--- kind: pipeline type: docker name: testing workspace: base: /go path: src/code.vikunja.io/api volumes: - name: tmp-sqlite-unit temp: medium: memory - name: tmp-sqlite-integration temp: medium: memory - name: tmp-sqlite-migration temp: medium: memory - name: tmp-mysql-unit temp: medium: memory - name: tmp-mysql-integration temp: medium: memory - name: tmp-mysql-migration temp: medium: memory - name: tmp-postgres-unit temp: medium: memory - name: tmp-postgres-integration temp: medium: memory - name: tmp-postgres-migration temp: medium: memory services: - name: test-mysql-unit image: mariadb:10 environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: vikunjatest MYSQL_DATABASE: vikunjatest volumes: - name: tmp-mysql-unit path: /var/lib/mysql - name: test-mysql-integration image: mariadb:10 environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: vikunjatest MYSQL_DATABASE: vikunjatest volumes: - name: tmp-mysql-integration path: /var/lib/mysql - name: test-mysql-migration image: mariadb:10 environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: vikunjatest MYSQL_DATABASE: vikunjatest volumes: - name: tmp-mysql-migration path: /var/lib/mysql - name: test-postgres-unit image: postgres:14 environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: vikunjatest POSTGRES_DB: vikunjatest volumes: - name: tmp-postgres-unit path: /var/lib/postgresql/data commands: - docker-entrypoint.sh -c fsync=off -c full_page_writes=off # turns of wal - name: test-postgres-integration image: postgres:14 environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: vikunjatest POSTGRES_DB: vikunjatest volumes: - name: tmp-postgres-integration path: /var/lib/postgresql/data commands: - docker-entrypoint.sh -c fsync=off -c full_page_writes=off # turns of wal - name: test-postgres-migration image: postgres:14 environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: vikunjatest POSTGRES_DB: vikunjatest volumes: - name: tmp-postgres-migration path: /var/lib/postgresql/data commands: - docker-entrypoint.sh -c fsync=off -c full_page_writes=off # turns of wal trigger: branch: include: - main event: include: - push - pull_request steps: - name: fetch-tags image: docker:git commands: - git fetch --tags # We're statically compiling the magefile to avoid race condition issues caused by multiple pipeline steps # compiling the same magefile at the same time. It's also faster if each step does not need to compile it first. - name: mage image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always environment: GOPROXY: 'https://goproxy.kolaente.de' commands: - mage -compile ./mage-static - env when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: build image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always environment: GOPROXY: 'https://goproxy.kolaente.de' depends_on: [ mage ] commands: - ./mage-static build:build when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: lint image: golang:1.19-alpine pull: always environment: GOPROXY: 'https://goproxy.kolaente.de' depends_on: [ build ] commands: - export "GOROOT=$(go env GOROOT)" - apk --no-cache add build-base git - wget -O - -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.49.0 - ./mage-static check:all when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: test-migration-prepare image: kolaente/toolbox:latest pull: always commands: # Get the latest version - wget https://dl.vikunja.io/api/unstable/vikunja-unstable-linux-amd64-full.zip -q -O vikunja-latest.zip - unzip vikunja-latest.zip vikunja-unstable-linux-amd64 - name: test-migration-sqlite image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always depends_on: [ test-migration-prepare, build ] environment: VIKUNJA_DATABASE_TYPE: sqlite VIKUNJA_DATABASE_PATH: /db/vikunja-migration-test.db VIKUNJA_LOG_DATABASE: stdout VIKUNJA_LOG_DATABASELEVEL: debug volumes: - name: tmp-sqlite-migration path: /db commands: - ./vikunja-unstable-linux-amd64 migrate # Run the migrations from the binary build in the step before - ./vikunja migrate when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: test-migration-mysql image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always depends_on: [ test-migration-prepare, build ] environment: VIKUNJA_DATABASE_TYPE: mysql VIKUNJA_DATABASE_HOST: test-mysql-migration VIKUNJA_DATABASE_USER: root VIKUNJA_DATABASE_PASSWORD: vikunjatest VIKUNJA_DATABASE_DATABASE: vikunjatest VIKUNJA_LOG_DATABASE: stdout VIKUNJA_LOG_DATABASELEVEL: debug commands: - ./vikunja-unstable-linux-amd64 migrate # Run the migrations from the binary build in the step before - ./vikunja migrate when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: test-migration-psql image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always depends_on: [ test-migration-prepare, build ] environment: VIKUNJA_DATABASE_TYPE: postgres VIKUNJA_DATABASE_HOST: test-postgres-migration VIKUNJA_DATABASE_USER: postgres VIKUNJA_DATABASE_PASSWORD: vikunjatest VIKUNJA_DATABASE_DATABASE: vikunjatest VIKUNJA_DATABASE_SSLMODE: disable VIKUNJA_LOG_DATABASE: stdout VIKUNJA_LOG_DATABASELEVEL: debug commands: - ./vikunja-unstable-linux-amd64 migrate # Run the migrations from the binary build in the step before - ./vikunja migrate when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: test image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always environment: GOPROXY: 'https://goproxy.kolaente.de' commands: - ./mage-static test:unit depends_on: [ fetch-tags, mage ] when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: test-sqlite image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always environment: GOPROXY: 'https://goproxy.kolaente.de' VIKUNJA_TESTS_USE_CONFIG: 1 VIKUNJA_DATABASE_TYPE: sqlite VIKUNJA_DATABASE_PATH: /db/vikunja-test.db volumes: - name: tmp-sqlite-unit path: /db commands: - ./mage-static test:unit depends_on: [ fetch-tags, mage ] when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: test-mysql image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always environment: GOPROXY: 'https://goproxy.kolaente.de' VIKUNJA_TESTS_USE_CONFIG: 1 VIKUNJA_DATABASE_TYPE: mysql VIKUNJA_DATABASE_HOST: test-mysql-unit VIKUNJA_DATABASE_USER: root VIKUNJA_DATABASE_PASSWORD: vikunjatest VIKUNJA_DATABASE_DATABASE: vikunjatest commands: - ./mage-static test:unit depends_on: [ fetch-tags, mage ] when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: test-postgres image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always environment: GOPROXY: 'https://goproxy.kolaente.de' VIKUNJA_TESTS_USE_CONFIG: 1 VIKUNJA_DATABASE_TYPE: postgres VIKUNJA_DATABASE_HOST: test-postgres-unit VIKUNJA_DATABASE_USER: postgres VIKUNJA_DATABASE_PASSWORD: vikunjatest VIKUNJA_DATABASE_DATABASE: vikunjatest VIKUNJA_DATABASE_SSLMODE: disable commands: - ./mage-static test:unit depends_on: [ fetch-tags, mage ] when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: integration-test image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always environment: GOPROXY: 'https://goproxy.kolaente.de' commands: - ./mage-static test:integration depends_on: [ fetch-tags, mage ] when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: integration-test-sqlite image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always environment: GOPROXY: 'https://goproxy.kolaente.de' VIKUNJA_TESTS_USE_CONFIG: 1 VIKUNJA_DATABASE_TYPE: sqlite VIKUNJA_DATABASE_PATH: /db/vikunja-test.db volumes: - name: tmp-sqlite-integration path: /db commands: - ./mage-static test:integration depends_on: [ fetch-tags, mage ] when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: integration-test-mysql image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always environment: GOPROXY: 'https://goproxy.kolaente.de' VIKUNJA_TESTS_USE_CONFIG: 1 VIKUNJA_DATABASE_TYPE: mysql VIKUNJA_DATABASE_HOST: test-mysql-integration VIKUNJA_DATABASE_USER: root VIKUNJA_DATABASE_PASSWORD: vikunjatest VIKUNJA_DATABASE_DATABASE: vikunjatest commands: - ./mage-static test:integration depends_on: [ fetch-tags, mage ] when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: integration-test-postgres image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always environment: GOPROXY: 'https://goproxy.kolaente.de' VIKUNJA_TESTS_USE_CONFIG: 1 VIKUNJA_DATABASE_TYPE: postgres VIKUNJA_DATABASE_HOST: test-postgres-integration VIKUNJA_DATABASE_USER: postgres VIKUNJA_DATABASE_PASSWORD: vikunjatest VIKUNJA_DATABASE_DATABASE: vikunjatest VIKUNJA_DATABASE_SSLMODE: disable commands: - ./mage-static test:integration depends_on: [ fetch-tags, mage ] when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] --- ######## # Build a release when tagging ######## kind: pipeline type: docker name: release depends_on: - testing workspace: base: /source path: / trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - "refs/tags/**" steps: # Needed to get the versions right as they depend on tags - name: fetch-tags image: docker:git commands: - git fetch --tags # We're statically compiling the magefile to avoid race condition issues caused by multiple pipeline steps # compiling the same magefile at the same time. It's also faster if each step does not need to compile it first. - name: mage image: vikunja/golang-build:latest pull: always environment: GOPROXY: 'https://goproxy.kolaente.de' commands: - mage -compile ./mage-static when: event: [ push, tag, pull_request ] - name: before-static-build image: techknowlogick/xgo:latest pull: always commands: - export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin - go install github.com/magefile/mage - ./mage-static release:dirs depends_on: [ fetch-tags, mage ] - name: static-build-windows image: techknowlogick/xgo:latest pull: always environment: # This path does not exist. However, when we set the gopath to /go, the build fails. Not sure why. # Leaving this here until we know how to resolve this properly. GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin - go install github.com/magefile/mage - ./mage-static release:windows depends_on: [ before-static-build ] - name: static-build-linux image: techknowlogick/xgo:latest pull: always environment: # This path does not exist. However, when we set the gopath to /go, the build fails. Not sure why. # Leaving this here until we know how to resolve this properly. GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin - go install github.com/magefile/mage - ./mage-static release:linux depends_on: [ before-static-build ] - name: static-build-darwin image: techknowlogick/xgo:latest pull: always environment: # This path does not exist. However, when we set the gopath to /go, the build fails. Not sure why. # Leaving this here until we know how to resolve this properly. GOPATH: /srv/app commands: - export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin - go install github.com/magefile/mage - ./mage-static release:darwin depends_on: [ before-static-build ] - name: after-build-compress image: kolaente/upx pull: always depends_on: - static-build-windows - static-build-linux - static-build-darwin commands: - ./mage-static release:compress - name: after-build-static image: techknowlogick/xgo:latest pull: always depends_on: - after-build-compress commands: - go install github.com/magefile/mage - ./mage-static release:copy - ./mage-static release:check - ./mage-static release:os-package - ./mage-static release:zip - name: sign-release image: plugins/gpgsign:1 pull: always depends_on: [ after-build-static ] settings: key: from_secret: gpg_privkey passphrase: from_secret: gpg_password files: - dist/zip/* detach_sign: true # Push the releases to our pseudo-s3-bucket - name: release-latest image: plugins/s3 pull: always settings: bucket: vikunja-releases access_key: from_secret: aws_access_key_id secret_key: from_secret: aws_secret_access_key endpoint: https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud region: fr-par path_style: true strip_prefix: dist/zip/ source: dist/zip/* target: /api/unstable/ when: branch: - main event: - push depends_on: [ sign-release ] - name: release-version image: plugins/s3 pull: always settings: bucket: vikunja-releases access_key: from_secret: aws_access_key_id secret_key: from_secret: aws_secret_access_key endpoint: https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud region: fr-par path_style: true strip_prefix: dist/zip/ source: dist/zip/* target: /api/${DRONE_TAG##v}/ when: event: - tag depends_on: [ sign-release ] # Build os packages and push it to our bucket - name: build-os-packages-unstable image: goreleaser/nfpm:v2.22.2 pull: always commands: - apk add git go - ./mage-static release:packages - mv dist/os-packages/vikunja*.x86_64.rpm dist/os-packages/vikunja-unstable-x86_64.rpm - mv dist/os-packages/vikunja*_amd64.deb dist/os-packages/vikunja-unstable-amd64.deb - mv dist/os-packages/vikunja*_x86_64.apk dist/os-packages/vikunja-unstable-x86_64.apk when: branch: - main event: - push depends_on: [ after-build-compress ] - name: build-os-packages-version image: goreleaser/nfpm:v2.22.2 pull: always commands: - apk add git go - ./mage-static release:packages - mv dist/os-packages/vikunja*.x86_64.rpm dist/os-packages/vikunja-${DRONE_TAG##v}-x86_64.rpm - mv dist/os-packages/vikunja*_amd64.deb dist/os-packages/vikunja-${DRONE_TAG##v}-amd64.deb - mv dist/os-packages/vikunja*_x86_64.apk dist/os-packages/vikunja-${DRONE_TAG##v}-x86_64.apk when: event: - tag depends_on: [ after-build-compress ] # Push the os releases to our pseudo-s3-bucket - name: release-os-latest image: plugins/s3 pull: always settings: bucket: vikunja-releases access_key: from_secret: aws_access_key_id secret_key: from_secret: aws_secret_access_key endpoint: https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud region: fr-par path_style: true strip_prefix: dist/os-packages/ source: dist/os-packages/* target: /api/unstable/ when: branch: - main event: - push depends_on: [ build-os-packages-unstable ] - name: release-os-version image: plugins/s3 pull: always settings: bucket: vikunja-releases access_key: from_secret: aws_access_key_id secret_key: from_secret: aws_secret_access_key endpoint: https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud region: fr-par path_style: true strip_prefix: dist/os-packages/ source: dist/os-packages/* target: /api/${DRONE_TAG##v}/ when: event: - tag depends_on: [ build-os-packages-version ] --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: deploy-docs workspace: base: /go path: src/code.vikunja.io/api clone: depth: 50 trigger: event: - push branch: - main steps: - name: theme image: kolaente/toolbox pull: always commands: - mkdir docs/themes/vikunja -p - cd docs/themes/vikunja - wget https://dl.vikunja.io/theme/vikunja-theme.tar.gz - tar -xzf vikunja-theme.tar.gz - name: build image: klakegg/hugo:0.104.2 pull: always commands: - cd docs - hugo - mv public/docs/* public # Hugo seems to be not capable of setting a different theme for a home page, so we do this ugly hack to fix it. - name: docker image: plugins/docker pull: always settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: vikunja/docs context: docs/ dockerfile: docs/Dockerfile --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: docker-release depends_on: - testing trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - "refs/tags/**" steps: - name: fetch-tags image: docker:git commands: - git fetch --tags - name: docker-unstable image: thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx privileged: true pull: always settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: vikunja/api tags: unstable platforms: - linux/386 - linux/amd64 - linux/arm/v6 - linux/arm/v7 - linux/arm64/v8 depends_on: [ fetch-tags ] when: ref: - refs/heads/main - name: docker-release image: thegeeklab/drone-docker-buildx privileged: true pull: always settings: username: from_secret: docker_username password: from_secret: docker_password repo: vikunja/api auto_tag: true platforms: - linux/386 - linux/amd64 - linux/arm/v6 - linux/arm/v7 - linux/arm64/v8 depends_on: [ fetch-tags ] when: ref: - "refs/tags/**" --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: notify trigger: ref: - refs/heads/main - "refs/tags/**" depends_on: - testing - release - deploy-docs - docker-release steps: - name: notify image: plugins/matrix settings: homeserver: https://matrix.org roomid: WqBDCxzghKcNflkErL:matrix.org username: from_secret: matrix_username password: from_secret: matrix_password when: status: - success - failure --- kind: signature hmac: f8ce17f7158088a124039f579ba10364788d306feac3feeb51689dce440d6213 ...