interface ListHistory { id: number; } export function getHistory(): ListHistory[] { const savedHistory = localStorage.getItem('listHistory') if (savedHistory === null) { return [] } return JSON.parse(savedHistory) } function saveHistory(history: ListHistory[]) { if (history.length === 0) { localStorage.removeItem('listHistory') return } localStorage.setItem('listHistory', JSON.stringify(history)) } export function saveListToHistory(list: ListHistory) { const history: ListHistory[] = getHistory() // Remove the element if it already exists in history, preventing duplicates and essentially moving it to the beginning history.forEach((l, i) => { if ( === { history.splice(i, 1) } }) // Add the new list to the beginning of the list history.unshift(list) if (history.length > 5) { history.pop() } saveHistory(history) } export function removeListFromHistory(list: ListHistory) { const history: ListHistory[] = getHistory() history.forEach((l, i) => { if ( === { history.splice(i, 1) } }) saveHistory(history) }