This repository has been archived on 2024-02-08. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
konrad c7845bb9c1
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
Kanban (#118)
Add error message when trying to create an invalid new task in a bucket

Prevent creation of new buckets if the bucket title is empty

Disable deleting a bucket if it's the last one

Disable dragging tasks when they are being updated

Fix transition when opening tasks

Send the user to list view by default

Show loading spinner when updating multiple tasks

Add loading spinner when moving tasks

Add loading animation when bucket is loading / updating etc

Add bucket title edit

Fix creating new buckets

Add loading animation

Add removing buckets

Fix creating a new bucket after tasks were moved

Fix warning about labels on tasks

Fix labels on tasks not updating after retrieval from api

Fix property width

Add closing and mobile design

Make the task detail popup look good

Move list views

Move task detail view in a popup

Add link to tasks

Add saving the new task position after it was moved

Fix creating new bucket

Fix creating a new task


Disable user selection for task cards

Fix drag placeholder

Add dragging style to task

Add placeholder + change animation duration

More cleanup

Cleanup / docs

Working of dragging and dropping tasks

Adjust markup and styling for new library

Change kanban library to something that works

Add basic calculation of new positions

Don't try to create empty tasks

Add indicator if a task is done

Add moving tasks between buckets

Make empty buckets a little smaller

Add gimmick for button description

Fix color

Fix scrolling bucket layout

Add creating a new bucket

Add hiding the task input field

Co-authored-by: kolaente <>
Reviewed-on: #118
2020-04-25 23:11:34 +00:00

384 lines
11 KiB

<div class="gantt-chart box">
<div class="dates">
<template v-for="(y, yk) in days">
<div class="months" :key="yk + 'year'">
<div class="month" v-for="(m, mk) in days[yk]" :key="mk + 'month'">
{{new Date((new Date(yk)).setMonth(mk)).toLocaleString('en-us', { month: 'long' })}}, {{(new Date(yk)).getFullYear()}}
<div class="days">
v-for="(d, dk) in days[yk][mk]"
:key="dk + 'day'"
:style="{'width': dayWidth + 'px'}"
:class="{'today': d.toDateString() === now.toDateString()}">
<span class="theday" v-if="dayWidth > 25">
<span class="weekday" v-if="dayWidth > 25">
{{d.toLocaleString('en-us', { weekday: 'short' })}}
<div class="tasks" :style="{'width': fullWidth + 'px'}">
<div class="row" v-for="(t, k) in theTasks" :key="" :style="{background: 'repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, #ededed, #ededed 1px, ' + (k % 2 === 0 ? '#fafafa 1px, #fafafa ' : '#fff 1px, #fff ') + dayWidth + 'px)'}">
:class="{'done': t.done, 'is-current-edit': taskToEdit !== null && ===, 'has-light-text': !t.hasDarkColor(), 'has-dark-text': t.hasDarkColor()}"
:style="{'border-color': t.hexColor, 'background-color': t.hexColor}"
:x="t.offsetDays * dayWidth - 6"
:w="t.durationDays * dayWidth"
:sticks="['mr', 'ml']"
<span :class="{
'has-high-priority': t.priority >= priorities.HIGH,
'has-not-so-high-priority': t.priority === priorities.HIGH,
'has-super-high-priority': t.priority === priorities.DO_NOW
<priority-label :priority="t.priority"/>
<!-- using the key here forces vue to use the updated version model and not the response returned by the api -->
<a @click="editTask(theTasks[k])" class="edit-toggle">
<icon icon="pen"/>
<template v-if="showTaskswithoutDates">
<div class="row" v-for="(t, k) in tasksWithoutDates" :key="" :style="{background: 'repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, #ededed, #ededed 1px, ' + (k % 2 === 0 ? '#fafafa 1px, #fafafa ' : '#fff 1px, #fff ') + dayWidth + 'px)'}">
class="task nodate"
:x="dayOffsetUntilToday * dayWidth - 6"
:sticks="['mr', 'ml']"
v-tooltip="'This task has no dates set.'"
<form @submit.prevent="addNewTask()" class="add-new-task">
<transition name="width">
@keyup.esc="newTaskFieldActive = false"
<button class="button is-primary noshadow" @click="showCreateNewTask">
<span class="icon is-small">
<icon icon="plus"/>
Add a new task
<transition name="fade">
<div class="card taskedit" v-if="isTaskEdit">
<header class="card-header">
<p class="card-header-title">
Edit Task
<a class="card-header-icon" @click="() => {isTaskEdit = false; taskToEdit = null}">
<span class="icon">
<icon icon="times"/>
<div class="card-content">
<div class="content">
<edit-task :task="taskToEdit"/>
import VueDragResize from 'vue-drag-resize'
import EditTask from './edit-task'
import TaskService from '../../services/task'
import TaskModel from '../../models/task'
import priorities from '../../models/priorities'
import PriorityLabel from './reusable/priorityLabel'
import TaskCollectionService from '../../services/taskCollection'
export default {
name: 'GanttChart',
components: {
props: {
listId: {
type: Number,
required: true,
showTaskswithoutDates: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
dateFrom: {
default: new Date((new Date()).setDate((new Date()).getDate() - 15))
dateTo: {
default: new Date((new Date()).setDate((new Date()).getDate() + 30))
// The width of a day in pixels, used to calculate all sorts of things.
dayWidth: {
type: Number,
default: 35,
data() {
return {
days: [],
startDate: null,
endDate: null,
theTasks: [], // Pretty much a copy of the prop, since we cant mutate the prop directly
tasksWithoutDates: [],
taskService: TaskService,
taskDragged: null, // Saves to currently dragged task to be able to update it
fullWidth: 0,
now: null,
dayOffsetUntilToday: 0,
isTaskEdit: false,
taskToEdit: null,
newTaskTitle: '',
newTaskFieldActive: false,
priorities: {},
taskCollectionService: TaskCollectionService,
watch: {
dateFrom() {
dateTo() {
created() { = new Date()
this.taskCollectionService = new TaskCollectionService()
this.taskService = new TaskService()
this.priorities = priorities
mounted() {
methods: {
buildTheGanttChart() {
setDates() {
this.startDate = new Date(this.dateFrom)
this.endDate = new Date(this.dateTo)
this.dayOffsetUntilToday = Math.floor(( - this.startDate) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24) +1
prepareGanttDays() {
// Layout: years => [months => [days]]
let years = {};
for (let d = this.startDate; d <= this.endDate; d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1)) {
let date = new Date(d)
if (years[date.getFullYear() + ''] === undefined) {
years[date.getFullYear() + ''] = {}
if (years[date.getFullYear() + ''][date.getMonth() + ''] === undefined) {
years[date.getFullYear() + ''][date.getMonth() + ''] = []
years[date.getFullYear() + ''][date.getMonth() + ''].push(date)
this.fullWidth += this.dayWidth
this.$set(this, 'days', years)
parseTasks() {
prepareTasks() {
const getAllTasks = (page = 1) => {
return this.taskCollectionService.getAll({listId: this.listId}, {}, page)
.then(tasks => {
if(page < this.taskCollectionService.totalPages) {
return getAllTasks(page + 1)
.then(nextTasks => {
return tasks.concat(nextTasks)
} else {
return tasks
.catch(e => {
return Promise.reject(e)
.then(tasks => {
this.theTasks = tasks
.filter(t => {
if(t.startDate === null && !t.done) {
return t.startDate >= this.startDate && t.endDate <= this.endDate
.map(t => {
return this.addGantAttributes(t)
.sort(function(a,b) {
if (a.startDate < b.startDate)
return -1
if (a.startDate > b.startDate)
return 1
return 0
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
addGantAttributes(t) {
t.endDate === null ? this.endDate : t.endDate
t.durationDays = Math.floor((t.endDate - t.startDate) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24) + 1
t.offsetDays = Math.floor((t.startDate - this.startDate) / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24) + 1
return t
setTaskDragged(t) {
this.taskDragged = t
resizeTask(newRect) {
// Timeout to definitly catch if the user clicked on taskedit
setTimeout(() => {
if(this.isTaskEdit) {
let didntHaveDates = this.taskDragged.startDate === null ? true : false
let startDate = new Date(this.startDate)
startDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + newRect.left / this.dayWidth)
this.taskDragged.startDate = startDate
let endDate = new Date(startDate)
endDate.setDate(startDate.getDate() + newRect.width / this.dayWidth)
this.taskDragged.startDate = startDate
this.taskDragged.endDate = endDate
// We take the task from the overall tasks array because the one in it has bad data after it was updated once.
// FIXME: This is a workaround. We should use a better mechanism to get the task or, even better,
// prevent it from containing outdated Data in the first place.
for (const tt in this.theTasks) {
if (this.theTasks[tt].id === {
this.$set(this, 'taskDragged', this.theTasks[tt])
.then(r => {
// If the task didn't have dates before, we'll update the list
if(didntHaveDates) {
for (const t in this.tasksWithoutDates) {
if (this.tasksWithoutDates[t].id === {
this.tasksWithoutDates.splice(t, 1)
} else {
for (const tt in this.theTasks) {
if (this.theTasks[tt].id === {
this.$set(this.theTasks, tt, this.addGantAttributes(r))
this.success({message: 'The task was successfully updated.'}, this)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)
}, 100)
editTask(task) {
this.taskToEdit = task
this.isTaskEdit = true
showCreateNewTask() {
if(!this.newTaskFieldActive) {
// Timeout to not send the form if the field isn't even shown
setTimeout(() => {
this.newTaskFieldActive = true
this.$nextTick(() => this.$refs.newTaskTitleField.focus())
}, 100)
hideCrateNewTask() {
if(this.newTaskTitle === '') {
this.$nextTick(() => this.newTaskFieldActive = false)
addNewTask() {
if (!this.newTaskFieldActive) {
let task = new TaskModel({text: this.newTaskTitle, listId: this.listId})
.then(r => {
this.newTaskTitle = ''
this.success({message: 'The task was successfully created.'}, this)
.catch(e => {
this.error(e, this)