import {computed, ref, watch} from 'vue' import {createI18n} from 'vue-i18n' import langEN from './lang/en.json' export const SUPPORTED_LOCALES = { 'en': 'English', 'de-DE': 'Deutsch', 'de-swiss': 'Schwizertütsch', 'ru-RU': 'Русский', 'fr-FR': 'Français', 'vi-VN': 'Tiếng Việt', 'it-IT': 'Italiano', 'cs-CZ': 'Čeština', 'pl-PL': 'Polski', 'nl-NL': 'Nederlands', 'pt-PT': 'Português', 'zh-CN': 'Chinese', } as Record export type SupportedLocale = keyof typeof SUPPORTED_LOCALES export const DEFAULT_LANGUAGE: SupportedLocale= 'en' export type ISOLanguage = string export const DAYJS_LOCALE_MAPPING = { 'de-swiss': 'de-AT', } as Record export const i18n = createI18n({ locale: DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, // set locale fallbackLocale: DEFAULT_LANGUAGE, legacy: true, globalInjection: true, allowComposition: true, inheritLocale: true, messages: { en: langEN, } as Record, }) function setI18nLanguage(lang: SupportedLocale): SupportedLocale { = lang document.documentElement.lang = lang return lang } export async function loadLanguageAsync(lang: SupportedLocale) { if (!lang) { throw new Error() } // do not change language to the current one if ( === lang) { return } // If the language hasn't been loaded yet if (! { const messages = await import(`./lang/${lang}.json`), messages.default) } return setI18nLanguage(lang) } export function getCurrentLanguage(): SupportedLocale { const savedLanguage = localStorage.getItem('language') if (savedLanguage !== null) { return savedLanguage } const browserLanguage = navigator.language const language: SupportedLocale | undefined = Object.keys(SUPPORTED_LOCALES).find(langKey => { return langKey === browserLanguage || langKey.startsWith(browserLanguage + '-') }) return language || DEFAULT_LANGUAGE } export function saveLanguage(lang: SupportedLocale) { localStorage.setItem('language', lang) setLanguage() } export function setLanguage() { return loadLanguageAsync(getCurrentLanguage()) } import type dayjs from 'dayjs' export function useDayjsLanguageSync(dayjsGlobal: typeof dayjs) { const dayjsLanguageLoaded = ref(false) watch( () =>, async (currentLanguage: string) => { if (!dayjsGlobal) { return } const dayjsLanguageCode = DAYJS_LOCALE_MAPPING[currentLanguage.toLowerCase()] || currentLanguage.toLowerCase() dayjsLanguageLoaded.value = dayjsGlobal.locale() === dayjsLanguageCode if (dayjsLanguageLoaded.value) { return } console.log('foo') await import(`../../node_modules/dayjs/locale/${dayjsLanguageCode}.js`) console.log('bar') dayjsGlobal.locale(dayjsLanguageCode) dayjsLanguageLoaded.value = true }, {immediate: true}, ) // we export the loading state since that's easier to work with const isLoading = computed(() => !dayjsLanguageLoaded.value) return isLoading }