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This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "رابط", "image": "صورة", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "مسطرة أفقية", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "جنباً إلى جنب", + "guide": "دليل الاستخدام", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "مسطرة أفقية", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "جنباً إلى جنب", - "guide": "دليل الاستخدام", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "تم بنجاح وضع علامة مكتملة على المهمة.", "undoneSuccess": "تم بنجاح إلغاء وضع علامة مكتملة على المهمة.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "تراجع", "openDetail": "فتح طريقة عرض تفاصيل المهمة", "checklistTotal": "{checked} من {total} مهمة", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ca-ES.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ca-ES.json index e0d09266d..a413b99c5 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ca-ES.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ca-ES.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Image", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Side By Side", + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Guide", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.", "undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Undo", "openDetail": "Open task detail view", "checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/cs-CZ.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/cs-CZ.json index c71db3101..1e7356a1d 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/cs-CZ.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/cs-CZ.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Zadejte prosím název.", "delete": "Odstranit tento pohled", "deleteText": "Jste si jisti, že chcete odstranit tento pohled? Nebude již možné jej použít k zobrazení úkolů v tomto projektu. Tato akce neodstraní žádné úkoly. Toto nelze vrátit zpět!", - "deleteSuccess": "Pohled byl úspěšně odstraněn", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Pohledy mohou upravovat pouze správci projektu." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Pohledy mohou upravovat pouze správci projektu.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Odkaz", "image": "Obrázek", "imageTooltip": "Nahrát obrázek z vašeho počítače.", + "horizontalRule": "Vodorovná čára", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Rozdělit sekci.", + "sideBySide": "Vedle sebe", + "guide": "Průvodce", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Stačí začít psát prostý text.", + "taskList": "Seznam úkolů", + "taskListTooltip": "Sledovat úkoly se seznamem úkolů.", + "undo": "Vrátit zpět", + "redo": "Opakovat akci", + "placeholder": "Zadejte nějaký text nebo stiskněte '/' pro zobrazení více možností…", "table": { "title": "Tabulka", "insert": "Vložit tabulku", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Přepnout hlavičku", "mergeOrSplit": "Sloučit nebo rozdělit", "fixTables": "Opravit tabulky" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Vodorovná čára", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Rozdělit sekci.", - "sideBySide": "Vedle sebe", - "guide": "Průvodce", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Stačí začít psát prostý text.", - "taskList": "Seznam úkolů", - "taskListTooltip": "Sledovat úkoly se seznamem úkolů.", - "undo": "Vrátit zpět", - "redo": "Opakovat akci", - "placeholder": "Zadejte nějaký text nebo stiskněte '/' pro zobrazení více možností…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Vytvořit", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Přidat připomínku…", "doneSuccess": "Úkol byl úspěšně označen jako dokončený.", "undoneSuccess": "Úkol byl úspěšně znovu otevřen.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Vrátit zpět", "openDetail": "Otevřít zobrazení detailu úkolu", "checklistTotal": "{checked} z {total} úkolů", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/da-DK.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/da-DK.json index a19ffd892..822bb02db 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/da-DK.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/da-DK.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Billede", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Horisontal Linje", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Side Om Side", + "guide": "Vejledning", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horisontal Linje", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Side Om Side", - "guide": "Vejledning", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "Opgaven blev markeret som udført.", "undoneSuccess": "Opgaven fik fjernet sin udført-markering.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Undo", "openDetail": "Åbn detaljeret opgavevisning", "checklistTotal": "{checked} af {total} opgaver", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json index dabb80e21..f292232f1 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/de-DE.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Nur Projektadministrator:innen können Ansichten bearbeiten." + "deleteSuccess": "Diese Ansicht wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Nur Projektadministrator:innen können Ansichten bearbeiten.", + "updateSuccess": "Die Ansicht wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Bild", "imageTooltip": "Lade ein Bild von deinem PC hoch.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontaler Strich", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Teile einen Bereich.", + "sideBySide": "Nebeneinander", + "guide": "Hilfslinie", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Einfach einen Text tippen.", + "taskList": "Aufgabenliste", + "taskListTooltip": "Aufgaben mit einer To-do-Liste verfolgen.", + "undo": "Rückgängig", + "redo": "Wiederholen", + "placeholder": "Gib Text ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…", "table": { "title": "Tabelle", "insert": "Tabelle einfügen", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Headerzelle ein/aus", "mergeOrSplit": "Verbinden oder teilen", "fixTables": "Tabellen reparieren" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontaler Strich", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Teile einen Bereich.", - "sideBySide": "Nebeneinander", - "guide": "Hilfslinie", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Einfach einen Text tippen.", - "taskList": "Aufgabenliste", - "taskListTooltip": "Aufgaben mit einer To-do-Liste verfolgen.", - "undo": "Rückgängig", - "redo": "Wiederholen", - "placeholder": "Gib Text ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Erstellen", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Eine Erinnerung hinzufügen…", "doneSuccess": "Die Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich als erledigt markiert.", "undoneSuccess": "Die Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich als nicht-erledigt markiert.", + "revertSuccess": "Die Änderung der Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich rückgängig gemacht.", "undo": "Rückgängig", "openDetail": "Aufgabe in der Detailansicht anzeigen", "checklistTotal": "{checked} von {total} Aufgaben", @@ -883,7 +885,7 @@ "medium": "Mittel", "high": "Hoch", "urgent": "Dringend", - "doNow": "JETZT TUN" + "doNow": "JETZT ERLEDIGEN" }, "relation": { "add": "Neue Aufgabenbeziehung hinzufügen", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json index 68ba37092..8fde1efb1 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/de-swiss.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Nur Projektadministrator:innen können Ansichten bearbeiten." + "deleteSuccess": "Diese Ansicht wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Nur Projektadministrator:innen können Ansichten bearbeiten.", + "updateSuccess": "Die Ansicht wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Bild", "imageTooltip": "Lade ein Bild von deinem PC hoch.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontalä Strich", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Teile einen Bereich.", + "sideBySide": "Nebedenand", + "guide": "Hilfsliniä", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Einfach einen Text tippen.", + "taskList": "Aufgabenliste", + "taskListTooltip": "Aufgaben mit einer To-do-Liste verfolgen.", + "undo": "Rückgängig", + "redo": "Wiederholen", + "placeholder": "Gib Text ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…", "table": { "title": "Tabelle", "insert": "Tabelle einfügen", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Headerzelle ein/aus", "mergeOrSplit": "Verbinden oder teilen", "fixTables": "Tabellen reparieren" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontalä Strich", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Teile einen Bereich.", - "sideBySide": "Nebedenand", - "guide": "Hilfsliniä", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Einfach einen Text tippen.", - "taskList": "Aufgabenliste", - "taskListTooltip": "Aufgaben mit einer To-do-Liste verfolgen.", - "undo": "Rückgängig", - "redo": "Wiederholen", - "placeholder": "Gib Text ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Erstellen", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Eine Erinnerung hinzufügen…", "doneSuccess": "Die Uufgab isch erfolgriich als \"Fertig\" markiert wordä.", "undoneSuccess": "Die Uufgaab isch nüme als fertig markiert.", + "revertSuccess": "Die Änderung der Aufgabe wurde erfolgreich rückgängig gemacht.", "undo": "Rückgängig", "openDetail": "Uufgab i de Detailaahsicht öffne", "checklistTotal": "{checked} von {total} Aufgaben", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/eo-UY.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/eo-UY.json index e0d09266d..a413b99c5 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/eo-UY.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/eo-UY.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Image", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Side By Side", + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Guide", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.", "undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Undo", "openDetail": "Open task detail view", "checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json index bbcfddb05..21217898d 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/es-ES.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Enlace", "image": "Imagen", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Regla Horizontal", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "De Lado a Lado", + "guide": "Guía", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Regla Horizontal", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "De Lado a Lado", - "guide": "Guía", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "La tarea fue marcada con éxito como realizada.", "undoneSuccess": "La tarea fue marcada correctamente como incompleta.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Deshacer", "openDetail": "Abrir vista detallada de tarea", "checklistTotal": "{checked} de {total} tareas", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json index 56c6697a7..8a644138d 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/fr-FR.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Lien", "image": "Image", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Règle horizontale", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Côte à côte", + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Règle horizontale", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Côte à côte", - "guide": "Guide", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "Tâche marquée comme terminée.", "undoneSuccess": "Tâche marquée comme non terminée.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Annuler", "openDetail": "Ouvrir la vue détaillée de la tâche", "checklistTotal": "{checked} sur {total} tâches", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/hr-HR.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/hr-HR.json index 63fba729d..4273c6350 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/hr-HR.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/hr-HR.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Unesite naslov.", "delete": "Izbriši ovaj prikaz", "deleteText": "Jeste li sigurni da želite ukloniti ovaj prikaz? Više ga neće biti moguće koristiti za pregled zadataka u ovom projektu. Ova radnja neće izbrisati nijedan zadatak. To se ne može poništiti!", - "deleteSuccess": "Prikaz je uspješno izbrisan", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Samo administratori projekta mogu uređivati ​​prikaze." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Samo administratori projekta mogu uređivati ​​prikaze.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Poveznica", "image": "Slika", "imageTooltip": "Učitajte sliku sa svog računala.", + "horizontalRule": "Vodoravno pravilo", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Podijelite sekciju.", + "sideBySide": "Usporedno", + "guide": "Vodič", + "text": "Tekst", + "textTooltip": "Samo počnite tipkati tekst.", + "taskList": "Lista zadataka", + "taskListTooltip": "Pratite zadatke pomoću todo liste.", + "undo": "Poništi", + "redo": "Ponovi", + "placeholder": "Upišite tekst ili pritisnite '/' da vidite više opcija…", "table": { "title": "Tablica", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Promjena ćelije zaglavlja", "mergeOrSplit": "Spajanje ili razdvajanje", "fixTables": "Popravite tablice" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Vodoravno pravilo", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Podijelite sekciju.", - "sideBySide": "Usporedno", - "guide": "Vodič", - "text": "Tekst", - "textTooltip": "Samo počnite tipkati tekst.", - "taskList": "Lista zadataka", - "taskListTooltip": "Pratite zadatke pomoću todo liste.", - "undo": "Poništi", - "redo": "Ponovi", - "placeholder": "Upišite tekst ili pritisnite '/' da vidite više opcija…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "Zadatak je uspješno označen kao obavljen.", "undoneSuccess": "Zadatak je uspješno uklonjen iz izvršenih.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Poništi", "openDetail": "Otvorite prikaz detalja zadatka", "checklistTotal": "{checked} od {total} zadataka", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/hu-HU.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/hu-HU.json index f47bda573..09b5fdcd4 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/hu-HU.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/hu-HU.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Kérjük, adjon meg egy címet.", "delete": "Törölje ezt a nézetet", "deleteText": "Biztosan eltávolítja ezt a nézetet? A továbbiakban nem lesz használható a projektben szereplő feladatok megtekintésére. Ez a művelet nem töröl semmilyen feladatot. Ezt nem lehet visszacsinálni!", - "deleteSuccess": "A nézet sikeresen törölve", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Hivatkozás", "image": "Kép", "imageTooltip": "Fájl feltöltése a számítógépről.", + "horizontalRule": "Vízszintes vonal", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Egy szakasz felosztása.", + "sideBySide": "Egymás mellett", + "guide": "Útmutató", + "text": "Szöveg", + "textTooltip": "Csak kezdje el a gépelést egyszerű szöveggel.", + "taskList": "Feladatlista", + "taskListTooltip": "Kövesse nyomon a feladatokat egy teendőlistával.", + "undo": "Visszavonás", + "redo": "Újra", + "placeholder": "Írjon be egy szöveget, vagy nyomja meg a „/” gombot a további lehetőségek megtekintéséhez…", "table": { "title": "Táblázat", "insert": "Táblázat beszúrása", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Kapcsolja be a fejléccellát", "mergeOrSplit": "Egyesítés vagy felosztás", "fixTables": "Táblázatok javítása" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Vízszintes vonal", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Egy szakasz felosztása.", - "sideBySide": "Egymás mellett", - "guide": "Útmutató", - "text": "Szöveg", - "textTooltip": "Csak kezdje el a gépelést egyszerű szöveggel.", - "taskList": "Feladatlista", - "taskListTooltip": "Kövesse nyomon a feladatokat egy teendőlistával.", - "undo": "Visszavonás", - "redo": "Újra", - "placeholder": "Írjon be egy szöveget, vagy nyomja meg a „/” gombot a további lehetőségek megtekintéséhez…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "A feladat sikeresen meg lett jelölve elkészültként.", "undoneSuccess": "A feladat sikeresen meg lett jelölve nem elkészültként.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Visszavonás", "openDetail": "A feladat részletes nézetének megnyitása", "checklistTotal": "{checked} / {total} feladatok", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json index 23278ea10..61013e6c7 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/it-IT.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Immagine", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Divisore Orizzontale", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Affianca", + "guide": "Guida", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Divisore Orizzontale", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Affianca", - "guide": "Guida", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "Attività segnata come completata.", "undoneSuccess": "Attività segnata come non completata.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Undo", "openDetail": "Apri vista dettagli attività", "checklistTotal": "{checked} di {total} attività", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ja-JP.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ja-JP.json index c35ec106e..067358890 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ja-JP.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ja-JP.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "リンク", "image": "画像", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "横罫", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Side By Side", + "guide": "説明書", + "text": "テキスト", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "タスクリスト", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "元に戻す", + "redo": "やり直す", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "テーブル", "insert": "テーブルの挿入", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "テーブルの修正" - }, - "horizontalRule": "横罫", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "説明書", - "text": "テキスト", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "タスクリスト", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "元に戻す", - "redo": "やり直す", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "作成", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "リマイダーを作成…", "doneSuccess": "タスクを完了にしました。", "undoneSuccess": "タスクを未完了に戻しました。", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "元に戻す", "openDetail": "タスクの詳細を表示", "checklistTotal": "{total}件中{checked}件のタスク", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ko-KR.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ko-KR.json index a19352155..03d11658b 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ko-KR.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ko-KR.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "링크", "image": "이미지", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Side By Side", + "guide": "가이드", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "가이드", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.", "undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Undo", "openDetail": "Open task detail view", "checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json index 8d816445b..69dfe3441 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/nl-NL.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Afbeelding", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontale lijn", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Naast elkaar", + "guide": "Handleiding", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontale lijn", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Naast elkaar", - "guide": "Handleiding", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.", "undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Undo", "openDetail": "Open task detail view", "checklistTotal": "{checked} van {total} taken", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/no-NO.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/no-NO.json index 1526ad894..976e39b25 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/no-NO.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/no-NO.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Bilde", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Vannrett linje", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Side ved side", + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Vannrett linje", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Side ved side", - "guide": "Guide", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "Oppgaven ble markert som ferdig.", "undoneSuccess": "Oppgaven ble fjernet som ferdig.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Angre", "openDetail": "Åpne detaljvisning", "checklistTotal": "{checked} av {total} oppgaver", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json index c09146703..7d3ab78e5 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/pl-PL.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Proszę podać tytuł.", "delete": "Usuń ten widok", "deleteText": "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć ten widok? Nie będzie już możliwe wyświetlanie zadań w tym projekcie. Ta akcja nie usunie żadnych zadań. Tej operacji nie można cofnąć!", - "deleteSuccess": "Widok został pomyślnie usunięty", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Tylko administratorzy projektu mogą edytować widoki." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Tylko administratorzy projektu mogą edytować widoki.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Obraz", "imageTooltip": "Prześlij obraz ze swojego komputera.", + "horizontalRule": "Linia pozioma", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Podziel sekcję.", + "sideBySide": "Obok siebie", + "guide": "Przewodnik", + "text": "Tekst", + "textTooltip": "Po prostu zacznij pisać.", + "taskList": "Lista zadań", + "taskListTooltip": "Śledź zadania za pomocą listy do zrobienia.", + "undo": "Cofnij", + "redo": "Ponów", + "placeholder": "Wpisz tekst lub naciśnij '/', aby zobaczyć więcej opcji…", "table": { "title": "Tabela", "insert": "Wstaw tabelę", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Przełącz nagłówek komórki", "mergeOrSplit": "Połącz lub podziel", "fixTables": "Napraw tabele" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Linia pozioma", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Podziel sekcję.", - "sideBySide": "Obok siebie", - "guide": "Przewodnik", - "text": "Tekst", - "textTooltip": "Po prostu zacznij pisać.", - "taskList": "Lista zadań", - "taskListTooltip": "Śledź zadania za pomocą listy do zrobienia.", - "undo": "Cofnij", - "redo": "Ponów", - "placeholder": "Wpisz tekst lub naciśnij '/', aby zobaczyć więcej opcji…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Utwórz", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Dodaj przypomnienie…", "doneSuccess": "Zadanie zostało pomyślnie oznaczone jako ukończone.", "undoneSuccess": "Zadanie zostało pomyślnie otwarte ponownie.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Cofnij", "openDetail": "Otwórz szczegółowy widok zadania", "checklistTotal": "{checked} z {total} zadań", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json index 857c7fe8d..a02edf4ee 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/pt-BR.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Imagem", "imageTooltip": "Carregar uma imagem do computador.", + "horizontalRule": "Linha horizontal", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divida uma seção.", + "sideBySide": "Lado a Lado", + "guide": "Guia", + "text": "Texto", + "textTooltip": "Apenas comece a escrever.", + "taskList": "Lista de tarefas", + "taskListTooltip": "Rastrear tarefas com uma lista de tarefas.", + "undo": "Desfazer", + "redo": "Refazer", + "placeholder": "Digite algum texto ou toque em '/' para ver mais opções…", "table": { "title": "Tabela", "insert": "Inserir tabela", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Ativar/Desativar cabeçalho de célula", "mergeOrSplit": "Mesclar ou dividir", "fixTables": "Corrigir tabelas" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Linha horizontal", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divida uma seção.", - "sideBySide": "Lado a Lado", - "guide": "Guia", - "text": "Texto", - "textTooltip": "Apenas comece a escrever.", - "taskList": "Lista de tarefas", - "taskListTooltip": "Rastrear tarefas com uma lista de tarefas.", - "undo": "Desfazer", - "redo": "Refazer", - "placeholder": "Digite algum texto ou toque em '/' para ver mais opções…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "A tarefa foi marcada como feita com sucesso.", "undoneSuccess": "A tarefa foi desmarcada como feita com sucesso.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Desfazer", "openDetail": "Abrir detalhes da tarefa", "checklistTotal": "{checked} de {total} tarefas", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json index bd6013d2e..17a2a3a9f 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/pt-PT.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Imagem", "imageTooltip": "Carregar uma imagem do teu computador.", + "horizontalRule": "Linha Horizontal", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Dividir uma secção.", + "sideBySide": "Lado-a-lado", + "guide": "Guia", + "text": "Texto", + "textTooltip": "É só começares a escrever texto sem formatação.", + "taskList": "Lista de tarefas", + "taskListTooltip": "Rastrear tarefas com uma lista a fazer.", + "undo": "Desfazer", + "redo": "Refazer", + "placeholder": "Insere algum texto ou pressiona '/' para ver mais opções…", "table": { "title": "Tabela", "insert": "Inserir tabela", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Alternar célula de cabeçalho", "mergeOrSplit": "Unir ou dividir", "fixTables": "Corrigir tabelas" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Linha Horizontal", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Dividir uma secção.", - "sideBySide": "Lado-a-lado", - "guide": "Guia", - "text": "Texto", - "textTooltip": "É só começares a escrever texto sem formatação.", - "taskList": "Lista de tarefas", - "taskListTooltip": "Rastrear tarefas com uma lista a fazer.", - "undo": "Desfazer", - "redo": "Refazer", - "placeholder": "Insere algum texto ou pressiona '/' para ver mais opções…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "A tarefa foi marcada como concluída.", "undoneSuccess": "A tarefa foi desmarcada como concluída.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Desfazer", "openDetail": "Abrir vista detalhada da tarefa", "checklistTotal": "{checked} de {total} tarefas", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json index e0d09266d..a413b99c5 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ro-RO.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Image", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Side By Side", + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Guide", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.", "undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Undo", "openDetail": "Open task detail view", "checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json index 90e0d8085..072bb1ecd 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/ru-RU.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Пожалуйста, укажите название.", "delete": "Удалить представление", "deleteText": "Удалить это представление? После удаления его не получится использовать для просмотра задач в этом проекте. Сами задачи останутся. Это действие отменить нельзя!", - "deleteSuccess": "Представление удалено", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Только администраторы проекта могут изменять представления." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Только администраторы проекта могут изменять представления.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Ссылка", "image": "Изображение", "imageTooltip": "Загрузить изображение с компьютера.", + "horizontalRule": "Разделитель", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Разделитель текста.", + "sideBySide": "Side By Side", + "guide": "Руководство", + "text": "Текст", + "textTooltip": "Просто начните печатать для ввода обычного текста.", + "taskList": "Список задач", + "taskListTooltip": "Отслеживаемые задачи в виде списка с галочками.", + "undo": "Отменить", + "redo": "Вернуть", + "placeholder": "Введите какой-нибудь текст или нажмите '/' для дополнительных параметров…", "table": { "title": "Таблица", "insert": "Вставить таблицу", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Ячейка с заголовком", "mergeOrSplit": "Объединить или разделить", "fixTables": "Исправить таблицы" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Разделитель", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Разделитель текста.", - "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Руководство", - "text": "Текст", - "textTooltip": "Просто начните печатать для ввода обычного текста.", - "taskList": "Список задач", - "taskListTooltip": "Отслеживаемые задачи в виде списка с галочками.", - "undo": "Отменить", - "redo": "Вернуть", - "placeholder": "Введите какой-нибудь текст или нажмите '/' для дополнительных параметров…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Создать", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Добавить напоминание…", "doneSuccess": "Задача отмечена как завершённая.", "undoneSuccess": "Задача отмечена как незавершённая.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Отменить", "openDetail": "Открыть подробный просмотр задачи", "checklistTotal": "{checked} из {total} задач", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sk-SK.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sk-SK.json index e0d09266d..a413b99c5 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sk-SK.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sk-SK.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Image", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Side By Side", + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Guide", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.", "undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Undo", "openDetail": "Open task detail view", "checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sl-SI.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sl-SI.json index 84905373b..73a25c1ad 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sl-SI.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sl-SI.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Prosim navedite naslov.", "delete": "Izbriši pogled", "deleteText": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite odstraniti ta pogled? Ne bo ga več mogoče uporabljati za ogled nalog v tem projektu. To dejanje ne bo izbrisalo nobenih opravil. Tega ni mogoče razveljaviti!", - "deleteSuccess": "Pogled je bil uspešno izbrisan", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Samo skrbniki projekta lahko urejajo poglede." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Samo skrbniki projekta lahko urejajo poglede.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Povezava", "image": "Slika", "imageTooltip": "Naloži sliko iz računalnika.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontalno ravnilo", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Razdeli sekcijo.", + "sideBySide": "Drug ob drugem", + "guide": "Vodič", + "text": "Besedilo", + "textTooltip": "Začnite tipkati z navadnim besedilom.", + "taskList": "Seznam nalog", + "taskListTooltip": "Seznam nalog s to-do seznamom.", + "undo": "Razveljavi", + "redo": "Obnovi", + "placeholder": "Začni tipkati besedilo ali pritisni '/', da vidiš več možnosti…", "table": { "title": "Tabela", "insert": "Vstavi tabelo", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Preklop celice glave", "mergeOrSplit": "Spoji ali razdeli", "fixTables": "Popravi tabele" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontalno ravnilo", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Razdeli sekcijo.", - "sideBySide": "Drug ob drugem", - "guide": "Vodič", - "text": "Besedilo", - "textTooltip": "Začnite tipkati z navadnim besedilom.", - "taskList": "Seznam nalog", - "taskListTooltip": "Seznam nalog s to-do seznamom.", - "undo": "Razveljavi", - "redo": "Obnovi", - "placeholder": "Začni tipkati besedilo ali pritisni '/', da vidiš več možnosti…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Ustvari", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Dodaj nov opomnik…", "doneSuccess": "Naloga je bila uspešno označena kot opravljena.", "undoneSuccess": "Naloga je bila uspešno odznačena kot opravljena.", + "revertSuccess": "Sprememba opravila je bila uspešno razveljavljena.", "undo": "Razveljavi", "openDetail": "Odpri pogled podrobnosti nalog", "checklistTotal": "{checked} od {total} nalog", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sr-CS.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sr-CS.json index e0d09266d..a413b99c5 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sr-CS.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sr-CS.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Image", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Side By Side", + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Guide", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.", "undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Undo", "openDetail": "Open task detail view", "checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json index 16df0b6c6..7c9afac3f 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/sv-SE.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Länk", "image": "Bild", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Side By Side", + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Ångra", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Tabell", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Guide", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Ångra", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Skapa", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Lägg till en påminnelse…", "doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.", "undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Ångra", "openDetail": "Open task detail view", "checklistTotal": "{checked} av {total} uppgifter", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json index e0d09266d..a413b99c5 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/tr-TR.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Image", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Side By Side", + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Guide", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.", "undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Undo", "openDetail": "Open task detail view", "checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json index 52aa570ab..df1f814dc 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/vi-VN.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Liên kết", "image": "Ảnh", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Dòng kẻ ngang", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Chia đôi cửa sổ", + "guide": "Hướng dẫn", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Dòng kẻ ngang", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Chia đôi cửa sổ", - "guide": "Hướng dẫn", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "Công việc đã được đánh dấu Hoàn thành.", "undoneSuccess": "Công việc đã được bỏ đánh dấu Hoàn thành.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Undo", "openDetail": "Xem chi tiết công việc", "checklistTotal": "{checked} trong số {total} công việc", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/zh-CN.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/zh-CN.json index 6d5fb4a79..809f6351b 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/zh-CN.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/zh-CN.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "请提供标题。", "delete": "删除此视图", "deleteText": "您确定要删除此视图吗?它将不再可能使用它来查看此项目中的任务。 此操作不会删除任何任务。此操作不能撤销!", - "deleteSuccess": "视图已成功删除", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "链接", "image": "图片", "imageTooltip": "从您的计算机上传图片", + "horizontalRule": "水平线", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "分割一节。", + "sideBySide": "并排", + "guide": "指南", + "text": "文本", + "textTooltip": "只需开始用纯文本键入。", + "taskList": "任务列表", + "taskListTooltip": "用待办事宜列表跟踪任务。", + "undo": "撤销", + "redo": "恢复", + "placeholder": "输入一些文本或点击“/”查看更多选项…", "table": { "title": "表格", "insert": "插入表格", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "切换头部单元格", "mergeOrSplit": "合并或拆分", "fixTables": "修复表格" - }, - "horizontalRule": "水平线", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "分割一节。", - "sideBySide": "并排", - "guide": "指南", - "text": "文本", - "textTooltip": "只需开始用纯文本键入。", - "taskList": "任务列表", - "taskListTooltip": "用待办事宜列表跟踪任务。", - "undo": "撤销", - "redo": "恢复", - "placeholder": "输入一些文本或点击“/”查看更多选项…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "待办事项已标记为完成。", "undoneSuccess": "待办事项已标记为未完成。", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "撤销", "openDetail": "查看任务详细信息", "checklistTotal": "{checked} 项任务,共 {total} 项。", diff --git a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/zh-TW.json b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/zh-TW.json index e0d09266d..a413b99c5 100644 --- a/frontend/src/i18n/lang/zh-TW.json +++ b/frontend/src/i18n/lang/zh-TW.json @@ -401,8 +401,9 @@ "titleRequired": "Please provide a title.", "delete": "Delete this view", "deleteText": "Are you sure you want to remove this view? It will no longer be possible to use it to view tasks in this project. This action won't delete any tasks. This cannot be undone!", - "deleteSuccess": "The view was successfully deleted", - "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views." + "deleteSuccess": "The view was deleted successfully.", + "onlyAdminsCanEdit": "Only project admins can edit views.", + "updateSuccess": "The view was updated successfully." } }, "filters": { @@ -616,6 +617,17 @@ "link": "Link", "image": "Image", "imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.", + "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", + "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", + "sideBySide": "Side By Side", + "guide": "Guide", + "text": "Text", + "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", + "taskList": "Task list", + "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", + "undo": "Undo", + "redo": "Redo", + "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…", "table": { "title": "Table", "insert": "Insert table", @@ -633,18 +645,7 @@ "toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell", "mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split", "fixTables": "Fix tables" - }, - "horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule", - "horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.", - "sideBySide": "Side By Side", - "guide": "Guide", - "text": "Text", - "textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.", - "taskList": "Task list", - "taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.", - "undo": "Undo", - "redo": "Redo", - "placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…" + } }, "multiselect": { "createPlaceholder": "Create", @@ -732,6 +733,7 @@ "addReminder": "Add a reminder…", "doneSuccess": "The task was successfully marked as done.", "undoneSuccess": "The task was successfully un-marked as done.", + "revertSuccess": "The task change was successfully undone.", "undo": "Undo", "openDetail": "Open task detail view", "checklistTotal": "{checked} of {total} tasks",