
226 lines
5.6 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import flatpickr from 'flatpickr'
import 'flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.css'
// FIXME: Not sure how to alias these correctly
// import Options = Flatpickr.Options doesn't work
type Hook = flatpickr.Options.Hook
type HookKey = flatpickr.Options.HookKey
type Options = flatpickr.Options.Options
type DateOption = flatpickr.Options.DateOption
function camelToKebab(string: string) {
return string.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1-$2').toLowerCase()
function arrayify<T = unknown>(obj: T) {
return obj instanceof Array
? obj
: [obj]
function nullify<T = unknown>(value: T) {
return (value && (value as unknown[]).length)
? value
: null
// Events to emit, copied from flatpickr source
const includedEvents = [
] as HookKey[]
// Let's not emit these events by default
const excludedEvents = [
] as HookKey[]
// Keep a copy of all events for later use
const allEvents = includedEvents.concat(excludedEvents)
export default {inheritAttrs: false}
<script setup lang="ts">
import {computed, onBeforeUnmount, onMounted, ref, toRefs, useAttrs, watch, watchEffect, type PropType} from 'vue'
const props = defineProps({
modelValue: {
type: [String, Number, Date, Array] as PropType<DateOption | DateOption[] | null>,
default: null,
config: {
type: Object as PropType<Options>,
default: () => ({
defaultDate: null,
wrap: false,
events: {
type: Array as PropType<HookKey[]>,
default: () => includedEvents,
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
const emit = defineEmits([
const {modelValue, config, disabled} = toRefs(props)
// bind listener like onBlur
const attrs = useAttrs()
const root = ref<HTMLInputElement | null>(null)
const fp = ref<flatpickr.Instance | null>(null)
const safeConfig = ref<Options>({...props.config})
function prepareConfig() {
// Don't mutate original object on parent component
const newConfig: Options = {...props.config} => {
// Respect global callbacks registered via setDefault() method
const globalCallbacks = flatpickr.defaultConfig[hook] || []
// Inject our own method along with user callback
const localCallback: Hook = (...args) => emit(camelToKebab(hook), ...args)
// Overwrite with merged array
newConfig[hook] = arrayify(newConfig[hook] || []).concat(
// Watch for value changed by date-picker itself and notify parent component
const onChange: Hook = (dates) => emit('update:modelValue', dates)
newConfig['onChange'] = arrayify(newConfig['onChange'] || []).concat(onChange)
// Flatpickr does not emit input event in some cases
// const onClose: Hook = (_selectedDates, dateStr) => emit('update:modelValue', dateStr)
// newConfig['onClose'] = arrayify(newConfig['onClose'] || []).concat(onClose)
// Set initial date without emitting any event
newConfig.defaultDate = props.modelValue || newConfig.defaultDate
safeConfig.value = newConfig
return safeConfig.value
onMounted(() => {
if (
fp.value || // Return early if flatpickr is already loaded
!root.value // our input needs to be mounted
) {
* Get the HTML node where flatpickr to be attached
* Bind on parent element if wrap is true
const element = props.config.wrap
? root.value.parentNode
: root.value
// Init flatpickr
fp.value = flatpickr(element, safeConfig.value)
onBeforeUnmount(() => fp.value?.destroy())
watch(config, () => {
if (!fp.value) return
// Workaround: Don't pass hooks to configs again otherwise
// previously registered hooks will stop working
// Notice: we are looping through all events
// This also means that new callbacks can not be passed once component has been initialized
allEvents.forEach((hook) => {
delete safeConfig.value?.[hook]
// Passing these properties in `set()` method will cause flatpickr to trigger some callbacks
const configCallbacks = ['locale', 'showMonths'] as (keyof Options)[]
// Workaround: Allow to change locale dynamically
configCallbacks.forEach(name => {
if (typeof safeConfig.value?.[name] !== 'undefined' && fp.value) {
fp.value.set(name, safeConfig.value[name])
}, {deep: true})
const fpInput = computed(() => {
if (!fp.value) return
return fp.value.altInput || fp.value.input
* init blur event
* (is required by many validation libraries)
function onBlur(event: Event) {
emit('blur', nullify(( as HTMLInputElement).value))
watchEffect(() => fpInput.value?.addEventListener('blur', onBlur))
onBeforeUnmount(() => fpInput.value?.removeEventListener('blur', onBlur))
* Watch for the disabled property and sets the value to the real input.
watchEffect(() => {
if (disabled.value) {
fpInput.value?.setAttribute('disabled', '')
} else {
* Watch for changes from parent component and update DOM
newValue => {
// Prevent updates if v-model value is same as input's current value
if (!root.value || newValue === nullify(root.value.value)) return
// Make sure we have a flatpickr instance and
// notify flatpickr instance that there is a change in value
fp.value?.setDate(newValue, true)
{deep: true},