package models // TeamNamespace defines the relationship between a Team and a Namespace type TeamNamespace struct { ID int64 `xorm:"int(11) autoincr not null unique pk" json:"id"` TeamID int64 `xorm:"int(11) not null INDEX" json:"team_id" param:"team"` NamespaceID int64 `xorm:"int(11) not null INDEX" json:"namespace_id" param:"namespace"` Right TeamRight `xorm:"int(11) INDEX" json:"right" valid:"length(0|2)"` Created int64 `xorm:"created" json:"created" valid:"range(0|0)"` Updated int64 `xorm:"updated" json:"updated" valid:"range(0|0)"` CRUDable `xorm:"-" json:"-"` Rights `xorm:"-" json:"-"` } // TableName makes beautiful table names func (TeamNamespace) TableName() string { return "team_namespaces" }