.username) : null, accountEmail: currentUser != null ? Text(currentUser!.name) : null, currentAccountPicture: currentUser == null ? null : CircleAvatar( backgroundImage: (currentUser?.username != "") ? NetworkImage(currentUser!.avatarUrl(context)) : null, ), decoration: BoxDecoration( image: DecorationImage( image: AssetImage("assets/graphics/hypnotize.png"), repeat: ImageRepeat.repeat, colorFilter: ColorFilter.mode( Theme.of(context).primaryColor, BlendMode.multiply)), ), ), projectList != null ? ListTile( title: Text("Default List"), trailing: DropdownButton( items: [ DropdownMenuItem( child: Text("None"), value: null, ), ...projectList! .map((e) => DropdownMenuItem( child: Text(e.title), value: .toList() ], value: projectList?.firstWhereOrNull( (element) => == defaultProject) != null ? defaultProject : null, onChanged: (int? value) { setState(() => defaultProject = value); global.newUserService ?.setCurrentUserSettings(currentUser!.settings! .copyWith(default_project_id: value)) .then((value) => currentUser!.settings = value); //VikunjaGlobal.of(context).userManager.setDefaultList(value); }, ), ) : ListTile( title: Text("..."), ), Divider(), ListTile( title: Text("Theme"), trailing: DropdownButton( items: [ DropdownMenuItem( child: Text("System"), value: FlutterThemeMode.system, ), DropdownMenuItem( child: Text("Light"), value: FlutterThemeMode.light, ), DropdownMenuItem( child: Text("Dark"), value: FlutterThemeMode.dark, ), DropdownMenuItem( child: Text("Material You Light"), value: FlutterThemeMode.materialYouLight, ), DropdownMenuItem( child: Text("Material You Dark"), value: FlutterThemeMode.materialYouDark, ), ], value: themeMode, onChanged: (FlutterThemeMode? value) { VikunjaGlobal.of(context).settingsManager.setThemeMode(value!); setState(() => themeMode = value); if (themeMode != null) themeModel.themeMode = themeMode!; }, ), ), Divider(), ignoreCertificates != null ? CheckboxListTile( title: Text("Ignore Certificates"), value: ignoreCertificates, onChanged: (value) { setState(() => ignoreCertificates = value); VikunjaGlobal.of(context).client.reloadIgnoreCerts(value); }) : ListTile(title: Text("...")), Divider(), sentryEnabled != null ? CheckboxListTile( title: Text("Enable Sentry"), subtitle: Text( "Help us debug errors better and faster by sending bug reports to us directly. This is completely anonymous."), value: sentryEnabled, onChanged: (value) { if (value == null) return; setState(() => sentryEnabled = value); VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .settingsManager .setSentryEnabled(value) .then((_) => themeModel.notify()); }) : ListTile(title: Text("...")), Divider(), Padding( padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 15, right: 15), child: Row(children: [ Flexible( child: TextField( controller: durationTextController, decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: 'Background Refresh Interval (minutes): ', helperText: 'Minimum: 15, Set limit of 0 for no refresh', ), )), TextButton( onPressed: () => VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .settingsManager .setWorkmanagerDuration(Duration( minutes: int.parse(durationTextController.text))) .then((value) => VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .updateWorkmanagerDuration()), child: Text("Save")), ])), Divider(), getVersionNotifications != null ? CheckboxListTile( title: Text("Get Version Notifications"), value: getVersionNotifications, onChanged: (value) { setState(() => getVersionNotifications = value); if (value != null) VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .settingsManager .setVersionNotifications(value); }) : ListTile(title: Text("...")), TextButton( onPressed: () async { await Permission.notification.isDenied.then((value) { if (value) { Permission.notification.request(); } }); VikunjaGlobal.of(context).notifications.sendTestNotification(); }, child: Text("Send test notification")), TextButton( onPressed: () => VikunjaGlobal.of(context) .versionChecker .getLatestVersionTag() .then((value) => setState(() => newestVersionTag = value)), child: Text("Check for latest version")), Text("Current version: ${versionTag ?? "loading"}"), Text(newestVersionTag != null ? "Latest version: $newestVersionTag" : ""), Divider(), TextButton( onPressed: () => VikunjaGlobal.of(context).logoutUser(context), child: Text("Logout")), ], ), ); } }