import {objectToCamelCase} from '@/helpers/case' import {omitBy, isNil} from '@/helpers/utils' import type {Right} from '@/constants/rights' export interface IAbstract { maxRight: Right | null } export default class AbstractModel implements IAbstract { /** * The max right the user has on this object, as returned by the x-max-right header from the api. */ maxRight: Right | null = null /** * The abstract constructor takes an object and merges its data with the default data of this model. */ constructor(data : Object = {}) { data = objectToCamelCase(data) // Put all data in our model while overriding those with a value of null or undefined with their defaults Object.assign( this, this.defaults(), omitBy(data, isNil), ) } /** * Default attributes that define the "empty" state. */ defaults(): Object { return {} } }