import {formatISO, format} from 'date-fns' import {createFakeUserAndLogin} from '../../support/authenticateUser' import {TaskFactory} from '../../factories/task' import {prepareProjects} from './prepareProjects' describe('Project View Gantt', () => { createFakeUserAndLogin() prepareProjects() it('Hides tasks with no dates', () => { const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1) cy.visit('/projects/1/2') cy.get('.g-gantt-rows-container') .should('not.contain', tasks[0].title) }) it('Shows tasks from the current and next month', () => { const now = Date.UTC(2022, 8, 25) cy.clock(now, ['Date']) const nextMonth = new Date(now) nextMonth.setDate(1) nextMonth.setMonth(9) cy.visit('/projects/1/2') cy.get('.g-timeunits-container') .should('contain', format(now, 'MMMM')) .should('contain', format(nextMonth, 'MMMM')) }) it('Shows tasks with dates', () => { const now = new Date() const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, { start_date: now.toISOString(), end_date: new Date(new Date(now).setDate(now.getDate() + 4)).toISOString(), }) cy.visit('/projects/1/2') cy.get('.g-gantt-rows-container') .should('') .should('contain', tasks[0].title) }) it('Shows tasks with no dates after enabling them', () => { const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, { start_date: null, end_date: null, }) cy.visit('/projects/1/2') cy.get('.gantt-options .fancycheckbox') .contains('Show tasks which don\'t have dates set') .click() cy.get('.g-gantt-rows-container') .should('') .should('contain', tasks[0].title) }) it('Drags a task around', () => { cy.intercept(Cypress.env('API_URL') + '/tasks/*').as('taskUpdate') const now = new Date() TaskFactory.create(1, { start_date: now.toISOString(), end_date: new Date(new Date(now).setDate(now.getDate() + 4)).toISOString(), }) cy.visit('/projects/1/2') cy.get('.g-gantt-rows-container .g-gantt-row .g-gantt-row-bars-container div .g-gantt-bar') .first() .trigger('mousedown', {which: 1}) .trigger('mousemove', {clientX: 500, clientY: 0}) .trigger('mouseup', {force: true}) cy.wait('@taskUpdate') }) it('Should change the query parameters when selecting a date range', () => { const now = Date.UTC(2022, 10, 9) cy.clock(now, ['Date']) cy.visit('/projects/1/2') cy.get('.project-gantt .gantt-options .field .control input.input.form-control') .click() cy.get('.flatpickr-calendar .flatpickr-innerContainer .dayContainer .flatpickr-day') .first() .click() cy.get('.flatpickr-calendar .flatpickr-innerContainer .dayContainer .flatpickr-day') .last() .click() cy.url().should('contain', 'dateFrom=2022-09-25') cy.url().should('contain', 'dateTo=2022-11-05') }) it('Should change the date range based on date query parameters', () => { cy.visit('/projects/1/2?dateFrom=2022-09-25&dateTo=2022-11-05') cy.get('.g-timeunits-container') .should('contain', 'September 2022') .should('contain', 'October 2022') .should('contain', 'November 2022') cy.get('.project-gantt .gantt-options .field .control input.input.form-control') .should('have.value', '25 Sep 2022 to 5 Nov 2022') }) it('Should open a task when double clicked on it', () => { const now = new Date() const tasks = TaskFactory.create(1, { start_date: formatISO(now), end_date: formatISO(now.setDate(now.getDate() + 4)), }) cy.visit('/projects/1/2') cy.get('.gantt-container .g-gantt-chart .g-gantt-row-bars-container .g-gantt-bar') .dblclick() cy.url() .should('contain', `/tasks/${tasks[0].id}`) }) })