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<a @click="$store.commit('menuActive', false)" class="menu-hide-button" v-if="menuActive">
<icon icon="times"></icon>
:class="{'has-background': background}"
:style="{'background-image': `url(${background})`}"
'fullpage-overlay': fullpage,
'is-menu-enabled': menuActive,
<a @click="$store.commit('menuActive', false)" class="mobile-overlay" v-if="menuActive"></a>
<transition name="fade">
<a @click="$store.commit('keyboardShortcutsActive', true)" class="keyboard-shortcuts-button">
<icon icon="keyboard"/>
import {mapState} from 'vuex'
import {CURRENT_LIST, IS_FULLPAGE, MENU_ACTIVE} from '@/store/mutation-types'
import Navigation from '@/components/home/navigation'
export default {
name: 'contentAuth',
components: {Navigation},
watch: {
'$route': 'doStuffAfterRoute',
2020-11-01 16:46:42 +00:00
created() {
computed: mapState({
fullpage: IS_FULLPAGE,
namespaces(state) {
return state.namespaces.namespaces.filter(n => !n.isArchived)
currentList: CURRENT_LIST,
background: 'background',
menuActive: MENU_ACTIVE,
methods: {
doStuffAfterRoute() {
// this.setTitle('') // Reset the title if the page component does not set one itself
this.$store.commit(IS_FULLPAGE, false)
resetCurrentList() {
// Reset the current list highlight in menu if the current list is not list related.
if (
this.$ === 'home' ||
this.$ === 'namespace.edit' ||
this.$ === 'teams.index' ||
this.$ === 'teams.edit' ||
this.$ === 'tasks.range' ||
this.$ === 'labels.index' ||
this.$ === 'migrate.start' ||
this.$ === 'migrate.wunderlist' ||
this.$ === 'user.settings' ||
this.$ === 'namespaces.index'
) {
this.$store.commit(CURRENT_LIST, {})
2020-11-01 16:46:42 +00:00
renewTokenOnFocus() {
// Try renewing the token every time vikunja is loaded initially
// (When opening the browser the focus event is not fired)
// Check if the token is still valid if the window gets focus again to maybe renew it
window.addEventListener('focus', () => {
const expiresIn = this.userInfo.exp - +new Date() / 1000
// If the token expiry is negative, it is already expired and we have no choice but to redirect
// the user to the login page
if (expiresIn < 0) {
this.$router.push({name: 'user.login'})
// Check if the token is valid for less than 60 hours and renew if thats the case
if (expiresIn < 60 * 3600) {
console.debug('renewed token')