import {calculateDayInterval} from './calculateDayInterval' import {calculateNearestHours} from './calculateNearestHours' import {replaceAll} from '../replaceAll' interface dateParseResult { newText: string, date: Date | null, } interface dateFoundResult { foundText: string | null, date: Date | null, } export const parseDate = (text: string): dateParseResult => { const lowerText: string = text.toLowerCase() if (lowerText.includes('today')) { return addTimeToDate(text, getDateFromInterval(calculateDayInterval('today')), 'today') } if (lowerText.includes('tomorrow')) { return addTimeToDate(text, getDateFromInterval(calculateDayInterval('tomorrow')), 'tomorrow') } if (lowerText.includes('next monday')) { return addTimeToDate(text, getDateFromInterval(calculateDayInterval('nextMonday')), 'next monday') } if (lowerText.includes('this weekend')) { return addTimeToDate(text, getDateFromInterval(calculateDayInterval('thisWeekend')), 'this weekend') } if (lowerText.includes('later this week')) { return addTimeToDate(text, getDateFromInterval(calculateDayInterval('laterThisWeek')), 'later this week') } if (lowerText.includes('later next week')) { return addTimeToDate(text, getDateFromInterval(calculateDayInterval('laterNextWeek')), 'later next week') } if (lowerText.includes('next week')) { return addTimeToDate(text, getDateFromInterval(calculateDayInterval('nextWeek')), 'next week') } if (lowerText.includes('next month')) { const date: Date = new Date() date.setDate(1) date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1) date.setHours(calculateNearestHours(date)) date.setMinutes(0) date.setSeconds(0) return addTimeToDate(text, date, 'next month') } if (lowerText.includes('end of month')) { const curDate: Date = new Date() const date: Date = new Date(curDate.getFullYear(), curDate.getMonth() + 1, 0) date.setHours(calculateNearestHours(date)) date.setMinutes(0) date.setSeconds(0) return addTimeToDate(text, date, 'end of month') } let parsed = getDateFromWeekday(text) if ( !== null) { return addTimeToDate(text,, parsed.foundText) } parsed = getDayFromText(text) if ( !== null) { return addTimeToDate(text,, parsed.foundText) } parsed = getDateFromTextIn(text) if ( !== null) { return { newText: replaceAll(text, parsed.foundText, ''), date:, } } parsed = getDateFromText(text) return { newText: replaceAll(text, parsed.foundText, ''), date:, } } const addTimeToDate = (text: string, date: Date, match: string | null): dateParseResult => { if (match === null) { return { newText: text, date: null, } } const matcher = new RegExp(`(${match} (at|@) )([0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9]?)?( ?(a|p)m)?)`, 'ig') const results = matcher.exec(text) if (results !== null) { const time = results[3] const parts = time.split(':') let hours = parseInt(parts[0]) let minutes = 0 if (time.endsWith('pm')) { hours += 12 } if (parts.length > 1) { minutes = parseInt(parts[1]) } date.setHours(hours) date.setMinutes(minutes) date.setSeconds(0) } const replace = results !== null ? results[0] : match return { newText: replaceAll(text, replace, ''), date: date, } } export const getDateFromText = (text: string, now: Date = new Date()) => { const fullDateRegex: RegExp = /([0-9][0-9]?\/[0-9][0-9]?\/[0-9][0-9]([0-9][0-9])?|[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\/[0-9][0-9]?\/[0-9][0-9]?|[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]?-[0-9][0-9]?)/ig // 1. Try parsing the text as a "usual" date, like 2021-06-24 or 06/24/2021 let results: string[] | null = fullDateRegex.exec(text) let result: string | null = results === null ? null : results[0] let foundText: string | null = result let containsYear: boolean = true if (result === null) { // 2. Try parsing the date as something like "jan 21" or "21 jan" const monthRegex: RegExp = /((jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec) [0-9][0-9]?|[0-9][0-9]? (jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec))/ig results = monthRegex.exec(text) result = results === null ? null : `${results[0]} ${now.getFullYear()}` foundText = results === null ? '' : results[0] containsYear = false if (result === null) { // 3. Try parsing the date as "27/01" or "01/27" const monthNumericRegex: RegExp = /([0-9][0-9]?\/[0-9][0-9]?)/ig results = monthNumericRegex.exec(text) // Put the year before or after the date, depending on what works result = results === null ? null : `${now.getFullYear()}/${results[0]}` if (result === null) { return { foundText, date: null, } } foundText = results === null ? '' : results[0] if (result === null || isNaN(new Date(result).getTime())) { result = results === null ? null : `${results[0]}/${now.getFullYear()}` } if (result === null || (isNaN(new Date(result).getTime()) && foundText !== '')) { const parts = foundText.split('/') result = `${parts[1]}/${parts[0]}/${now.getFullYear()}` } } } if (result === null) { return { foundText, date: null, } } const date = new Date(result) if (isNaN(date.getTime())) { return { foundText, date: null, } } if (!containsYear && date < now) { date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear() + 1) } return { foundText, date, } } export const getDateFromTextIn = (text: string, now: Date = new Date()) => { const regex = /(in [0-9]+ (hours?|days?|weeks?|months?))/ig const results = regex.exec(text) if (results === null) { return { foundText: '', date: null, } } const foundText: string = results[0] const date = new Date(now) const parts = foundText.split(' ') switch (parts[2]) { case 'hours': case 'hour': date.setHours(date.getHours() + parseInt(parts[1])) break case 'days': case 'day': date.setDate(date.getDate() + parseInt(parts[1])) break case 'weeks': case 'week': date.setDate(date.getDate() + parseInt(parts[1]) * 7) break case 'months': case 'month': date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + parseInt(parts[1])) break } return { foundText, date, } } const getDateFromWeekday = (text: string): dateFoundResult => { const matcher: RegExp = / (next )?(monday|mon|tuesday|tue|wednesday|wed|thursday|thu|friday|fri|saturday|sat|sunday|sun)($| )/ig const results: string[] | null = matcher.exec(text) if (results === null) { return { foundText: null, date: null, } } const date: Date = new Date() const currentDay: number = date.getDay() let day: number = 0 switch (results[2]) { case 'mon': case 'monday': day = 1 break case 'tue': case 'tuesday': day = 2 break case 'wed': case 'wednesday': day = 3 break case 'thu': case 'thursday': day = 4 break case 'fri': case 'friday': day = 5 break case 'sat': case 'saturday': day = 6 break case 'sun': case 'sunday': day = 0 break default: return { foundText: null, date: null, } } const distance: number = (day + 7 - currentDay) % 7 date.setDate(date.getDate() + distance) // This a space at the end of the found text to not break parsing suffix strings like "at 14:00" in cases where the // matched string comes with a space at the end (last part of the regex). let foundText = results[0] if (foundText.endsWith(' ')) { foundText = foundText.substr(0, foundText.length - 1) } return { foundText: foundText, date: date, } } const getDayFromText = (text: string) => { const matcher = /($| )(([1-2][0-9])|(3[01])|(0?[1-9]))(st|nd|rd|th|\.)($| )/ig const results = matcher.exec(text) if (results === null) { return { foundText: null, date: null, } } const now = new Date() const date = new Date(now) const day = parseInt(results[0]) date.setDate(day) // If the parsed day is the 31st (or 29+ and the next month is february) but the next month only has 30 days, // setting the day to 31 will "overflow" the date to the next month, but the first. // This would look like a very weired bug. Now, to prevent that, we check if the day is the same as parsed after // setting it for the first time and set it again if it isn't - that would mean the month overflowed. while (date < now) { date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1) } if (date.getDate() !== day) { date.setDate(day) } return { foundText: results[0], date: date, } } const getDateFromInterval = (interval: number): Date => { const newDate = new Date() newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + interval) newDate.setHours(calculateNearestHours(newDate)) newDate.setMinutes(0) newDate.setSeconds(0) return newDate }