feat(gantt): add task collection to useGanttFilter
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
v-if="taskCollectionService.loading || dayjsLanguageLoading"
v-if="props.isLoading || dayjsLanguageLoading"
<div class="gantt-container" v-else>
:width="ganttChartWidth + 'px'"
@ -36,30 +36,26 @@
<TaskForm v-if="canWrite" @create-task="createTask" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import {computed, ref, watch, watchEffect, shallowReactive} from 'vue'
import {computed, ref, watch, toRefs} from 'vue'
import {useRouter} from 'vue-router'
import {format, parse} from 'date-fns'
import dayjs from 'dayjs'
import isToday from 'dayjs/plugin/isToday'
import cloneDeep from 'lodash.clonedeep'
import {useDayjsLanguageSync} from '@/i18n'
import TaskCollectionService from '@/services/taskCollection'
import TaskService from '@/services/task'
import TaskModel, {getHexColor} from '@/models/task'
import {getHexColor} from '@/models/task'
import {colorIsDark} from '@/helpers/color/colorIsDark'
import {isoToKebabDate} from '@/helpers/time/isoToKebabDate'
import {parseKebabDate} from '@/helpers/time/parseKebabDate'
import {RIGHTS} from '@/constants/rights'
import type {ITask} from '@/modelTypes/ITask'
import type {IList} from '@/modelTypes/IList'
import type {ITask, ITaskPartialWithId} from '@/modelTypes/ITask'
import type {DateISO} from '@/types/DateISO'
import type {GanttFilter} from '@/views/list/helpers/useGanttFilter'
import {
@ -69,37 +65,34 @@ import {
} from '@infectoone/vue-ganttastic'
import Loading from '@/components/misc/loading.vue'
import TaskForm from '@/components/tasks/TaskForm.vue'
import {useBaseStore} from '@/stores/base'
import {error, success} from '@/message'
export interface GanttChartProps {
listId: IList['id']
showTasksWithoutDates: boolean
dateFrom: string,
dateTo: string,
isLoading: boolean,
filters: GanttFilter,
tasks: Map<ITask['id'], ITask>,
defaultTaskStartDate: DateISO
defaultTaskEndDate: DateISO
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<GanttChartProps>(), {
showTasksWithoutDates: false,
const props = defineProps<GanttChartProps>()
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: 'update:task', task: ITaskPartialWithId): void
const {tasks, filters} = toRefs(props)
// setup dayjs for vue-ganttastic
const dayjsLanguageLoading = useDayjsLanguageSync(dayjs)
const baseStore = useBaseStore()
const router = useRouter()
const taskCollectionService = shallowReactive(new TaskCollectionService())
const taskService = shallowReactive(new TaskService())
const dateFromDate = computed(() => new Date(new Date(props.dateFrom).setHours(0,0,0,0)))
const dateToDate = computed(() => new Date(new Date(props.dateTo).setHours(23,59,0,0)))
const dateFromDate = computed(() => new Date(new Date(filters.value.dateFrom).setHours(0,0,0,0)))
const dateToDate = computed(() => new Date(new Date(filters.value.dateTo).setHours(23,59,0,0)))
const ganttChartWidth = computed(() => {
@ -108,11 +101,11 @@ const ganttChartWidth = computed(() => {
return dateDiff * DAY_WIDTH_PIXELS
const canWrite = computed(() => baseStore.currentList.maxRight > RIGHTS.READ)
const tasks = ref<Map<ITask['id'], ITask>>(new Map())
const ganttBars = ref<GanttBarObject[][]>([])
* Update ganttBars when tasks change
() => {
@ -122,15 +115,11 @@ watch(
{deep: true},
const today = new Date(new Date(props.dateFrom).setHours(0,0,0,0))
const defaultTaskStartDate = new Date(today)
const defaultTaskEndDate = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate() + 7, 23,59,0,0)
function transformTaskToGanttBar(t: ITask) {
const black = 'var(--grey-800)'
return [{
startDate: isoToKebabDate(t.startDate ? t.startDate.toISOString() : defaultTaskStartDate.toISOString()),
endDate: isoToKebabDate(t.endDate ? t.endDate.toISOString() : defaultTaskEndDate.toISOString()),
startDate: isoToKebabDate(t.startDate ? t.startDate.toISOString() : props.defaultTaskStartDate),
endDate: isoToKebabDate(t.endDate ? t.endDate.toISOString() : props.defaultTaskEndDate),
ganttBarConfig: {
id: String(t.id),
label: t.title,
@ -145,95 +134,16 @@ function transformTaskToGanttBar(t: ITask) {
} as GanttBarObject]
// FIXME: unite with other filter params types
interface GetAllTasksParams {
sort_by: ('start_date' | 'done' | 'id')[],
order_by: ('asc' | 'asc' | 'desc')[],
filter_by: 'start_date'[],
filter_comparator: ('greater_equals' | 'less_equals')[],
filter_value: [string, string] // [dateFrom, dateTo],
filter_concat: 'and',
filter_include_nulls: boolean,
async function getAllTasks(params: GetAllTasksParams, page = 1): Promise<ITask[]> {
const tasks = await taskCollectionService.getAll({listId: props.listId}, params, page) as ITask[]
if (page < taskCollectionService.totalPages) {
const nextTasks = await getAllTasks(params, page + 1)
return tasks.concat(nextTasks)
return tasks
async function loadTasks({
}: {
dateTo: string;
dateFrom: string;
showTasksWithoutDates: boolean;
async function updateGanttTask(e: {
bar: GanttBarObject;
e: MouseEvent;
datetime?: string | undefined;
}) {
tasks.value = new Map()
const params: GetAllTasksParams = {
sort_by: ['start_date', 'done', 'id'],
order_by: ['asc', 'asc', 'desc'],
filter_by: ['start_date', 'start_date'],
filter_comparator: ['greater_equals', 'less_equals'],
filter_value: [isoToKebabDate(dateFrom), isoToKebabDate(dateTo)],
filter_concat: 'and',
filter_include_nulls: showTasksWithoutDates,
const loadedTasks = await getAllTasks(params)
loadedTasks.forEach(t => tasks.value.set(t.id, t))
watchEffect(() => loadTasks({
dateTo: props.dateTo,
dateFrom: props.dateFrom,
showTasksWithoutDates: props.showTasksWithoutDates,
async function createTask(title: ITask['title']) {
const newTask = await taskService.create(new TaskModel({
listId: props.listId,
startDate: defaultTaskStartDate.toISOString(),
endDate: defaultTaskEndDate.toISOString(),
tasks.value.set(newTask.id, newTask)
return newTask
async function updateTask(e: {
bar: GanttBarObject;
e: MouseEvent;
datetime?: string | undefined;
}) {
const task = tasks.value.get(Number(e.bar.ganttBarConfig.id))
if (!task) return
const oldTask = cloneDeep(task)
const newTask: ITask = {
emit('update:task', {
id: Number(e.bar.ganttBarConfig.id),
startDate: new Date(parseKebabDate(e.bar.startDate).setHours(0,0,0,0)),
endDate: new Date(parseKebabDate(e.bar.endDate).setHours(23,59,0,0)),
tasks.value.set(newTask.id, newTask)
try {
const updatedTask = await taskService.update(newTask)
tasks.value.set(updatedTask.id, updatedTask)
} catch(e: any) {
error('Something went wrong saving the task')
tasks.value.set(task.id, oldTask)
function openTask(e: {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import {i18n} from '@/i18n'
import { notify } from '@kyvg/vue3-notification'
import {notify} from '@kyvg/vue3-notification'
export const getErrorText = (r) => {
@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ import type {IRelationKind} from '@/types/IRelationKind'
import type {IRepeatAfter} from '@/types/IRepeatAfter'
import type {IRepeatMode} from '@/types/IRepeatMode'
import type {PartialWithId} from '@/types/PartialWithId'
export interface ITask extends IAbstract {
id: number
title: string
@ -49,4 +51,6 @@ export interface ITask extends IAbstract {
listId: IList['id'] // Meta, only used when creating a new task
bucketId: IBucket['id']
export type ITaskPartialWithId = PartialWithId<ITask>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
export type PartialWithId<T extends { id: any }> = Pick<T, 'id'> & Omit<Partial<T>, 'id'>
@ -27,11 +27,14 @@
<div class="gantt-chart-container">
<card :padding="false" class="has-overflow">
<TaskForm v-if="canWrite" @create-task="addGanttTask" />
@ -45,13 +48,17 @@ import type Flatpickr from 'flatpickr'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
import type {RouteLocationNormalized} from 'vue-router'
import {useBaseStore} from '@/stores/base'
import {useAuthStore} from '@/stores/auth'
import ListWrapper from './ListWrapper.vue'
import Fancycheckbox from '@/components/input/fancycheckbox.vue'
import TaskForm from '@/components/tasks/TaskForm.vue'
import {createAsyncComponent} from '@/helpers/createAsyncComponent'
import {useGanttFilter} from './helpers/useGanttFilter'
import {RIGHTS} from '@/constants/rights'
import type { DateISO } from '@/types/DateISO'
type Options = Flatpickr.Options.Options
@ -59,8 +66,30 @@ const GanttChart = createAsyncComponent(() => import('@/components/tasks/gantt-c
const props = defineProps<{route: RouteLocationNormalized}>()
const baseStore = useBaseStore()
const canWrite = computed(() => baseStore.currentList.maxRight > RIGHTS.READ)
const {route} = toRefs(props)
const {filters} = useGanttFilter(route)
const {
} = useGanttFilter(route)
const today = new Date(new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0))
const defaultTaskStartDate: DateISO = new Date(today).toISOString()
const defaultTaskEndDate: DateISO = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate() + 7, 23,59,0,0).toISOString()
async function addGanttTask(title: ITask['title']) {
return await addTask({
listId: filters.listId,
startDate: defaultTaskStartDate,
endDate: defaultTaskEndDate,
const flatPickerEl = ref<typeof Foo | null>(null)
const flatPickerDateRange = computed<Date[]>({
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import type {Ref} from 'vue'
import {computed, ref, shallowReactive, watchEffect, type Ref} from 'vue'
import type {RouteLocationNormalized, RouteLocationRaw} from 'vue-router'
import cloneDeep from 'lodash.clonedeep'
import {isoToKebabDate} from '@/helpers/time/isoToKebabDate'
import {parseDateProp} from '@/helpers/time/parseDateProp'
@ -7,9 +8,17 @@ import {parseBooleanProp} from '@/helpers/time/parseBooleanProp'
import {useRouteFilter} from '@/composables/useRouteFilter'
import type {IList} from '@/modelTypes/IList'
import type {ITask, ITaskPartialWithId} from '@/modelTypes/ITask'
import type {DateISO} from '@/types/DateISO'
import type {DateKebab} from '@/types/DateKebab'
import TaskCollectionService from '@/services/taskCollection'
import TaskService from '@/services/task'
import TaskModel from '@/models/task'
import {error, success} from '@/message'
// convenient internal filter object
export interface GanttFilter {
listId: IList['id']
@ -18,6 +27,17 @@ export interface GanttFilter {
showTasksWithoutDates: boolean
// FIXME: unite with other filter params types
interface GetAllTasksParams {
sort_by: ('start_date' | 'done' | 'id')[],
order_by: ('asc' | 'asc' | 'desc')[],
filter_by: 'start_date'[],
filter_comparator: ('greater_equals' | 'less_equals')[],
filter_value: [string, string] // [dateFrom, dateTo],
filter_concat: 'and',
filter_include_nulls: boolean,
@ -66,5 +86,84 @@ function filterToRoute(filters: GanttFilter): RouteLocationRaw {
export function useGanttFilter(route: Ref<RouteLocationNormalized>) {
return useRouteFilter<GanttFilter>(route, routeToFilter, filterToRoute)
const {filters} = useRouteFilter<GanttFilter>(route, routeToFilter, filterToRoute)
const taskCollectionService = shallowReactive(new TaskCollectionService())
const taskService = shallowReactive(new TaskService())
const isLoading = computed(() => taskCollectionService.loading)
const tasks = ref<Map<ITask['id'], ITask>>(new Map())
async function getAllTasks(params: GetAllTasksParams, page = 1): Promise<ITask[]> {
const tasks = await taskCollectionService.getAll({listId: filters.listId}, params, page) as ITask[]
if (page < taskCollectionService.totalPages) {
const nextTasks = await getAllTasks(params, page + 1)
return tasks.concat(nextTasks)
return tasks
async function loadTasks(filters: GanttFilter) {
const params: GetAllTasksParams = {
sort_by: ['start_date', 'done', 'id'],
order_by: ['asc', 'asc', 'desc'],
filter_by: ['start_date', 'start_date'],
filter_comparator: ['greater_equals', 'less_equals'],
filter_value: [isoToKebabDate(filters.dateFrom), isoToKebabDate(filters.dateTo)],
filter_concat: 'and',
filter_include_nulls: filters.showTasksWithoutDates,
const loadedTasks = await getAllTasks(params)
tasks.value = new Map()
loadedTasks.forEach(t => tasks.value.set(t.id, t))
watchEffect(() => loadTasks(filters))
async function addTask(task: Partial<ITask>) {
const newTask = await taskService.create(
new TaskModel({...task})
tasks.value.set(newTask.id, newTask)
return newTask
async function updateTask(task: ITaskPartialWithId) {
const oldTask = cloneDeep(tasks.value.get(task.id))
if (!oldTask) return
// we extend the task with potentially missing info
const newTask: ITask = {
// set in expectation that server update works
tasks.value.set(newTask.id, newTask)
try {
const updatedTask = await taskService.update(newTask)
// update the task with possible changes from server
tasks.value.set(updatedTask.id, updatedTask)
} catch(e: any) {
error('Something went wrong saving the task')
// roll back changes
tasks.value.set(task.id, oldTask)
return {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user