import MyButton from './Button.vue' // More on default export: export default { title: 'Example/Button', component: MyButton, // More on argTypes: argTypes: { backgroundColor: { control: 'color' }, onClick: {}, size: { control: { type: 'select' }, options: ['small', 'medium', 'large'], }, }, } // More on component templates: const Template = (args) => ({ // Components used in your story `template` are defined in the `components` object components: { MyButton }, // The story's `args` need to be mapped into the template through the `setup()` method setup() { return { args } }, // And then the `args` are bound to your component with `v-bind="args"` template: '', }) export const Primary = Template.bind({}) // More on args: Primary.args = { primary: true, label: 'Button', } export const Secondary = Template.bind({}) Secondary.args = { label: 'Button', } export const Large = Template.bind({}) Large.args = { size: 'large', label: 'Button', } export const Small = Template.bind({}) Small.args = { size: 'small', label: 'Button', }