diff --git a/content/post/release-0.20.4.md b/content/post/release-0.20.4.md index 58963a5..8ab6cd7 100644 --- a/content/post/release-0.20.4.md +++ b/content/post/release-0.20.4.md @@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ date: 2023-03-10T14:58:56+01:00 draft: false --- +
+There has been a }}" class="!underline">patch release for the frontend and api with additional fixes. +Updating is highly encouraged. +
+ This is a patch release with important fixes and improvements in the frontend and api. Among code-improvements, refactorings and dependency updates, these are the noteworthy changes: diff --git a/content/post/release-0.20.5.md b/content/post/release-0.20.5.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c31c129 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/post/release-0.20.5.md @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +title: "Vikunja frontend v0.20.5 and API v0.20.4 was released" +date: 2023-03-12T10:25:18+01:00 +draft: false +--- + +This is a patch release which fixes a problem with the last release's docker images. +A bug prevented running the frontend container on some systems and the api container with some different group ids than the default. + +As usual, you can find the full changelogs in the [frontend](https://kolaente.dev/vikunja/frontend/src/branch/main/CHANGELOG.md#0-20-5-2023-03-12) and [api](https://kolaente.dev/vikunja/api/src/branch/main/CHANGELOG.md#0-20-4-2023-03-12) repos. + +To get the upgrade, simply replace the frontend files or api binary or pull the latest docker image. +You can also check out the update docs for the [frontend](https://vikunja.io/docs/install-frontend/#updating) or [api](https://vikunja.io/docs/install-backend/#updating) updating process. +