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export interface TaskWithParent {
title: string,
parent: string | null,
function cleanupTitle(title: string) {
return title.replace(/^((\* |\+ |- )(\[ \] )?)/g, '')
const spaceRegex = /^ */
// taskTitles should be multiple lines of task tiles with indention to declare their parent/subtask
// relation between each other.
export function parseSubtasksViaIndention(taskTitles: string): TaskWithParent[] {
const titles = taskTitles.split(/[\r\n]+/)
return, i) => {
const task: TaskWithParent = {
title: cleanupTitle(t),
parent: null,
const matched = spaceRegex.exec(t)
const matchedSpaces = matched ? matched[0].length : 0
if (matchedSpaces > 0 && i > 0) {
// Go up the tree to find the first task with less indention than the current one
let pi = 1
let parentSpaces = 0
do {
task.parent = cleanupTitle(titles[i - pi])
const parentMatched = spaceRegex.exec(task.parent)
parentSpaces = parentMatched ? parentMatched[0].length : 0
} while (parentSpaces >= matchedSpaces)
task.title = cleanupTitle(t.replace(spaceRegex, ''))
task.parent = task.parent.replace(spaceRegex, '')
return task