import {computed, ref, shallowReactive, watch, type Ref} from 'vue' import {klona} from 'klona/lite' import type {Filters} from '@/composables/useRouteFilters' import type {ITask, ITaskPartialWithId} from '@/modelTypes/ITask' import TaskCollectionService, {type TaskFilterParams} from '@/services/taskCollection' import TaskService from '@/services/task' import TaskModel from '@/models/task' import {error, success} from '@/message' // FIXME: unify with general `useTaskList` export function useGanttTaskList( filters: Ref, filterToApiParams: (filters: F) => TaskFilterParams, options: { loadAll?: boolean, } = { loadAll: true, }) { const taskCollectionService = shallowReactive(new TaskCollectionService()) const taskService = shallowReactive(new TaskService()) const isLoading = computed(() => taskCollectionService.loading) const tasks = ref>(new Map()) async function fetchTasks(params: TaskFilterParams, page = 1): Promise { const tasks = await taskCollectionService.getAll({projectId: filters.value.projectId}, params, page) as ITask[] if (options.loadAll && page < taskCollectionService.totalPages) { const nextTasks = await fetchTasks(params, page + 1) return tasks.concat(nextTasks) } return tasks } /** * Load and assign new tasks * Normally there is no need to trigger this manually */ async function loadTasks() { const params: TaskFilterParams = filterToApiParams(filters.value) const loadedTasks = await fetchTasks(params) tasks.value = new Map() loadedTasks.forEach(t => tasks.value.set(, t)) } /** * Load tasks when filters change */ watch( filters, () => loadTasks(), {immediate: true, deep: true}, ) async function addTask(task: Partial) { const newTask = await taskService.create(new TaskModel({...task})) tasks.value.set(, newTask) return newTask } async function updateTask(task: ITaskPartialWithId) { const oldTask = klona(tasks.value.get( if (!oldTask) return // we extend the task with potentially missing info const newTask: ITask = { ...oldTask, ...task, } // set in expectation that server update works tasks.value.set(, newTask) try { const updatedTask = await taskService.update(newTask) // update the task with possible changes from server tasks.value.set(, updatedTask) success('Saved') } catch (e) { error('Something went wrong saving the task') // roll back changes tasks.value.set(, oldTask) } } return { tasks, isLoading, loadTasks, addTask, updateTask, } }