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31 lines
896 B

import MyPage from './Page.vue'
import * as HeaderStories from './Header.stories'
export default {
title: 'Example/Page',
component: MyPage,
const Template = (args) => ({
// Components used in your story `template` are defined in the `components` object
components: { MyPage },
// The story's `args` need to be mapped into the template through the `setup()` method
setup() {
// Story args can be mapped to keys in the returned object
return { user: args.user }
// Then, those values can be accessed directly in the template
template: '<my-page :user="user" />',
export const LoggedIn = Template.bind({})
LoggedIn.args = {
// More on composing args:
export const LoggedOut = Template.bind({})
LoggedOut.args = {