import {test, expect, vi} from 'vitest' import {getHistory, removeProjectFromHistory, saveProjectToHistory} from './projectHistory' test('return an empty history when none was saved', () => { Storage.prototype.getItem = vi.fn(() => null) const h = getHistory() expect(h).toStrictEqual([]) }) test('return a saved history', () => { const saved = [{id: 1}, {id: 2}] Storage.prototype.getItem = vi.fn(() => JSON.stringify(saved)) const h = getHistory() expect(h).toStrictEqual(saved) }) test('store project in history', () => { let saved = {} Storage.prototype.getItem = vi.fn(() => null) Storage.prototype.setItem = vi.fn((key, projects) => { saved = projects }) saveProjectToHistory({id: 1}) expect(saved).toBe('[{"id":1}]') }) test('store only the last 5 projects in history', () => { let saved: string | null = null Storage.prototype.getItem = vi.fn(() => saved) Storage.prototype.setItem = vi.fn((key: string, projects: string) => { saved = projects }) saveProjectToHistory({id: 1}) saveProjectToHistory({id: 2}) saveProjectToHistory({id: 3}) saveProjectToHistory({id: 4}) saveProjectToHistory({id: 5}) saveProjectToHistory({id: 6}) expect(saved).toBe('[{"id":6},{"id":5},{"id":4},{"id":3},{"id":2}]') }) test('don\'t store the same project twice', () => { let saved: string | null = null Storage.prototype.getItem = vi.fn(() => saved) Storage.prototype.setItem = vi.fn((key: string, projects: string) => { saved = projects }) saveProjectToHistory({id: 1}) saveProjectToHistory({id: 1}) expect(saved).toBe('[{"id":1}]') }) test('move a project to the beginning when storing it multiple times', () => { let saved: string | null = null Storage.prototype.getItem = vi.fn(() => saved) Storage.prototype.setItem = vi.fn((key: string, projects: string) => { saved = projects }) saveProjectToHistory({id: 1}) saveProjectToHistory({id: 2}) saveProjectToHistory({id: 1}) expect(saved).toBe('[{"id":1},{"id":2}]') }) test('remove project from history', () => { let saved: string | null = '[{"id": 1}]' Storage.prototype.getItem = vi.fn(() => null) Storage.prototype.setItem = vi.fn((key: string, projects: string) => { saved = projects }) Storage.prototype.removeItem = vi.fn((key: string) => { saved = null }) removeProjectFromHistory({id: 1}) expect(saved).toBeNull() })