[skip ci] Updated translations via Crowdin

This commit is contained in:
Frederick [Bot] 2023-10-24 00:04:26 +00:00 committed by drone
parent b94acfcc84
commit 72f57a220d
27 changed files with 1245 additions and 300 deletions

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"identifier": "مُعرّف المشروع",
"identifierPlaceholder": "معرف المشروع هنا…",
"description": "الوصف",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "وصف المشاريع هنا…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…",
"color": "اللون",
"success": "تم تحديث المشروع بنجاح."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"title": "العنوان",
"titlePlaceholder": "عنوان الفلتر المحفوظ هنا…",
"description": "الوصف",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "الوصف هنا…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…",
"includeNulls": "تضمين المهام التي لا تحتوي على مجموعة من القيم",
"requireAll": "يتطلب أن تكون جميع الفلاتر صحيحة لظهور المهمة",
"showDoneTasks": "إظهار المهام المكتملة",
@ -514,24 +514,59 @@
"edit": "تعديل",
"done": "أكتمل",
"heading1": "العنوان 1",
"heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.",
"heading2": "العنوان 2",
"heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.",
"heading3": "العنوان 3",
"heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.",
"headingSmaller": "العنوان أصغر",
"headingBigger": "العنوان أكبر",
"bold": "عريض",
"italic": "مائل",
"strikethrough": "يتوسطه خط",
"underline": "Underline",
"code": "تعليمات برمجية",
"codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.",
"quote": "اقتباس",
"unorderedList": "قائمة غير مرتبة",
"orderedList": "قائمة مرتبة",
"quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.",
"bulletList": "Bullet list",
"bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.",
"unorderedList": "Unordered list",
"orderedList": "Ordered list",
"orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.",
"cleanBlock": "محتوى منظّم",
"link": "رابط",
"image": "صورة",
"table": "جدول",
"imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.",
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"insert": "Insert table",
"addColumnBefore": "Add column before",
"addColumnAfter": "Add column after",
"deleteColumn": "Delete column",
"addRowBefore": "Add row before",
"addRowAfter": "Add row after",
"deleteRow": "Delete row",
"deleteTable": "Delete table",
"mergeCells": "Merge cells",
"splitCell": "Split cell",
"toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column",
"toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row",
"toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell",
"mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split",
"fixTables": "Fix tables"
"horizontalRule": "مسطرة أفقية",
"horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.",
"sideBySide": "جنباً إلى جنب",
"guide": "دليل الاستخدام"
"guide": "دليل الاستخدام",
"text": "Text",
"textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.",
"taskList": "Task list",
"taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "إنشاء جديد",
@ -705,7 +740,7 @@
"loading": "تحميل التعليقات…",
"edited": "تم التعديل في {date}",
"creating": "إنشاء تعليق…",
"placeholder": "أضف تعليقك…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…",
"comment": "التعليق",
"delete": "حذف هذا التعليق",
"deleteText1": "هل أنت متأكد من رغبتك بحذف هذا التعليق؟",
@ -719,7 +754,7 @@
"1week": "أسبوع"
"description": {
"placeholder": "انقر هنا لإدخال الوصف…",
"placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…",
"empty": "لا يوجد وصف متاح بعد."
"assignee": {
@ -870,7 +905,7 @@
"namePlaceholder": "اسم الفريق هنا…",
"nameRequired": "الرجاء تحديد الاسم.",
"description": "الوصف",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "وصف الفرق هنا…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…",
"admin": "مشرف",
"member": "عضو"

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"identifier": "Project Identifier",
"identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…",
"color": "Color",
"success": "The project was successfully updated."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"title": "Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "The saved filter title goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The description goes here…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…",
"includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set",
"requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up",
"showDoneTasks": "Show Done Tasks",
@ -514,24 +514,59 @@
"edit": "Edit",
"done": "Done",
"heading1": "Heading 1",
"heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.",
"heading2": "Heading 2",
"heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.",
"heading3": "Heading 3",
"heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.",
"headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller",
"headingBigger": "Heading Bigger",
"bold": "Bold",
"italic": "Italic",
"strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"underline": "Underline",
"code": "Code",
"codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.",
"quote": "Quote",
"unorderedList": "Unordered List",
"orderedList": "Ordered List",
"quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.",
"bulletList": "Bullet list",
"bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.",
"unorderedList": "Unordered list",
"orderedList": "Ordered list",
"orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.",
"cleanBlock": "Clean Block",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Image",
"table": "Table",
"imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.",
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"insert": "Insert table",
"addColumnBefore": "Add column before",
"addColumnAfter": "Add column after",
"deleteColumn": "Delete column",
"addRowBefore": "Add row before",
"addRowAfter": "Add row after",
"deleteRow": "Delete row",
"deleteTable": "Delete table",
"mergeCells": "Merge cells",
"splitCell": "Split cell",
"toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column",
"toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row",
"toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell",
"mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split",
"fixTables": "Fix tables"
"horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule",
"horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.",
"sideBySide": "Side By Side",
"guide": "Guide"
"guide": "Guide",
"text": "Text",
"textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.",
"taskList": "Task list",
"taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Create new",
@ -705,7 +740,7 @@
"loading": "Loading comments…",
"edited": "edited {date}",
"creating": "Creating comment…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…",
"comment": "Comment",
"delete": "Delete this comment",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?",
@ -719,7 +754,7 @@
"1week": "1 week"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Click here to enter a description…",
"placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…",
"empty": "No description available yet."
"assignee": {
@ -870,7 +905,7 @@
"namePlaceholder": "The team's name goes here…",
"nameRequired": "Please specify a name.",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…",
"admin": "Admin",
"member": "Member"

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"identifier": "Project Identifier",
"identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…",
"color": "Color",
"success": "The project was successfully updated."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"title": "Název",
"titlePlaceholder": "Název uloženého filtru přijde sem…",
"description": "Popis",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Popis přijde sem…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…",
"includeNulls": "Zahrnout úkoly, které nemají nastavenou hodnotu",
"requireAll": "Vyžaduje aby všechny filtry odpovídaly, aby se úkol zobrazil",
"showDoneTasks": "Zobrazit dokončené úkoly",
@ -514,24 +514,59 @@
"edit": "Upravit",
"done": "Hotovo",
"heading1": "Nadpis 1",
"heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.",
"heading2": "Nadpis 2",
"heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.",
"heading3": "Nadpis 3",
"heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.",
"headingSmaller": "Menší nadpis",
"headingBigger": "Větší nadpis",
"bold": "Tučné",
"italic": "Skloněné",
"strikethrough": "Přeškrtnuté",
"underline": "Underline",
"code": "Kód",
"codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.",
"quote": "Citace",
"unorderedList": "Seznam s odrážkami",
"orderedList": "Ordered List",
"quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.",
"bulletList": "Bullet list",
"bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.",
"unorderedList": "Unordered list",
"orderedList": "Ordered list",
"orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.",
"cleanBlock": "Čistý blok",
"link": "Odkaz",
"image": "Obrázek",
"table": "Tabulka",
"imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.",
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"insert": "Insert table",
"addColumnBefore": "Add column before",
"addColumnAfter": "Add column after",
"deleteColumn": "Delete column",
"addRowBefore": "Add row before",
"addRowAfter": "Add row after",
"deleteRow": "Delete row",
"deleteTable": "Delete table",
"mergeCells": "Merge cells",
"splitCell": "Split cell",
"toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column",
"toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row",
"toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell",
"mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split",
"fixTables": "Fix tables"
"horizontalRule": "Vodorovná čára",
"horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.",
"sideBySide": "Vedle sebe",
"guide": "Průvodce"
"guide": "Průvodce",
"text": "Text",
"textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.",
"taskList": "Task list",
"taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Vytvořit nový",
@ -705,7 +740,7 @@
"loading": "Načítám komentáře…",
"edited": "upraveno {date}",
"creating": "Vytvářím komentář…",
"placeholder": "Přidejte svůj komentář…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…",
"comment": "Komentář",
"delete": "Smazat tento komentář",
"deleteText1": "Opravdu chcete smazat tento komentář?",
@ -719,7 +754,7 @@
"1week": "1 týden"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Kliknutím sem zadejte popis…",
"placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…",
"empty": "Ještě není k dispozici žádný popis."
"assignee": {
@ -870,7 +905,7 @@
"namePlaceholder": "Název týmu přijde sem…",
"nameRequired": "Zadejte název.",
"description": "Popis",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Popis týmu přijde sem…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…",
"admin": "Administrátor",
"member": "Člen"

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"identifier": "Project Identifier",
"identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…",
"color": "Color",
"success": "The project was successfully updated."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"title": "Titel",
"titlePlaceholder": "Det gemte filters titel skrives her…",
"description": "Beskrivelse",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Beskrivelsen skrives her…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…",
"includeNulls": "Inkluder Opgaver som ikke har en værdi indstillet",
"requireAll": "Kræv at alle filtre er sande for at en opgave kan vises",
"showDoneTasks": "Vis Udførte Opgaver",
@ -514,24 +514,59 @@
"edit": "Rediger",
"done": "Udfør",
"heading1": "Overskrift 1",
"heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.",
"heading2": "Overskrift 2",
"heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.",
"heading3": "Overskrift 3",
"heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.",
"headingSmaller": "Overskrift Mindre",
"headingBigger": "Overskrift Større",
"bold": "Fed",
"italic": "Kursiv",
"strikethrough": "Gennemstreget",
"underline": "Underline",
"code": "Kode",
"codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.",
"quote": "Citat",
"unorderedList": "Usorteret liste",
"orderedList": "Ordered List",
"quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.",
"bulletList": "Bullet list",
"bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.",
"unorderedList": "Unordered list",
"orderedList": "Ordered list",
"orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.",
"cleanBlock": "Ryd Blok",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Billede",
"table": "Tabel",
"imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.",
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"insert": "Insert table",
"addColumnBefore": "Add column before",
"addColumnAfter": "Add column after",
"deleteColumn": "Delete column",
"addRowBefore": "Add row before",
"addRowAfter": "Add row after",
"deleteRow": "Delete row",
"deleteTable": "Delete table",
"mergeCells": "Merge cells",
"splitCell": "Split cell",
"toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column",
"toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row",
"toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell",
"mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split",
"fixTables": "Fix tables"
"horizontalRule": "Horisontal Linje",
"horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.",
"sideBySide": "Side Om Side",
"guide": "Vejledning"
"guide": "Vejledning",
"text": "Text",
"textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.",
"taskList": "Task list",
"taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Opret ny",
@ -705,7 +740,7 @@
"loading": "Indlæser kommentarer…",
"edited": "redigeret {date}",
"creating": "Opretter kommentar…",
"placeholder": "Tilføj din kommentar…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…",
"comment": "Kommentar",
"delete": "Slet denne kommentar",
"deleteText1": "Er du sikker på du vil slette denne kommentar?",
@ -719,7 +754,7 @@
"1week": "1 uge"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Klik her for at indtaste en beskrivelse…",
"placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…",
"empty": "Ingen beskrivelse tilgængelig endnu."
"assignee": {
@ -870,7 +905,7 @@
"namePlaceholder": "Holdnavnet skrives her…",
"nameRequired": "Angiv venligst et navn.",
"description": "Beskrivelse",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Holdets beskrivelse skrives her…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…",
"admin": "Administrator",
"member": "Medlem"

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"identifier": "Projektbezeichner",
"identifierPlaceholder": "Der Projektbezeichner kommt hierhin…",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Projektbeschreibung eingeben…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung für dieses Projekt ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…",
"color": "Farbe",
"success": "Das Projekt wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"title": "Titel",
"titlePlaceholder": "Einen gespeicherten Filternamen eingeben …",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Eine Beschreibung eingeben …",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung für diesen Filter ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…",
"includeNulls": "Aufgaben ohne Werte einbeziehen",
"requireAll": "Alle Filterkriterien müssen erfüllt sein, damit eine Aufgabe angezeigt wird",
"showDoneTasks": "Erledigte Aufgaben anzeigen",
@ -514,24 +514,59 @@
"edit": "Bearbeiten",
"done": "Fertig",
"heading1": "Überschrift 1",
"heading1Tooltip": "Große Überschrift.",
"heading2": "Überschrift 2",
"heading2Tooltip": "Mittlere Überschrift.",
"heading3": "Überschrift 3",
"heading3Tooltip": "Kleine Überschrift.",
"headingSmaller": "Kleinere Überschrift",
"headingBigger": "Grössere Überschrift",
"bold": "Fett",
"italic": "Kursiv",
"strikethrough": "Durchgestrichen",
"underline": "Unterstrichen",
"code": "Code",
"codeTooltip": "Erfasse ein Code-Snippet.",
"quote": "Zitat",
"quoteTooltip": "Erfasse ein Zitat.",
"bulletList": "Stichpunktliste",
"bulletListTooltip": "Erstelle eine einfache Stichpunktliste.",
"unorderedList": "Ungeordnete Liste",
"orderedList": "Geordnete Liste",
"orderedListTooltip": "Erstelle eine Liste mit Nummerierung.",
"cleanBlock": "Formatierung löschen",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Bild",
"table": "Tabelle",
"imageTooltip": "Lade ein Bild von deinem PC hoch.",
"table": {
"title": "Tabelle",
"insert": "Tabelle einfügen",
"addColumnBefore": "Spalte davor hinzufügen",
"addColumnAfter": "Spalte danach hinzufügen",
"deleteColumn": "Spalte löschen",
"addRowBefore": "Zeile davor hinzufügen",
"addRowAfter": "Zeile danach hinzufügen",
"deleteRow": "Zeile löschen",
"deleteTable": "Tabelle löschen",
"mergeCells": "Zellen verbinden",
"splitCell": "Zelle teilen",
"toggleHeaderColumn": "Headerspalte ein/aus",
"toggleHeaderRow": "Headerzeile ein/aus",
"toggleHeaderCell": "Headerzelle ein/aus",
"mergeOrSplit": "Verbinden oder teilen",
"fixTables": "Tabellen reparieren"
"horizontalRule": "Horizontaler Strich",
"horizontalRuleTooltip": "Teile einen Bereich.",
"sideBySide": "Nebeneinander",
"guide": "Hilfslinie"
"guide": "Hilfslinie",
"text": "Text",
"textTooltip": "Einfach einen Text tippen.",
"taskList": "Aufgabenliste",
"taskListTooltip": "Aufgaben mit einer To-do-Liste verfolgen.",
"undo": "Rückgängig",
"redo": "Wiederholen",
"placeholder": "Gib Text ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Neu erstellen",
@ -705,7 +740,7 @@
"loading": "Kommentare werden geladen …",
"edited": "bearbeitet {date}",
"creating": "Kommentar wird erstellt …",
"placeholder": "Füge deinen Kommentar hinzu …",
"placeholder": "Füge deinen Kommentar hinzu, drücke '/' für weitere Optionen…",
"comment": "Kommentieren",
"delete": "Diesen Kommentar löschen",
"deleteText1": "Bist du sicher, dass du diesen Kommentar löschen willst?",
@ -719,7 +754,7 @@
"1week": "1 Woche"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Klicke hier, um eine Beschreibung einzugeben …",
"placeholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…",
"empty": "Noch keine Beschreibung vorhanden."
"assignee": {
@ -870,7 +905,7 @@
"namePlaceholder": "Teamname eingeben …",
"nameRequired": "Bitte gib einen Namen an.",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Die Beschreibung des Teams steht hier …",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung für dieses Team ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…",
"admin": "Admin",
"member": "Mitglied"

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"identifier": "Projektbezeichner",
"identifierPlaceholder": "Der Projektbezeichner kommt hierhin…",
"description": "Beschreibung",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Projektbeschreibung eingeben…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung für dieses Projekt ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…",
"color": "Farbe",
"success": "Das Projekt wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"title": "Titl",
"titlePlaceholder": "De Name für de g'speicheret Filter chunt da ahne…",
"description": "Beschriibig",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "D'Beschriibig chunt da hane…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung für diesen Filter ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…",
"includeNulls": "Uufgabe ohni Wert iihbezieh",
"requireAll": "Alli Filter mend wahr sii, demits die Uufgab ahzeigt",
"showDoneTasks": "Zeig die fertige Uufgabe",
@ -514,24 +514,59 @@
"edit": "Bearbeitä",
"done": "Fertig",
"heading1": "Überschrift 1",
"heading1Tooltip": "Große Überschrift.",
"heading2": "Überschrift 2",
"heading2Tooltip": "Mittlere Überschrift.",
"heading3": "Überschrift 3",
"heading3Tooltip": "Kleine Überschrift.",
"headingSmaller": "Chliini Überschrift",
"headingBigger": "Grösseri Überschrift",
"bold": "Fett",
"italic": "Kursiiv",
"strikethrough": "Duregstriche",
"underline": "Unterstrichen",
"code": "Code",
"codeTooltip": "Erfasse ein Code-Snippet.",
"quote": "Zitaat",
"unorderedList": "Ungordnedi Listä",
"quoteTooltip": "Erfasse ein Zitat.",
"bulletList": "Stichpunktliste",
"bulletListTooltip": "Erstelle eine einfache Stichpunktliste.",
"unorderedList": "Ungeordnete Liste",
"orderedList": "Geordnete Liste",
"orderedListTooltip": "Erstelle eine Liste mit Nummerierung.",
"cleanBlock": "Formatierig Lösche",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Bild",
"table": "Tabällä",
"imageTooltip": "Lade ein Bild von deinem PC hoch.",
"table": {
"title": "Tabelle",
"insert": "Tabelle einfügen",
"addColumnBefore": "Spalte davor hinzufügen",
"addColumnAfter": "Spalte danach hinzufügen",
"deleteColumn": "Spalte löschen",
"addRowBefore": "Zeile davor hinzufügen",
"addRowAfter": "Zeile danach hinzufügen",
"deleteRow": "Zeile löschen",
"deleteTable": "Tabelle löschen",
"mergeCells": "Zellen verbinden",
"splitCell": "Zelle teilen",
"toggleHeaderColumn": "Headerspalte ein/aus",
"toggleHeaderRow": "Headerzeile ein/aus",
"toggleHeaderCell": "Headerzelle ein/aus",
"mergeOrSplit": "Verbinden oder teilen",
"fixTables": "Tabellen reparieren"
"horizontalRule": "Horizontalä Strich",
"horizontalRuleTooltip": "Teile einen Bereich.",
"sideBySide": "Nebedenand",
"guide": "Hilfsliniä"
"guide": "Hilfsliniä",
"text": "Text",
"textTooltip": "Einfach einen Text tippen.",
"taskList": "Aufgabenliste",
"taskListTooltip": "Aufgaben mit einer To-do-Liste verfolgen.",
"undo": "Rückgängig",
"redo": "Wiederholen",
"placeholder": "Gib Text ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Neu erstelle",
@ -705,7 +740,7 @@
"loading": "Kommentär werded gladä…",
"edited": "beartbeitet am {date}",
"creating": "Kommentar wird erstellt…",
"placeholder": "Din Kommentar wird hinzuegfüegt…",
"placeholder": "Füge deinen Kommentar hinzu, drücke '/' für weitere Optionen…",
"comment": "Kommentar",
"delete": "De Kommentar chüble",
"deleteText1": "Bisch du dir sicher, dass du de Kommentar chüble wetsch?",
@ -719,7 +754,7 @@
"1week": "Ei Wuche"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Klicke do, um e Beschriibig iihzfüege…",
"placeholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…",
"empty": "Momentan hets kei Beschriibig."
"assignee": {
@ -870,7 +905,7 @@
"namePlaceholder": "Teamname da ahgeh…",
"nameRequired": "Bitte gib en Name an.",
"description": "Beschriibig",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "D'Team Beschriibig chunt da ahne…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Gib eine Beschreibung für dieses Team ein, drücke '/' für mehr Optionen…",
"admin": "Chef",
"member": "Mitglied"

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"identifier": "Project Identifier",
"identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The projects description goes here…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…",
"color": "Color",
"success": "The project was successfully updated."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"title": "Title",
"titlePlaceholder": "The saved filter title goes here…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The description goes here…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…",
"includeNulls": "Include Tasks which don't have a value set",
"requireAll": "Require all filters to be true for a task to show up",
"showDoneTasks": "Show Done Tasks",
@ -514,24 +514,59 @@
"edit": "Edit",
"done": "Done",
"heading1": "Heading 1",
"heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.",
"heading2": "Heading 2",
"heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.",
"heading3": "Heading 3",
"heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.",
"headingSmaller": "Heading Smaller",
"headingBigger": "Heading Bigger",
"bold": "Bold",
"italic": "Italic",
"strikethrough": "Strikethrough",
"underline": "Underline",
"code": "Code",
"codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.",
"quote": "Quote",
"unorderedList": "Unordered List",
"orderedList": "Ordered List",
"quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.",
"bulletList": "Bullet list",
"bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.",
"unorderedList": "Unordered list",
"orderedList": "Ordered list",
"orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.",
"cleanBlock": "Clean Block",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Image",
"table": "Table",
"imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.",
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"insert": "Insert table",
"addColumnBefore": "Add column before",
"addColumnAfter": "Add column after",
"deleteColumn": "Delete column",
"addRowBefore": "Add row before",
"addRowAfter": "Add row after",
"deleteRow": "Delete row",
"deleteTable": "Delete table",
"mergeCells": "Merge cells",
"splitCell": "Split cell",
"toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column",
"toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row",
"toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell",
"mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split",
"fixTables": "Fix tables"
"horizontalRule": "Horizontal Rule",
"horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.",
"sideBySide": "Side By Side",
"guide": "Guide"
"guide": "Guide",
"text": "Text",
"textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.",
"taskList": "Task list",
"taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Create new",
@ -705,7 +740,7 @@
"loading": "Loading comments…",
"edited": "edited {date}",
"creating": "Creating comment…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…",
"comment": "Comment",
"delete": "Delete this comment",
"deleteText1": "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?",
@ -719,7 +754,7 @@
"1week": "1 week"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Click here to enter a description…",
"placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…",
"empty": "No description available yet."
"assignee": {
@ -870,7 +905,7 @@
"namePlaceholder": "The team's name goes here…",
"nameRequired": "Please specify a name.",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "The teams description goes here…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…",
"admin": "Admin",
"member": "Member"

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"identifier": "Identificador del proyecto",
"identifierPlaceholder": "El identificador del proyecto va aquí…",
"description": "Descripción",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "La descripción del proyecto va aquí…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…",
"color": "Color",
"success": "El proyecto se ha actualizado con éxito."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"title": "Título",
"titlePlaceholder": "El título del filtro guardado va aquí…",
"description": "Descripción",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "La descripción va aquí…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…",
"includeNulls": "Incluye tareas que no tienen un valor establecido",
"requireAll": "Requerir que todos los filtros sean verdaderos para que una tarea se muestre",
"showDoneTasks": "Mostrar tareas completadas",
@ -514,24 +514,59 @@
"edit": "Editar",
"done": "Hecho",
"heading1": "Encabezado 1",
"heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.",
"heading2": "Encabezado 2",
"heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.",
"heading3": "Encabezado 3",
"heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.",
"headingSmaller": "Reducir Encabezado",
"headingBigger": "Aumentar Encabezado",
"bold": "Negrita",
"italic": "Cursiva",
"strikethrough": "Tachado",
"underline": "Underline",
"code": "Código",
"codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.",
"quote": "Cita",
"unorderedList": "Lista no ordenada",
"orderedList": "Lista ordenada",
"quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.",
"bulletList": "Bullet list",
"bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.",
"unorderedList": "Unordered list",
"orderedList": "Ordered list",
"orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.",
"cleanBlock": "Borrar Bloque",
"link": "Enlace",
"image": "Imagen",
"table": "Tabla",
"imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.",
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"insert": "Insert table",
"addColumnBefore": "Add column before",
"addColumnAfter": "Add column after",
"deleteColumn": "Delete column",
"addRowBefore": "Add row before",
"addRowAfter": "Add row after",
"deleteRow": "Delete row",
"deleteTable": "Delete table",
"mergeCells": "Merge cells",
"splitCell": "Split cell",
"toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column",
"toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row",
"toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell",
"mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split",
"fixTables": "Fix tables"
"horizontalRule": "Regla Horizontal",
"horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.",
"sideBySide": "De Lado a Lado",
"guide": "Guía"
"guide": "Guía",
"text": "Text",
"textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.",
"taskList": "Task list",
"taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Crear nuevo",
@ -705,7 +740,7 @@
"loading": "Cargando comentarios…",
"edited": "editado {date}",
"creating": "Creando comentario…",
"placeholder": "Añade tu comentario…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…",
"comment": "Comentar",
"delete": "Eliminar este comentario",
"deleteText1": "¿Está seguro que desea eliminar este comentario?",
@ -719,7 +754,7 @@
"1week": "1 semana"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Presione aquí para añadir una descripción…",
"placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…",
"empty": "Aún no hay descripción disponible."
"assignee": {
@ -870,7 +905,7 @@
"namePlaceholder": "El nombre del equipo va aquí…",
"nameRequired": "Por favor especifica un nombre.",
"description": "Descripción",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "La descripción del equipo va aquí…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…",
"admin": "Admin",
"member": "Miembro"

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"identifier": "Identifiant de projet",
"identifierPlaceholder": "Saisir ici lidentifiant du projet…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Saisir ici la description du projet…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…",
"color": "Couleur",
"success": "Le projet a bien été mis à jour."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"title": "Nom",
"titlePlaceholder": "Entre un nom de filtre enregistré…",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Écris une description…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…",
"includeNulls": "Inclure les tâches sans valeurs",
"requireAll": "Exiger tous les filtres pour quune tâche saffiche",
"showDoneTasks": "Afficher les tâches terminées",
@ -514,24 +514,59 @@
"edit": "Modifier",
"done": "Terminé",
"heading1": "En-tête 1",
"heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.",
"heading2": "En-tête 2",
"heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.",
"heading3": "En-tête 3",
"heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.",
"headingSmaller": "En-tête plus petit",
"headingBigger": "En-tête plus grand",
"bold": "Gras",
"italic": "Italique",
"strikethrough": "Barré",
"underline": "Underline",
"code": "Code",
"codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.",
"quote": "Citation",
"unorderedList": "Liste non ordonnée",
"orderedList": "Liste ordonnée",
"quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.",
"bulletList": "Bullet list",
"bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.",
"unorderedList": "Unordered list",
"orderedList": "Ordered list",
"orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.",
"cleanBlock": "Nettoyer le code",
"link": "Lien",
"image": "Image",
"table": "Tableau",
"imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.",
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"insert": "Insert table",
"addColumnBefore": "Add column before",
"addColumnAfter": "Add column after",
"deleteColumn": "Delete column",
"addRowBefore": "Add row before",
"addRowAfter": "Add row after",
"deleteRow": "Delete row",
"deleteTable": "Delete table",
"mergeCells": "Merge cells",
"splitCell": "Split cell",
"toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column",
"toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row",
"toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell",
"mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split",
"fixTables": "Fix tables"
"horizontalRule": "Règle horizontale",
"horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.",
"sideBySide": "Côte à côte",
"guide": "Guide"
"guide": "Guide",
"text": "Text",
"textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.",
"taskList": "Task list",
"taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Créer un nouveau",
@ -705,7 +740,7 @@
"loading": "Chargement des commentaires…",
"edited": "modifié {date}",
"creating": "Création dun commentaire…",
"placeholder": "Ajouter votre commentaire…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…",
"comment": "Commentaire",
"delete": "Supprimer ce commentaire",
"deleteText1": "Supprimer ce commentaire ?",
@ -719,7 +754,7 @@
"1week": "1 semaine"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Cliquez ici pour entrer une description…",
"placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…",
"empty": "Aucune description nest encore disponible."
"assignee": {
@ -870,7 +905,7 @@
"namePlaceholder": "Saisir le nom de léquipe…",
"nameRequired": "Indiquer un nom.",
"description": "Description",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Saisir la description des équipes…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…",
"admin": "Admin",
"member": "Membre"

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"identifier": "Projektazonosító",
"identifierPlaceholder": "Írja be a projekt projektazonosítót...",
"description": "Leírás",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "A leírás ide kerül…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…",
"color": "Szín",
"success": "A projekt sikeresen frissítve."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"title": "Cím",
"titlePlaceholder": "A mentett szűrő címe ide kerül…",
"description": "Leírás",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "A leírás ide kerül…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…",
"includeNulls": "Tartalmazza az olyan feladatokat, amelyeknek nincs beállított értéke",
"requireAll": "A feladat megjelenítéséhez minden szűrőnek igaznak kell lennie",
"showDoneTasks": "Elkészült feladatok megjelenítése",
@ -514,24 +514,59 @@
"edit": "Szerkesztés",
"done": "Befejezve",
"heading1": "Címsor 1",
"heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.",
"heading2": "Címsor 2",
"heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.",
"heading3": "Címsor 3",
"heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.",
"headingSmaller": "Kisebb címsor",
"headingBigger": "Nagyobb címsor",
"bold": "Félkövér",
"italic": "Dőlt",
"strikethrough": "Áthúzott",
"underline": "Underline",
"code": "Kód",
"codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.",
"quote": "Idézet",
"unorderedList": "Rendezetlen lista",
"orderedList": "Rendezett lista",
"quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.",
"bulletList": "Bullet list",
"bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.",
"unorderedList": "Unordered list",
"orderedList": "Ordered list",
"orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.",
"cleanBlock": "Blokk kitisztítása",
"link": "Hivatkozás",
"image": "Kép",
"table": "Táblázat",
"imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.",
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"insert": "Insert table",
"addColumnBefore": "Add column before",
"addColumnAfter": "Add column after",
"deleteColumn": "Delete column",
"addRowBefore": "Add row before",
"addRowAfter": "Add row after",
"deleteRow": "Delete row",
"deleteTable": "Delete table",
"mergeCells": "Merge cells",
"splitCell": "Split cell",
"toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column",
"toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row",
"toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell",
"mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split",
"fixTables": "Fix tables"
"horizontalRule": "Vízszintes vonal",
"horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.",
"sideBySide": "Egymás mellett",
"guide": "Útmutató"
"guide": "Útmutató",
"text": "Text",
"textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.",
"taskList": "Task list",
"taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Új létrehozása",
@ -705,7 +740,7 @@
"loading": "Hozzászólások betöltése…",
"edited": "Szerkesztve: {date}",
"creating": "Hozzászólás létrehozása…",
"placeholder": "Szólj hozzá…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…",
"comment": "Hozzászólás",
"delete": "Hozzászólás törlése",
"deleteText1": "Biztos benne, hogy törölni akarja ezt a hozzászólást?",
@ -719,7 +754,7 @@
"1week": "1 hét"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Kattintson ide a leírás megadásához…",
"placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…",
"empty": "Nem érhető el leírás."
"assignee": {
@ -870,7 +905,7 @@
"namePlaceholder": "A csapat nevét ide írja…",
"nameRequired": "Kérjük, adjon meg egy nevet.",
"description": "Leírás",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "A csapat leírása ide kerül…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…",
"admin": "Adminisztrátor",
"member": "Tag"

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"identifier": "Project Identifier",
"identifierPlaceholder": "The project identifier goes here…",
"description": "Descrizione",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Descrizione del progetto…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…",
"color": "Colore",
"success": "The project was successfully updated."
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"title": "Titolo",
"titlePlaceholder": "Il titolo del filtro salvato va qui…",
"description": "Descrizione",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "La descrizione va qui…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…",
"includeNulls": "Includi attività che non hanno un valore impostato",
"requireAll": "Tutti i filtri devono essere veri affinché l'attività venga mostrata",
"showDoneTasks": "Mostra Attività Fatte",
@ -514,24 +514,59 @@
"edit": "Modifica",
"done": "Fatto",
"heading1": "Intestazione 1",
"heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.",
"heading2": "Intestazione 2",
"heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.",
"heading3": "Intestazione 3",
"heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.",
"headingSmaller": "Intestazione Più Piccola",
"headingBigger": "Intestazione Più Grande",
"bold": "Grassetto",
"italic": "Corsivo",
"strikethrough": "Barrato",
"underline": "Underline",
"code": "Codice",
"codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.",
"quote": "Citazione",
"unorderedList": "Elenco puntato",
"orderedList": "Ordered List",
"quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.",
"bulletList": "Bullet list",
"bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.",
"unorderedList": "Unordered list",
"orderedList": "Ordered list",
"orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.",
"cleanBlock": "Pulisci Blocco",
"link": "Link",
"image": "Immagine",
"table": "Tabella",
"imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.",
"table": {
"title": "Table",
"insert": "Insert table",
"addColumnBefore": "Add column before",
"addColumnAfter": "Add column after",
"deleteColumn": "Delete column",
"addRowBefore": "Add row before",
"addRowAfter": "Add row after",
"deleteRow": "Delete row",
"deleteTable": "Delete table",
"mergeCells": "Merge cells",
"splitCell": "Split cell",
"toggleHeaderColumn": "Toggle header column",
"toggleHeaderRow": "Toggle header row",
"toggleHeaderCell": "Toggle header cell",
"mergeOrSplit": "Merge or split",
"fixTables": "Fix tables"
"horizontalRule": "Divisore Orizzontale",
"horizontalRuleTooltip": "Divide a section.",
"sideBySide": "Affianca",
"guide": "Guida"
"guide": "Guida",
"text": "Text",
"textTooltip": "Just start typing with plain text.",
"taskList": "Task list",
"taskListTooltip": "Track tasks with a to-do list.",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"placeholder": "Type some text or hit '/' to see more options…"
"multiselect": {
"createPlaceholder": "Crea nuovo",
@ -705,7 +740,7 @@
"loading": "Caricamento commenti…",
"edited": "modificato il {date}",
"creating": "Creazione del commento…",
"placeholder": "Aggiungi un commento…",
"placeholder": "Add your comment, hit '/' for more options…",
"comment": "Commenta",
"delete": "Elimina questo commento",
"deleteText1": "Sei sicuro di voler eliminare questo commento?",
@ -719,7 +754,7 @@
"1week": "1 settimana"
"description": {
"placeholder": "Clicca qui per inserire una descrizione…",
"placeholder": "Enter a description, hit '/' for more options…",
"empty": "Nessuna descrizione."
"assignee": {
@ -870,7 +905,7 @@
"namePlaceholder": "Il nome del gruppo va qui…",
"nameRequired": "Specifica un nome.",
"description": "Descrizione",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "La descrizione del gruppo va qui…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Describe the team here, hit '/' for more options…",
"admin": "Amministratore",
"member": "Membro"

View File

@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
"identifier": "プロジェクトID",
"identifierPlaceholder": "プロジェクトIDを入力…",
"description": "説明",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "プロジェクトの説明を入力…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Enter a description for this project, hit '/' for more options…",
"color": "色",
"success": "プロジェクトは正常に更新されました。"
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
"title": "絞り込み条件名",
"titlePlaceholder": "絞り込み条件名を入力…",
"description": "説明",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "絞り込み条件の説明を入力…",
"descriptionPlaceholder": "Add a description for this filter here, hit '/' for more options…",
"includeNulls": "値が設定されていないタスクを含める",
"requireAll": "すべての条件に一致するタスクのみ表示",
"showDoneTasks": "完了したタスクを表示",
@ -514,24 +514,59 @@
"edit": "編集",
"done": "完了",
"heading1": "見出し1",
"heading1Tooltip": "Big section heading.",
"heading2": "見出し2",
"heading2Tooltip": "Medium section heading.",
"heading3": "見出し3",
"heading3Tooltip": "Smaller section header.",
"headingSmaller": "見出しを小さくする",
"headingBigger": "見出しを大きくする",
"bold": "太字",
"italic": "斜体",
"strikethrough": "打ち消し線",
"underline": "Underline",
"code": "コード",
"codeTooltip": "Capture a code snippet.",
"quote": "引用",
"unorderedList": "順序なしリスト",
"orderedList": "順序付きリスト",
"quoteTooltip": "Capture a quote.",
"bulletList": "Bullet list",
"bulletListTooltip": "Create a simple bullet list.",
"unorderedList": "Unordered list",
"orderedList": "Ordered list",
"orderedListTooltip": "Create a list with numbering.",
"cleanBlock": "Clean Block",
"link": "リンク",
"image": "画像",
"table": "テーブル",
"imageTooltip": "Upload an image from your computer.",
"table": {
"title": "Table",