kolaente 10ff864e0c
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
fix(projects): load projects only one when fetching subscriptions for a bunch of projects at once
This change ensures already loaded projects are passed down when fetching their subscription  instead of re-loading each project with a single sql statement. When loading all projects, this meant all projects were loaded twice, which was highly inefficient. This roughly added 25ms to each request, assuming the per page limit was maxed out at 50 projects.

Empirical testing shows this change reduces load times by ~20ms. Because the request is already pretty fast, this is ~30% of the overall request time, making the loading of projects now even faster
2024-03-02 14:27:11 +01:00

180 lines
5.0 KiB

// Vikunja is a to-do list application to facilitate your life.
// Copyright 2018-present Vikunja and contributors. All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public Licensee as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public Licensee for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public Licensee
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package models
import (
func getUndoneOverdueTasks(s *xorm.Session, now time.Time) (usersWithTasks map[int64]*userWithTasks, err error) {
now = utils.GetTimeWithoutSeconds(now)
nextMinute := now.Add(1 * time.Minute)
var tasks []*Task
err = s.
Where("due_date is not null AND due_date < ? AND projects.is_archived = false", nextMinute.Add(time.Hour*14).Format(dbTimeFormat)).
Join("LEFT", "projects", " = tasks.project_id").
And("done = false").
if err != nil {
if len(tasks) == 0 {
var taskIDs []int64
for _, task := range tasks {
taskIDs = append(taskIDs, task.ID)
users, err := getTaskUsersForTasks(s, taskIDs, builder.Eq{"users.overdue_tasks_reminders_enabled": true})
if err != nil {
if len(users) == 0 {
uts := make(map[int64]*userWithTasks)
tzs := make(map[string]*time.Location)
for _, t := range users {
if t.User.Timezone == "" {
t.User.Timezone = config.GetTimeZone().String()
tz, exists := tzs[t.User.Timezone]
if !exists {
tz, err = time.LoadLocation(t.User.Timezone)
if err != nil {
tzs[t.User.Timezone] = tz
// If it is time for that current user, add the task to their project of overdue tasks
tm, err := time.Parse("15:04", t.User.OverdueTasksRemindersTime)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
overdueMailTime := time.Date(now.Year(), now.Month(), now.Day(), tm.Hour(), tm.Minute(), 0, 0, tz)
isTimeForReminder := overdueMailTime.After(now) || overdueMailTime.Equal(now.In(tz))
wasTimeForReminder := overdueMailTime.Before(nextMinute)
taskIsOverdueInUserTimezone := overdueMailTime.After(t.Task.DueDate.In(tz))
if isTimeForReminder && wasTimeForReminder && taskIsOverdueInUserTimezone {
_, exists := uts[t.User.ID]
if !exists {
uts[t.User.ID] = &userWithTasks{
user: t.User,
tasks: make(map[int64]*Task),
uts[t.User.ID].tasks[t.Task.ID] = t.Task
return uts, nil
type userWithTasks struct {
user *user.User
tasks map[int64]*Task
// RegisterOverdueReminderCron registers a function which checks once a day for tasks that are overdue and not done.
func RegisterOverdueReminderCron() {
if !config.ServiceEnableEmailReminders.GetBool() {
if !config.MailerEnabled.GetBool() {
log.Info("Mailer is disabled, not sending overdue per mail")
err := cron.Schedule("* * * * *", func() {
s := db.NewSession()
defer s.Close()
now := time.Now()
uts, err := getUndoneOverdueTasks(s, now)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[Undone Overdue Tasks Reminder] Could not get undone overdue tasks in the next minute: %s", err)
log.Debugf("[Undone Overdue Tasks Reminder] Sending reminders to %d users", len(uts))
taskIDs := []int64{}
for _, ut := range uts {
for _, t := range ut.tasks {
taskIDs = append(taskIDs, t.ID)
projects, err := GetProjectsMapSimplByTaskIDs(s, taskIDs)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[Undone Overdue Tasks Reminder] Could not get projects for tasks: %s", err)
for _, ut := range uts {
var n notifications.Notification = &UndoneTasksOverdueNotification{
User: ut.user,
Tasks: ut.tasks,
Projects: projects,
if len(ut.tasks) == 1 {
// We know there's only one entry in the map so this is actually O(1) and we can use it to get the
// first entry without knowing the key of it.
for _, t := range ut.tasks {
n = &UndoneTaskOverdueNotification{
User: ut.user,
Task: t,
Project: projects[t.ProjectID],
err = notifications.Notify(ut.user, n)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("[Undone Overdue Tasks Reminder] Could not notify user %d: %s", ut.user.ID, err)
log.Debugf("[Undone Overdue Tasks Reminder] Sent reminder email for %d tasks to user %d", len(ut.tasks), ut.user.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Could not register undone overdue tasks reminder cron: %s", err)