basePath: /api/v1 definitions: auth.Token: properties: token: example: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c type: string type: object background.Image: properties: blur_hash: type: string id: type: string info: description: This can be used to supply extra information from an image provider to clients thumb: type: string url: type: string type: object files.File: properties: created: type: string id: type: integer mime: type: string name: type: string size: type: integer type: object handler.AuthURL: properties: url: type: string type: object microsofttodo.Migration: properties: code: type: string type: object migration.Status: properties: finished_at: type: string id: type: integer migrator_name: type: string started_at: type: string type: object models.APIPermissions: additionalProperties: items: type: string type: array type: object models.APIToken: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this api key was created. You cannot change this value. type: string expires_at: description: The date when this key expires. type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this api key. type: integer permissions: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.APIPermissions' description: The permissions this token has. Possible values are available via the /routes endpoint and consist of the keys of the list from that endpoint. For example, if the token should be able to read all tasks as well as update existing tasks, you should add `{"tasks":["read_all","update"]}`. title: description: A human-readable name for this token type: string token: description: The actual api key. Only visible after creation. type: string type: object models.APITokenRoute: properties: create: $ref: '#/definitions/models.RouteDetail' delete: $ref: '#/definitions/models.RouteDetail' read_all: $ref: '#/definitions/models.RouteDetail' read_one: $ref: '#/definitions/models.RouteDetail' update: $ref: '#/definitions/models.RouteDetail' type: object models.Bucket: properties: count: description: The number of tasks currently in this bucket type: integer created: description: A timestamp when this bucket was created. You cannot change this value. type: string created_by: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who initially created the bucket. id: description: The unique, numeric id of this bucket. type: integer limit: description: How many tasks can be at the same time on this board max minimum: 0 type: integer position: description: The position this bucket has when querying all buckets. See the tasks.position property on how to use this. type: number project_view_id: description: The project view this bucket belongs to. type: integer tasks: description: All tasks which belong to this bucket. items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Task' type: array title: description: The title of this bucket. minLength: 1 type: string updated: description: A timestamp when this bucket was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string type: object models.BucketConfigurationModeKind: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 type: integer x-enum-varnames: - BucketConfigurationModeNone - BucketConfigurationModeManual - BucketConfigurationModeFilter models.BulkAssignees: properties: assignees: description: A project with all assignees items: $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' type: array type: object models.BulkTask: properties: assignees: description: An array of users who are assigned to this task items: $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' type: array attachments: description: All attachments this task has items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskAttachment' type: array bucket_id: description: |- The bucket id. Will only be populated when the task is accessed via a view with buckets. Can be used to move a task between buckets. In that case, the new bucket must be in the same view as the old one. type: integer cover_image_attachment_id: description: If this task has a cover image, the field will return the id of the attachment that is the cover image. type: integer created: description: A timestamp when this task was created. You cannot change this value. type: string created_by: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who initially created the task. description: description: The task description. type: string done: description: Whether a task is done or not. type: boolean done_at: description: The time when a task was marked as done. type: string due_date: description: The time when the task is due. type: string end_date: description: When this task ends. type: string hex_color: description: The task color in hex maxLength: 7 type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this task. type: integer identifier: description: The task identifier, based on the project identifier and the task's index type: string index: description: The task index, calculated per project type: integer is_favorite: description: True if a task is a favorite task. Favorite tasks show up in a separate "Important" project. This value depends on the user making the call to the api. type: boolean labels: description: An array of labels which are associated with this task. items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Label' type: array percent_done: description: Determines how far a task is left from being done type: number position: description: |- The position of the task - any task project can be sorted as usual by this parameter. When accessing tasks via views with buckets, this is primarily used to sort them based on a range. Positions are always saved per view. They will automatically be set if you request the tasks through a view endpoint, otherwise they will always be 0. To update them, take a look at the Task Position endpoint. type: number priority: description: The task priority. Can be anything you want, it is possible to sort by this later. type: integer project_id: description: The project this task belongs to. type: integer reactions: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.ReactionMap' description: Reactions on that task. related_tasks: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.RelatedTaskMap' description: All related tasks, grouped by their relation kind reminders: description: An array of reminders that are associated with this task. items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskReminder' type: array repeat_after: description: An amount in seconds this task repeats itself. If this is set, when marking the task as done, it will mark itself as "undone" and then increase all remindes and the due date by its amount. type: integer repeat_mode: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskRepeatMode' description: 'Can have three possible values which will trigger when the task is marked as done: 0 = repeats after the amount specified in repeat_after, 1 = repeats all dates each months (ignoring repeat_after), 3 = repeats from the current date rather than the last set date.' start_date: description: When this task starts. type: string subscription: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.Subscription' description: |- The subscription status for the user reading this task. You can only read this property, use the subscription endpoints to modify it. Will only returned when retrieving one task. task_ids: description: A project of task ids to update items: type: integer type: array title: description: The task text. This is what you'll see in the project. minLength: 1 type: string updated: description: A timestamp when this task was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string type: object models.DatabaseNotifications: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this notification was created. You cannot change this value. type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this notification. type: integer name: description: The name of the notification type: string notification: description: The actual content of the notification. read: description: |- Whether or not to mark this notification as read or unread. True is read, false is unread. type: boolean read_at: description: When this notification is marked as read, this will be updated with the current timestamp. type: string type: object models.Label: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this label was created. You cannot change this value. type: string created_by: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who created this label description: description: The label description. type: string hex_color: description: The color this label has in hex format. maxLength: 7 type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this label. type: integer title: description: The title of the lable. You'll see this one on tasks associated with it. maxLength: 250 minLength: 1 type: string updated: description: A timestamp when this label was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string type: object models.LabelTask: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this task was created. You cannot change this value. type: string label_id: description: The label id you want to associate with a task. type: integer type: object models.LabelTaskBulk: properties: labels: description: All labels you want to update at once. items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Label' type: array type: object models.LinkSharing: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this project was shared. You cannot change this value. type: string hash: description: The public id to get this shared project type: string id: description: The ID of the shared thing type: integer name: description: The name of this link share. All actions someone takes while being authenticated with that link will appear with that name. type: string password: description: The password of this link share. You can only set it, not retrieve it after the link share has been created. type: string right: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.Right' default: 0 description: The right this project is shared with. 0 = Read only, 1 = Read & Write, 2 = Admin. See the docs for more details. maximum: 2 shared_by: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who shared this project sharing_type: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.SharingType' default: 0 description: The kind of this link. 0 = undefined, 1 = without password, 2 = with password. maximum: 2 updated: description: A timestamp when this share was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string type: object models.Message: properties: message: description: A standard message. type: string type: object models.Project: properties: background_blur_hash: description: Contains a very small version of the project background to use as a blurry preview until the actual background is loaded. Check out to learn how it works. type: string background_information: description: Holds extra information about the background set since some background providers require attribution or similar. If not null, the background can be accessed at /projects/{projectID}/background created: description: A timestamp when this project was created. You cannot change this value. type: string description: description: The description of the project. type: string hex_color: description: The hex color of this project maxLength: 7 type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this project. type: integer identifier: description: The unique project short identifier. Used to build task identifiers. maxLength: 10 minLength: 0 type: string is_archived: description: Whether a project is archived. type: boolean is_favorite: description: True if a project is a favorite. Favorite projects show up in a separate parent project. This value depends on the user making the call to the api. type: boolean owner: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who created this project. parent_project_id: type: integer position: description: The position this project has when querying all projects. See the tasks.position property on how to use this. type: number subscription: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.Subscription' description: |- The subscription status for the user reading this project. You can only read this property, use the subscription endpoints to modify it. Will only returned when retreiving one project. title: description: The title of the project. You'll see this in the overview. maxLength: 250 minLength: 1 type: string updated: description: A timestamp when this project was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string views: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectView' type: array type: object models.ProjectDuplicate: properties: duplicated_project: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.Project' description: The copied project parent_project_id: description: The target parent project type: integer type: object models.ProjectUser: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this relation was created. You cannot change this value. type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this project <-> user relation. type: integer right: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.Right' default: 0 description: The right this user has. 0 = Read only, 1 = Read & Write, 2 = Admin. See the docs for more details. maximum: 2 updated: description: A timestamp when this relation was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string user_id: description: The username. type: string type: object models.ProjectView: properties: bucket_configuration: description: When the bucket configuration mode is not `manual`, this field holds the options of that configuration. items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectViewBucketConfiguration' type: array bucket_configuration_mode: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.BucketConfigurationModeKind' description: The bucket configuration mode. Can be `none`, `manual` or `filter`. `manual` allows to move tasks between buckets as you normally would. `filter` creates buckets based on a filter for each bucket. created: description: A timestamp when this reaction was created. You cannot change this value. type: string default_bucket_id: description: The ID of the bucket where new tasks without a bucket are added to. By default, this is the leftmost bucket in a view. type: integer done_bucket_id: description: If tasks are moved to the done bucket, they are marked as done. If they are marked as done individually, they are moved into the done bucket. type: integer filter: description: The filter query to match tasks by. Check out for a full explanation. type: string id: description: The unique numeric id of this view type: integer position: description: The position of this view in the list. The list of all views will be sorted by this parameter. type: number project_id: description: The project this view belongs to type: integer title: description: The title of this view type: string updated: description: A timestamp when this view was updated. You cannot change this value. type: string view_kind: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectViewKind' description: The kind of this view. Can be `list`, `gantt`, `table` or `kanban`. type: object models.ProjectViewBucketConfiguration: properties: filter: type: string title: type: string type: object models.ProjectViewKind: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 type: integer x-enum-varnames: - ProjectViewKindList - ProjectViewKindGantt - ProjectViewKindTable - ProjectViewKindKanban models.Reaction: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this reaction was created. You cannot change this value. type: string user: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who reacted value: description: The actual reaction. This can be any valid utf character or text, up to a length of 20. type: string type: object models.ReactionMap: additionalProperties: items: $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' type: array type: object models.RelatedTaskMap: additionalProperties: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Task' type: array type: object models.RelationKind: enum: - unknown - subtask - parenttask - related - duplicateof - duplicates - blocking - blocked - precedes - follows - copiedfrom - copiedto type: string x-enum-varnames: - RelationKindUnknown - RelationKindSubtask - RelationKindParenttask - RelationKindRelated - RelationKindDuplicateOf - RelationKindDuplicates - RelationKindBlocking - RelationKindBlocked - RelationKindPreceeds - RelationKindFollows - RelationKindCopiedFrom - RelationKindCopiedTo models.ReminderRelation: enum: - due_date - start_date - end_date type: string x-enum-varnames: - ReminderRelationDueDate - ReminderRelationStartDate - ReminderRelationEndDate models.Right: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 type: integer x-enum-varnames: - RightRead - RightWrite - RightAdmin models.RouteDetail: properties: method: type: string path: type: string type: object models.SavedFilter: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this filter was created. You cannot change this value. type: string description: description: The description of the filter type: string filters: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskCollection' description: The actual filters this filter contains id: description: The unique numeric id of this saved filter type: integer is_favorite: description: True if the filter is a favorite. Favorite filters show up in a separate parent project together with favorite projects. type: boolean owner: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who owns this filter title: description: The title of the filter. maxLength: 250 minLength: 1 type: string updated: description: A timestamp when this filter was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string type: object models.SharingType: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 type: integer x-enum-varnames: - SharingTypeUnknown - SharingTypeWithoutPassword - SharingTypeWithPassword models.Subscription: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this subscription was created. You cannot change this value. type: string entity: type: string entity_id: description: The id of the entity to subscribe to. type: integer id: description: The numeric ID of the subscription type: integer user: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who made this subscription type: object models.Task: properties: assignees: description: An array of users who are assigned to this task items: $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' type: array attachments: description: All attachments this task has items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskAttachment' type: array bucket_id: description: |- The bucket id. Will only be populated when the task is accessed via a view with buckets. Can be used to move a task between buckets. In that case, the new bucket must be in the same view as the old one. type: integer cover_image_attachment_id: description: If this task has a cover image, the field will return the id of the attachment that is the cover image. type: integer created: description: A timestamp when this task was created. You cannot change this value. type: string created_by: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who initially created the task. description: description: The task description. type: string done: description: Whether a task is done or not. type: boolean done_at: description: The time when a task was marked as done. type: string due_date: description: The time when the task is due. type: string end_date: description: When this task ends. type: string hex_color: description: The task color in hex maxLength: 7 type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this task. type: integer identifier: description: The task identifier, based on the project identifier and the task's index type: string index: description: The task index, calculated per project type: integer is_favorite: description: True if a task is a favorite task. Favorite tasks show up in a separate "Important" project. This value depends on the user making the call to the api. type: boolean labels: description: An array of labels which are associated with this task. items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Label' type: array percent_done: description: Determines how far a task is left from being done type: number position: description: |- The position of the task - any task project can be sorted as usual by this parameter. When accessing tasks via views with buckets, this is primarily used to sort them based on a range. Positions are always saved per view. They will automatically be set if you request the tasks through a view endpoint, otherwise they will always be 0. To update them, take a look at the Task Position endpoint. type: number priority: description: The task priority. Can be anything you want, it is possible to sort by this later. type: integer project_id: description: The project this task belongs to. type: integer reactions: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.ReactionMap' description: Reactions on that task. related_tasks: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.RelatedTaskMap' description: All related tasks, grouped by their relation kind reminders: description: An array of reminders that are associated with this task. items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskReminder' type: array repeat_after: description: An amount in seconds this task repeats itself. If this is set, when marking the task as done, it will mark itself as "undone" and then increase all remindes and the due date by its amount. type: integer repeat_mode: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskRepeatMode' description: 'Can have three possible values which will trigger when the task is marked as done: 0 = repeats after the amount specified in repeat_after, 1 = repeats all dates each months (ignoring repeat_after), 3 = repeats from the current date rather than the last set date.' start_date: description: When this task starts. type: string subscription: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.Subscription' description: |- The subscription status for the user reading this task. You can only read this property, use the subscription endpoints to modify it. Will only returned when retrieving one task. title: description: The task text. This is what you'll see in the project. minLength: 1 type: string updated: description: A timestamp when this task was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string type: object models.TaskAssginee: properties: created: type: string user_id: type: integer type: object models.TaskAttachment: properties: created: type: string created_by: $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' file: $ref: '#/definitions/files.File' id: type: integer task_id: type: integer type: object models.TaskCollection: properties: filter: description: The filter query to match tasks by. Check out for a full explanation. type: string filter_include_nulls: description: If set to true, the result will also include null values type: boolean order_by: description: The query parameter to order the items by. This can be either asc or desc, with asc being the default. items: type: string type: array sort_by: description: The query parameter to sort by. This is for ex. done, priority, etc. items: type: string type: array type: object models.TaskComment: properties: author: $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' comment: type: string created: type: string id: type: integer reactions: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ReactionMap' updated: type: string type: object models.TaskPosition: properties: position: description: |- The position of the task - any task project can be sorted as usual by this parameter. When accessing tasks via kanban buckets, this is primarily used to sort them based on a range We're using a float64 here to make it possible to put any task within any two other tasks (by changing the number). You would calculate the new position between two tasks with something like task3.position = (task2.position - task1.position) / 2. A 64-Bit float leaves plenty of room to initially give tasks a position with 2^16 difference to the previous task which also leaves a lot of room for rearranging and sorting later. Positions are always saved per view. They will automatically be set if you request the tasks through a view endpoint, otherwise they will always be 0. To update them, take a look at the Task Position endpoint. type: number project_view_id: description: The project view this task is related to type: integer task_id: description: The ID of the task this position is for type: integer type: object models.TaskRelation: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this label was created. You cannot change this value. type: string created_by: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who created this relation other_task_id: description: The ID of the other task, the task which is being related. type: integer relation_kind: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.RelationKind' description: The kind of the relation. task_id: description: The ID of the "base" task, the task which has a relation to another. type: integer type: object models.TaskReminder: properties: relative_period: description: 'A period in seconds relative to another date argument. Negative values mean the reminder triggers before the date. Default: 0, tiggers when RelativeTo is due.' type: integer relative_to: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.ReminderRelation' description: The name of the date field to which the relative period refers to. reminder: description: The absolute time when the user wants to be reminded of the task. type: string type: object models.TaskRepeatMode: enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 type: integer x-enum-varnames: - TaskRepeatModeDefault - TaskRepeatModeMonth - TaskRepeatModeFromCurrentDate models.Team: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this relation was created. You cannot change this value. type: string created_by: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who created this team. description: description: The team's description. type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this team. type: integer include_public: description: Query parameter controlling whether to include public projects or not type: boolean is_public: description: Defines wether the team should be publicly discoverable when sharing a project type: boolean members: description: An array of all members in this team. items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TeamUser' type: array name: description: The name of this team. maxLength: 250 minLength: 1 type: string oidc_id: description: The team's oidc id delivered by the oidc provider maxLength: 250 type: string updated: description: A timestamp when this relation was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string type: object models.TeamMember: properties: admin: description: Whether or not the member is an admin of the team. See the docs for more about what a team admin can do type: boolean created: description: A timestamp when this relation was created. You cannot change this value. type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this team member relation. type: integer username: description: The username of the member. We use this to prevent automated user id entering. type: string type: object models.TeamProject: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this relation was created. You cannot change this value. type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this project <-> team relation. type: integer right: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/models.Right' default: 0 description: The right this team has. 0 = Read only, 1 = Read & Write, 2 = Admin. See the docs for more details. maximum: 2 team_id: description: The team id. type: integer updated: description: A timestamp when this relation was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string type: object models.TeamUser: properties: admin: description: Whether the member is an admin of the team. See the docs for more about what a team admin can do type: boolean created: description: A timestamp when this task was created. You cannot change this value. type: string email: description: The user's email address. maxLength: 250 type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this user. type: integer name: description: The full name of the user. type: string updated: description: A timestamp when this task was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string username: description: The username of the user. Is always unique. maxLength: 250 minLength: 1 type: string type: object models.TeamWithRight: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this relation was created. You cannot change this value. type: string created_by: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who created this team. description: description: The team's description. type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this team. type: integer include_public: description: Query parameter controlling whether to include public projects or not type: boolean is_public: description: Defines wether the team should be publicly discoverable when sharing a project type: boolean members: description: An array of all members in this team. items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TeamUser' type: array name: description: The name of this team. maxLength: 250 minLength: 1 type: string oidc_id: description: The team's oidc id delivered by the oidc provider maxLength: 250 type: string right: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Right' updated: description: A timestamp when this relation was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string type: object models.UserWithRight: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this task was created. You cannot change this value. type: string email: description: The user's email address. maxLength: 250 type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this user. type: integer name: description: The full name of the user. type: string right: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Right' updated: description: A timestamp when this task was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string username: description: The username of the user. Is always unique. maxLength: 250 minLength: 1 type: string type: object models.Webhook: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this webhook target was created. You cannot change this value. type: string created_by: allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' description: The user who initially created the webhook target. events: description: The webhook events which should fire this webhook target items: type: string type: array id: description: The generated ID of this webhook target type: integer project_id: description: The project ID of the project this webhook target belongs to type: integer secret: description: 'If provided, webhook requests will be signed using HMAC. Check out the docs about how to use this:' type: string target_url: description: The target URL where the POST request with the webhook payload will be made type: string updated: description: A timestamp when this webhook target was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string type: object notifications.DatabaseNotification: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this notification was created. You cannot change this value. type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this notification. type: integer name: description: The name of the notification type: string notification: description: The actual content of the notification. read_at: description: When this notification is marked as read, this will be updated with the current timestamp. type: string type: object openid.Callback: properties: code: type: string redirect_url: type: string scope: type: string type: object openid.Provider: properties: auth_url: type: string client_id: type: string key: type: string logout_url: type: string name: type: string scope: type: string type: object todoist.Migration: properties: code: type: string type: object trello.Migration: properties: code: type: string type: object user.APIUserPassword: properties: email: description: The user's email address maxLength: 250 type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this user. type: integer password: description: The user's password in clear text. Only used when registering the user. maxLength: 250 minLength: 8 type: string username: description: The user's username. Cannot contain anything that looks like an url or whitespaces. maxLength: 250 minLength: 3 type: string type: object user.EmailConfirm: properties: token: description: The email confirm token sent via email. type: string type: object user.EmailUpdate: properties: new_email: description: The new email address. Needs to be a valid email address. type: string password: description: The password of the user for confirmation. type: string type: object user.Login: properties: long_token: description: If true, the token returned will be valid a lot longer than default. Useful for "remember me" style logins. type: boolean password: description: The password for the user. type: string totp_passcode: description: The totp passcode of a user. Only needs to be provided when enabled. type: string username: description: The username used to log in. type: string type: object user.PasswordReset: properties: new_password: description: The new password for this user. type: string token: description: The previously issued reset token. type: string type: object user.PasswordTokenRequest: properties: email: maxLength: 250 type: string type: object user.TOTP: properties: enabled: description: The totp entry will only be enabled after the user verified they have a working totp setup. type: boolean secret: type: string url: description: The totp url used to be able to enroll the user later type: string type: object user.TOTPPasscode: properties: passcode: type: string type: object user.Token: properties: created: type: string id: type: integer token: type: string type: object user.User: properties: created: description: A timestamp when this task was created. You cannot change this value. type: string email: description: The user's email address. maxLength: 250 type: string id: description: The unique, numeric id of this user. type: integer name: description: The full name of the user. type: string updated: description: A timestamp when this task was last updated. You cannot change this value. type: string username: description: The username of the user. Is always unique. maxLength: 250 minLength: 1 type: string type: object v1.LinkShareAuth: properties: password: type: string type: object v1.UserAvatarProvider: properties: avatar_provider: description: The avatar provider. Valid types are `gravatar` (uses the user email), `upload`, `initials`, `marble` (generates a random avatar for each user), `default`. type: string type: object v1.UserDeletionRequestConfirm: properties: token: type: string type: object v1.UserPassword: properties: new_password: type: string old_password: type: string type: object v1.UserPasswordConfirmation: properties: password: type: string type: object v1.UserSettings: properties: default_project_id: description: |- If a task is created without a specified project this value should be used. Applies to tasks made directly in API and from clients. type: integer discoverable_by_email: description: If true, the user can be found when searching for their exact email. type: boolean discoverable_by_name: description: If true, this user can be found by their name or parts of it when searching for it. type: boolean email_reminders_enabled: description: If enabled, sends email reminders of tasks to the user. type: boolean frontend_settings: description: Additional settings only used by the frontend language: description: The user's language type: string name: description: The new name of the current user. type: string overdue_tasks_reminders_enabled: description: If enabled, the user will get an email for their overdue tasks each morning. type: boolean overdue_tasks_reminders_time: description: The time when the daily summary of overdue tasks will be sent via email. type: string timezone: description: The user's time zone. Used to send task reminders in the time zone of the user. type: string week_start: description: The day when the week starts for this user. 0 = sunday, 1 = monday, etc. type: integer type: object v1.authInfo: properties: local: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.localAuthInfo' openid_connect: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.openIDAuthInfo' type: object v1.legalInfo: properties: imprint_url: type: string privacy_policy_url: type: string type: object v1.localAuthInfo: properties: enabled: type: boolean type: object v1.openIDAuthInfo: properties: enabled: type: boolean providers: items: $ref: '#/definitions/openid.Provider' type: array type: object v1.vikunjaInfos: properties: auth: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.authInfo' available_migrators: items: type: string type: array caldav_enabled: type: boolean demo_mode_enabled: type: boolean email_reminders_enabled: type: boolean enabled_background_providers: items: type: string type: array frontend_url: type: string legal: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.legalInfo' link_sharing_enabled: type: boolean max_file_size: type: string motd: type: string public_teams_enabled: type: boolean registration_enabled: type: boolean task_attachments_enabled: type: boolean task_comments_enabled: type: boolean totp_enabled: type: boolean user_deletion_enabled: type: boolean version: type: string webhooks_enabled: type: boolean type: object web.HTTPError: properties: code: type: integer message: type: string type: object info: contact: email: name: General Vikunja contact url: description: |- # Pagination Every endpoint capable of pagination will return two headers: * `x-pagination-total-pages`: The total number of available pages for this request * `x-pagination-result-count`: The number of items returned for this request. # Rights All endpoints which return a single item (project, task, etc.) - no array - will also return a `x-max-right` header with the max right the user has on this item as an int where `0` is `Read Only`, `1` is `Read & Write` and `2` is `Admin`. This can be used to show or hide ui elements based on the rights the user has. # Errors All errors have an error code and a human-readable error message in addition to the http status code. You should always check for the status code in the response, not only the http status code. Due to limitations in the swagger library we're using for this document, only one error per http status code is documented here. Make sure to check the [error docs]( in Vikunja's documentation for a full list of available error codes. # Authorization **JWT-Auth:** Main authorization method, used for most of the requests. Needs `Authorization: Bearer `-header to authenticate successfully. **API Token:** You can create scoped API tokens for your user and use the token to make authenticated requests in the context of that user. The token must be provided via an `Authorization: Bearer ` header, similar to jwt auth. See the documentation for the `api` group to manage token creation and revocation. **BasicAuth:** Only used when requesting tasks via CalDAV. license: name: AGPL-3.0-or-later url: title: Vikunja API paths: /{kind}/{id}/reactions: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns all reactions for an entity parameters: - description: Entity ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The kind of the entity. Can be either `tasks` or `comments` for task comments in: path name: kind required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The reactions schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ReactionMap' type: array "403": description: The user does not have access to the entity schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all reactions for an entity tags: - task put: consumes: - application/json description: Add a reaction to an entity. Will do nothing if the reaction already exists. parameters: - description: Entity ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The kind of the entity. Can be either `tasks` or `comments` for task comments in: path name: kind required: true type: integer - description: The reaction you want to add to the entity. in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Reaction' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The created reaction schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Reaction' "403": description: The user does not have access to the entity schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Add a reaction to an entity tags: - task /{kind}/{id}/reactions/delete: post: consumes: - application/json description: Removes the reaction of that user on that entity. parameters: - description: Entity ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The kind of the entity. Can be either `tasks` or `comments` for task comments in: path name: kind required: true type: integer - description: The reaction you want to add to the entity. in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Reaction' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The reaction was successfully removed. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "403": description: The user does not have access to the entity schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Removes the user's reaction tags: - task /{username}/avatar: get: description: Returns the user avatar as image. parameters: - description: The username of the user who's avatar you want to get in: path name: username required: true type: string - description: The size of the avatar you want to get. If bigger than the max configured size this will be adjusted to the maximum size. in: query name: size type: integer produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: The avatar schema: type: file "404": description: The user does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: User Avatar tags: - user /auth/openid/{provider}/callback: post: consumes: - application/json description: After a redirect from the OpenID Connect provider to the frontend has been made with the authentication `code`, this endpoint can be used to obtain a jwt token for that user and thus log them in. operationId: get-token-openid parameters: - description: The openid callback in: body name: callback required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/openid.Callback' - description: The OpenID Connect provider key as returned by the /info endpoint in: path name: provider required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/auth.Token' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Authenticate a user with OpenID Connect tags: - auth /backgrounds/unsplash/image/{image}: get: description: Get an unsplash image. **Returns json on error.** parameters: - description: Unsplash Image ID in: path name: image required: true type: integer produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: The image schema: type: file "404": description: The image does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get an unsplash image tags: - project /backgrounds/unsplash/image/{image}/thumb: get: description: Get an unsplash thumbnail image. The thumbnail is cropped to a max width of 200px. **Returns json on error.** parameters: - description: Unsplash Image ID in: path name: image required: true type: integer produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: The thumbnail schema: type: file "404": description: The image does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get an unsplash thumbnail image tags: - project /backgrounds/unsplash/search: get: description: Search for a project background from unsplash parameters: - description: Search backgrounds from unsplash with this search term. in: query name: s type: string - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: p type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: An array with photos schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/background.Image' type: array "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Search for a background from unsplash tags: - project /filters: put: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new saved filter produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The Saved Filter schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.SavedFilter' "403": description: The user does not have access to that saved filter. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Creates a new saved filter tags: - filter /filters/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Removes a saved filter by its ID. parameters: - description: Filter ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The Saved Filter schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.SavedFilter' "403": description: The user does not have access to that saved filter. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The saved filter does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Removes a saved filter tags: - filter get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns a saved filter by its ID. parameters: - description: Filter ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The Saved Filter schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.SavedFilter' "403": description: The user does not have access to that saved filter. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Gets one saved filter tags: - filter post: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a saved filter by its ID. parameters: - description: Filter ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The Saved Filter schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.SavedFilter' "403": description: The user does not have access to that saved filter. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The saved filter does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Updates a saved filter tags: - filter /info: get: description: Returns the version, frontendurl, motd and various settings of Vikunja produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.vikunjaInfos' summary: Info tags: - service /labels: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns all labels which are either created by the user or associated with a task the user has at least read-access to. parameters: - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer - description: Search labels by label text. in: query name: s type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The labels schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Label' type: array "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all labels a user has access to tags: - labels put: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new label. parameters: - description: The label object in: body name: label required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Label' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created label object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Label' "400": description: Invalid label object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Create a label tags: - labels /labels/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete an existing label. The user needs to be the creator of the label to be able to do this. parameters: - description: Label ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The label was successfully deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Label' "403": description: Not allowed to delete the label. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: Label not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete a label tags: - labels get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns one label by its ID. parameters: - description: Label ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The label schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Label' "403": description: The user does not have access to the label schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: Label not found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Gets one label tags: - labels put: consumes: - application/json description: Update an existing label. The user needs to be the creator of the label to be able to do this. parameters: - description: Label ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The label object in: body name: label required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Label' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The created label object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Label' "400": description: Invalid label object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: Not allowed to update the label. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: Label not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Update a label tags: - labels /login: post: consumes: - application/json description: Logs a user in. Returns a JWT-Token to authenticate further requests. parameters: - description: The login credentials in: body name: credentials required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.Login' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/auth.Token' "400": description: Invalid user password model. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "403": description: Invalid username or password. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "412": description: Invalid totp passcode. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: Login tags: - auth /migration/microsoft-todo/auth: get: description: Returns the auth url where the user needs to get its auth code. This code can then be used to migrate everything from Microsoft Todo to Vikunja. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The auth url. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/handler.AuthURL' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get the auth url from Microsoft Todo tags: - migration /migration/microsoft-todo/migrate: post: consumes: - application/json description: Migrates all tasklinsts, tasks, notes and reminders from Microsoft Todo to Vikunja. parameters: - description: The auth token previously obtained from the auth url. See the docs for /migration/microsoft-todo/auth. in: body name: migrationCode required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/microsofttodo.Migration' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: A message telling you everything was migrated successfully. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Migrate all projects, tasks etc. from Microsoft Todo tags: - migration /migration/microsoft-todo/status: get: description: Returns if the current user already did the migation or not. This is useful to show a confirmation message in the frontend if the user is trying to do the same migration again. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The migration status schema: $ref: '#/definitions/migration.Status' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get migration status tags: - migration /migration/ticktick/migrate: post: consumes: - application/x-www-form-urlencoded description: Imports all projects, tasks, notes, reminders, subtasks and files from a TickTick backup export into Vikunja. parameters: - description: The TickTick backup csv file. in: formData name: import required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: A message telling you everything was migrated successfully. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Import all projects, tasks etc. from a TickTick backup export tags: - migration /migration/ticktick/status: get: description: Returns if the current user already did the migation or not. This is useful to show a confirmation message in the frontend if the user is trying to do the same migration again. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The migration status schema: $ref: '#/definitions/migration.Status' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get migration status tags: - migration /migration/todoist/auth: get: description: Returns the auth url where the user needs to get its auth code. This code can then be used to migrate everything from todoist to Vikunja. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The auth url. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/handler.AuthURL' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get the auth url from todoist tags: - migration /migration/todoist/migrate: post: consumes: - application/json description: Migrates all projects, tasks, notes, reminders, subtasks and files from todoist to vikunja. parameters: - description: The auth code previously obtained from the auth url. See the docs for /migration/todoist/auth. in: body name: migrationCode required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/todoist.Migration' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: A message telling you everything was migrated successfully. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Migrate all lists, tasks etc. from todoist tags: - migration /migration/todoist/status: get: description: Returns if the current user already did the migation or not. This is useful to show a confirmation message in the frontend if the user is trying to do the same migration again. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The migration status schema: $ref: '#/definitions/migration.Status' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get migration status tags: - migration /migration/trello/auth: get: description: Returns the auth url where the user needs to get its auth code. This code can then be used to migrate everything from trello to Vikunja. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The auth url. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/handler.AuthURL' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get the auth url from trello tags: - migration /migration/trello/migrate: post: consumes: - application/json description: Migrates all projects, tasks, notes, reminders, subtasks and files from trello to vikunja. parameters: - description: The auth token previously obtained from the auth url. See the docs for /migration/trello/auth. in: body name: migrationCode required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/trello.Migration' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: A message telling you everything was migrated successfully. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Migrate all projects, tasks etc. from trello tags: - migration /migration/trello/status: get: description: Returns if the current user already did the migation or not. This is useful to show a confirmation message in the frontend if the user is trying to do the same migration again. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The migration status schema: $ref: '#/definitions/migration.Status' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get migration status tags: - migration /migration/vikunja-file/migrate: post: consumes: - application/x-www-form-urlencoded description: Imports all projects, tasks, notes, reminders, subtasks and files from a Vikunjda data export into Vikunja. parameters: - description: The Vikunja export zip file. in: formData name: import required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: A message telling you everything was migrated successfully. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Import all projects, tasks etc. from a Vikunja data export tags: - migration /migration/vikunja-file/status: get: description: Returns if the current user already did the migation or not. This is useful to show a confirmation message in the frontend if the user is trying to do the same migration again. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The migration status schema: $ref: '#/definitions/migration.Status' "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get migration status tags: - migration /notifications: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns an array with all notifications for the current user. parameters: - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The notifications schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/notifications.DatabaseNotification' type: array "403": description: Link shares cannot have notifications. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all notifications for the current user tags: - subscriptions post: consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: All notifications marked as read. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: Mark all notifications of a user as read tags: - sharing /notifications/{id}: post: consumes: - application/json description: Marks a notification as either read or unread. A user can only mark their own notifications as read. parameters: - description: Notification ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The notification to mark as read. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.DatabaseNotifications' "403": description: Link shares cannot have notifications. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The notification does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Mark a notification as (un-)read tags: - subscriptions /projects: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns all projects a user has access to. parameters: - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer - description: Search projects by title. in: query name: s type: string - description: If true, also returns all archived projects. in: query name: is_archived type: boolean produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The projects schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Project' type: array "403": description: The user does not have access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all projects a user has access to tags: - project put: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new project. If a parent project is provided the user needs to have write access to that project. parameters: - description: The project you want to create. in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Project' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created project. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Project' "400": description: Invalid project object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Creates a new project tags: - project /projects/{id}: delete: description: Delets a project parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The project was successfully deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Invalid project object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Deletes a project tags: - project get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns a project by its ID. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Project' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Gets one project tags: - project post: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a project. This does not include adding a task (see below). parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The project with updated values you want to update. in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Project' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The updated project. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Project' "400": description: Invalid project object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Updates a project tags: - project /projects/{id}/background: delete: description: Removes a previously set project background, regardless of the project provider used to set the background. It does not throw an error if the project does not have a background. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Project' "403": description: No access to this project. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "404": description: The project does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Remove a project background tags: - project get: description: Get the project background of a specific project. **Returns json on error.** parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: The project background file. schema: type: file "403": description: No access to this project. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "404": description: The project does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get the project background tags: - project /projects/{id}/backgrounds/unsplash: post: consumes: - application/json description: Sets a photo from unsplash as project background. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The image you want to set as background in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/background.Image' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The background has been successfully set. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Project' "400": description: Invalid image object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Set an unsplash photo as project background tags: - project /projects/{id}/backgrounds/upload: put: consumes: - multipart/form-data description: Upload a project background. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The file as single file. in: formData name: background required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The background was set successfully. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: File is no image. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "403": description: File too large. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "404": description: The project does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Upload a project background tags: - project /projects/{id}/projectusers: get: consumes: - application/json description: Lists all users (without emailadresses). Also possible to search for a specific user. parameters: - description: Search for a user by its name. in: query name: s type: string - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: All (found) users. schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' type: array "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "401": description: The user does not have the right to see the project. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get users tags: - project /projects/{id}/tasks: put: consumes: - application/json description: Inserts a task into a project. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The task object in: body name: task required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Task' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created task object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Task' "400": description: Invalid task object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Create a task tags: - task /projects/{id}/teams: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns a project with all teams which have access on a given project. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer - description: Search teams by its name. in: query name: s type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The teams with their right. schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TeamWithRight' type: array "403": description: No right to see the project. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get teams on a project tags: - sharing put: consumes: - application/json description: Gives a team access to a project. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The team you want to add to the project. in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TeamProject' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created team<->project relation. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TeamProject' "400": description: Invalid team project object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The team does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Add a team to a project tags: - sharing /projects/{id}/users: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns a project with all users which have access on a given project. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer - description: Search users by its name. in: query name: s type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The users with the right they have. schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.UserWithRight' type: array "403": description: No right to see the project. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get users on a project tags: - sharing put: consumes: - application/json description: Gives a user access to a project. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The user you want to add to the project. in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectUser' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created user<->project relation. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectUser' "400": description: Invalid user project object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The user does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Add a user to a project tags: - sharing /projects/{id}/views/{view}/buckets: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns all kanban buckets which belong to that project. Buckets are always sorted by their `position` in ascending order. To get all buckets with their tasks, use the tasks endpoint with a kanban view. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: Project view ID in: path name: view required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The buckets schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Bucket' type: array "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all kanban buckets of a project tags: - project put: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new kanban bucket on a project. parameters: - description: Project Id in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: Project view ID in: path name: view required: true type: integer - description: The bucket object in: body name: bucket required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Bucket' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The created bucket object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Bucket' "400": description: Invalid bucket object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The project does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Create a new bucket tags: - project /projects/{id}/views/{view}/tasks: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns all tasks for the current project. parameters: - description: The project ID. in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The project view ID. in: path name: view required: true type: integer - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer - description: Search tasks by task text. in: query name: s type: string - description: The sorting parameter. You can pass this multiple times to get the tasks ordered by multiple different parametes, along with `order_by`. Possible values to sort by are `id`, `title`, `description`, `done`, `done_at`, `due_date`, `created_by_id`, `project_id`, `repeat_after`, `priority`, `start_date`, `end_date`, `hex_color`, `percent_done`, `uid`, `created`, `updated`. Default is `id`. in: query name: sort_by type: string - description: The ordering parameter. Possible values to order by are `asc` or `desc`. Default is `asc`. in: query name: order_by type: string - description: The filter query to match tasks by. Check out for a full explanation of the feature. in: query name: filter type: string - description: 'The time zone which should be used for date match (statements like ' in: query name: filter_timezone type: string - description: If set to true the result will include filtered fields whose value is set to `null`. Available values are `true` or `false`. Defaults to `false`. in: query name: filter_include_nulls type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The tasks schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Task' type: array "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get tasks in a project tags: - task /projects/{id}/webhooks: get: consumes: - application/json description: Get all api webhook targets for the specified project. parameters: - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per bucket per page. This parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The list of all webhook targets schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Webhook' type: array "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all api webhook targets for the specified project tags: - webhooks put: consumes: - application/json description: Create a webhook target which receives POST requests about specified events from a project. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The webhook target object with required fields in: body name: webhook required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Webhook' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The created webhook target. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Webhook' "400": description: Invalid webhook object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Create a webhook target tags: - webhooks /projects/{id}/webhooks/{webhookID}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete any of the project's webhook targets. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: Webhook ID in: path name: webhookID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Successfully deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "404": description: The webhok target does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Deletes an existing webhook target tags: - webhooks post: consumes: - application/json description: Change a webhook target's events. You cannot change other values of a webhook. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: Webhook ID in: path name: webhookID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Updated webhook target schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Webhook' "404": description: The webhok target does not exist schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Change a webhook target's events. tags: - webhooks /projects/{project}/shares: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns all link shares which exist for a given project parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: project required: true type: integer - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer - description: Search shares by hash. in: query name: s type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The share links schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.LinkSharing' type: array "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all link shares for a project tags: - sharing put: consumes: - application/json description: Share a project via link. The user needs to have write-access to the project to be able do this. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: project required: true type: integer - description: The new link share object in: body name: label required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.LinkSharing' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created link share object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.LinkSharing' "400": description: Invalid link share object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: Not allowed to add the project share. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The project does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Share a project via link tags: - sharing /projects/{project}/shares/{share}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Remove a link share. The user needs to have write-access to the project to be able do this. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: project required: true type: integer - description: Share Link ID in: path name: share required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The link was successfully removed. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "403": description: Not allowed to remove the link. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: Share Link not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Remove a link share tags: - sharing get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns one link share by its ID. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: project required: true type: integer - description: Share ID in: path name: share required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The share links schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.LinkSharing' "403": description: No access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: Share Link not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get one link shares for a project tags: - sharing /projects/{project}/views: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns all project views for a sepcific project parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: project required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The project views schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectView' type: array "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all project views for a project tags: - project put: consumes: - application/json description: Create a project view in a specific project. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: project required: true type: integer - description: The project view you want to create. in: body name: view required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectView' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The created project view schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectView' "403": description: The user does not have access to create a project view schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Create a project view tags: - project /projects/{project}/views/{id}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Deletes a project view. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: project required: true type: integer - description: Project View ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The project view was successfully deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project view schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete a project view tags: - project get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns a project view by its ID. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: project required: true type: integer - description: Project View ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The project view schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectView' "403": description: The user does not have access to this project view schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get one project view tags: - project post: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a project view. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: project required: true type: integer - description: Project View ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The project view with updated values you want to change. in: body name: view required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectView' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The updated project view. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectView' "400": description: Invalid project view object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Updates a project view tags: - project /projects/{projectID}/duplicate: put: consumes: - application/json description: Copies the project, tasks, files, kanban data, assignees, comments, attachments, lables, relations, backgrounds, user/team rights and link shares from one project to a new one. The user needs read access in the project and write access in the parent of the new project. parameters: - description: The project ID to duplicate in: path name: projectID required: true type: integer - description: The target parent project which should hold the copied project. in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectDuplicate' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created project. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectDuplicate' "400": description: Invalid project duplicate object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project or its parent. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Duplicate an existing project tags: - project /projects/{projectID}/teams/{teamID}: delete: description: Delets a team from a project. The team won't have access to the project anymore. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: projectID required: true type: integer - description: Team ID in: path name: teamID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The team was successfully deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: Team or project does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete a team from a project tags: - sharing post: consumes: - application/json description: Update a team <-> project relation. Mostly used to update the right that team has. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: projectID required: true type: integer - description: Team ID in: path name: teamID required: true type: integer - description: The team you want to update. in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TeamProject' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The updated team <-> project relation. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TeamProject' "403": description: The user does not have admin-access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: Team or project does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Update a team <-> project relation tags: - sharing /projects/{projectID}/users/{userID}: delete: description: Delets a user from a project. The user won't have access to the project anymore. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: projectID required: true type: integer - description: User ID in: path name: userID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The user was successfully removed from the project. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: user or project does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete a user from a project tags: - sharing post: consumes: - application/json description: Update a user <-> project relation. Mostly used to update the right that user has. parameters: - description: Project ID in: path name: projectID required: true type: integer - description: User ID in: path name: userID required: true type: integer - description: The user you want to update. in: body name: project required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectUser' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The updated user <-> project relation. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.ProjectUser' "403": description: The user does not have admin-access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: User or project does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Update a user <-> project relation tags: - sharing /projects/{projectID}/views/{view}/buckets/{bucketID}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Deletes an existing kanban bucket and dissociates all of its task. It does not delete any tasks. You cannot delete the last bucket on a project. parameters: - description: Project Id in: path name: projectID required: true type: integer - description: Bucket Id in: path name: bucketID required: true type: integer - description: Project view ID in: path name: view required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Successfully deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "404": description: The bucket does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Deletes an existing bucket tags: - project post: consumes: - application/json description: Updates an existing kanban bucket. parameters: - description: Project Id in: path name: projectID required: true type: integer - description: Bucket Id in: path name: bucketID required: true type: integer - description: Project view ID in: path name: view required: true type: integer - description: The bucket object in: body name: bucket required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Bucket' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The created bucket object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Bucket' "400": description: Invalid bucket object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The bucket does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Update an existing bucket tags: - project /register: post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new user account. parameters: - description: The user credentials in: body name: credentials required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.APIUserPassword' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' "400": description: No or invalid user register object provided / User already exists. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: Register tags: - auth /routes: get: description: Returns a list of all API routes which are available to use with an api token, not a user login. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The list of all routes. schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.APITokenRoute' type: array security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get a list of all token api routes tags: - api /shares/{share}/auth: post: consumes: - application/json description: Get a jwt auth token for a shared project from a share hash. parameters: - description: The password for link shares which require one. in: body name: password required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.LinkShareAuth' - description: The share hash in: path name: share required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The valid jwt auth token. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/auth.Token' "400": description: Invalid link share object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: Get an auth token for a share tags: - sharing /subscriptions/{entity}/{entityID}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Unsubscribes the current user to an entity. parameters: - description: The entity the user subscribed to. Can be either `project` or `task`. in: path name: entity required: true type: string - description: The numeric id of the subscribed entity to. in: path name: entityID required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The subscription schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Subscription' "403": description: The user does not have access to subscribe to this entity. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The subscription does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Unsubscribe the current user from an entity. tags: - subscriptions put: consumes: - application/json description: Subscribes the current user to an entity. parameters: - description: The entity the user subscribes to. Can be either `project` or `task`. in: path name: entity required: true type: string - description: The numeric id of the entity to subscribe to. in: path name: entityID required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The subscription schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Subscription' "403": description: The user does not have access to subscribe to this entity. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "412": description: The subscription entity is invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Subscribes the current user to an entity. tags: - subscriptions /tasks/{id}: delete: description: Deletes a task from a project. This does not mean "mark it done". parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The created task object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Invalid task ID provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: The user does not have access to the project schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete a task tags: - task get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns one task by its ID parameters: - description: The task ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The task schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Task' "404": description: Task not found schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get one task tags: - task post: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a task. This includes marking it as done. Assignees you pass will be updated, see their individual endpoints for more details on how this is done. To update labels, see the description of the endpoint. parameters: - description: The Task ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The task object in: body name: task required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Task' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The updated task object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Task' "400": description: Invalid task object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: The user does not have access to the task (aka its project) schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Update a task tags: - task /tasks/{id}/attachments: get: consumes: - application/json description: Get all task attachments for one task. parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: All attachments for this task schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskAttachment' type: array "403": description: No access to this task. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "404": description: The task does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all attachments for one task. tags: - task put: consumes: - multipart/form-data description: Upload a task attachment. You can pass multiple files with the files form param. parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The file, as multipart form file. You can pass multiple. in: formData name: files required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Attachments were uploaded successfully. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "403": description: No access to the task. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "404": description: The task does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Upload a task attachment tags: - task /tasks/{id}/attachments/{attachmentID}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete an attachment. parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: Attachment ID in: path name: attachmentID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The attachment was deleted successfully. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "403": description: No access to this task. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "404": description: The task does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete an attachment tags: - task get: description: Get one attachment for download. **Returns json on error.** parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: Attachment ID in: path name: attachmentID required: true type: integer produces: - application/octet-stream responses: "200": description: The attachment file. schema: type: file "403": description: No access to this task. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "404": description: The task does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get one attachment. tags: - task /tasks/{id}/position: post: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a task position. parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The task position with updated values you want to change. in: body name: view required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskPosition' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The updated task position. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskPosition' "400": description: Invalid task position object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Updates a task position tags: - task /tasks/{task}/labels: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns all labels which are assicociated with a given task. parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: task required: true type: integer - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer - description: Search labels by label text. in: query name: s type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The labels schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Label' type: array "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all labels on a task tags: - labels put: consumes: - application/json description: Add a label to a task. The user needs to have write-access to the project to be able do this. parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: task required: true type: integer - description: The label object in: body name: label required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.LabelTask' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created label relation object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.LabelTask' "400": description: Invalid label object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: Not allowed to add the label. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The label does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Add a label to a task tags: - labels /tasks/{task}/labels/{label}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Remove a label from a task. The user needs to have write-access to the project to be able do this. parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: task required: true type: integer - description: Label ID in: path name: label required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The label was successfully removed. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "403": description: Not allowed to remove the label. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: Label not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Remove a label from a task tags: - labels /tasks/{taskID}/assignees: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns an array with all assignees for this task. parameters: - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer - description: Search assignees by their username. in: query name: s type: string - description: Task ID in: path name: taskID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The assignees schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' type: array "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all assignees for a task tags: - assignees put: consumes: - application/json description: Adds a new assignee to a task. The assignee needs to have access to the project, the doer must be able to edit this task. parameters: - description: The assingee object in: body name: assignee required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskAssginee' - description: Task ID in: path name: taskID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created assingee object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskAssginee' "400": description: Invalid assignee object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Add a new assignee to a task tags: - assignees /tasks/{taskID}/assignees/{userID}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Un-assign a user from a task. parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: taskID required: true type: integer - description: Assignee user ID in: path name: userID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The assignee was successfully deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "403": description: Not allowed to delete the assignee. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete an assignee tags: - assignees /tasks/{taskID}/assignees/bulk: post: consumes: - application/json description: Adds multiple new assignees to a task. The assignee needs to have access to the project, the doer must be able to edit this task. Every user not in the project will be unassigned from the task, pass an empty array to unassign everyone. parameters: - description: The array of assignees in: body name: assignee required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.BulkAssignees' - description: Task ID in: path name: taskID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created assingees object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskAssginee' "400": description: Invalid assignee object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Add multiple new assignees to a task tags: - assignees /tasks/{taskID}/comments: get: consumes: - application/json description: Get all task comments. The user doing this need to have at least read access to the task. parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: taskID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The array with all task comments schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskComment' type: array "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all task comments tags: - task put: consumes: - application/json description: Create a new task comment. The user doing this need to have at least write access to the task this comment should belong to. parameters: - description: The task comment object in: body name: relation required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskComment' - description: Task ID in: path name: taskID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created task comment object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskComment' "400": description: Invalid task comment object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Create a new task comment tags: - task /tasks/{taskID}/comments/{commentID}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Remove a task comment. The user doing this need to have at least write access to the task this comment belongs to. parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: taskID required: true type: integer - description: Comment ID in: path name: commentID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The task comment was successfully deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Invalid task comment object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The task comment was not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Remove a task comment tags: - task get: consumes: - application/json description: Remove a task comment. The user doing this need to have at least read access to the task this comment belongs to. parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: taskID required: true type: integer - description: Comment ID in: path name: commentID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The task comment object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskComment' "400": description: Invalid task comment object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The task comment was not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Remove a task comment tags: - task post: consumes: - application/json description: Update an existing task comment. The user doing this need to have at least write access to the task this comment belongs to. parameters: - description: Task ID in: path name: taskID required: true type: integer - description: Comment ID in: path name: commentID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The updated task comment object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskComment' "400": description: Invalid task comment object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The task comment was not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Update an existing task comment tags: - task /tasks/{taskID}/labels/bulk: post: consumes: - application/json description: Updates all labels on a task. Every label which is not passed but exists on the task will be deleted. Every label which does not exist on the task will be added. All labels which are passed and already exist on the task won't be touched. parameters: - description: The array of labels in: body name: label required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.LabelTaskBulk' - description: Task ID in: path name: taskID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The updated labels object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.LabelTaskBulk' "400": description: Invalid label object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Update all labels on a task. tags: - labels /tasks/{taskID}/relations: put: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new relation between two tasks. The user needs to have update rights on the base task and at least read rights on the other task. Both tasks do not need to be on the same project. Take a look at the docs for available task relation kinds. parameters: - description: The relation object in: body name: relation required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskRelation' - description: Task ID in: path name: taskID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created task relation object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskRelation' "400": description: Invalid task relation object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Create a new relation between two tasks tags: - task /tasks/{taskID}/relations/{relationKind}/{otherTaskID}: delete: consumes: - application/json parameters: - description: The relation object in: body name: relation required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TaskRelation' - description: Task ID in: path name: taskID required: true type: integer - description: The kind of the relation. See the TaskRelation type for more info. in: path name: relationKind required: true type: string - description: The id of the other task. in: path name: otherTaskID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The task relation was successfully deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Invalid task relation object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: The task relation was not found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Remove a task relation tags: - task /tasks/all: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns all tasks on any project the user has access to. parameters: - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer - description: Search tasks by task text. in: query name: s type: string - description: The sorting parameter. You can pass this multiple times to get the tasks ordered by multiple different parameters, along with `order_by`. Possible values to sort by are `id`, `title`, `description`, `done`, `done_at`, `due_date`, `created_by_id`, `project_id`, `repeat_after`, `priority`, `start_date`, `end_date`, `hex_color`, `percent_done`, `uid`, `created`, `updated`. Default is `id`. in: query name: sort_by type: string - description: The ordering parameter. Possible values to order by are `asc` or `desc`. Default is `asc`. in: query name: order_by type: string - description: The name of the field to filter by. Allowed values are all task properties. Task properties which are their own object require passing in the id of that entity. Accepts an array for multiple filters which will be chanied together, all supplied filter must match. in: query name: filter_by type: string - description: The value to filter for. in: query name: filter_value type: string - description: The comparator to use for a filter. Available values are `equals`, `greater`, `greater_equals`, `less`, `less_equals`, `like` and `in`. `in` expects comma-separated values in `filter_value`. Defaults to `equals` in: query name: filter_comparator type: string - description: The concatinator to use for filters. Available values are `and` or `or`. Defaults to `or`. in: query name: filter_concat type: string - description: If set to true the result will include filtered fields whose value is set to `null`. Available values are `true` or `false`. Defaults to `false`. in: query name: filter_include_nulls type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The tasks schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Task' type: array "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get tasks tags: - task /tasks/bulk: post: consumes: - application/json description: 'Updates a bunch of tasks at once. This includes marking them as done. Note: although you could supply another ID, it will be ignored. Use task_ids instead.' parameters: - description: The task object. Looks like a normal task, the only difference is it uses an array of project_ids to update. in: body name: task required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.BulkTask' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The updated task object. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Task' "400": description: Invalid task object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: The user does not have access to the task (aka its project) schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Update a bunch of tasks at once tags: - task /teams: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns all teams the current user is part of. parameters: - description: The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer - description: Search teams by its name. in: query name: s type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The teams. schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Team' type: array "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get teams tags: - team put: consumes: - application/json description: Creates a new team. parameters: - description: The team you want to create. in: body name: team required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Team' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The created team. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Team' "400": description: Invalid team object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Creates a new team tags: - team /teams/{id}: delete: description: Delets a team. This will also remove the access for all users in that team. parameters: - description: Team ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The team was successfully deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Invalid team object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Deletes a team tags: - team get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns a team by its ID. parameters: - description: Team ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The team schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Team' "403": description: The user does not have access to the team schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Gets one team tags: - team post: consumes: - application/json description: Updates a team. parameters: - description: Team ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The team with updated values you want to update. in: body name: team required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Team' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The updated team. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Team' "400": description: Invalid team object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Updates a team tags: - team /teams/{id}/members: put: consumes: - application/json description: Add a user to a team. parameters: - description: Team ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: The user to be added to a team. in: body name: team required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TeamMember' produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: The newly created member object schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.TeamMember' "400": description: Invalid member object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "403": description: The user does not have access to the team schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Add a user to a team tags: - team /teams/{id}/members/{userID}: delete: description: Remove a user from a team. This will also revoke any access this user might have via that team. A user can remove themselves from the team if they are not the last user in the team. parameters: - description: Team ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: User ID in: path name: userID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The user was successfully removed from the team. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Remove a user from a team tags: - team /teams/{id}/members/{userID}/admin: post: description: If a user is team admin, this will make them member and vise-versa. parameters: - description: Team ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer - description: User ID in: path name: userID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The member right was successfully changed. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Toggle a team member's admin status tags: - team /test/{table}: patch: consumes: - application/json description: 'Fills the specified table with the content provided in the payload. You need to enable the testing endpoint before doing this and provide the `Authorization: ` secret when making requests to this endpoint. See docs for more details.' parameters: - description: The table to reset in: path name: table required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "201": description: Everything has been imported successfully. schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' type: array "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: Reset the db to a defined state tags: - testing /tokens: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns all api tokens the current user has created. parameters: - description: The page number, used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned. in: query name: page type: integer - description: The maximum number of tokens per page. This parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page. in: query name: per_page type: integer - description: Search tokens by their title. in: query name: s type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The list of all tokens schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/models.APIToken' type: array "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all api tokens of the current user tags: - api put: consumes: - application/json description: Create a new api token to use on behalf of the user creating it. parameters: - description: The token object with required fields in: body name: token required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.APIToken' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The created token. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.APIToken' "400": description: Invalid token object provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Create a new api token tags: - api /tokens/{tokenID}: delete: consumes: - application/json description: Delete any of the user's api tokens. parameters: - description: Token ID in: path name: tokenID required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Successfully deleted. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "404": description: The token does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Deletes an existing api token tags: - api /user: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns the current user object. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' "404": description: User does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get user information tags: - user /user/confirm: post: consumes: - application/json description: Confirms the email of a newly registered user. parameters: - description: The token. in: body name: credentials required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.EmailConfirm' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "412": description: Bad token provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: Confirm the email of a new user tags: - user /user/deletion/cancel: post: consumes: - application/json description: Aborts an in-progress user deletion. parameters: - description: The user password to confirm. in: body name: credentials required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.UserPasswordConfirmation' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "412": description: Bad password provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: Abort a user deletion request tags: - user /user/deletion/confirm: post: consumes: - application/json description: Confirms the deletion request of a user sent via email. parameters: - description: The token. in: body name: credentials required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.UserDeletionRequestConfirm' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "412": description: Bad token provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: Confirm a user deletion request tags: - user /user/deletion/request: post: consumes: - application/json description: Requests the deletion of the current user. It will trigger an email which has to be confirmed to start the deletion. parameters: - description: The user password. in: body name: credentials required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.UserPasswordConfirmation' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "412": description: Bad password provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: Request the deletion of the user tags: - user /user/export/download: post: consumes: - application/json parameters: - description: User password to confirm the download. in: body name: password required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.UserPasswordConfirmation' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Download a user data export. tags: - user /user/export/request: post: consumes: - application/json parameters: - description: User password to confirm the data export request. in: body name: password required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.UserPasswordConfirmation' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Request a user data export. tags: - user /user/password: post: consumes: - application/json description: Lets the current user change its password. parameters: - description: The current and new password. in: body name: userPassword required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.UserPassword' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: User does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Change password tags: - user /user/password/reset: post: consumes: - application/json description: Resets a user email with a previously reset token. parameters: - description: The token with the new password. in: body name: credentials required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.PasswordReset' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Bad token provided. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: Resets a password tags: - user /user/password/token: post: consumes: - application/json description: Requests a token to reset a users password. The token is sent via email. parameters: - description: The username of the user to request a token for. in: body name: credentials required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.PasswordTokenRequest' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "404": description: The user does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: Request password reset token tags: - user /user/settings/avatar: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns the current user's avatar setting. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.UserAvatarProvider' "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Return user avatar setting tags: - user post: consumes: - application/json description: Changes the user avatar. Valid types are gravatar (uses the user email), upload, initials, default. parameters: - description: The user's avatar setting in: body name: avatar required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.UserAvatarProvider' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Set the user's avatar tags: - user /user/settings/avatar/upload: put: consumes: - multipart/form-data description: Upload a user avatar. This will also set the user's avatar provider to "upload" parameters: - description: The avatar as single file. in: formData name: avatar required: true type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The avatar was set successfully. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: File is no image. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "403": description: File too large. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "500": description: Internal error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Upload a user avatar tags: - user /user/settings/email: post: consumes: - application/json description: Lets the current user change their email address. parameters: - description: The new email address and current password. in: body name: userEmailUpdate required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.EmailUpdate' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: User does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Update email address tags: - user /user/settings/general: post: consumes: - application/json parameters: - description: The updated user settings in: body name: avatar required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/v1.UserSettings' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Change general user settings of the current user. tags: - user /user/settings/token/caldav: get: consumes: - application/json description: Return the IDs and created dates of all caldav tokens for the current user. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/user.Token' type: array "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: User does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Returns the caldav tokens for the current user tags: - user put: consumes: - application/json description: Generates a caldav token which can be used for the caldav api. It is not possible to see the token again after it was generated. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.Token' "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: User does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Generate a caldav token tags: - user /user/settings/token/caldav/{id}: get: consumes: - application/json parameters: - description: Token ID in: path name: id required: true type: integer produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: User does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Delete a caldav token by id tags: - user /user/settings/totp: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns the current user totp setting or an error if it is not enabled. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The totp settings. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.TOTP' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Totp setting for the current user tags: - user /user/settings/totp/disable: post: consumes: - application/json description: Disables any totp settings for the current user. parameters: - description: The current user's password (only password is enough). in: body name: totp required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.Login' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Successfully disabled schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: User does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Disable totp settings tags: - user /user/settings/totp/enable: post: consumes: - application/json description: Enables a previously enrolled totp setting by providing a totp passcode. parameters: - description: The totp passcode. in: body name: totp required: true schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.TOTPPasscode' produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: Successfully enabled schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: User does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "412": description: TOTP is not enrolled. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Enable a previously enrolled totp setting. tags: - user /user/settings/totp/enroll: post: consumes: - application/json description: Creates an initial setup for the user in the db. After this step, the user needs to verify they have a working totp setup with the "enable totp" endpoint. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/user.TOTP' "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "404": description: User does not exist. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Enroll a user into totp tags: - user /user/settings/totp/qrcode: get: consumes: - application/json description: Returns a qr code for easier setup at end user's devices. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The qr code as jpeg image schema: type: file "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Totp QR Code tags: - user /user/timezones: get: consumes: - application/json description: Because available time zones depend on the system Vikunja is running on, this endpoint returns a project of all valid time zones this particular Vikunja instance can handle. The project of time zones is not sorted, you should sort it on the client. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: All available time zones. schema: items: type: string type: array "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all available time zones on this vikunja instance tags: - user /user/token: post: consumes: - application/json description: Returns a new valid jwt user token with an extended length. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/auth.Token' "400": description: Only user token are available for renew. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' summary: Renew user token tags: - user /users: get: consumes: - application/json description: Search for a user by its username, name or full email. Name (not username) or email require that the user has enabled this in their settings. parameters: - description: The search criteria. in: query name: s type: string produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: All (found) users. schema: items: $ref: '#/definitions/user.User' type: array "400": description: Something's invalid. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/web.HTTPError' "500": description: Internal server error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get users tags: - user /webhooks/events: get: consumes: - application/json description: Get all possible webhook events to use when creating or updating a webhook target. produces: - application/json responses: "200": description: The list of all possible webhook events schema: items: type: string type: array "500": description: Internal server error schema: $ref: '#/definitions/models.Message' security: - JWTKeyAuth: [] summary: Get all possible webhook events tags: - webhooks securityDefinitions: BasicAuth: type: basic JWTKeyAuth: in: header name: Authorization type: apiKey swagger: "2.0"