2019-11-24 19:33:16 +01:00
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
2021-09-05 16:49:13 +02:00
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog ](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/ ), and this project adheres
to [Semantic Versioning ](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html ).
2019-11-24 19:33:16 +01:00
All releases can be found on https://code.vikunja.io/api/releases.
2024-01-28 17:42:24 +01:00
## [0.22.1] - 2024-01-28
### Bug Fixes
* *(api)* Make sure permission to read all tasks work for reading all tasks per project
* *(assignees)* Improve wording for assignee emails
* *(assignees)* Prevent double notifications for assignees
* *(assignees)* Subscribe assigned users directly to the task, not async
* *(assignees)* Make sure task assignee created event contains the full task
* *(auth)* Don't reset user settings when updating name or email from external auth provider
* *(migration)* Ignore tasks with empty titles
* *(openid)* Use the calculated redirect url when authenticating with openid providers
* *(projects)* Don't remove parent project id if the parent project is available in the same run
* *(relations)* Don't allow creating relations which already exist
* *(subscriptions)* Don't crash when a project is already deleted
* *(task)* Delete the task after all related attributes to prevent task not found errors
* *(typesense)* Update tasks in Typesense directly when the change happened
* *(user)* Make disable command actually work
* *(webhooks)* Make sure all events with tasks have the full task* Create webhooks table for fresh installation ([09696ae ](09696aec1bea647a5bfc7be16b31054626d721e4 ))
* Lint ([2c84688 ](2c84688a4013a816eca02caabba8c634a03d3d57 ))
* Convert everything which looks like an url to a < a href html element ( [27a5f68 ](27a5f6862b1748ec10ca9282e0fe1a64f9ccf910 ))
* Update function signatures ([4d48d81 ](4d48d814c95244f21454219c1004b6298744e076 ))
* Tests ([1630e4f ](1630e4fc08bc5fccff191a6cc4afe936543635d8 ))
* Lint ([30a2dcd ](30a2dcd04c8379291a2ae5068ec0cab07bc9a7fb ))
### Dependencies
* *(deps)* Update dessant/repo-lockdown action to v4
* *(deps)* Update alpine docker tag to v3.19
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/arran4/golang-ical to v0.2.3 (#1669 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/gommon to v0.4.2
* *(deps)* Update module xorm.io/xorm to v1.3.6
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.16.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.15.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.18.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/typesense/typesense-go to v1
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.16.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 to v9.4.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.26.0
* *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.35.2
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.11.4
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sync to v0.6.0
* *(deps)* Update module xorm.io/xorm to v1.3.7
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/google/uuid to v1.6.0
* *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to 77ac23f
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 to v1.14.20
### Features
* *(reminders)* Persist reminders in the db
### Miscellaneous Tasks
* Check if import zip contains a VERSION file ([ec6e3e9 ](ec6e3e99e0d6f2d8a9c889c7261e0d16b4ebea7d ))
* Rename function ([0d24ba1 ](0d24ba12bb85078afd8c821bae61926fd81f163e ))
2023-12-19 16:21:30 +01:00
## [0.22.0] - 2023-12-19
### Bug Fixes
* *(api tokens)* Make sure read one routes show up in routes endpoint
* *(api tokens)* Test
* *(api tokens)* Lint
* *(api tokens)* Make sure task create routes are available to use with the api
- **BREAKING**: The api route to create a new task is now /projects/:project/tasks instead of /projects/:project
* *(build)* Don't run go mod commands when generating swagger docs
* *(build)* Don't generate swagger files when building
* *(build)* Don't require swagger to build
* *(build)* Don't remove swagger files when running build:clean step
* *(caldav)* Check for related tasks synced back from a caldav client
* *(caldav)* Do not update dates of tasks when repositioning them (#1605 )
* *(ci)* Don't generate swagger docs in ci
* *(ci)* Use the same go image for everything
* *(ci)* Don't try to install when linting
* *(cmd)* Do not initialize asnyc operations when running certain cli commands
* *(comments)* Make sure comment sort order is stable
* *(docs)* Add empty swagger file so that the package exists
* *(docs)* Remove duplicate paths (params) in swagger docs
* *(files)* Keyvalue init in tests
* *(filter)* Assignee search by partial username test
* *(filters)* Make "in" filter comparator work with Typesense
* *(import)* Don't fail when importing from dev exports
* *(import)* Ignore duplicate project identifier
* *(import)* Resolve task relations by old task ids
* *(import)* Correctly set child project relations
* *(import)* Create related tasks without an id
* *(import)* Make sure importing works if parent / child projects are created in a different order
* *(kanban)* Don't prevent setting a different bucket as done bucket
* *(kanban)* Create missing kanban buckets (#1601 )
* *(kanban)* Filter for tasks in buckets by assignee should not modify the filter directly
* *(labels)* Make sure labels of shared sub projects are usable
* *(migration)* Use string for todoist project note id
* *(migration)* Make sub project hierarchy work when importing from other services
* *(openid)* Make sure usernames with spaces work
* *(project)* Duplicating a project should not create two backlog buckets
* *(project background)* Add more checks for whether a background file exists when duplicating or deleting a project
* *(projects)* Save done and default bucket when updating project
* *(projects)* Don't limit results to top-level projects when searching
* *(projects)* Don't return child projects multiple times
* *(projects)* Correctly set project's archived state if their parent was archived
* *(projects)* Delete child projects when deleting a project
* *(reminders)* Make sure reminders are only sent once per user
* *(swagger)* Add generated swagger docs to repo
* *(task)* Remove task relation in the other direction as well
* *(test)* Don't check for error
* *(tests)* Use string IDs in Todoist test
* *(tests)* Remove duplicate projects from assertions
* *(tests)* Pass the map
* *(typesense)* Upsert one document at a time
* *(typesense)* Add more error logging
* *(typesense)* Add more error logging
* *(typesense)* Pass the correct user when fetching task comments
* *(typesense)* Upsert all documents at once
* *(typesense)* Explicitely create typesense sync table
* *(typesense)* Don't try to index tasks if there are none
* *(typesense)* Add typesense sync to initial structs
* *(typesense)* Make sure searching works when no task has a comment at index time
* *(typesense)* Getting all data from typesense
* *(typesense)* Correctly convert date values for typesense
* *(user)* Don't crash when attempting to change a user's password
* *(user)* Allow deleting a user if they have a default project
* *(user)* Don't prevent deleting a user if their default project was shared
* *(user)* Allow openid users to request their deletion
* *(webhooks)* Routes should use the common schema used for other routes already
* *(webhooks)* Don't send the proxy auth header to the webhook target
* *(webhooks)* Lint
* *(webhooks)* Lint
* *(webhooks)* Add created by user object when creating a webhook
* *(webhooks)* Send application/json header* Typo ([49d8713 ](49d87133885b4fa660c300fc38768bd91f56340e ))
* Lint ([29317b9 ](29317b980e68b7e10b127e7e93afff1dd56ace3e ))
* Order by clause in task comments ([5811d2a ](5811d2a13b5a1017cdd0b393599ffe01db95e836 ))
* Lint ([e4c7112 ](e4c71123ef91480d41284288bee38939cd17ae39 ))
* Validate usernames on registration ([11810c9 ](11810c9b3e1a4bb4c5fc1f4a3ac44e8552f6a937 ))
* Lint ([d6db498 ](d6db49885383ed3e4f98acf649dc302ed1411ccd ))
* Lint ([b8e73f4 ](b8e73f4fa5821ce07b42667cf84c1ff9b87e0888 ))
* Lint ([424bf76 ](424bf7647baa34e0fa594c2c36eec542ebea531b ))
* Lint ([e34f503 ](e34f503674c2aab06c7215cba9e2133037e96b6a ))
* Lint ([56625b0 ](56625b0b90d659bd49fc95749691d0100e964dcd ))
* Properly tag bucket-related operations ([a375223 ](a3752238729d50b38a5cf0b811e050c3d9f8985f ))
* Lint ([6ef1bc3 ](6ef1bc3944980588238fb44295b520695a4ed19a ))
### Dependencies
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.4.0
* *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to 617d3b6
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/iancoleman/strcase to v0.3.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.11.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.11.1
* *(deps)* Update module xorm.io/builder to v0.3.13
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.11.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.23.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/arran4/golang-ical to v0.1.0
* *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to 1510ee0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/yuin/goldmark to v1.5.6
* *(deps)* Update module xorm.io/xorm to v1.3.3
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/jinzhu/copier to v0.4.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 to v9.2.1
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/threedotslabs/watermill to v1.3.5
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.13.0
* *(deps)* Update lockfile
* *(deps)* Update lockfile
* *(deps)* Update github.com/dustinkirkland/golang-petname digest to 6a283f1
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.17.0
* *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to 6fc6b16
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.25.0
* *(deps)* Update lockfile
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/viper to v1.17.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/afero to v1.10.0
* *(deps)* Update lockfile
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/swaggo/swag to v1.16.2
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.13.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sync to v0.4.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.11.2
* *(deps)* Update lockfile
* *(deps)* Update postgres docker tag to v16 (#1618 )
* *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.33.1 (#1560 )
* *(deps)* Update mariadb docker tag to v11 (#1544 )
* *(deps)* Update xgo to go 1.21
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype to v1.4.3
* *(deps)* Update lockfile
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3 to v3.7.0
* *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to ecfba3d
* *(deps)* Update lockfile
* *(deps)* Update module src.techknowlogick.com/xormigrate to v1.6.0 (#1627 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/google/uuid to v1.4.0
* *(deps)* Update module src.techknowlogick.com/xormigrate to v1.7.0
* *(deps)* Update lockfile
* *(deps)* Update module xorm.io/xorm to v1.3.4 (#1630 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 to v9.3.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 to v1.14.18
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sync to v0.5.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sys to v0.14.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/cobra to v1.8.0
* *(deps)* Update module src.techknowlogick.com/xormigrate to v1.7.1
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/yuin/goldmark to v1.6.0
* *(deps)* Update lockfile
* *(deps)* Update github.com/go-jose/go-jose/v3
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/text to v0.14.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.15.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.17.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.15.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.14.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v5 to v5.2.0
* *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to c7ed783
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.11.3
* *(deps)* Update golangci/golangci-lint docker tag to v1.55.2
* *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.34.0
* *(deps)* Update lockfile
* *(deps)* Update golangci-lint rules
* *(deps)* Update sqlite bindings
* *(deps)* Update deps
### Documentation
* *(webhooks)* Add general docs about webhooks
* *(webhooks)* Add swagger docs for all webhook endpoints* Add Caddyfile to reverse proxies setup (#1580 ) ([665c046 ](665c04671739fd08e5b24e59749707ce5de83daa ))
* *(webhooks)* Add webhook config to sample config
* Add Authentik example config (#1660 ) ([4615b4d ](4615b4dbfbbf8514d9c41176e6e68a8ba3a453ce ))
* Add config guide for NGINX Proxy Manager ([a1d0541 ](a1d0541a7a6926127ba0bac4df03ce62b74f0c84 ))
* Add n8n docs ([6a7aec2 ](6a7aec2e9ded619b074ef27f360c96c313e4449c ))
* Add typesense setup ([70d1903 ](70d1903dcac67e33bdfdf54d0ba561af76dbf927 ))
* Clarify minimum required go version ([a2925cf ](a2925cf55bee4c71ac5be1bad66cb3ec2230056d ))
* Clarify required language code ([e1525fc ](e1525fca6eb5af17afa332d2c76a37b288673c5b ))
* Fix typo ([db0153a ](db0153a7213a9b0bbafb43bc2762e2060f1ec9d1 ))
### Features
* *(api tokens)* Add api token struct and migration
* *(api tokens)* Add crud routes to manage api tokens
* *(api tokens)* Add tests
* *(api tokens)* Better error message for invalid tokens
* *(api tokens)* Check for expiry date
* *(api tokens)* Check for scopes
* *(api tokens)* Check if a provided token matched a hashed on in the database
* *(api tokens)* Check permissions when saving
* *(api tokens)* Move token validation middleware to new function
* *(api tokens)* Properly hash tokens
* *(api)* Enable notifications for api token routes
* *(caldav)* Add support for subtasks (i.e. `RELATED-TO` property) in CalDAV (#1634 )
* *(cli)* Added --confirm/-c argument when deleting users to bypass prompt (#86 )
* *(docs)* Update sample config and docs about Typesense config
* *(metrics)* Add active link share logins
* *(metrics)* Add total number of attachments metric
* *(metrics)* Add total number of files metric
* *(migration)* Migration from other services now happens in the background
* *(notifications)* Add endpoint to mark all notifications as read
* *(notify)* Don't notify disabled users
* *(reminders)* Include project in reminder notification
* *(tasks)* Add periodic resync of updated tasks to Typesense
* *(tasks)* Add searching via typesense
* *(tasks)* Add typesense indexing
* *(tasks)* Allow filtering for reminders, assignees and labels with Typesense
* *(tasks)* Find tasks by their identifier when searching with Typesense
* *(tasks)* Make sorting and filtering work with Typesense
* *(tasks)* Remove deleted tasks from Typesense
* *(typesense)* Add new tasks to typesense directly when they are created
* *(webhooks)* Add basic crud actions for webhooks
* *(webhooks)* Add basic sending of webhooks
* *(webhooks)* Add created by user object when returning all webhooks
* *(webhooks)* Add event listener to send webhook payload
* *(webhooks)* Add filter based on project id
* *(webhooks)* Add hmac signing
* *(webhooks)* Add index on project id
* *(webhooks)* Add route to get all available webhook events
* *(webhooks)* Add routes
* *(webhooks)* Add setting to enable webhooks
* *(webhooks)* Add support for webhook proxy
* *(webhooks)* Add timeout config option
* *(webhooks)* Expose whether webhooks are enabled
* *(webhooks)* Prevent link shares from managing webhooks
* *(webhooks)* Register task and project events as webhook
* *(webhooks)* Set user agent header to Vikunja
* *(webhooks)* Validate events and target url* Search improvemens (#1598 ) ([6f825fa ](6f825fa4133a3200dab8a46faa2932cf5633263c ))
* Accept hex values which start with a # ([a1ea77f ](a1ea77f7519efe7696bce018814071cbabaaa62c ))
* Add demo mode flag ([97b5cd3 ](97b5cd306f44a23d5f8923b1cf750533c1ca3e10 ))
* Add setting for default bucket ([b99b323 ](b99b323c4c5a003c5b34e0196da566816469c608 ))
* Add very basic bruno collection ([7eb59f5 ](7eb59f577c32791af77770e5c4ca2e1d7c01ee04 ))
* Api tokens ([60cd125 ](60cd1250a0431f33748f83da3256f19ee8144dde ))
* Convert all markdown content to html (#1625 ) ([8a4856a ](8a4856ad8747dd590f61e80212f77fb6e41cfb4b ))
* Endpoint to get all token routes ([1ca93a6 ](1ca93a678e6d931aa3afb3aaa654763ee8304d3b ))
* Make default bucket configurable ([60bd5c8 ](60bd5c8a79af18b09cb87c650436d0eff771d670 ))
* Make unauthenticated user routes rate limit configurable ([c6c465c ](c6c465c273037fd2c1f02360e647366834ab0cde ))
* Move done bucket setting to project ([bbbb45d ](bbbb45d22461ed88d744cc1d66f74a743a51b843 ))
* Webhooks (#1624 ) ([4d9baa3 ](4d9baa38d0861c082aa21713744927d520750fd6 ))
### Miscellaneous Tasks
* *(api tokens)* Add swagger docs about api token auth
* *(api tokens)* Remove updated date from tokens as it can't be updated anyway
* *(build)* Use our own goproxy to prevent issues with packages not found
* *(caldav)* Improve trimming .ics file ending
* *(ci)* Sign drone config
* *(ci)* Use golangci-lint docker image for lint step
* *(tasks)* Better error messages when indexing tasks into Typesense
* *(test)* Add task deleted assertion to project deletion test
* *(webhooks)* Remove WebhookEvent interface
* *(webhooks)* Reuse webhook client
* *(webhooks)* Simplify registering webhook events* Remove year from copyright headers ([e518fb1 ](e518fb1191c0a21180f91bf2defcef80e26f02a7 ))
* Add pr lockdown ([0abf686 ](0abf686f6630e052c43537cfcaf7b90eebcaa910 ))
* Assume username instead of id when parsing fails for user commands (#87 ) ([137f3bc ](137f3bc151d6417ba3cc8362afec1e7457915ef5 ))
* Go mod tidy ([7c4b2c9 ](7c4b2c9b3911214d42ab9ab9a01605828013da55 ))
* Reverse the coupling of module log and config (#1606 ) ([ad04d30 ](ad04d302af94fe3cf8e5a70ebb87af9002da5610 ))
* Update contributing guidelines ([83f02b1 ](83f02b1ebc4ceda8226fb6d9c004241c0c47ae8d ))
### Other
* *(other)* [skip ci] Updated swagger docs
2023-07-07 13:34:22 +02:00
## [0.21.0] - 2023-07-07
### Bug Fixes
* *(CalDAV)* Naming
* *(api)* License (#1457 )
* *(build)* Make sure the docker image can access go tools
* *(caldav)* Do not create label if it exists by title (#1444 )
* *(caldav)* Incoming tasks do not get correct time zone (#1455 )
* *(ci)* Pipeline dependency
* *(cli)* Rename user project command
* *(docker)* Don't chown everything in Vikunja's default root folder
* *(docs)* Added Keycloak OpenID example (#1521 )
* *(docs)* Clarify error codes in swagger docs
* *(docs)* Link to usage/api
* *(docs)* Semver link (#1470 )
* *(filter)* Don't try to get the real subscription for a saved filter project
* *(filters)* Return all filters with all projects, not grouped under a pseudo project
* *(filters)* Sorting tasks from filters
* *(image)* Json type of struct property (#1469 )
* *(import)* Don't try to load a nonexistant attachment file
* *(lint)* Disable misspell linter on redoc
* *(migration)* Don't try to fetch task details of tasks whose projects are deleted
* *(migration)* Enable insert from structure work recursively
* *(migration)* Make file migration work with new structure
* *(migration)* Remove unused is_deleted flag from Todoist api response
* *(migration)* Remove wunderlist leftovers
* *(migration)* Remove wunderlist leftovers
* *(migration)* Remove wunderlist leftovers
* *(migration)* Rename TickTick migration
* *(migration)* Revert wrongly changed url
* *(migration)* Use correct struct
* *(project)* Don't allow un-archiving a project when its parent project is archived
* *(project)* Don't check for namespaces in overdue reminders
* *(project)* Duplicate project into parent project
* *(project)* Recursively get all users from all parent projects
* *(project)* Remove comments, clarifications, notifications about namespaces
* *(project)* Remove namespaces checks
* *(project)* Remove namespaces from creating projects
* *(project)* Remove namespaces from getting projects
* *(projects)* Delete project in the correct order
* *(projects)* Don't allow making a project child of itself
* *(projects)* Don't check if new projects are archived
* *(projects)* Don't fail to fetch a task if there's a broken subscription record associated to it
* *(projects)* Don't return child projects twice
* *(projects)* Don't try to share for nonexisting namespace
* *(projects)* Permission check now works
* *(projects)* Properly check if a user or link share is allowed to create a new project
* *(projects)* Recalculate project's position after dragging when position would be 0
* *(projects)* Reset pagination limit when fetching subprojects
* *(projects)* Return subprojects which were shared from another user
* *(saved filters)* Don't let query parameters override saved sorting parameters
* *(spelling)* In config sample (#1489 )
* *(task)* Don't build partial task identifier
* *(task)* Don't try to return a project identifier if there is no project
* *(tasks)* Don't check for namespaces in filters
* *(tasks)* Get all tasks from parent projects
* *(tasks)* Make sure task deleted notification actually has information about the deleted task
* *(tasks)* Read all tests
* *(tasks)* Return a correct task identifier if the list does not have a good one set
* *(tasks)* Sql for overdue reminders
* *(tasks)* Task relation test
* *(test)* Adjust fixture bucket and list ids
* *(test)* Adjust fixture id
* *(test)* Fixtures
* *(test)* Use correct filter id
* *(tests)* Adjust parent projects
* *(tests)* Make the tests compile again
* *(tests)* Permission tests for parent projects
* *(tests)* Subscription test fixtures
* *(tests)* Task collection fixtures
* *(tests)* Task permissions from parents
* Accept for migrations ([8edbca3 ](8edbca39cf9d771645d6feb05ee94eebc6403cbf ))
* Add missing error code ([f2d943f ](f2d943f5c4f1b13ef565692b893da05c6669c6d0 ))
* Add missing license header ([f4e12da ](f4e12dab273474c0eb27f59c00faa828bb86522c ))
* Align "ID" param for Delete and Update method of Task model ([b6d5605 ](b6d5605ef6b2799f939d016b1572b3d43e857d4d ))
* Align "otherTaskID" param for Delete method of TaskRelation model ([ac377a7 ](ac377a7a5d708ef7543d99f716ceaa1ee8502649 ))
* Align namespaceID param ([7ada82e ](7ada82ea926556ae39d106dc85d5a05f3c1c8cd3 ))
* Align task ID param ([f76bb2b ](f76bb2b4a9c8a3b53bc73d0913ba94bba350f5da ))
* Check if usernames contain spaces when creating a new user ([672fb35 ](672fb35bcbb47e4c0331813aa837fee28f372471 ))
* Compile errors ([a21bff3 ](a21bff3ffb8497d6e1b6c3bb50d9a9b2469f4eb0 ))
* Correctly pass unix socket to xorm ([7ad256f ](7ad256f6cd3e15aeafce2bc29c28c458c3abdc0a ))
* Docs auth openID method ([4f7d69a ](4f7d69a108a2836e90b3c7ffe7f05247d80bfb85 ))
* Don't get favorite task projects filter multiple times ([a51bbd1 ](a51bbd1159fb1ada5980a5b27972ccf1404641af ))
* Don't send bad request errors to sentry ([c0c523f ](c0c523f0a8c83eb164febbc508ac98142d572d7a ))
* Don't try to load subscriptions for nonexistent projects ([b519462 ](b5194624e021360ccdec20cb58bba57c23028c3f ))
* Fetch all tasks for all projects ([353279c ](353279cbff8fd6fa6b1bb81a8726a7a5a1b6b623 ))
* ILIKE helper ([dff4e01 ](dff4e01327907d42bf0b20a20912e5e9c69dd23e ))
* Lint ([50c922b ](50c922b7d1135b8f75478b89502fe0bb4c39547f ))
* Lint ([ad06903 ](ad0690369f39dab3683ac5ef7664bd765fa1cb18 ))
* Lint ([e17b63b ](e17b63b9201889946e91e7e295f31a80055c6ae4 ))
* Lint ([ef779e8 ](ef779e8730af169101bf1ebffb8d2522e5c6b7bc ))
* Lint ([f0dcce7 ](f0dcce702f03f237ecde107a7ba62f61e2c3e313 ))
* Lint config ([9111db2 ](9111db2a16df6a4eec9e3cc2021bc6fdcace9ead ))
* Lint errors ([ebc3dd2 ](ebc3dd2b3e72f56880320480829aead1bf554f67 ))
* Make it compile again ([d79c393 ](d79c393e5b4e880b8b09ce5944e8247ae07c4d58 ))
* Make sure Vikunja is buildable without swagger docs present ([47e4223 ](47e42238ef47ad6e4e90284593aae278e77c8631 ))
* Make sure projects are correctly sorted ([db3c7aa ](db3c7aa8b04e828fafdf10bcfd5bde8cf19e6f10 ))
* Provide a proper error message when viewing a link share with an invalid token ([aa43127 ](aa43127e52aeb7412b13b4aaab091442dad534db ))
* Reminder fixture ([4b00f22 ](4b00f224d92f0c6933f6cba14433538d64545eca ))
* Remove old saved openid provider settings from cache when starting Vikunja ([9bf535d ](9bf535d06f5b9bb455979b0bf3b6f0942daa1c9e ))
* Rename after rebase ([e93a5ff ](e93a5ff11fee7adac2897b3251db7abbbad4bcc5 ))
* Rename incorrectly named ProjectUsers method ([7e53a21 ](7e53a214070ee9b48fdffffcc42de9250c323e96 ))
* Rename project receiver variable ([f1cbe50 ](f1cbe50605b46e506c3233cc8da4b325f5727c87 ))
* Spelling ([fc2cc4a ](fc2cc4a1555ca7e63ff902cde62380035a60ebb8 ))
* Test fixtures ([06f1d2e ](06f1d2e91237195f8e720d4dd55b491b91e6547d ))
* Test import ([fb818ea ](fb818ea1867f8db813ff52622695fd206c21452e ))
* Trello import tests ([61a3380 ](61a3380a9482312eac56f4cfd436517205f601aa ))
* Typo ([4c698dc ](4c698dc7c71418239e24b1756604371dcb6a2f74 ))
* Typo in email template ([2dad404 ](2dad4042170677af3db7be85cbe978ce6be721aa ))
* Update redoc ([8916de0 ](8916de03666482c2319689e950d30a6fb737f239 ))
* Update xgo in dockerfile to 1.20.2 ([33f0d0f ](33f0d0f85a7fdfd509bc8a4aad26df95c064468c ))
* Upgrade jwt v5 ([359d051 ](359d0512cc7e73cdde9d4dd145332591c6743d11 ))
* Use rewrite when hosting frontend files via the api ([b56e45d ](b56e45d74389d38c747887d3cb2a2b295bb549c7 ))
* Users_lists name in migration ([0a3fdc0 ](0a3fdc0344790f059140d8e482b028ffecdb3e4b ))
* Using mysql via a socket ([0a6bbc2 ](0a6bbc2efd6bb4468c72cff2a70cd29350a50b75 ))
### Dependencies
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/imdario/mergo to v0.3.14
* *(deps)* Update github.com/arran4/golang-ical digest to 19abf92
* *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.27.1 (#1438 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/swaggo/swag to v1.8.11
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/imdario/mergo to v0.3.15 (#1443 )
* *(deps)* Update golangci-lint to 1.52.1
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.9
* *(deps)* Update github.com/gocarina/gocsv digest to 9a18a84
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/swaggo/swag to v1.8.12
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.20.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 to v9.0.3
* *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.28.0 (#1475 )
* *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to bff48e4 (#1474 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sys to v0.7.0
* *(deps)* Update github.com/gocarina/gocsv digest to 6445c2b
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.7.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/cobra to v1.7.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.7.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.7.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.8.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.15.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/lib/pq to v1.10.8
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql to v1.7.1
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/lib/pq to v1.10.9
* *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to e65295a
* *(deps)* Update github.com/arran4/golang-ical digest to f69e132
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 to v9.0.4
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/go-testfixtures/testfixtures/v3 to v3.9.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.15.1
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.8.0
* *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to 52d704d
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/swaggo/swag to v1.16.1
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sync to v0.2.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.21.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.8.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.9.0
* *(deps)* Update alpine docker tag to v3.18
* *(deps)* Update github.com/gocarina/gocsv digest to 7f30c79
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/magefile/mage to v1.15.0
* *(deps)* Update github.com/gocarina/gocsv digest to 9ddd7fd
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3 to v3.6.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/stretchr/testify to v1.8.3
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo-jwt/v4 to v4.2.0
* *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.29.0 (#1528 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/ulule/limiter/v3 to v3.11.2
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 to v9.0.5
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/imdario/mergo to v0.3.16
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/stretchr/testify to v1.8.4
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/viper to v1.16.0
* *(deps)* Update github.com/vectordotdev/go-datemath digest to 640a500 (#1532 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 to v1.14.17
* *(deps)* Update klakegg/hugo docker tag to v0.110.0 (#1538 )
* *(deps)* Update golangci
* *(deps)* Update klakegg/hugo docker tag to v0.111.0 (#1539 )
* *(deps)* Update klakegg/hugo docker tag to v0.111.3 (#1542 )
* *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to 494bc06
* *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.30.1 (#1540 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sys to v0.9.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.9.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.8.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.10.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.9.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sync to v0.3.0
* *(deps)* Update github.com/gocarina/gocsv digest to 2696de6
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.16.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.22.0
* *(deps)* Update github.com/gocarina/gocsv digest to 99d496c
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/imdario/mergo to v1 (#1559 )
* *(deps)* Update github.com/dustinkirkland/golang-petname digest to e794b93
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sys to v0.10.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.9.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.10.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.11.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.10.0
### Documentation
* Add docs for installing with sqlite in docker (#70 ) ([a16fd67 ](a16fd67b51c02e09ef6709bee9ad2b341d80cd73 ))
* Add information about our Helm Chart ([22f89c1 ](22f89c1ccc3a281a75db9e42702604f88eb0568b ))
* Fix menu links ([1f13b5d ](1f13b5d7b4041042ea3b26ac2a850784b11ac377 ))
* Remove all traces of namespaces ([3b0935d ](3b0935d033c6b5060f18e955acf4a647eb10721b ))
* Remove outdated information ([327bb3b ](327bb3bed99e0a4c5664251e3af15accf1a13062 ))
* Update error references to list ([259cf7d ](259cf7d25bbb7a289fe9569c81c6f7d3855543bf ))
* Update prometheus docs for clarity (#1458 )
* Update references to list ([8dc6c95 ](8dc6c95333b38eb83c8053c628d05599e79dd27e ))
### Features
* *(caldav)* Sync Reminders / VALARM (#1415 )
* *(docs)* Change order of sections in nav (#1471 )
* *(docs)* Various improvements
* *(kanban)* Return the total task count per bucket
* *(migration)* Ignore namespace changes
* *(migration)* Use new structure for migration
* *(projects)* Add parent project, migrate namespaces
* *(projects)* Check all parent projects for permissions
* *(projects)* Check parent project when checking archived status
* *(projects)* Cleanup namespace leftovers
* *(projects)* Don't allow deleting or archiving the default project
* *(projects)* Get all projects recursively
* *(projects)* Remove namespaces
* *(projects)* Return a favorites pseudo project when the user has favorite tasks
* *(subscriptions)* Make sure all subscriptions are inherited properly
* *(users)* Don't hide user email if it was the search request* Rename lists to projects ([349e6a5 ](349e6a59050a0beba82a7f626c2f72f6b8c88dde ))
* Add logging options to mailer settings ([9590b82 ](9590b82c11852666524eeab562988226574a1b1c ))
* Add relative Reminders (#1427 ) ([3f5252d ](3f5252dc24a3dea89b2e049ccb1f9d0a59a89a88 ))
* Add token example ([4417223 ](441722372af3349b677dc013b1863e678b0e7158 ))
* Allow saving frontend settings via api ([04e2c51 ](04e2c51fac24a045abe1a85c8b661b6bc628686c ))
* Allow to find users with access to a project more freely ([a7231e1 ](a7231e197e3d86d3ef27fad89ae60863d25b5df0 ))
* Check for cycles when creating or updating a project's parent ([9011894 ](9011894a2975d9d112dc3db453739e13261c0716 ))
* Generate swagger docs at build time ([efa24ce ](efa24cec44865c5a8ab42a106deeb331ad1bed91 ))
* Improve relation kinds docs ([b826c13 ](b826c13f385b24ed1b33b8890cc5cdd5fe8b8f22 ))
* Make the new inbox project the default ([0110f93 ](0110f933134af0460d9fed9d652148c98e94b6cd ))
* Migrate lists to projects in db identifiers ([2fba7bd ](2fba7bdf02983e5cf7def09803def4cbf830f53b ))
* Remove ChildProjects project property ([edcb806 ](edcb806421c2181a8b85aed5b53e8da6350b9630 ))
* Remove namespaces, make projects infinitely nestable (#1362 ) ([82beb3b ](82beb3bf671ca0670b714160f0b4d9c186dfe120 ))
* Rename all list files ([8f4abd2 ](8f4abd2fe86e7a23d80bc5ebc4fc1ae75e1b78fb ))
* Rename lists to projects ([47c2da7 ](47c2da7f1856e95956cdb968fa95295d3441a9f6 ))
* Rename lists to projects ([96a0f5e ](96a0f5e169c9e8f8d20e3fe1d9de5eecead53ac9 ))
* Rename lists to projects ([fc73c84 ](fc73c84bf2b9a7cbd2f6cbd2a83ea9ccc3fd58fd ))
* Rename lists to projects everywhere (#1318 ) ([869d4a3 ](869d4a336cb122df894acf040e02b6b2ba786fdb ))
### Miscellaneous Tasks
* *(changelog)* Fix spelling
* *(docs)* Add info about `/buckets` sorting
* *(docs)* Move login and register routes to auth category in api docs
* *(docs)* Update error docs
* *(docs)* Update list -> project
* *(docs/translation)* Remove mention of weblate
* *(export)* Remove unused events
* *(project)* Fmt
* *(projects)* use a slice again ([3e8d1b3 ](3e8d1b3667ccfb2960650a4506771ec3c9b3a970 ))
* *(test)* Show table content when db assertion failed
* Cleanup ([7a9611c ](7a9611c2daa41ec2da135a2a4e804551e4ab8ff2 ))
* Disable false-positive linter for generated docs ([076e857 ](076e857507a4cf59e0b0399a2e51a8d8baa03065 ))
* Fix comment url ([5856f21 ](5856f21f31fe7b81e7ffd203f70460785955411c ))
* Fix spelling ([cd90db3 ](cd90db3117a7fa40175ecebd3ca37cc94a46e1ee ))
* Generate swagger docs ([55410ea ](55410ea73d50f5bc124eaf411c77125024b6fefa ))
* Go mod tidy ([93056da ](93056da792dafa70f91f7d114669997b3f93f7f1 ))
* Go mod tidy ([e5dde31 ](e5dde315fb6a7163546b9f88ebafacc886744db3 ))
* Remove cache options ([d83e3a0 ](d83e3a0a037b9a4d40ce22c8c51932eb23963ac2 ))
* Remove reminderDates after frontend is migrated to reminders (#1448 ) ([4a4ba04 ](4a4ba041e0f3e9c71dd4844d5191c9cbe4e4e3b7 ))
* Rename files (fix typo) ([6aadaaa ](6aadaaaffc1fff4a94e35e8fa3f6eab397cbc3ce ))
2023-03-12 10:24:30 +01:00
## [0.20.4] - 2023-03-12
### Bug Fixes
* *(docker)* Allow non-unique group id
### Documentation
* Add link to tutorial for installing Vikunja on Synology ([4de0efe ](4de0efec1dd7da95dbf936728d7e23791396a63a ))
2023-03-10 14:55:01 +01:00
## [0.20.3] - 2023-03-10
### Bug Fixes
* *(build)* Downgrade xgo to 1.19.2 so that builds work again
* *(caldav)* Add Z suffix to dates make it clear dates are in UTC
* *(caldav)* Use const for repeat modes
* *(caldav)* Make sure only labels where the user has permission to use them are used
* *(ci)* Pipeline dependency
* *(ci)* Pin nfpm container version and binary location
* *(ci)* Set release path to /source
* *(ci)* Tagging logic for release docker images
* *(ci)* Save generated .tags file to correctly tag docker releases
* *(ci)* Sign drone config
* *(docd)* Update Subdirectory Documentation (#1363 )
* *(docker)* Cross compilation with buildx
* *(docker)* Re-add expose
* *(docker)* Passing environment variables into the container
* *(docker)* Make sure the vikunja user always exists and only modify the uid instead of recreating the user
* *(docs)* Add docs about cli user delete
* *(docs)* Old helm charts url (#1344 )
* *(docs)* Fix a few minor typos (#59 )
* *(docs)* Fix traefik v2 example (#65 )
* *(docs)* Clarify support for caldav reccurrence
* *(drone)* Add type, fix pull, remove group (#1355 )
* *(dump)* Make sure null dates are properly set when restoring from a dump
* *(export)* Ignore file size for export files
* *(list)* Return lists for a namespace id even if that namespace is deleted
* *(list)* When list background is removed, delete file from file system and DB (#1372 )
* *(mailer)* Forcessl config (#60 )
* *(migration)* Use Todoist v9 api to migrate tasks from them
* *(migration)* Import TickTick data by column name instead of index (#1356 )
* *(migration)* Use the proper authorization method for Todoist's api, fix issues with importing deleted items
* *(migration)* Remove unused todoist parameters
* *(migration)* Todoist pagination now avoids too many loops
* *(migration)* Don't try to add nonexistent tasks as related
* *(migration)* Make sure trello checklists are properly imported
* *(reminders)* Overdue tasks join condition
* *(reminders)* Make sure an overdue reminder is sent when there is only one overdue task
* *(reminders)* Prevent duplicate reminders when updating task details
* *(restore)* Check if we're really dealing with a string
* *(task)* Make sure the task's last updated timestamp is always updated when releated entities changed
* *(task)* Correctly load tasks by id and uuid in caldav
* *(tasks)* Don't include undone overdue tasks from archived lists or namespaces in notification mails
* *(tasks)* Don't reset the kanban bucket when updating a task and not providing one
* *(tasks)* Don't set a repeating task done when moving it do the done bucket
* *(tasks)* Recalculate position of all tasks in a list or bucket when it would hit 0
* *(tasks)* Make sure tasks are sorted by position before recalculating them
* *(user)* Make reset the user's name to empty actually work
* Swagger docs ([96b5e93 ](96b5e933796275e87f3007e31db0623688dbdb3a ))
* Restore notifications table from dump when it already had the correct format ([8c67be5 ](8c67be558f697ab52740c51ab453092c0f8f7c14 ))
* Make sure labels are always exported as caldav (#1412 ) ([1afc72e ](1afc72e1906c02b093bb6d9748235b93ab0eb181 ))
* Lint ([491a142 ](491a1423788b76f236d070071cb46f5b2f5d3fd0 ))
* Lint ([20a5994 ](20a5994b1717e7751750f14a9a164825a8e6ade6 ))
* Lint ([077baba ](077baba2eaff2f10b97384f07375ece7f51ec0fa ))
* Lint ([9f14466 ](9f14466dfa8660362a4e51b3c8c6810bf8d66a22 ))
### Dependencies
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/yuin/goldmark to v1.5.3 (#1317 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.2.0 (#1315 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/afero to v1.9.3 (#1320 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.3.0 (#1321 )
* *(deps)* Update github.com/arran4/golang-ical digest to a677353 (#1323 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.5 (#1325 )
* *(deps)* Update github.com/arran4/golang-ical digest to 1093469 (#1326 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 to v4.4.3 (#1328 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql to v1.7.0 (#1332 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sys to v0.3.0 (#1333 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.3.0 (#1336 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.2.0 (#1335 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.2.0 (#1316 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.3.0 (#1337 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.16.0 (#1338 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.4.0 (#1339 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/pquerna/otp to v1.4.0 (#1341 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/swaggo/swag to v1.8.9 (#1327 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.6 (#1342 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.10.0 (#1343 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.7 (#1348 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3 to v3.5.0 (#1349 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sys to v0.4.0 (#1351 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.3.0 (#1350 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.4.0 (#1352 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.5.0 (#1353 )
* *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.23.0 (#1347 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.8 (#1357 )
* *(deps)* Update module src.techknowlogick.com/xgo to v1.6.0+1.19.5 (#1358 )
* *(deps)* Update klakegg/hugo docker tag to v0.107.0 (#1272 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.17.0 (#1361 )
* *(deps)* Update module src.techknowlogick.com/xgo to v1.7.0+1.19.5 (#1364 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/viper to v1.15.0 (#1365 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo-jwt/v4 to v4.0.1 (#1369 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.4.0 (#1354 )
* *(deps)* Update github.com/gocarina/gocsv digest to 763e25b (#1370 )
* *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.24.0 (#1367 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/swaggo/swag to v1.8.10 (#1371 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/go-redis/redis/v8 to v9 (#1377 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo-jwt/v4 to v4.1.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/ulule/limiter/v3 to v3.11.0 (#1378 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 to v9.0.2
* *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.25.0 (#1382 )
* *(deps)* Upgrade golangci-lint to 1.51.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/yuin/goldmark to v1.5.4
* *(deps)* Update module go to 1.20
* *(deps)* Update xgo to 1.20
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sys to v0.5.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.18.0 (#1386 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.5.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.6.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.5.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.4.0
* *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.26.0 (#1394 )
* *(deps)* Update github.com/arran4/golang-ical digest to 07c6aad
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/threedotslabs/watermill to v1.2.0 (#1384 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.5.0 (#1396 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/net to 0.7.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 to v4.5.0 (#1399 )
* *(deps)* Update github.com/gocarina/gocsv digest to bcce7dc
* *(deps)* Update golangci-lint to 1.51.2
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.10.1
* *(deps)* Update github.com/gocarina/gocsv digest to bee85ea
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.10.2
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/afero to v1.9.4
* *(deps)* Update github.com/gocarina/gocsv digest to dc4ee9d
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/stretchr/testify to v1.8.2
* *(deps)* Update github.com/gocarina/gocsv digest to 70c27cb
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sys to v0.6.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.6.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.7.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.6.0
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.6.0
* *(deps)* Update github.com/kolaente/caldav-go digest to 2a4eb8b
* *(deps)* Remove fsnotify replacement
* *(deps)* Update github.com/vectordotdev/go-datemath digest to f3954d0
* *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to 44f7e66
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.19.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/afero to v1.9.5
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/ulule/limiter/v3 to v3.11.1
* *(deps)* Update src.techknowlogick.com/xgo digest to b607086
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype to v1.4.2
### Features
* *(background)* Add Last-Modified header (#1376 )
* *(caldav)* Add support for repeating tasks
2023-04-11 12:07:48 +02:00
* *(caldav)* Export Labels to CalDAV (#1409 )
2023-03-10 14:55:01 +01:00
* *(caldav)* Import caldav categories as Labels (#1413 )
* *(migrators)* Remove wunderlist (#1346 )
* *(release)* Use compressed binaries for package releases
* Use docker buildx to build multiarch images ([a6e214b ](a6e214b654f28836cc8b93683dbfd5999282d11c ))
* Provide logout url for openid providers (#1340 ) ([a79b1de ](a79b1de2d0247a424f49cecaa267d30e8fa70a83 ))
* Refactored Dockerfile (#1375 ) ([522bf7d ](522bf7d2fc3cc1704f58299b6435baccc7add533 ))
* Disable events log by default ([da9d25c ](da9d25cf727c56acd7394b4b74e17a2959ee5242 ))
- **BREAKING**: events log level is now off unless explicitly enabled
### Miscellaneous Tasks
* *(docs)* Adjust docs about frontend docker container
* *(docs)* Remove sponsors
* *(task)* Add test to check if a task's reminders are duplicated
* Remove custom gitea bug template in favor of githubs ([4fa45bf ](4fa45bf9dcbaa8a41a53fc2305c4c2c1aa15691c ))
* 0.20.2 release preperations ([d19fc80 ](d19fc80b8be08673136d84e10187cadb293822bf ))
* Update funding links ([aa25ccd ](aa25ccdc917684583a9bff4b7cb272004386f0fa ))
### Other
* *(other)* Added Google & Google Workspace to OpenId examples (#1319 )
2023-01-24 17:12:59 +01:00
## [0.20.2] - 2023-01-24
### Bug Fixes
* *(build)* Downgrade xgo to 1.19.2 so that builds work again
* *(caldav)* Add Z suffix to dates make it clear dates are in UTC
* *(caldav)* Use const for repeat modes
* *(ci)* Pipeline dependency
* *(ci)* Pin nfpm container version and binary location
* *(ci)* Set release path to /source
* *(ci)* Tagging logic for release docker images
* *(docs)* Add docs about cli user delete
* *(docs)* Old helm charts url (#1344 )
* *(docs)* Fix a few minor typos (#59 )
* *(drone)* Add type, fix pull, remove group (#1355 )
* *(dump)* Make sure null dates are properly set when restoring from a dump
* *(export)* Ignore file size for export files
* *(list)* Return lists for a namespace id even if that namespace is deleted
* *(mailer)* Forcessl config (#60 )
* *(migration)* Use Todoist v9 api to migrate tasks from them
* *(migration)* Import TickTick data by column name instead of index (#1356 )
* *(migration)* Use the proper authorization method for Todoist's api, fix issues with importing deleted items
* *(reminders)* Overdue tasks join condition
* *(reminders)* Make sure an overdue reminder is sent when there is only one overdue task
* *(reminders)* Prevent duplicate reminders when updating task details
* *(restore)* Check if we're really dealing with a string
* *(tasks)* Don't include undone overdue tasks from archived lists or namespaces in notification mails
* *(tasks)* Don't reset the kanban bucket when updating a task and not providing one
* *(tasks)* Don't set a repeating task done when moving it do the done bucket
* *(user)* Make reset the user's name to empty actually work* Swagger docs ([41c9e3f ](41c9e3f9a47280887b56941280904aea6ef31f85 ))
* Restore notifications table from dump when it already had the correct format ([15811fd ](15811fd4d4485cd25cf8d2f8fdd04ebfea8e6663 ))
### Dependencies
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/yuin/goldmark to v1.5.3 (#1317 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.2.0 (#1315 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/afero to v1.9.3 (#1320 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.3.0 (#1321 )
* *(deps)* Update github.com/arran4/golang-ical digest to a677353 (#1323 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.5 (#1325 )
* *(deps)* Update github.com/arran4/golang-ical digest to 1093469 (#1326 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 to v4.4.3 (#1328 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql to v1.7.0 (#1332 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sys to v0.3.0 (#1333 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.3.0 (#1336 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.2.0 (#1335 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.2.0 (#1316 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.3.0 (#1337 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.16.0 (#1338 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.4.0 (#1339 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/pquerna/otp to v1.4.0 (#1341 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/swaggo/swag to v1.8.9 (#1327 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.6 (#1342 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.10.0 (#1343 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.7 (#1348 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3 to v3.5.0 (#1349 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sys to v0.4.0 (#1351 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.3.0 (#1350 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.4.0 (#1352 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.5.0 (#1353 )
* *(deps)* Update goreleaser/nfpm docker tag to v2.23.0 (#1347 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.8 (#1357 )
* *(deps)* Update module src.techknowlogick.com/xgo to v1.6.0+1.19.5 (#1358 )
* *(deps)* Update klakegg/hugo docker tag to v0.107.0 (#1272 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.17.0 (#1361 )
* *(deps)* Update module src.techknowlogick.com/xgo to v1.7.0+1.19.5 (#1364 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/viper to v1.15.0 (#1365 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo-jwt/v4 to v4.0.1 (#1369 )
### Features
* *(migrators)* Remove wunderlist (#1346 )
* *(release)* Use compressed binaries for package releases
* Use docker buildx to build multiarch images ([9bd6795 ](9bd6795266fd54ae42664c20ed7633ac7daf6199 ))
### Miscellaneous Tasks
* Remove custom gitea bug template in favor of githubs ([7b1e1c7 ](7b1e1c79e358f3fcecb217259491f016402cdcc7 ))
### Other
* *(other)* Added Google & Google Workspace to OpenId examples (#1319 )
2022-11-11 11:59:49 +01:00
## [0.20.1] - 2022-11-11
### Bug Fixes
* *(docs)* Add explanation on how to run the cli in docker
* *(filter)* Also check for 0 values if the filter should include nulls
* *(filter)* Only check for 0 values in filter fields with numeric values
* *(filters)* Try to parse date filter fields of the provided dates are not valid iso dates
* *(filters)* Try parsing dates without time
* *(filters)* Try parsing invalid dates like 2022-11-1
* *(metrics)* Make currently active users actually work
* *(task)* Duplicate reminders when adding different ones between winter / summer time
* *(tasks)* Allow sorting by task index* Make sure task indexes are calculated correctly when moving tasks between lists ([c495096 ](c4950964443a9bffc4cdd8fc25004ad951520f20 ))
* Look for the default bucket based on the position instead of the index ([622f2f0 ](622f2f0562bd8e3a5c97ec0b001c646a33a86c2b ))
* Usage with postgres over unix socket (#1308 ) ([641a9da ](641a9da93d24a18d6cbad2929eea1be6c1e0d0b2 ))
### Dependencies
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.13.1 (#1307 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/viper to v1.14.0 (#1309 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sys to v0.2.0 (#1311 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/term to v0.2.0 (#1312 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.14.0 (#1313 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.15.0 (#1314 )
### Features
* *(docs)* Add relase checklist
### Other
* *(other)* Nessecary is a common misspelling of necessary (#1304 )
2022-10-28 12:24:01 +02:00
## [0.20.0] - 2022-10-28
### Bug Fixes
* *(caldav)* Make sure duration and due date follow rfc5545
* *(caldav)* No failed login emails for tokens (#1252 )
* *(ci)* Make sure release zip files have a .zip ending
* *(ci)* Make sure release os packages are properly named
* *(docs)* Clarify using port 25 as mail port when mail does not work
* *(docs)* Document pnpm instead of yarn
* *(docs)* Fix redirect_url example (#50 )
* *(lists)* Return correct max right for lists where the user has created the namespace
* *(mail)* Pass mail server timeout (#1253 )
* *(migration)* Properly parse duration
* *(migration)* Expose ticktick migrator to /info
* *(migration)* Make sure importing works when the csv file has errors and don't try to parse empty values as dates
* *(namespaces)* Add list subscriptions (#1254 )
* *(todoist)* Properly import all done tasks* Properly log extra message ([c194797 ](c19479757a20d72484b4e071b45055746ff2b67e ))
* Don't try to compress riscv64 binaries in releases ([d8f387f ](d8f387f7967ffb94035de2fcfc4578247ae1023e ))
* Preserve dates for repeating tasks (#47 ) ([090c671 ](090c67138a16258480b866b05c6fdc2e02d12c89 ))
* Tasks with the same assignee as doer should not appear twice in overdue task mails ([45defeb ](45defebcf435cade4b72763236e1e2dfdac770cc ))
* Don't allow setting a list namespace to 0 ([96ed1e3 ](96ed1e33e38beec1bb1ab0813074b035dd02fade ))
* Make sure pseudo namespaces and lists always have the current user as owner ([878d19b ](878d19beb81869392e33a8ffc1ec247d1cf1e4d6 ))
* Use connection string for postgres ([fcb205a ](fcb205a842a4e828e6e933339b23f5aa8b297125 ))
* Make sure user searches are always case-insensitive ([c076f73 ](c076f73a87bc9b39b17389e25d0186ab71aa24bf ))
* Make cover image id actually updatable ([0e1904d ](0e1904d50b8576a2e9ea5812314aa3c8f304edb5 ))
* Make cover image id actually updatable ([0eb4709 ](0eb47096db02ceb5032c7439b3b901fbadd0d1bb ))
* Make sure a user can only be assigned once to a task ([008908e ](008908eb49eeb50a554c416422feb3b465efa165 ))
* Make sure list subscriptions are set correctly when their namespace has a subscription already ([2fc690a ](2fc690a783f5b702fad71da627aa616017727f56 ))
### Dependencies
* *(deps)* Update klakegg/hugo docker tag to v0.101.0
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sync digest to 8fcdb60
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/oauth2 digest to f213421
* *(deps)* Update module src.techknowlogick.com/xgo to v1.5.0+1.19
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3 to v3.4.0
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/image digest to e7cb969
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/term digest to 7a66f97
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/lib/pq to v1.10.7
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/viper to v1.13.0 (#1260 )
* *(deps)* Update dependency golang to v1.19 (#1228 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.2.8 (#1258 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/yuin/goldmark to v1.5.2 (#1261 )
* *(deps)* Update module src.techknowlogick.com/xormigrate to v1.5.0 (#1262 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/magefile/mage to v1.14.0 (#1259 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/swaggo/swag to v1.8.6 (#1243 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.2.9 (#1264 )
* *(deps)* Update dependency klakegg/hugo to v0.102.3 (#1265 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/getsentry/sentry-go to v0.14.0 (#1266 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/gommon to v0.4.0 (#1269 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/crypto digest to 4161e89 (#1268 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/oauth2 digest to b44042a (#1270 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys digest to 84dc82d (#1271 )
* *(deps)* Update dependency klakegg/hugo to v0.104.2 (#1267 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/crypto digest to d6f0a8c (#1275 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys digest to 090e330 (#1276 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/cobra to v1.6.0 (#1277 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.0 (#1278 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/crypto digest to 56aed06 (#1280 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/text to v0.3.8
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.1 (#1281 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.9.1 (#1282 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys digest to 95e765b (#1283 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/oauth2 digest to 6fdb5e3 (#1284 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/image digest to ffcb3fe (#1288 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/sync to v0.1.0 (#1291 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/swaggo/swag to v1.8.7 (#1290 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/term digest to 8365914 (#1289 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/coreos/go-systemd/v22 to v22.4.0 (#1287 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/oauth2 to v0.1.0 (#1296 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.1.0 (#1295 )
* *(deps)* Update module golang.org/x/image to v0.1.0 (#1293 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.2 (#1297 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/stretchr/testify to v1.8.1 (#1298 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/cobra to v1.6.1 (#1299 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.3 (#1300 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.3.4 (#1302 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 to v1.14.16 (#1301 )
### Features
* *(docs)* Add docs about how to deploy Vikunja in a subdirectory
* *(docs)* Document pnpm (#1251 )
* *(migration)* Add TickTick migrator
* *(migration)* Add routes for TickTick migrator
* *(migration)* Generate swagger docs
* *(task)* Add cover image attachment id property
* *(task)* Add cover image attachment id property (#1263 )* Add sponsor to readme (relm) ([f814dd0 ](f814dd03eb7f1ae08ea67ae0e3e89b8b4e684ce3 ))
* Upgrade xorm ([b1fd13b ](b1fd13bbcbc551d1bbfe78d91fe6209369709df5 ))
* Upgrade xorm ([4323803 ](4323803fd6801e21121eac0d9f9cd62879f090f7 ))
* Upgrade xorm (#1197 ) ([5341918 ](53419180be386d675b4513e7ec70aca85b5ac99b ))
* Add github issue templates ([9c4bb5a ](9c4bb5a24429dec686e3ccdcd2b920ce5528031c ))
* Remove gitea issue template so that only the form is used ([ce621ee ](ce621ee5d6b47a0776628073bbd53312a97d116b ))
* Add gitea issue template ([0612f4d ](0612f4d0e03fbe85018f51056c4833557e78cd3f ))
* Provide default user settings for new users via config ([5a40100 ](5a40100ac5be33d2cbce3c25e355d4036b9b4d3f ))
* Add proper checks and errors to see if an attachment belongs to the task it's being used as cover image in ([631a265 ](631a265d2de9a6196faf28574023fc3cdcc0bfc7 ))
* Allow a user to remove themselves from a team ([b8769c7 ](b8769c746ceddc9818f91d6a8a404293ea2e837e ))
* TickTick migrator (#1273 ) ([df2e36c ](df2e36c2a378d4bd1b81d959da180b6e9b9a37b9 ))
### Miscellaneous Tasks
* Upgrade echo ([86ee827 ](86ee8273bce36c7b4767a34e0d878d63b37ea1b4 ))
* Go mod tidy ([903b8ff ](903b8ff43871234f41f706d571ee2caaba5f4232 ))
* Generate swagger docs ([e113fe3 ](e113fe34d074f698f4b0cb237821f359976daa5c ))
* Remove unused dependencies ([f5fd849 ](f5fd849a0b93ff3bba53ac4907bb3fb04fa8692b ))
2022-08-17 17:04:47 +02:00
## [0.19.2] - 2022-08-17
### Bug Fixes
* Don't fail a migration if there is no filter saved ([10ded56 ](10ded56f6697ef47910ec68d37f26ed47cbe9180 ))
* Don't override saved filters ([beb4d07 ](beb4d07cf95fc25f7cc5f7471b46bdab49f95fe0 ))
2022-08-17 10:20:20 +02:00
## [0.19.1] - 2022-08-17
### Bug Fixes
* Prevent moving a list into a pseudo namespace ([3ccc636 ](3ccc6365a6892f37ee54b0750a34a61e52f6dba1 ))
* Make sure generating blur hashes for bmp, tiff and webp images works ([8bf0f8b ](8bf0f8bb571ddff69a7142be1acaa2e4e0c38e3b ))
* Add debian-based docker image for arm 32 builds ([c9e044b ](c9e044b3ad60d25e9641d22d84571a7db83a26ac ))
* Only list all users when allowed ([9ddd7f4 ](9ddd7f48895f508539d591aeebde450a86987024 ))
* Lint ([0c8bed4 ](0c8bed4054649de8510e5a636d1a14b65d52c402 ))
### Dependencies
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys digest to 6e608f9 (#1229 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sync digest to 886fb93 (#1221 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys digest to 8e32c04 (#1230 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/term digest to a9ba230 (#1222 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.13.0
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.13.0 (#1231 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys digest to 1c4a2a7
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/oauth2 digest to 128564f (#1220 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/image digest to 062f8c9 (#1219 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/crypto digest to 630584e (#1218 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.8.0 (#1233 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys digest to fbc7d0a (#1234 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/wneessen/go-mail to v0.2.6 (#1235 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 to v1.14.15 (#1238 )
### Features
* *(docs)* Add k8s docs* Add openid examples ([dbb0f54 ](dbb0f5473269fb29c4a484cd233a5b76484c4ca7 ))
* Search by assignee username instead of id ([7f28865 ](7f28865903740d6dde15ee005323fbdee3072166 ))
* Add migration to change user ids to usernames in saved filters ([3047ccf ](3047ccfd4af8fee55d9ebff49138911ab80cb3d2 ))
2022-08-03 20:06:53 +02:00
## [0.19.0] - 2022-08-03
### Bug Fixes
* *(caldav)* Make sure the caldav tokens of non-local accounts are properly checked
* *(caldav)* Properly parse durations when returning VTODOs
* *(caldav)* Make sure description is parsed correctly when multiline
* *(ci)* Sign drone config
* *(ci)* Make sure the linter actually runs
* *(ci)* Install git in lint step
* *(docker)* Switch to debian base image
* *(docker)* Use official go image instead of our own to build
* *(docs)* Update minimum required go version
* *(docs)* Use up-to-date hugo image for building
* *(docs)* Don't use cannonify url
* *(docs)* Image urls in synology setup explanation
* *(docs)* Clarify frontend requirements to use Vikunja
* *(dump)* Don't try to save a config file if none was provided and dump vikunja env variables
* *(mage)* Handle different types of errors
* *(mail)* Don't set a username by default
* *(mail)* Don't try to authenticate against the mail server when no credentials are provided
* *(mail)* Set server name in tls config so that sending mail works with skipTlsVerify set to false
* *(restore)* Properly decode notifications json data
* *(restore)* Make sure to reset sequences after importing a dump when using postgres
* *(restore)* Use the correct initial migration* Generate swagger docs ([4de8ec5 ](4de8ec56a62caef22c2061376383de1fe53ca4c3 ))
* Make sure the full task is available in notifications ([c2b6119 ](c2b6119434e6e806785d2c259c3ca3d25496ec75 ))
* Don't try to load the namespace of a list if it is a shared list ([d7e47a2 ](d7e47a28d4bb04d4c7c3ed85a263134180da447a ))
* Correctly load and pass the user when deleting it ([50b65a5 ](50b65a517da6869dc6a48fec40323e254ba4c032 ))
* Updating a list might remove its background ([cf05de1 ](cf05de19b317bd99c30de4c6a149a0d8a4ff4f49 ))
* Sorting for saved filters ([57e5d10 ](57e5d10eee4c45a04e9e1aaeaf41dd44eb8ce788 ))
* Importing trello attachments ([c3e0e64 ](c3e0e6405a634894a30dbf9c0506d1691ae4d443 ))
* Lint ([0b77625 ](0b7762590f6a0a82090ef74e9e7e32b37142d343 ))
* Deleting users with no namespaces ([f8a0a7e ](f8a0a7e9539a44b2f790a08eb1b03028b56eaac3 ))
* Importing tasks from todoist without a due time set ([fd0d462 ](fd0d462bf4dd8225c67ba34958e5148f6167d264 ))
* User deletion never happens ([72d3c54 ](72d3c54efd3dda6ae846a069415688391cb1c9ae ))
* User deletion reminder emails counting up ([f581885 ](f581885e65ada15439ec02f1d18d825b03581523 ))
* User not actually deleted ([70e005e ](70e005e7ce5cf1dd25ec9ddfde3cfbbd258fadb6 ))
* User deletion schedule ([5c88dfe ](5c88dfe88eab442724f22c3b29741e78939deae2 ))
* Friendly name not getting synced on first login from openid ([190a9f2 ](190a9f2a4c1a59bc68b839c465bb2536532c0e96 ))
* Importing archived lists or namespaces ([8bb3f8d ](8bb3f8d37c78dc704ff4316c750e143528151b48 ))
* Lint ([a31086a ](a31086a7a9ca7723f61a826bccbea125243478f1 ))
* Microsoft todo migration not importing all tasks ([43f1daf ](43f1daf40c388a0aa40f7fd6a8db4c78308d4efd ))
* Clarify which config file is used on startup ([44aaf0a ](44aaf0a4eccebb1d1a25f5563e928bd1bb82d351 ))
* Disabling logging completely now works ([22e3f24 ](22e3f242a396aa9cf54e9426077816f97a0da36f ))
* Restoring dumps with no config file saved in them ([8bf2254 ](8bf2254f4b87446ab0a39080cb0b7d32ccec7c0a ))
* Validate email address when creating a user via cli ([75f74b4 ](75f74b429eea7ae3a75cb10def1ca658af35086a ))
* Checking for error types ([ac6818a ](ac6818a4769a162c458553944509fe64357370f9 ))
* Lint ([7fa0865 ](7fa086518800243385d8cc4696eeea9bf093e5b3 ))
* Return BlurHash in unsplash search results ([6b51fae ](6b51fae0931308464038f55b25e81e68d014c49c ))
* Go mod tidy ([e19ad11 ](e19ad1184662dc9ac9aa89a44abdffc091e2a1b8 ))
* Decoding images for blurHash generation ([d3bdafb ](d3bdafb717b1ad3e2165097ef0b0c2dd47e1502e ))
* Lint ([de97fcb ](de97fcbd121b1d56b74175fd79ef594ef34e71c8 ))
* Broken link (#27 ) ([96e519e ](96e519ea96c9537222d0b455037e11fbe9660c31 ))
* Add more methods to figure out the current binary location ([9845fcc ](9845fcc1708431f8f736d36e7e19a1067b0e0e52 ))
* Set derived default values only after reading config from file or env ([f5ebada ](f5ebada91351faf1e5602f0260908defaaabd810 ))
* Sort tasks logically and consistent across dbms (#1177 ) ([e52c45d ](e52c45d5aabb74ea7b472e8d5b44491cdd7e9489 ))
* VIKUNJA_SERVICE_JWT_SECRET should be VIKUNJA_SERVICE_JWTSECRET (#1184 ) ([172a621 ](172a6214d7c30278017129b950339c78a6ddb7bc ))
* Add missing migration ([d837f8a ](d837f8a6248b5ff2700a4bfc300d7f9d466cb918 ))
* Revert renaming Attachments to Embeds everywhere ([c62e26b ](c62e26b6fe9d9f362fcfb1df2d5664d7f6854c31 ))
* Set the correct go version in go.mod ([bc7f6a8 ](bc7f6a858693b0e61fff7d03b5c2b40b6ae1a55d ))
* Go mod tidy ([7a30294 ](7a30294407843693f6c3a7414b3b9d7093359194 ))
* Tests ([d0e09d6 ](d0e09d69d048e62ee7c5b666c2f56761b03e68e6 ))
* Go mod tidy ([951d74b ](951d74b272b1e881faa10095f47b6598bb076273 ))
* Prevent logging openid provider errors twice ([25ffa1b ](25ffa1bc2e2f1108f20b0336708d2410bb61c9e1 ))
* Remove credential escaping for postgres connections to allow for passwords with special characters ([230478a ](230478aae947c86f4c6f1f251dcb30aeb1293283 ))
* Cycles in tasks array when memory caching was enabled ([f5a4c13 ](f5a4c136fbca6fc5770476e6de8d81173f007df2 ))
* Add missing error check ([5cc4927 ](5cc4927b9ef97667bf763772beb36225fdbeded8 ))
* Properly set tls config for mailer ([5743a4a ](5743a4afe51de221beeeabe66552ae4d92eed1a6 ))
* Return 9:00 as default time for reminders if none was set ([79b3167 ](79b31673e2a79eaa124976840e85757d2bebb887 ))
* Reset id sequence when importing a dump from postgres ([0f555b7 ](0f555b7ec74ad493d2f70a4f4040db333943dc1c ))
* Add validation for negative repeat after values ([dd46174 ](dd461746a655d716ef142d96a2bcef5615de3dd9 ))
* Lint ([1feb62c ](1feb62cc458e939d46d16d24347557e7959ddfb9 ))
* Make sure to use user discoverability settings when searching list users ([382a788 ](382a7884be1f37da5c8f657c4b17316d8691dd59 ))
* Properly decode params in url ([8f27e7e ](8f27e7e619ac73716211d838f52c73d7d97aead5 ))
* Return all users on a list when no search param was provided ([c51ee94 ](c51ee94ad1d552d69c71adfc2180c7ad0d23235d ))
* Don't return email addresses from user search results ([3688bbd ](3688bbde20e989397353ea4f7e872b00a53099c2 ))
* Lint ([77fafd5 ](77fafd5dc32aee464961be40d5d0ccf82490d02a ))
* Increase test timeout ([26e2d0b ](26e2d0bddeaea902dba055baf7a4c866a44ba7f1 ))
* Switch to buster for build image ([59796fd ](59796fd4905fca74d26c5541878379cda143a30e ))
* Use our own build image as base build image ([b6d7323 ](b6d7323cdfac958c9740feba1342114ab13a0afd ))
* Use golang build image to test migrations ([84bcdbf ](84bcdbf937c3be7823fcf8d5fef52e3cbb1c9bde ))
* Switch back to alpine for everything, disable arm 32 docker builds ([7ffe9b6 ](7ffe9b625e441202a704db2774dd66fc38244c6d ))
### Dependencies
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to a851e7d (#972 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to aa78b53 (#973 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 528a39c (#974 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 437939a (#975 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/yuin/goldmark to v1.4.1 (#976 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/coreos/go-oidc/v3 to v3.1.0 (#985 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/spf13/viper to v1.9.0 (#987 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/crypto commit hash to 089bfa5 (#979 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/term commit hash to 140adaa (#983 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.6.0 (#988 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to b8560ed (#989 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 to v4.1.0 (#991 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 92d5a99 (#992 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/swaggo/swag to v1.7.3 (#990 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/echo/v4 to v4.6.1 (#993 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 1cf2251 (#994 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 39ccf1d (#995 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/term commit hash to 03fcf44 (#996 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to 6b3c2da (#1000 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 69063c4 (#1001 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype to v1.4.0 (#1004 )
* *(deps)* Update postgres docker tag to v14 (#1005 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/go-redis/redis/v8 to v8.11.4 (#1003 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 to v1.14.9 (#1008 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 9d821ac (#1009 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 0ec99a6 (#1010 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 9d61738 (#1011 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/yuin/goldmark to v1.4.2 (#1012 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 8e51046 (#1016 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to d6a326f (#1017 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/swaggo/swag to v1.7.4 (#1018 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 711f33c (#1019 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 69cdffd (#1020 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to ba495a6 (#1022 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/image commit hash to 6944b10 (#1023 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 6e78728 (#1024 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to b3129d9 (#1025 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 611d5d6 (#1026 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 39c9dd3 (#1027 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to a2f17f7 (#1028 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 4dd7244 (#1029 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to ae416a5 (#1030 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 7861aae (#1031 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/oauth2 commit hash to d3ed0bb (#1032 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/labstack/gommon to v0.3.1 (#1033 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to c75c477 (#1034 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to ebca88c (#1035 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to e0b2ad0 (#1037 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/yuin/goldmark to v1.4.3 (#1038 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/crypto commit hash to ceb1ce7 (#1041 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/lib/pq to v1.10.4 (#1040 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 51b60fd (#1042 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 99a5385 (#1043 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to f221eed (#1044 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 0c823b9 (#1045 )
* *(deps)* Update module github.com/yuin/goldmark to v1.4.4 (#1046 )
* *(deps)* Update golang.org/x/sys commit hash to 0a5406a (#1048 )