@import url('/fonts/fonts.css'); @import 'variables'; @import '../node_modules/bulma/bulma'; *, *:hover, *:active, *:focus{ outline: none; } .button { transition: all $transition; border: 0; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 0.85rem; font-weight: bold; height: 2.648em; box-shadow: 0 0 .7em lighten($dark, 10); &.is-hovered, &:hover { box-shadow: 0 0 1em lighten($dark, 15); } &.is-light { box-shadow: 0 0 .7em lighten($dark, 75); } &.fullheight{ padding-right: 7px; height: 100%; } &.is-active, &.is-focused, &:active, &:focus, &:focus:not(:active) { box-shadow: 0 0 0.3em darken($dark, 20) !important; } &.icon-only{ padding-left: 16px; } @each $name, $pair in $colors { $color: nth($pair, 1); &.is-#{$name} { &.is-hovered, &:hover { box-shadow: .1em .1em .5em darken($color, 15); } &.is-active, &.is-focused, &:active, &:focus, &:focus:not(:active) { box-shadow: 0 0 .3em darken($color, 30) !important; } } } &.noshadow{ &, &.is-hovered, &:hover, &.is-active, &.is-focused, &:active, &:focus, &:focus:not(:active) { box-shadow: none; } } } .input, .textarea { transition: all $transition; box-shadow: none; &.is-active, &.is-focused, &:active, &:focus { box-shadow: none; } @each $name, $pair in $colors { $color: nth($pair, 1); $color-invert: nth($pair, 2); &.is-#{$name} { &.is-active, &.is-focused, &:active, &:focus, &:focus:not(:active) { border-color: darken($color, 10); } } } } .select:after { margin-top: -0.575em; } .select select { border-width: $thickness; &:not([multiple]) { height: calc(2.25em + #{$thickness}); } &.is-active, &.is-focused, &:active, &:focus, &:focus:not(:active) { box-shadow: none; } } .field.has-addons { .control .select select { height: 2.25em; } } .notification { border: $thickness solid $border; @each $name, $pair in $colors { $color: nth($pair, 1); &.is-#{$name} { border-color: darken($color, 5); } } } .progress { border-radius: $radius-large; } .card { background-color: rgba($grey-lighter, 0.075); border-radius: $radius; margin-bottom: 1rem; .card-image { img { border-radius: $radius $radius 0 0; } } .card-header { box-shadow: none; border-bottom: 1px solid $grey-lighter; border-radius: $radius $radius 0 0; } } .box,.card{ border: $thickness solid $border; box-shadow: 0.3em 0.3em 0.8em darken($light, 6); } .message { .message-body { border: $thickness solid; } } .hero { .navbar { border: none; box-shadow: none; } @each $name, $pair in $colors { $color: nth($pair, 1); $color-invert: nth($pair, 2); &.is-#{$name} { .navbar { box-shadow: none; } } } @include touch { .navbar-menu { box-shadow: none; } } } .navbar { z-index: 2; @each $name, $pair in $colors { $color: nth($pair, 1); $color-invert: nth($pair, 2); &.is-#{$name} { border-color: darken($color, 5); } } .navbar-dropdown { box-shadow: $navbar-dropdown-boxed-shadow; top: 101%; } } .pagination-link, .pagination-next, .pagination-previous { border-width: $thickness; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ font-family: $vikunja-font; } .bigbuttons{ margin-top: 0.5rem; } .control.has-icons-left .icon, .control.has-icons-right .icon { z-index: 0; } .buttonright { margin-right: 0.5rem; } .navbar.main-theme { background: $light-background; z-index: 5 !important; @media screen and (max-width: $desktop) { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; @media screen and (max-width: $tablet) { .navbar-brand { margin-left: 3em; } } } }