feat: ListKanban script setup
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing

This commit is contained in:
Dominik Pschenitschni 2022-11-06 19:11:06 +01:00
parent 38cef79f68
commit ce3b72966d
Signed by: dpschen
GPG Key ID: B257AC0149F43A77
7 changed files with 391 additions and 418 deletions

View File

@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
import type {IBucket} from '@/modelTypes/IBucket'
import type {IList} from '@/modelTypes/IList'
const key = 'collapsedBuckets'
const getAllState = () => {
const saved = localStorage.getItem(key)
if (saved === null) {
return {}
export type CollapsedBuckets = {[id: IBucket['id']]: boolean}
return JSON.parse(saved)
function getAllState() {
const saved = localStorage.getItem(key)
return saved === null
? {}
: JSON.parse(saved)
export const saveCollapsedBucketState = (
listId: IList['id'],
collapsedBuckets: CollapsedBuckets,
) => {
const state = getAllState()
state[listId] = collapsedBuckets
@ -25,11 +26,9 @@ export const saveCollapsedBucketState = (
localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(state))
export const getCollapsedBucketState = (listId : IList['id']) => {
export function getCollapsedBucketState(listId : IList['id']) {
const state = getAllState()
if (typeof state[listId] !== 'undefined') {
return state[listId]
return {}
return typeof state[listId] !== 'undefined'
? state[listId]
: {}

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ export const useKanbanStore = defineStore('kanban', {
getters: {
getBucketById(state) {
return (bucketId: IBucket['id']) => findById(state.buckets, bucketId)
return (bucketId: IBucket['id']): IBucket | undefined => findById(state.buckets, bucketId)
getTaskById(state) {
@ -265,11 +265,12 @@ export const useKanbanStore = defineStore('kanban', {
// Clear everything to prevent having old buckets in the list if loading the buckets from this list takes a few moments
params.per_page = TASKS_PER_BUCKET
const bucketService = new BucketService()
try {
const buckets = await bucketService.getAll({listId}, params)
const buckets = await bucketService.getAll({listId}, {
return buckets

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ import {useBaseStore} from '@/stores/base'
import {useAuthStore} from '@/stores/auth'
import Foo from '@/components/misc/flatpickr/Flatpickr.vue'
import ListWrapper from './ListWrapper.vue'
import ListWrapper from '@/components/list/ListWrapper.vue'
import Fancycheckbox from '@/components/input/fancycheckbox.vue'
import TaskForm from '@/components/tasks/TaskForm.vue'

View File

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
<ListWrapper class="list-kanban" :list-id="listId" viewName="kanban">
<template #header>
<div class="filter-container" v-if="!isSavedFilter(listId)">
<div class="filter-container" v-if="!isSavedFilter(list)">
<div class="items">
<filter-popup v-model="params" />
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
class="kanban kanban-bucket-container loader-container"
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@
:disabled="!canWrite || newTaskInputFocused"
:item-key="({id}) => `bucket${id}`"
:item-key="({id}: IBucket) => `bucket${id}`"
<template #item="{element: bucket, index: bucketIndex }">
@ -43,9 +44,9 @@
<icon icon="check-double"/>
@blur="saveBucketTitle(bucket.id, $event.target.textContent)"
@keydown.enter.prevent.stop="($event.target as HTMLElement).blur()"
@keydown.esc.prevent.stop="($event.target as HTMLElement).blur()"
@blur="saveBucketTitle(bucket.id, ($event.target as HTMLElement).textContent as string)"
class="title input"
:contenteditable="(bucketTitleEditable && canWrite && !collapsedBuckets[bucket.id]) ? true : undefined"
@ -71,7 +72,7 @@
@keyup.esc="() => showSetLimitInput = false"
@keyup.enter="() => showSetLimitInput = false"
@input="(event) => setBucketLimit(bucket.id, parseInt(event.target.value))"
@input="(event) => setBucketLimit(bucket.id, parseInt((event.target as HTMLInputElement).value))"
@ -122,7 +123,7 @@
@update:modelValue="(tasks) => updateTasks(bucket.id, tasks)"
@start="() => dragstart(bucket)"
@ -131,7 +132,7 @@
:item-key="(task) => `bucket${bucket.id}-task${task.id}`"
:item-key="(task: ITask) => `bucket${bucket.id}-task${task.id}`"
<template #footer>
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@
:disabled="loading || undefined"
@blur="() => showNewBucketInput = false"
@keyup.esc="($event.target as HTMLInputElement).blur()"
@ -224,27 +225,35 @@
<script lang="ts">
import {defineComponent} from 'vue'
<script setup lang="ts">
import {computed, nextTick, ref, watch, type PropType} from 'vue'
import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
import draggable from 'zhyswan-vuedraggable'
import cloneDeep from 'lodash.clonedeep'
import {mapState} from 'pinia'
import BucketModel from '../../models/bucket'
import {RIGHTS as Rights} from '@/constants/rights'
import ListWrapper from './ListWrapper.vue'
import FilterPopup from '@/components/list/partials/filter-popup.vue'
import Dropdown from '@/components/misc/dropdown.vue'
import {getCollapsedBucketState, saveCollapsedBucketState} from '@/helpers/saveCollapsedBucketState'
import {calculateItemPosition} from '../../helpers/calculateItemPosition'
import KanbanCard from '@/components/tasks/partials/kanban-card.vue'
import DropdownItem from '@/components/misc/dropdown-item.vue'
import {isSavedFilter} from '@/services/savedFilter'
import BucketModel from '@/models/bucket'
import type {IBucket} from '@/modelTypes/IBucket'
import type {IList} from '@/modelTypes/IList'
import type {ITask} from '@/modelTypes/ITask'
import {useBaseStore} from '@/stores/base'
import {useTaskStore} from '@/stores/tasks'
import {useKanbanStore} from '@/stores/kanban'
import ListWrapper from '@/components/list/ListWrapper.vue'
import FilterPopup from '@/components/list/partials/filter-popup.vue'
import KanbanCard from '@/components/tasks/partials/kanban-card.vue'
import Dropdown from '@/components/misc/dropdown.vue'
import DropdownItem from '@/components/misc/dropdown-item.vue'
import {getCollapsedBucketState, saveCollapsedBucketState, type CollapsedBuckets} from '@/helpers/saveCollapsedBucketState'
import {calculateItemPosition} from '@/helpers/calculateItemPosition'
import {isSavedFilter} from '@/services/savedFilter'
import {success} from '@/message'
const DRAG_OPTIONS = {
// sortable options
animation: 150,
@ -252,382 +261,346 @@ const DRAG_OPTIONS = {
dragClass: 'task-dragging',
delayOnTouchOnly: true,
delay: 150,
} as const
export default defineComponent({
name: 'Kanban',
components: {
props: {
listId: {
type: Number,
required: true,
data() {
return {
taskContainerRefs: {},
dragOptions: DRAG_OPTIONS,
drag: false,
dragBucket: false,
sourceBucket: 0,
showBucketDeleteModal: false,
bucketToDelete: 0,
bucketTitleEditable: false,
newTaskText: '',
showNewTaskInput: {},
newBucketTitle: '',
showNewBucketInput: false,
newTaskError: {},
showSetLimitInput: false,
collapsedBuckets: {},
newTaskInputFocused: false,
// We're using this to show the loading animation only at the task when updating it
taskUpdating: {},
oneTaskUpdating: false,
params: {
filter_by: [],
filter_value: [],
filter_comparator: [],
filter_concat: 'and',
watch: {
loadBucketParameter: {
handler: 'loadBuckets',
immediate: true,
computed: {
getTaskDraggableTaskComponentData() {
return (bucket) => ({
ref: (el) => this.setTaskContainerRef(bucket.id, el),
onScroll: (event) => this.handleTaskContainerScroll(bucket.id, bucket.listId, event.target),
type: 'transition-group',
name: !this.drag ? 'move-card' : null,
class: [
{'dragging-disabled': !this.canWrite},
loadBucketParameter() {
return {
listId: this.listId,
params: this.params,
bucketDraggableComponentData() {
return {
type: 'transition-group',
name: !this.dragBucket ? 'move-bucket' : null,
class: [
{'dragging-disabled': !this.canWrite},
...mapState(useBaseStore, {
canWrite: state => state.currentList.maxRight > Rights.READ,
list: state => state.currentList,
...mapState(useKanbanStore, {
buckets: state => state.buckets,
loadedListId: state => state.listId,
loading: state => state.isLoading,
...mapState(useTaskStore, {
taskLoading: state => state.isLoading,
methods: {
loadBuckets() {
const {listId, params} = this.loadBucketParameter
this.collapsedBuckets = getCollapsedBucketState(listId)
console.debug(`Loading buckets, loadedListId = ${this.loadedListId}, $attrs = ${this.$attrs} $route.params =`, this.$route.params)
useKanbanStore().loadBucketsForList({listId, params})
setTaskContainerRef(id, el) {
if (!el) return
this.taskContainerRefs[id] = el
handleTaskContainerScroll(id, listId, el) {
if (!el) {
const scrollTopMax = el.scrollHeight - el.clientHeight
const threshold = el.scrollTop + el.scrollTop * MIN_SCROLL_HEIGHT_PERCENT
if (scrollTopMax > threshold) {
listId: listId,
params: this.params,
bucketId: id,
updateTasks(bucketId, tasks) {
const kanbanStore = useKanbanStore()
const newBucket = {
async updateTaskPosition(e) {
this.drag = false
// While we could just pass the bucket index in through the function call, this would not give us the
// new bucket id when a task has been moved between buckets, only the new bucket. Using the data-bucket-id
// of the drop target works all the time.
const bucketIndex = parseInt(e.to.dataset.bucketIndex)
const newBucket = this.buckets[bucketIndex]
// HACK:
// this is a hacky workaround for a known problem of vue.draggable.next when using the footer slot
// the problem: https://github.com/SortableJS/vue.draggable.next/issues/108
// This hack doesn't remove the problem that the ghost item is still displayed below the footer
// It just makes releasing the item possible.
// The newIndex of the event doesn't count in the elements of the footer slot.
// This is why in case the length of the tasks is identical with the newIndex
// we have to remove 1 to get the correct index.
const newTaskIndex = newBucket.tasks.length === e.newIndex
? e.newIndex - 1
: e.newIndex
const task = newBucket.tasks[newTaskIndex]
const taskBefore = newBucket.tasks[newTaskIndex - 1] ?? null
const taskAfter = newBucket.tasks[newTaskIndex + 1] ?? null
this.taskUpdating[task.id] = true
const newTask = cloneDeep(task) // cloning the task to avoid pinia store manipulation
newTask.bucketId = newBucket.id
newTask.kanbanPosition = calculateItemPosition(
taskBefore !== null ? taskBefore.kanbanPosition : null,
taskAfter !== null ? taskAfter.kanbanPosition : null,
try {
const taskStore = useTaskStore()
await taskStore.update(newTask)
// Make sure the first and second task don't both get position 0 assigned
if(newTaskIndex === 0 && taskAfter !== null && taskAfter.kanbanPosition === 0) {
const taskAfterAfter = newBucket.tasks[newTaskIndex + 2] ?? null
const newTaskAfter = cloneDeep(taskAfter) // cloning the task to avoid pinia store manipulation
newTaskAfter.bucketId = newBucket.id
newTaskAfter.kanbanPosition = calculateItemPosition(
taskAfterAfter !== null ? taskAfterAfter.kanbanPosition : null,
await taskStore.update(newTaskAfter)
} finally {
this.taskUpdating[task.id] = false
this.oneTaskUpdating = false
toggleShowNewTaskInput(bucketId) {
this.showNewTaskInput[bucketId] = !this.showNewTaskInput[bucketId]
this.newTaskInputFocused = false
async addTaskToBucket(bucketId) {
if (this.newTaskText === '') {
this.newTaskError[bucketId] = true
this.newTaskError[bucketId] = false
const task = await useTaskStore().createNewTask({
title: this.newTaskText,
listId: this.listId,
this.newTaskText = ''
scrollTaskContainerToBottom(bucketId) {
const bucketEl = this.taskContainerRefs[bucketId]
if (!bucketEl) {
bucketEl.scrollTop = bucketEl.scrollHeight
async createNewBucket() {
if (this.newBucketTitle === '') {
const newBucket = new BucketModel({
title: this.newBucketTitle,
listId: this.listId,
await useKanbanStore().createBucket(newBucket)
this.newBucketTitle = ''
this.showNewBucketInput = false
deleteBucketModal(bucketId) {
if (this.buckets.length <= 1) {
this.bucketToDelete = bucketId
this.showBucketDeleteModal = true
async deleteBucket() {
const bucket = new BucketModel({
id: this.bucketToDelete,
listId: this.listId,
try {
await useKanbanStore().deleteBucket({
params: this.params,
this.$message.success({message: this.$t('list.kanban.deleteBucketSuccess')})
} finally {
this.showBucketDeleteModal = false
focusBucketTitle(e) {
// This little helper allows us to drag a bucket around at the title without focusing on it right away.
this.bucketTitleEditable = true
this.$nextTick(() => e.target.focus())
async saveBucketTitle(bucketId, bucketTitle) {
const updatedBucketData = {
id: bucketId,
title: bucketTitle,
await useKanbanStore().updateBucketTitle(updatedBucketData)
this.bucketTitleEditable = false
updateBuckets(value) {
// (1) buckets get updated in store and tasks positions get invalidated
updateBucketPosition(e) {
// (2) bucket positon is changed
this.dragBucket = false
const bucket = this.buckets[e.newIndex]
const bucketBefore = this.buckets[e.newIndex - 1] ?? null
const bucketAfter = this.buckets[e.newIndex + 1] ?? null
const updatedData = {
id: bucket.id,
position: calculateItemPosition(
bucketBefore !== null ? bucketBefore.position : null,
bucketAfter !== null ? bucketAfter.position : null,
async setBucketLimit(bucketId, limit) {
if (limit < 0) {
const kanbanStore = useKanbanStore()
const newBucket = {
await kanbanStore.updateBucket(newBucket)
this.$message.success({message: this.$t('list.kanban.bucketLimitSavedSuccess')})
shouldAcceptDrop(bucket) {
return (
// When dragging from a bucket who has its limit reached, dragging should still be possible
bucket.id === this.sourceBucket ||
// If there is no limit set, dragging & dropping should always work
bucket.limit === 0 ||
// Disallow dropping to buckets which have their limit reached
bucket.tasks.length < bucket.limit
dragstart(bucket) {
this.drag = true
this.sourceBucket = bucket.id
async toggleDoneBucket(bucket) {
const newBucket = {
isDoneBucket: !bucket.isDoneBucket,
await useKanbanStore().updateBucket(newBucket)
this.$message.success({message: this.$t('list.kanban.doneBucketSavedSuccess')})
collapseBucket(bucket) {
this.collapsedBuckets[bucket.id] = true
saveCollapsedBucketState(this.listId, this.collapsedBuckets)
unCollapseBucket(bucket) {
if (!this.collapsedBuckets[bucket.id]) {
this.collapsedBuckets[bucket.id] = false
saveCollapsedBucketState(this.listId, this.collapsedBuckets)
const props = defineProps({
listId: {
type: Number as PropType<IList['id']>,
required: true,
const {t} = useI18n({useScope: 'global'})
const baseStore = useBaseStore()
const kanbanStore = useKanbanStore()
const taskStore = useTaskStore()
const taskContainerRefs = ref<{[id: IBucket['id']]: HTMLElement}>({})
const drag = ref(false)
const dragBucket = ref(false)
const sourceBucket = ref(0)
const showBucketDeleteModal = ref(false)
const bucketToDelete = ref(0)
const bucketTitleEditable = ref(false)
const newTaskText = ref('')
const showNewTaskInput = ref<{[id: IBucket['id']]: boolean}>({})
const newBucketTitle = ref('')
const showNewBucketInput = ref(false)
const newTaskError = ref<{[id: IBucket['id']]: boolean}>({})
const newTaskInputFocused = ref(false)
const showSetLimitInput = ref(false)
const collapsedBuckets = ref<CollapsedBuckets>({})
// We're using this to show the loading animation only at the task when updating it
const taskUpdating = ref<{[id: ITask['id']]: boolean}>({})
const oneTaskUpdating = ref(false)
const params = ref({
filter_by: [],
filter_value: [],
filter_comparator: [],
filter_concat: 'and',
const getTaskDraggableTaskComponentData = computed(() => (bucket: IBucket) => {
return {
ref: (el: HTMLElement) => setTaskContainerRef(bucket.id, el),
onScroll: (event: Event) => handleTaskContainerScroll(bucket.id, bucket.listId, event.target as HTMLElement),
type: 'transition-group',
name: !drag.value ? 'move-card' : null,
class: [
{'dragging-disabled': !canWrite.value},
const bucketDraggableComponentData = computed(() => ({
type: 'transition-group',
name: !dragBucket.value ? 'move-bucket' : null,
class: [
{'dragging-disabled': !canWrite.value},
const canWrite = computed(() => baseStore.currentList.maxRight > Rights.READ)
const list = computed(() => baseStore.currentList)
const buckets = computed(() => kanbanStore.buckets)
const loading = computed(() => kanbanStore.isLoading)
const taskLoading = computed(() => taskStore.isLoading)
() => ({
listId: props.listId,
params: params.value,
({listId, params}) => {
collapsedBuckets.value = getCollapsedBucketState(listId)
kanbanStore.loadBucketsForList({listId, params})
immediate: true,
deep: true,
function setTaskContainerRef(id: IBucket['id'], el: HTMLElement) {
if (!el) return
taskContainerRefs.value[id] = el
function handleTaskContainerScroll(id: IBucket['id'], listId: IList['id'], el: HTMLElement) {
if (!el) {
const scrollTopMax = el.scrollHeight - el.clientHeight
const threshold = el.scrollTop + el.scrollTop * MIN_SCROLL_HEIGHT_PERCENT
if (scrollTopMax > threshold) {
listId: listId,
params: params.value,
bucketId: id,
function updateTasks(bucketId: IBucket['id'], tasks: IBucket['tasks']) {
const bucket = kanbanStore.getBucketById(bucketId)
if (bucket === undefined) {
async function updateTaskPosition(e) {
drag.value = false
// While we could just pass the bucket index in through the function call, this would not give us the
// new bucket id when a task has been moved between buckets, only the new bucket. Using the data-bucket-id
// of the drop target works all the time.
const bucketIndex = parseInt(e.to.dataset.bucketIndex)
const newBucket = buckets.value[bucketIndex]
// HACK:
// this is a hacky workaround for a known problem of vue.draggable.next when using the footer slot
// the problem: https://github.com/SortableJS/vue.draggable.next/issues/108
// This hack doesn't remove the problem that the ghost item is still displayed below the footer
// It just makes releasing the item possible.
// The newIndex of the event doesn't count in the elements of the footer slot.
// This is why in case the length of the tasks is identical with the newIndex
// we have to remove 1 to get the correct index.
const newTaskIndex = newBucket.tasks.length === e.newIndex
? e.newIndex - 1
: e.newIndex
const task = newBucket.tasks[newTaskIndex]
const taskBefore = newBucket.tasks[newTaskIndex - 1] ?? null
const taskAfter = newBucket.tasks[newTaskIndex + 1] ?? null
taskUpdating.value[task.id] = true
const newTask = cloneDeep(task) // cloning the task to avoid pinia store manipulation
newTask.bucketId = newBucket.id
newTask.kanbanPosition = calculateItemPosition(
taskBefore !== null ? taskBefore.kanbanPosition : null,
taskAfter !== null ? taskAfter.kanbanPosition : null,
try {
await taskStore.update(newTask)
// Make sure the first and second task don't both get position 0 assigned
if(newTaskIndex === 0 && taskAfter !== null && taskAfter.kanbanPosition === 0) {
const taskAfterAfter = newBucket.tasks[newTaskIndex + 2] ?? null
const newTaskAfter = cloneDeep(taskAfter) // cloning the task to avoid pinia store manipulation
newTaskAfter.bucketId = newBucket.id
newTaskAfter.kanbanPosition = calculateItemPosition(
taskAfterAfter !== null ? taskAfterAfter.kanbanPosition : null,
await taskStore.update(newTaskAfter)
} finally {
taskUpdating.value[task.id] = false
oneTaskUpdating.value = false
function toggleShowNewTaskInput(bucketId: IBucket['id']) {
showNewTaskInput.value[bucketId] = !showNewTaskInput.value[bucketId]
newTaskInputFocused.value = false
async function addTaskToBucket(bucketId: IBucket['id']) {
if (newTaskText.value === '') {
newTaskError.value[bucketId] = true
newTaskError.value[bucketId] = false
const task = await taskStore.createNewTask({
title: newTaskText.value,
listId: props.listId,
newTaskText.value = ''
function scrollTaskContainerToBottom(bucketId: IBucket['id']) {
const bucketEl = taskContainerRefs.value[bucketId]
if (!bucketEl) {
bucketEl.scrollTop = bucketEl.scrollHeight
async function createNewBucket() {
if (newBucketTitle.value === '') {
await kanbanStore.createBucket(new BucketModel({
title: newBucketTitle.value,
listId: props.listId,
newBucketTitle.value = ''
showNewBucketInput.value = false
function deleteBucketModal(bucketId: IBucket['id']) {
if (buckets.value.length <= 1) {
bucketToDelete.value = bucketId
showBucketDeleteModal.value = true
async function deleteBucket() {
try {
await kanbanStore.deleteBucket({
bucket: new BucketModel({
id: bucketToDelete.value,
listId: props.listId,
params: params.value,
success({message: t('list.kanban.deleteBucketSuccess')})
} finally {
showBucketDeleteModal.value = false
/** This little helper allows us to drag a bucket around at the title without focusing on it right away. */
async function focusBucketTitle(e: Event) {
bucketTitleEditable.value = true
await nextTick()
const target = e.target as HTMLInputElement
async function saveBucketTitle(bucketId: IBucket['id'], bucketTitle: string) {
await kanbanStore.updateBucketTitle({
id: bucketId,
title: bucketTitle,
bucketTitleEditable.value = false
function updateBuckets(value: IBucket[]) {
// (1) buckets get updated in store and tasks positions get invalidated
// TODO: fix type
function updateBucketPosition(e: {newIndex: number}) {
// (2) bucket positon is changed
dragBucket.value = false
const bucket = buckets.value[e.newIndex]
const bucketBefore = buckets.value[e.newIndex - 1] ?? null
const bucketAfter = buckets.value[e.newIndex + 1] ?? null
id: bucket.id,
position: calculateItemPosition(
bucketBefore !== null ? bucketBefore.position : null,
bucketAfter !== null ? bucketAfter.position : null,
async function setBucketLimit(bucketId: IBucket['id'], limit: number) {
if (limit < 0) {
await kanbanStore.updateBucket({
success({message: t('list.kanban.bucketLimitSavedSuccess')})
function shouldAcceptDrop(bucket: IBucket) {
return (
// When dragging from a bucket who has its limit reached, dragging should still be possible
bucket.id === sourceBucket.value ||
// If there is no limit set, dragging & dropping should always work
bucket.limit === 0 ||
// Disallow dropping to buckets which have their limit reached
bucket.tasks.length < bucket.limit
function dragstart(bucket: IBucket) {
drag.value = true
sourceBucket.value = bucket.id
async function toggleDoneBucket(bucket: IBucket) {
await kanbanStore.updateBucket({
isDoneBucket: !bucket.isDoneBucket,
success({message: t('list.kanban.doneBucketSavedSuccess')})
function collapseBucket(bucket: IBucket) {
collapsedBuckets.value[bucket.id] = true
saveCollapsedBucketState(props.listId, collapsedBuckets.value)
function unCollapseBucket(bucket: IBucket) {
if (!collapsedBuckets.value[bucket.id]) {
collapsedBuckets.value[bucket.id] = false
saveCollapsedBucketState(props.listId, collapsedBuckets.value)
<style lang="scss">

View File

@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ import {ref, computed, toRef, nextTick, onMounted, type PropType, watch} from 'v
import draggable from 'zhyswan-vuedraggable'
import {useRoute, useRouter} from 'vue-router'
import ListWrapper from './ListWrapper.vue'
import ListWrapper from '@/components/list/ListWrapper.vue'
import BaseButton from '@/components/base/BaseButton.vue'
import ButtonLink from '@/components/misc/ButtonLink.vue'
import EditTask from '@/components/tasks/edit-task.vue'

View File

@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ import {toRef, computed, type Ref} from 'vue'
import {useStorage} from '@vueuse/core'
import ListWrapper from './ListWrapper.vue'
import ListWrapper from '@/components/list/ListWrapper.vue'
import Done from '@/components/misc/Done.vue'
import User from '@/components/misc/user.vue'
import PriorityLabel from '@/components/tasks/partials/priorityLabel.vue'