"description":"After a redirect from the OpenID Connect provider to the frontend has been made with the authentication ` + "`" + `code` + "`" + `, this endpoint can be used to obtain a jwt token for that user and thus log them in.",
"summary":"Authenticate a user with OpenID Connect",
"description":"The openid callback",
"description":"The OpenID Connect provider key as returned by the /info endpoint",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Get an unsplash image. **Returns json on error.**",
"summary":"Get an unsplash image",
"description":"Unsplash Image ID",
"description":"The image",
"description":"The image does not exist.",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Get an unsplash thumbnail image. The thumbnail is cropped to a max width of 200px. **Returns json on error.**",
"summary":"Get an unsplash thumbnail image",
"description":"Unsplash Image ID",
"description":"The thumbnail",
"description":"The image does not exist.",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Search for a project background from unsplash",
"summary":"Search for a background from unsplash",
"description":"Search backgrounds from unsplash with this search term.",
"description":"The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned.",
"description":"An array with photos",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Creates a new saved filter",
"summary":"Creates a new saved filter",
"description":"The Saved Filter",
"description":"The user does not have access to that saved filter.",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Returns a saved filter by its ID.",
"summary":"Gets one saved filter",
"description":"Filter ID",
"description":"The Saved Filter",
"description":"The user does not have access to that saved filter.",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Updates a saved filter by its ID.",
"summary":"Updates a saved filter",
"description":"Filter ID",
"description":"The Saved Filter",
"description":"The user does not have access to that saved filter.",
"description":"The saved filter does not exist.",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Removes a saved filter by its ID.",
"summary":"Removes a saved filter",
"description":"Filter ID",
"description":"The Saved Filter",
"description":"The user does not have access to that saved filter.",
"description":"The saved filter does not exist.",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Returns the version, frontendurl, motd and various settings of Vikunja",
"description":"Returns all labels which are either created by the user or associated with a task the user has at least read-access to.",
"summary":"Get all labels a user has access to",
"description":"The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned.",
"description":"The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page.",
"description":"Search labels by label text.",
"description":"The labels",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Creates a new label.",
"summary":"Create a label",
"description":"The label object",
"description":"The created label object.",
"description":"Invalid label object provided.",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Returns one label by its ID.",
"summary":"Gets one label",
"description":"Label ID",
"description":"The label",
"description":"The user does not have access to the label",
"description":"Label not found",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Update an existing label. The user needs to be the creator of the label to be able to do this.",
"summary":"Update a label",
"description":"Label ID",
"description":"The label object",
"description":"The created label object.",
"description":"Invalid label object provided.",
"description":"Not allowed to update the label.",
"description":"Label not found.",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Delete an existing label. The user needs to be the creator of the label to be able to do this.",
"summary":"Delete a label",
"description":"Label ID",
"description":"The label was successfully deleted.",
"description":"Not allowed to delete the label.",
"description":"Label not found.",
"description":"Internal error",
"description":"Logs a user in. Returns a JWT-Token to authenticate further requests.",
"description":"The login credentials",
"description":"Invalid user password model.",
"description":"Invalid username or password.",
"description":"Invalid totp passcode.",
"description":"Returns the auth url where the user needs to get its auth code. This code can then be used to migrate everything from Microsoft Todo to Vikunja.",
"summary":"Get the auth url from Microsoft Todo",
"description":"The auth url.",
"description":"Internal server error",
"description":"Migrates all tasklinsts, tasks, notes and reminders from Microsoft Todo to Vikunja.",
"summary":"Migrate all projects, tasks etc. from Microsoft Todo",
"description":"The auth token previously obtained from the auth url. See the docs for /migration/microsoft-todo/auth.",
"description":"A message telling you everything was migrated successfully.",
"description":"Internal server error",
"description":"Returns if the current user already did the migation or not. This is useful to show a confirmation message in the frontend if the user is trying to do the same migration again.",
"summary":"Get migration status",
"description":"The migration status",
"description":"Internal server error",
"description":"Imports all projects, tasks, notes, reminders, subtasks and files from a TickTick backup export into Vikunja.",
"summary":"Import all projects, tasks etc. from a TickTick backup export",
"description":"The TickTick backup csv file.",
"description":"A message telling you everything was migrated successfully.",
"description":"Internal server error",
"description":"Returns if the current user already did the migation or not. This is useful to show a confirmation message in the frontend if the user is trying to do the same migration again.",
"summary":"Get migration status",
"description":"The migration status",
"description":"Internal server error",
"description":"Returns the auth url where the user needs to get its auth code. This code can then be used to migrate everything from todoist to Vikunja.",
"summary":"Get the auth url from todoist",
"description":"The auth url.",
"description":"Internal server error",
"description":"Migrates all projects, tasks, notes, reminders, subtasks and files from todoist to vikunja.",
"summary":"Migrate all lists, tasks etc. from todoist",
"description":"The auth code previously obtained from the auth url. See the docs for /migration/todoist/auth.",
"description":"A message telling you everything was migrated successfully.",
"description":"Internal server error",
"description":"Returns if the current user already did the migation or not. This is useful to show a confirmation message in the frontend if the user is trying to do the same migration again.",
"summary":"Get migration status",
"description":"The migration status",
"description":"Internal server error",
"description":"Returns the auth url where the user needs to get its auth code. This code can then be used to migrate everything from trello to Vikunja.",
"summary":"Get the auth url from trello",
"description":"The auth url.",
"description":"Internal server error",
"description":"Migrates all projects, tasks, notes, reminders, subtasks and files from trello to vikunja.",
"summary":"Migrate all projects, tasks etc. from trello",
"description":"The auth token previously obtained from the auth url. See the docs for /migration/trello/auth.",
"description":"A message telling you everything was migrated successfully.",
"description":"Internal server error",
"description":"Returns if the current user already did the migation or not. This is useful to show a confirmation message in the frontend if the user is trying to do the same migration again.",
"summary":"Get migration status",
"description":"The migration status",
"description":"Internal server error",
"description":"Imports all projects, tasks, notes, reminders, subtasks and files from a Vikunjda data export into Vikunja.",
"summary":"Import all projects, tasks etc. from a Vikunja data export",
"description":"The Vikunja export zip file.",
"description":"A message telling you everything was migrated successfully.",