# This file contains the fastlane.tools configuration # You can find the documentation at https://docs.fastlane.tools # # For a list of all available actions, check out # # https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions # # For a list of all available plugins, check out # # https://docs.fastlane.tools/plugins/available-plugins # # Uncomment the line if you want fastlane to automatically update itself # update_fastlane default_platform(:ios) platform :ios do desc "Push a new beta build to TestFlight" lane :beta do match(type: "appstore", readonly: true) gym upload_to_testflight( beta_app_feedback_email: "hello@vikunja.io", beta_app_description: "Automated Vikunja App Build", demo_account_required: true, distribute_external: true, groups: ["PublicBeta"], changelog: "Automated Vikunja Build", beta_app_review_info: { contact_email: ENV["CONTACT_EMAIL"], contact_first_name: ENV["CONTACT_FIRST_NAME"], contact_last_name: ENV["CONTACT_LAST_NAME"], contact_phone: ENV["CONTACT_PHONE"], demo_account_name: "demo", demo_account_password: "demo", notes: "Please use https://try.vikunja.io as URL" } ) end lane :signing do match(type: "appstore", readonly: true) match(type: "development", readonly: true) end end