Elscrux 61ee0bd5e2
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
feat(migration): include non upload attachments from Trello (#2261)
This makes the Trello migrator include attachments that are not file uploads. To include them in Vikunja without missing data, their text (usually links) will be appended to the Vikunja description.

Co-authored-by: Elscrux <>
Reviewed-on: #2261
Reviewed-by: konrad <>
Co-authored-by: Elscrux <>
Co-committed-by: Elscrux <>
2024-04-10 22:12:06 +00:00

512 lines
16 KiB

// Vikunja is a to-do list application to facilitate your life.
// Copyright 2018-present Vikunja and contributors. All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public Licensee as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public Licensee for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public Licensee
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package trello
import (
// Migration represents the trello migration struct
type Migration struct {
Token string `json:"code"`
var trelloColorMap map[string]string
func init() {
trelloColorMap = make(map[string]string, 30)
trelloColorMap = map[string]string{
"green": "4bce97",
"yellow": "f5cd47",
"orange": "fea362",
"red": "f87168",
"purple": "9f8fef",
"blue": "579dff",
"sky": "6cc3e0",
"lime": "94c748",
"pink": "e774bb",
"black": "8590a2",
"green_dark": "1f845a",
"yellow_dark": "946f00",
"orange_dark": "c25100",
"red_dark": "c9372c",
"purple_dark": "6e5dc6",
"blue_dark": "0c66e4",
"sky_dark": "227d9b",
"lime_dark": "5b7f24",
"pink_dark": "ae4787",
"black_dark": "626f86",
"green_light": "baf3db",
"yellow_light": "f8e6a0",
"orange_light": "fedec8",
"red_light": "ffd5d2",
"purple_light": "dfd8fd",
"blue_light": "cce0ff",
"sky_light": "c6edfb",
"lime_light": "d3f1a7",
"ping_light": "fdd0ec",
"black_light": "dcdfe4",
"transparent": "", // Empty
// Name is used to get the name of the trello migration - we're using the docs here to annotate the status route.
// @Summary Get migration status
// @Description Returns if the current user already did the migation or not. This is useful to show a confirmation message in the frontend if the user is trying to do the same migration again.
// @tags migration
// @Produce json
// @Security JWTKeyAuth
// @Success 200 {object} migration.Status "The migration status"
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal server error"
// @Router /migration/trello/status [get]
func (m *Migration) Name() string {
return "trello"
// AuthURL returns the url users need to authenticate against
// @Summary Get the auth url from trello
// @Description Returns the auth url where the user needs to get its auth code. This code can then be used to migrate everything from trello to Vikunja.
// @tags migration
// @Produce json
// @Security JWTKeyAuth
// @Success 200 {object} handler.AuthURL "The auth url."
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal server error"
// @Router /migration/trello/auth [get]
func (m *Migration) AuthURL() string {
return "" +
"?expiration=never" +
"&scope=read" +
"&callback_method=fragment" +
"&response_type=token" +
"&name=Vikunja%20Migration" +
"&key=" + config.MigrationTrelloKey.GetString() +
"&return_url=" + config.MigrationTrelloRedirectURL.GetString()
func getTrelloBoards(client *trello.Client) (trelloData []*trello.Board, err error) {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Getting boards...")
trelloData, err = client.GetMyBoards(trello.Defaults())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Got %d trello boards", len(trelloData))
func getTrelloOrganizationsWithBoards(boards []*trello.Board) (boardsByOrg map[string][]*trello.Board) {
boardsByOrg = make(map[string][]*trello.Board)
for _, board := range boards {
// Trello boards without an organization are considered personal boards
if board.IDOrganization == "" {
board.IDOrganization = "Personal"
_, has := boardsByOrg[board.IDOrganization]
if !has {
boardsByOrg[board.IDOrganization] = []*trello.Board{}
boardsByOrg[board.IDOrganization] = append(boardsByOrg[board.IDOrganization], board)
func fillCardData(client *trello.Client, board *trello.Board) (err error) {
allArg := trello.Arguments{"fields": "all"}
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Getting projects for board %s", board.ID)
board.Lists, err = board.GetLists(trello.Defaults())
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Got %d projects for board %s", len(board.Lists), board.ID)
listMap := make(map[string]*trello.List, len(board.Lists))
for _, list := range board.Lists {
listMap[list.ID] = list
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Getting cards for board %s", board.ID)
cards, err := board.GetCards(allArg)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Got %d cards for board %s", len(cards), board.ID)
for _, card := range cards {
list, exists := listMap[card.IDList]
if !exists {
if card.Badges.Attachments > 0 {
card.Attachments, err = card.GetAttachments(allArg)
if err != nil {
if card.Badges.Comments > 0 {
card.Actions, err = card.GetCommentActions()
if err != nil {
if len(card.IDCheckLists) > 0 {
for _, checkListID := range card.IDCheckLists {
checklist, err := client.GetChecklist(checkListID, allArg)
if err != nil {
return err
checklist.CheckItems = []trello.CheckItem{}
err = client.Get("checklists/"+checkListID+"/checkItems", allArg, &checklist.CheckItems)
if err != nil {
return err
card.Checklists = append(card.Checklists, checklist)
log.Debugf("Retrieved checklist %s for card %s", checkListID, card.ID)
list.Cards = append(list.Cards, card)
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Looked for attachements on all cards of board %s", board.ID)
func convertMarkdownToHTML(input string) (output string, err error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
err = goldmark.Convert([]byte(input), &buf)
if err != nil {
//#nosec - we are not responsible to escape this as we don't know the context where it is used
return buf.String(), nil
// Converts all previously obtained data from trello into the vikunja format.
// `trelloData` should contain all boards with their projects and cards respectively.
func convertTrelloDataToVikunja(organizationName string, trelloData []*trello.Board, token string, currentMember *trello.Member) (fullVikunjaHierachie []*models.ProjectWithTasksAndBuckets, err error) {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] ")
var pseudoParentID int64 = 1
fullVikunjaHierachie = []*models.ProjectWithTasksAndBuckets{
Project: models.Project{
ID: pseudoParentID,
Title: organizationName,
var bucketID int64 = 1
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Converting %d boards to vikunja projects", len(trelloData))
for index, board := range trelloData {
project := &models.ProjectWithTasksAndBuckets{
Project: models.Project{
ID: int64(index+1) + pseudoParentID,
ParentProjectID: pseudoParentID,
Title: board.Name,
Description: board.Desc,
IsArchived: board.Closed,
// Background
// We're pretty much abusing the backgroundinformation field here - not sure if this is really better than adding a new property to the project
if board.Prefs.BackgroundImage != "" {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Downloading background %s for board %s", board.Prefs.BackgroundImage, board.ID)
buf, err := migration.DownloadFile(board.Prefs.BackgroundImage)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Downloaded background %s for board %s", board.Prefs.BackgroundImage, board.ID)
project.BackgroundInformation = buf
} else {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Board %s does not have a background image, not copying...", board.ID)
for _, l := range board.Lists {
bucket := &models.Bucket{
ID: bucketID,
Title: l.Name,
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Converting %d cards to tasks from board %s", len(l.Cards), board.ID)
for _, card := range l.Cards {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Converting card %s", card.ID)
// The usual stuff: Title, description, position, bucket id
task := &models.TaskWithComments{
Task: models.Task{
Title: card.Name,
BucketID: bucketID,
task.Description, err = convertMarkdownToHTML(card.Desc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if card.Due != nil {
task.DueDate = *card.Due
// Checklists (as markdown in description)
for _, checklist := range card.Checklists {
task.Description += "\n\n<h2> " + checklist.Name + "</h2>\n\n" + `<ul data-type="taskList">`
for _, item := range checklist.CheckItems {
task.Description += "\n"
if item.State == "complete" {
task.Description += `<li data-checked="true" data-type="taskItem"><label><input type="checkbox" checked="checked"><span></span></label><div><p>` + item.Name + `</p></div></li>`
} else {
task.Description += `<li data-checked="false" data-type="taskItem"><label><input type="checkbox"><span></span></label><div><p>` + item.Name + `</p></div></li>`
task.Description += "</ul>"
if len(card.Checklists) > 0 {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Converted %d checklists from card %s", len(card.Checklists), card.ID)
// Labels
for _, label := range card.Labels {
color, exists := trelloColorMap[label.Color]
if !exists {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Color %s not mapped for trello card %s, falling back to transparent", label.Color, card.ID)
color = trelloColorMap["transparent"]
task.Labels = append(task.Labels, &models.Label{
Title: label.Name,
HexColor: color,
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Converted label %s from card %s", label.ID, card.ID)
// Attachments
if len(card.Attachments) > 0 {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Downloading %d card attachments from card %s", len(card.Attachments), card.ID)
for _, attachment := range card.Attachments {
if attachment.IsUpload {
// Download file and add it as attachment
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Downloading card attachment %s", attachment.ID)
buf, err := migration.DownloadFileWithHeaders(attachment.URL, map[string][]string{
"Authorization": {`OAuth oauth_consumer_key="` + config.MigrationTrelloKey.GetString() + `", oauth_token="` + token + `"`},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
vikunjaAttachment := &models.TaskAttachment{
File: &files.File{
Name: attachment.Name,
Mime: attachment.MimeType,
Size: uint64(buf.Len()),
FileContent: buf.Bytes(),
if card.IDAttachmentCover != "" && card.IDAttachmentCover == attachment.ID {
vikunjaAttachment.ID = 42
task.CoverImageAttachmentID = 42
task.Attachments = append(task.Attachments, vikunjaAttachment)
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Downloaded card attachment %s", attachment.ID)
// Other links are not attachments in Vikunja, but we can add them to the description
task.Description += `<p><a href="` + attachment.URL + `">` + attachment.Name + "</a></p>\n"
// When the cover image was set manually, we need to add it as an attachment
if card.ManualCoverAttachment && len(card.Cover.Scaled) > 0 {
cover := card.Cover.Scaled[len(card.Cover.Scaled)-1]
buf, err := migration.DownloadFile(cover.URL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
coverAttachment := &models.TaskAttachment{
ID: 43,
File: &files.File{
Name: cover.ID + ".jpg",
Mime: "image/jpg", // Seems to always return jpg
Size: uint64(buf.Len()),
FileContent: buf.Bytes(),
task.Attachments = append(task.Attachments, coverAttachment)
task.CoverImageAttachmentID = coverAttachment.ID
for _, action := range card.Actions {
if action.DidCommentCard() {
if task.Comments == nil {
task.Comments = []*models.TaskComment{}
comment := &models.TaskComment{
Comment: action.Data.Text,
Created: action.Date,
Updated: action.Date,
if currentMember == nil || action.IDMemberCreator != currentMember.ID {
comment.Comment = "*" + action.MemberCreator.FullName + "*:\n\n" + comment.Comment
comment.Comment, err = convertMarkdownToHTML(comment.Comment)
if err != nil {
task.Comments = append(task.Comments, comment)
project.Tasks = append(project.Tasks, task)
project.Buckets = append(project.Buckets, bucket)
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Converted all cards to tasks for board %s", board.ID)
fullVikunjaHierachie = append(fullVikunjaHierachie, project)
// Migrate gets all tasks from trello for a user and puts them into vikunja
// @Summary Migrate all projects, tasks etc. from trello
// @Description Migrates all projects, tasks, notes, reminders, subtasks and files from trello to vikunja.
// @tags migration
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Security JWTKeyAuth
// @Param migrationCode body trello.Migration true "The auth token previously obtained from the auth url. See the docs for /migration/trello/auth."
// @Success 200 {object} models.Message "A message telling you everything was migrated successfully."
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal server error"
// @Router /migration/trello/migrate [post]
func (m *Migration) Migrate(u *user.User) (err error) {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Starting migration for user %d", u.ID)
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Getting all trello data for user %d", u.ID)
client := trello.NewClient(config.MigrationTrelloKey.GetString(), m.Token)
client.Logger = log.GetLogger()
boards, err := getTrelloBoards(client)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Got all trello data for user %d", u.ID)
organizationMap := getTrelloOrganizationsWithBoards(boards)
for organizationID, boards := range organizationMap {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Getting organization with id %s for user %d", organizationID, u.ID)
orgName := organizationID
if organizationID != "Personal" {
organization, err := client.GetOrganization(organizationID, trello.Defaults())
if err != nil {
return err
orgName = organization.DisplayName
for _, board := range boards {
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Getting card data for board %s for user %d for organization %s", board.ID, u.ID, organizationID)
err = fillCardData(client, board)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Got card data for board %s for user %d for organization %s", board.ID, u.ID, organizationID)
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Start converting trello data for user %d for organization %s", u.ID, organizationID)
currentMember, err := client.GetMyMember(trello.Defaults())
if err != nil {
return err
hierarchy, err := convertTrelloDataToVikunja(orgName, boards, client.Token, currentMember)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Done migrating trello data for user %d for organization %s", u.ID, organizationID)
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Start inserting trello data for user %d for organization %s", u.ID, organizationID)
err = migration.InsertFromStructure(hierarchy, u)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Done inserting trello data for user %d for organization %s", u.ID, organizationID)
log.Debugf("[Trello Migration] Done migrating all trello data for user %d", u.ID)