import {UserFactory} from '../../factories/user' const testAndAssertFailed = fixture => { cy.visit('/login') cy.get('input[id=username]').type(fixture.username) cy.get('input[id=password]').type(fixture.password) cy.get('button').contains('Login').click() cy.wait(5000) // It can take waaaayy too long to log the user in cy.url().should('include', '/') cy.get('').contains('Wrong username or password.') } context('Login', () => { beforeEach(() => { UserFactory.create(1, { username: 'test', }) cy.visit('/', { onBeforeLoad(win) { win.localStorage.removeItem('token') }, }) }) it('Should log in with the right credentials', () => { const fixture = { username: 'test', password: '1234', } cy.visit('/login') cy.get('input[id=username]').type(fixture.username) cy.get('input[id=password]').type(fixture.password) cy.get('button').contains('Login').click() cy.url().should('include', '/') cy.get('h2').should('contain', `Hi ${fixture.username}!`) }) it('Should fail with a bad password', () => { const fixture = { username: 'test', password: '123456', } testAndAssertFailed(fixture) }) it('Should fail with a bad username', () => { const fixture = { username: 'loremipsum', password: '1234', } testAndAssertFailed(fixture) }) })