import {TeamFactory} from '../../factories/team' import {TeamMemberFactory} from '../../factories/team_member' import {UserFactory} from '../../factories/user' import '../../support/authenticateUser' describe('Team', () => { it('Creates a new team', () => { TeamFactory.truncate() cy.visit('/teams') const newTeamName = 'New Team' cy.get('a.button') .contains('New Team') .click() cy.url() .should('contain', '/teams/new') cy.get('.card-header-title') .contains('Create a new team') cy.get('input.input') .type(newTeamName) cy.get('.button') .contains('Create') .click() cy.get('.fullpage') .should('not.exist') cy.url() .should('contain', '/edit') cy.get('input#teamtext') .should('have.value', newTeamName) }) it('Shows all teams', () => { TeamMemberFactory.create(10, { team_id: '{increment}', }) const teams = TeamFactory.create(10, { id: '{increment}', }) cy.visit('/teams') cy.get('') .should('') teams.forEach(t => { cy.get('') .should('contain', }) }) it('Allows an admin to edit the team', () => { TeamMemberFactory.create(1, { team_id: 1, admin: true, }) const teams = TeamFactory.create(1, { id: 1, }) cy.visit('/teams/1/edit') cy.get('.card input.input') .first() .type('{selectall}New Team Name') cy.get('.card .button') .contains('Save') .click() cy.get('table.table td') .contains('Admin') .should('exist') cy.get('.global-notification') .should('contain', 'Success') }) it('Does not allow a normal user to edit the team', () => { TeamMemberFactory.create(1, { team_id: 1, admin: false, }) const teams = TeamFactory.create(1, { id: 1, }) cy.visit('/teams/1/edit') cy.get('.card input.input') .should('not.exist') cy.get('table.table td') .contains('Member') .should('exist') }) it('Allows an admin to add members to the team', () => { TeamMemberFactory.create(1, { team_id: 1, admin: true, }) TeamFactory.create(1, { id: 1, }) const users = UserFactory.create(5) cy.visit('/teams/1/edit') cy.get('.card') .contains('Team Members') .get('.card-content .multiselect .input-wrapper input') .type(users[1].username) cy.get('.card') .contains('Team Members') .get('.card-content .multiselect .search-results') .children() .first() .click() cy.get('.card') .contains('Team Members') .get('.card-content .button') .contains('Add To Team') .click() cy.get('table.table td') .contains('Admin') .should('exist') cy.get('table.table tr') .should('contain', users[1].username) .should('contain', 'Member') cy.get('.global-notification') .should('contain', 'Success') }) })