chore(deps): update dev-dependencies #2229

konrad merged 2 commits from renovate/dev-dependencies into main 2024-04-05 20:41:18 +00:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
@histoire/plugin-screenshot (source) devDependencies patch 0.17.14 -> 0.17.15
@histoire/plugin-vue (source) devDependencies patch 0.17.14 -> 0.17.15
@rushstack/eslint-patch (source) devDependencies minor 1.8.0 -> 1.10.1
@tsconfig/node18 (source) devDependencies patch 18.2.2 -> 18.2.4
@types/node (source) devDependencies minor 20.11.30 -> 20.12.4
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin (source) devDependencies minor 7.3.1 -> 7.5.0
@typescript-eslint/parser (source) devDependencies minor 7.3.1 -> 7.5.0
autoprefixer devDependencies patch 10.4.18 -> 10.4.19
caniuse-lite devDependencies patch 1.0.30001599 -> 1.0.30001606
css-has-pseudo (source) devDependencies patch 6.0.2 -> 6.0.3
cypress (source) devDependencies patch 13.7.0 -> 13.7.2
electron devDependencies minor 29.1.4 -> 29.2.0
eslint-plugin-vue (source) devDependencies minor 9.23.0 -> 9.24.0
happy-dom devDependencies minor 14.0.0 -> 14.5.1
histoire (source) devDependencies patch 0.17.14 -> 0.17.15
postcss (source) devDependencies patch 8.4.37 -> 8.4.38
postcss-preset-env (source) devDependencies patch 9.5.2 -> 9.5.4
rollup (source) devDependencies minor 4.13.0 -> 4.14.0
sass devDependencies minor 1.72.0 -> 1.74.1
typescript (source) devDependencies patch 5.4.2 -> 5.4.4
vite (source) devDependencies minor 5.1.6 -> 5.2.8
vite-plugin-pwa devDependencies patch 0.19.5 -> 0.19.8
vue-tsc (source) devDependencies patch 2.0.6 -> 2.0.10

Release Notes

Akryum/histoire (@​histoire/plugin-screenshot)


Compare Source

compare changes

🩹 Fixes
  • StoryResponsivePreview vertical resize (#​704)
❤️ Contributors
microsoft/rushstack (@​rushstack/eslint-patch)


Compare Source

Fri, 29 Mar 2024 05:46:41 GMT

  • Fix an issue where the eslint-bulk prune command would crash if a bulk suppressions file exists that speicifies no suppressions.
  • Exit with success under normal conditions.


Compare Source

Thu, 28 Mar 2024 18:11:12 GMT

Minor changes
  • Delete the .eslint-bulk-suppressions.json file during pruning if all suppressions have been eliminated.
  • Fix an issue with running eslint-bulk prune in a project with suppressions that refer to deleted files.


Compare Source

Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:47:21 GMT

Minor changes
  • Fix an issue where eslint-bulk prune does not work if there are no files to lint in the project root.
tsconfig/bases (@​tsconfig/node18)


Compare Source


Compare Source

typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] handle TaggedTemplateExpression

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] handle exactOptionalPropertyTypes compiler option

❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Mark de Dios
  • Naru
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-arguments] handle tagged templates

  • eslint-plugin: deprecate no-throw-literal and add a renamed only-throw-error

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] address multipart nullish checks false positive

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] properly disambiguate between boolean and false

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] avoid remove const casting on template literals with expressions inside

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Brad Zacher
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Marco Pasqualetti
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@​typescript-eslint/parser)


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • parser: disallow errorOnTypeScriptSyntacticAndSemanticIssues
❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Mark de Dios
  • Naru
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Brad Zacher
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Marco Pasqualetti
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

postcss/autoprefixer (autoprefixer)


Compare Source

  • Removed end value has mixed support, consider using flex-end warning
    since end/start now have good support.
browserslist/caniuse-lite (caniuse-lite)


Compare Source


Compare Source


Compare Source


Compare Source

csstools/postcss-plugins (css-has-pseudo)


Compare Source

March 31, 2024

cypress-io/cypress (cypress)


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electron/electron (electron)

v29.2.0: electron v29.2.0

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Release Notes for v29.2.0


  • Fixed crash in Notification::Close() under libnotify 0.8.x with portal environment. #​41707 (Also in 28, 30)
  • Fixed usage of Storage.{get|set|clear}Cookies via the Chrome DevTools Protocol. #​41739 (Also in 28, 30)

Other Changes

  • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-2885.
    • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-2883.
    • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-2887.
    • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-2886.
    • Security: backported fix for 3296748.
    • Security: backported fix for 3271834.
    • Security: backported fix for 3263494. #​41746
  • Updated Chromium to 122.0.6261.156. #​41765



  • Added support for Bluetooth ports being requested by service class ID in navigator.serial. #​41735 (Also in 30)

v29.1.6: electron v29.1.6

Compare Source

Release Notes for v29.1.6


  • Fixed shell.showItemInFolder not opening Windows Explorer if the passed path contains forward slashes. #​41672 (Also in 28, 30)
  • Fixed a potential crash in chrome.scripting on extension unload. #​41701 (Also in 30)
  • Fixed an issue where emojis weren't properly handled on Windows. #​41680 (Also in 30)
  • Fixed an issue where the serial-port-added event improperly respected filters set by serial.requestPort(). #​41636 (Also in 28, 30)

Other Changes

  • Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-2625. #​41631
  • Updated Chromium to 122.0.6261.139. #​41634

v29.1.5: electron v29.1.5

Compare Source

Release Notes for v29.1.5


  • Fixed an issue where badge text set using the Badging API no longer appeared correctly on Windows. #​41628 (Also in 30)

Other Changes

  • Updated Chromium to 122.0.6261.130. #​41598
vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue (eslint-plugin-vue)


Compare Source


🐛 Bug Fixes

Full Changelog:

capricorn86/happy-dom (happy-dom)


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes problem with Document.defaultView not referring to the global object when using GlobalRegistrator - By @​capricorn86 in task #​1367
🎨 Features
  • Adds support for closing/destroying the Window in GlobalRegistrator.unregister() - By @​capricorn86 in task #​1367


Compare Source

🎨 Features
  • Adds support for handling "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" in Request.formData() - By @​tt-public in #​1379


Compare Source

🎨 Features
  • Adds support for HTMLIFrameElement.sandbox to return a DOMTokenList - By @​jeffwcx in task #​825


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes problem related to CSS properties not being used in CSS values when they are declared after (e.g. when CSS properties are defined in Element attribute) - By @​capricorn86 in task #​1364
  • Update the CSSStyleSheet object when child nodes of an HTMLStyleElement are modified - By @​capricorn86 in task #​1364


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes problem when the error for the invalid selectors :is and :where (without argument) was not handled correctly - By @​capricorn86 in task #​1352


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes bug where the tag name for custom elements constructed using the "new" keyword rendered as <null> - By @​capricorn86 in task #​1354


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes bug where calling Storage.getItem() with a key that has the same name as one of its methods or properties, returned the method/property (e.g. Storage.getItem('key') returned Storage.key() which is a function) - By @​capricorn86 in task #​1351
    • The solution has been changed to use a Proxy instead to safeguard against this


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Converts the value parameter to string in Storage.setItem() - By @​dr2009 in task #​1347


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Adds support for defining keys to the Storage class used by the properties Window.localStorage and Window.sessionStorage - By @​frankdiw in task #​1181


Compare Source

🎨 Features


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Binds getters and setters on all Window classes (not only GlobalWindow), so that they will be available when calling Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors() - By @​capricorn86 in task #​1343
    • The reason for this change is that JSDOM and browsers has these properties as part of the Window instance and not the prototype
    • Happy DOM will now behave correctly when overriding a property on Window with spyOn(window, 'property') or Object.defineProperty(window, 'property')


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🎨 Features


Compare Source

👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Fixes problem with properties defined as getters and setters not being registered globally by Vitest - By @​capricorn86 in task #​1339
    • The problem occurred as Vitest is using Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(window) to read which properties to register globally, but getters and setters are defined on the prototype
    • To solve the problem, GlobalWindow now defines the properties on the instance when it is constructed


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👷‍♂️ Patch fixes
  • Changes location, history, navigator, screen, sessionStorage and localStorage to be getters instead of properties on Window - By @​capricorn86 in task #​1336
  • Adds setter for Window.location - By @​capricorn86 in task #​1336


Compare Source

🎨 Features
  • Adds support for the setting handleDisabledFileLoadingAsSuccess, that can be used for triggering a "load" event instead of an "error" event when file loading is disabled - By @​capricorn86 in task #​1334
postcss/postcss (postcss)


Compare Source

csstools/postcss-plugins (postcss-preset-env)


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April 2, 2024


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March 31, 2024

rollup/rollup (rollup)


Compare Source


  • Display error causes in Rollup CLI (#​5422)
  • Add basic support for explicit resource management via "using" and "await using" (#​5423)
Pull Requests


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Bug Fixes
  • Ensure accessing module info is cached after the build phase for improved performance (#​5438)
  • Support powerpc64le CPUs (#​5350)
Pull Requests


Compare Source


Bug Fixes
  • Add new linux-s390x-gnu native binary package (#​5346)
Pull Requests
sass/dart-sass (sass)


Compare Source

  • No user-visible changes.
Microsoft/TypeScript (typescript)

v5.4.4: TypeScript 5.4.4

Compare Source

For release notes, check out the release announcement.

For the complete list of fixed issues, check out the

Downloads are available on:

v5.4.3: TypeScript 5.4.3

Compare Source

For release notes, check out the release announcement.

For the complete list of fixed issues, check out the

Downloads are available on:

vitejs/vite (vite)


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Please refer to for details.

vite-pwa/vite-plugin-pwa (vite-plugin-pwa)


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   🐞 Bug Fixes
    View changes on GitHub


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   🐞 Bug Fixes
    View changes on GitHub


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   🚀 Features
    View changes on GitHub
vuejs/language-tools (vue-tsc)


Compare Source

  • vscode: enable vue.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled by default (#​3646)
  • vscode: re-add restart server command (#​4174)
  • vscode: automatically enable Hybrid Mode if possible (#​4206)
  • component-meta: add typing resolution for defineModel modifiers (#​4175) - Thanks @​stafyniaksacha
  • language-service: drag and drop import respects tsconfig path aliases (#​4184)
  • language-service: supports auto insertion of multiple cursors (#​4140)
Bug Fixes
  • language-server: additionalExtensions option not working for inferred project
  • language-core: avoid interpolation indentation affecting each other
  • language-core: generate each interpolation into separate virtual code (#​4165)
  • language-service: ignore html wrapAttributes format settings for vue document (#​3987)
  • vscode: remove duplicate ts version status (#​4167)
  • language-server: .html, .md file language id incorrect
  • typescript-plugin: formatting settings not working for ts completion
  • tsc: remove fake global types holder for composite projects compatibility (#​4196) - Thanks @​blake-newman
  • language-core: cache canonical root file names with string Set
Other Changes
  • Upgrade Volar from v2.1.3 to v2.2.0-alpha.5 for a few bug fixes and performance improves, please refer to for details.
  • vscode: update required VSCode version to ^1.88.0
  • docs: update readme with neovim lspconfig setup (#​4134) - Thanks @​RayGuo-ergou
  • language-core: split inline css codegen into separate plugin
  • language-core: move global types codegen into separate script
  • language-core: resolve virtual code features before push code
  • test: added simple tests for vue-tsc and custom SFC extensions. (#​4181) - Thanks @​cabal95


Compare Source

Hybrid Mode is now disabled by default, you need to enable vue.server.hybridMode in settings to enable it explicitly.

  • language-server: reintroducing full TS support and disable Hybrid Mode by default (#​4119)
  • vscode: check outdated @vue/language-plugin-pug in doctor
  • vscode: significantly reduces the status bar space occupied
Bug Fixes
  • vscode: vueCompilerOptions no longer prompts for deprecated options
  • component-meta: defineSlots allows empty params (#​4093) - thanks @​Evertvdw
  • typescript-plugin: fault tolerance for named pipe servers json file (#​4075) - thanks @​Simon-He95
  • language-core: generate defineModel emits type on-demand (#​4052) - thanks @​so1ve
  • language-core: special treatment for number elements inside v-for (#​3859) - thanks @​so1ve
  • language-plugin-pug: semantic tokens mapping failed (#​4070)
Other Changes


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This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [@histoire/plugin-screenshot]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`0.17.14` -> `0.17.15`]( | | [@histoire/plugin-vue]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`0.17.14` -> `0.17.15`]( | | [@rushstack/eslint-patch]( ([source]( | devDependencies | minor | [`1.8.0` -> `1.10.1`]( | | [@tsconfig/node18]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`18.2.2` -> `18.2.4`]( | | [@types/node]( ([source]( | devDependencies | minor | [`20.11.30` -> `20.12.4`]( | | [@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( ([source]( | devDependencies | minor | [`7.3.1` -> `7.5.0`]( | | [@typescript-eslint/parser]( ([source]( | devDependencies | minor | [`7.3.1` -> `7.5.0`]( | | [autoprefixer]( | devDependencies | patch | [`10.4.18` -> `10.4.19`]( | | [caniuse-lite]( | devDependencies | patch | [`1.0.30001599` -> `1.0.30001606`]( | | [css-has-pseudo]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`6.0.2` -> `6.0.3`]( | | [cypress]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`13.7.0` -> `13.7.2`]( | | [electron]( | devDependencies | minor | [`29.1.4` -> `29.2.0`]( | | [eslint-plugin-vue]( ([source]( | devDependencies | minor | [`9.23.0` -> `9.24.0`]( | | [happy-dom]( | devDependencies | minor | [`14.0.0` -> `14.5.1`]( | | [histoire]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`0.17.14` -> `0.17.15`]( | | [postcss]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`8.4.37` -> `8.4.38`]( | | [postcss-preset-env]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`9.5.2` -> `9.5.4`]( | | [rollup]( ([source]( | devDependencies | minor | [`4.13.0` -> `4.14.0`]( | | [sass]( | devDependencies | minor | [`1.72.0` -> `1.74.1`]( | | [typescript]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`5.4.2` -> `5.4.4`]( | | [vite]( ([source]( | devDependencies | minor | [`5.1.6` -> `5.2.8`]( | | [vite-plugin-pwa]( | devDependencies | patch | [`0.19.5` -> `0.19.8`]( | | [vue-tsc]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`2.0.6` -> `2.0.10`]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>Akryum/histoire (@&#8203;histoire/plugin-screenshot)</summary> ### [`v0.17.15`]( [Compare Source]( [compare changes]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - StoryResponsivePreview vertical resize ([#&#8203;704]( ##### ❤️ Contributors - Mobyrr ([@&#8203;Mobyrr]( </details> <details> <summary>microsoft/rushstack (@&#8203;rushstack/eslint-patch)</summary> ### [`v1.10.1`]( [Compare Source]( Fri, 29 Mar 2024 05:46:41 GMT ##### Patches - Fix an issue where the `eslint-bulk prune` command would crash if a bulk suppressions file exists that speicifies no suppressions. - Exit with success under normal conditions. ### [`v1.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( Thu, 28 Mar 2024 18:11:12 GMT ##### Minor changes - Delete the `.eslint-bulk-suppressions.json` file during pruning if all suppressions have been eliminated. ##### Patches - Fix an issue with running `eslint-bulk prune` in a project with suppressions that refer to deleted files. ### [`v1.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( Wed, 27 Mar 2024 19:47:21 GMT ##### Minor changes - Fix an issue where `eslint-bulk prune` does not work if there are no files to lint in the project root. </details> <details> <summary>tsconfig/bases (@&#8203;tsconfig/node18)</summary> ### [`v18.2.4`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v18.2.3`]( [Compare Source]( </details> <details> <summary>typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@&#8203;typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)</summary> ### [`v7.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] handle TaggedTemplateExpression - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] handle exactOptionalPropertyTypes compiler option ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Kim Sang Du - Mark de Dios - Naru - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-arguments] handle tagged templates - **eslint-plugin:** deprecate no-throw-literal and add a renamed only-throw-error ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chain] address multipart nullish checks false positive - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chain] properly disambiguate between `boolean` and `false` - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] avoid remove const casting on template literals with expressions inside ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Brad Zacher - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kim Sang Du - Kirk Waiblinger - Marco Pasqualetti - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. </details> <details> <summary>typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@&#8203;typescript-eslint/parser)</summary> ### [`v7.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **parser:** disallow `errorOnTypeScriptSyntacticAndSemanticIssues` ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Kim Sang Du - Mark de Dios - Naru - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Brad Zacher - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kim Sang Du - Kirk Waiblinger - Marco Pasqualetti - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. </details> <details> <summary>postcss/autoprefixer (autoprefixer)</summary> ### [`v10.4.19`]( [Compare Source]( - Removed `end value has mixed support, consider using flex-end` warning since `end`/`start` now have good support. </details> <details> <summary>browserslist/caniuse-lite (caniuse-lite)</summary> ### [`v1.0.30001606`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v1.0.30001605`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v1.0.30001603`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v1.0.30001600`]( [Compare Source]( </details> <details> <summary>csstools/postcss-plugins (css-has-pseudo)</summary> ### [`v6.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( *March 31, 2024* - Updated [`@csstools/selector-specificity`]( to [`3.0.3`]( (patch) </details> <details> <summary>cypress-io/cypress (cypress)</summary> ### [`v13.7.2`]( [Compare Source]( Changelog: ### [`v13.7.1`]( [Compare Source]( Changelog: </details> <details> <summary>electron/electron (electron)</summary> ### [`v29.2.0`]( electron v29.2.0 [Compare Source]( ### Release Notes for v29.2.0 #### Fixes - Fixed crash in Notification::Close() under libnotify 0.8.x with portal environment. [#&#8203;41707]( <span style="font-size:small;">(Also in [28](, [30](</span> - Fixed usage of `Storage.{get|set|clear}Cookies` via the Chrome DevTools Protocol. [#&#8203;41739]( <span style="font-size:small;">(Also in [28](, [30](</span> #### Other Changes - Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-2885. - Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-2883. - Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-2887. - Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-2886. - Security: backported fix for [`3296748`]( - Security: backported fix for [`3271834`]( - Security: backported fix for [`3263494`]( [#&#8203;41746]( - Updated Chromium to 122.0.6261.156. [#&#8203;41765]( #### Documentation - Documentation changes: [#&#8203;41730]( #### Unknown - Added support for Bluetooth ports being requested by service class ID in `navigator.serial`. [#&#8203;41735]( <span style="font-size:small;">(Also in [30](</span> ### [`v29.1.6`]( electron v29.1.6 [Compare Source]( ### Release Notes for v29.1.6 #### Fixes - Fixed `shell.showItemInFolder` not opening Windows Explorer if the passed path contains forward slashes. [#&#8203;41672]( <span style="font-size:small;">(Also in [28](, [30](</span> - Fixed a potential crash in `chrome.scripting` on extension unload. [#&#8203;41701]( <span style="font-size:small;">(Also in [30](</span> - Fixed an issue where emojis weren't properly handled on Windows. [#&#8203;41680]( <span style="font-size:small;">(Also in [30](</span> - Fixed an issue where the `serial-port-added` event improperly respected filters set by `serial.requestPort()`. [#&#8203;41636]( <span style="font-size:small;">(Also in [28](, [30](</span> #### Other Changes - Security: backported fix for CVE-2024-2625. [#&#8203;41631]( - Updated Chromium to 122.0.6261.139. [#&#8203;41634]( ### [`v29.1.5`]( electron v29.1.5 [Compare Source]( ### Release Notes for v29.1.5 #### Fixes - Fixed an issue where badge text set using the Badging API no longer appeared correctly on Windows. [#&#8203;41628]( <span style="font-size:small;">(Also in [30](</span> #### Other Changes - Updated Chromium to 122.0.6261.130. [#&#8203;41598]( </details> <details> <summary>vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue (eslint-plugin-vue)</summary> ### [`v9.24.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements - [#&#8203;2407](, [#&#8203;2436]( Added support for the [flat config format]( #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;2425]( Fixed error for empty value in [`vue/no-restricted-class`]( rule **Full Changelog**: </details> <details> <summary>capricorn86/happy-dom (happy-dom)</summary> ### [`v14.5.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes problem with Document.defaultView not referring to the global object when using GlobalRegistrator - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1367]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for closing/destroying the Window in `GlobalRegistrator.unregister()` - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1367]( ### [`v14.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for handling "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" in `Request.formData()` - By [@&#8203;tt-public]( in [#&#8203;1379]( ### [`v14.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for `HTMLIFrameElement.sandbox` to return a `DOMTokenList` - By [@&#8203;jeffwcx]( in task [#&#8203;825]( ### [`v14.3.10`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes problem related to CSS properties not being used in CSS values when they are declared after (e.g. when CSS properties are defined in Element attribute) - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1364]( - Update the `CSSStyleSheet` object when child nodes of an `HTMLStyleElement` are modified - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1364]( ### [`v14.3.9`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes problem with spying on properties in Storage - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1368]( ### [`v14.3.8`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes problem when the error for the invalid selectors `:is` and :`where` (without argument) was not handled correctly - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1352]( ### [`v14.3.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Makes `DOMTokenList` iterable - By [@&#8203;silverwind]( in task [#&#8203;1342]( ### [`v14.3.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Adds support for parsing the shorthand comment `<!>` - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1288]( ### [`v14.3.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes bug where the tag name for custom elements constructed using the "new" keyword rendered as `<null>` - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1354]( ### [`v14.3.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Ignores invalid selectors when parsing CSS in `Window.getComputedStyle()` - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1352]( ### [`v14.3.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes bug where calling `Storage.getItem()` with a key that has the same name as one of its methods or properties, returned the method/property (e.g. `Storage.getItem('key')` returned `Storage.key()` which is a function) - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1351]( - The solution has been changed to use a `Proxy` instead to safeguard against this ### [`v14.3.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Converts the value parameter to string in `Storage.setItem()` - By **[@&#8203;dr2009](** in task [#&#8203;1347]( ### [`v14.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Adds support for defining keys to the `Storage` class used by the properties `Window.localStorage` and `Window.sessionStorage` - By **[@&#8203;frankdiw](** in task [#&#8203;1181]( ### [`v14.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for `Select.selectedOptions` - By **[@&#8203;otaviosoares](** in task [#&#8203;1282]( ### [`v14.2.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Binds getters and setters on all Window classes (not only `GlobalWindow`), so that they will be available when calling `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors()` - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1343]( - The reason for this change is that JSDOM and browsers has these properties as part of the Window instance and not the prototype - Happy DOM will now behave correctly when overriding a property on Window with `spyOn(window, 'property')` or `Object.defineProperty(window, 'property')` ### [`v14.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for the pseudo selectors `:is()` and `:where()` - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1333]( ### [`v14.1.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Fixes problem with properties defined as getters and setters not being registered globally by Vitest - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1339]( - The problem occurred as Vitest is using `Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(window)` to read which properties to register globally, but getters and setters are defined on the prototype - To solve the problem, `GlobalWindow` now defines the properties on the instance when it is constructed ### [`v14.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :construction_worker_man: Patch fixes - Changes `location`, `history`, `navigator`, `screen`, `sessionStorage` and `localStorage` to be getters instead of properties on `Window` - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1336]( - Adds setter for `Window.location` - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1336]( ### [`v14.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### :art: Features - Adds support for the setting `handleDisabledFileLoadingAsSuccess`, that can be used for triggering a "load" event instead of an "error" event when file loading is disabled - By **[@&#8203;capricorn86](** in task [#&#8203;1334]( </details> <details> <summary>postcss/postcss (postcss)</summary> ### [`v8.4.38`]( [Compare Source]( - Fixed `endIndex: 0` in errors and warnings (by [@&#8203;romainmenke]( </details> <details> <summary>csstools/postcss-plugins (postcss-preset-env)</summary> ### [`v9.5.4`]( [Compare Source]( *April 2, 2024* - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-light-dark-function`]( to [`1.0.3`]( (patch) ### [`v9.5.3`]( [Compare Source]( *March 31, 2024* - Updated [`cssdb`]( to [`8.0.0`]( (major) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-progressive-custom-properties`]( to [`3.2.0`]( (minor) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-cascade-layers`]( to [`4.0.4`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-ic-unit`]( to [`3.0.6`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-is-pseudo-class`]( to [`4.0.6`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-light-dark-function`]( to [`1.0.2`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-text-decoration-shorthand`]( to [`3.0.5`]( (patch) - Updated [`css-has-pseudo`]( to [`6.0.3`]( (patch) - Updated [`postcss-double-position-gradients`]( to [`5.0.6`]( (patch) - Updated [`postcss-nesting`]( to [`12.1.1`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-color-function`]( to [`3.0.13`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-color-mix-function`]( to [`2.0.13`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-gamut-mapping`]( to [`1.0.6`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-gradients-interpolation-method`]( to [`4.0.14`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-hwb-function`]( to [`3.0.12`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-oklab-function`]( to [`3.0.13`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-relative-color-syntax`]( to [`2.0.13`]( (patch) - Updated [`postcss-color-functional-notation`]( to [`6.0.8`]( (patch) - Updated [`postcss-lab-function`]( to [`6.0.13`]( (patch) </details> <details> <summary>rollup/rollup (rollup)</summary> ### [`v4.14.0`]( [Compare Source]( *2024-04-03* ##### Features - Display error causes in Rollup CLI ([#&#8203;5422]( - Add basic support for explicit resource management via "using" and "await using" ([#&#8203;5423]( ##### Pull Requests - [#&#8203;5422]( feat: show all cause in Error ([@&#8203;devohda](, [@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5444]( feat: support explicit-resource-management ([@&#8203;TrickyPi]( - [#&#8203;5445]( docs: add `@shikiji/vitepress-twoslash` ([@&#8203;sapphi-red]( - [#&#8203;5447]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance minor/patch updates ( [@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) - [#&#8203;5448]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance ([@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) ### [`v4.13.2`]( [Compare Source]( *2024-03-28* ##### Bug Fixes - Ensure accessing module info is cached after the build phase for improved performance ([#&#8203;5438]( - Support powerpc64le CPUs ([#&#8203;5350]( ##### Pull Requests - [#&#8203;5350]( Add support for ppc64le ([@&#8203;pavolloffay](, [@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5438]( Cache module info getters before output generation ([@&#8203;bluwy](, [@&#8203;lukastaegert]( ### [`v4.13.1`]( [Compare Source]( *2024-03-27* ##### Bug Fixes - Add new linux-s390x-gnu native binary package ([#&#8203;5346]( ##### Pull Requests - [#&#8203;5346]( Add support for linux s390x gnu ([@&#8203;edlerd]( - [#&#8203;5430]( chore(deps): update dependency [@&#8203;vue/eslint-config-typescript]( to v13 ([@&#8203;renovate](\[bot], [@&#8203;lukastaegert]( - [#&#8203;5431]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance minor/patch updates ( [@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) - [#&#8203;5432]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance minor/patch updates ( [@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) - [#&#8203;5436]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance minor/patch updates ( [@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) - [#&#8203;5437]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance minor/patch updates ( [@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) </details> <details> <summary>sass/dart-sass (sass)</summary> ### [`v1.74.1`]( [Compare Source]( - No user-visible changes. </details> <details> <summary>Microsoft/TypeScript (typescript)</summary> ### [`v5.4.4`]( TypeScript 5.4.4 [Compare Source]( For release notes, check out the [release announcement]( For the complete list of fixed issues, check out the - [fixed issues query for Typescript 5.4.0 (Beta)](\&q=milestone%3A%22TypeScript+5.4.0%22+is%3Aclosed+). - [fixed issues query for Typescript 5.4.1 (RC)](\&q=milestone%3A%22TypeScript+5.4.1%22+is%3Aclosed+). - [fixed issues query for Typescript 5.4.2 (Stable)](\&q=milestone%3A%22TypeScript+5.4.2%22+is%3Aclosed+). - [fixed issues query for Typescript 5.4.3 (Stable)](\&q=milestone%3A%22TypeScript+5.4.3%22+is%3Aclosed+). - [fixed issues query for Typescript 5.4.4 (Stable)](\&q=milestone%3A%22TypeScript+5.4.4%22+is%3Aclosed+). Downloads are available on: - [NuGet package]( ### [`v5.4.3`]( TypeScript 5.4.3 [Compare Source]( For release notes, check out the [release announcement]( For the complete list of fixed issues, check out the - [fixed issues query for Typescript 5.4.0 (Beta)](\&q=milestone%3A%22TypeScript+5.4.0%22+is%3Aclosed+). - [fixed issues query for Typescript 5.4.1 (RC)](\&q=milestone%3A%22TypeScript+5.4.1%22+is%3Aclosed+). - [fixed issues query for Typescript 5.4.2 (Stable)](\&q=milestone%3A%22TypeScript+5.4.2%22+is%3Aclosed+). - [fixed issues query for Typescript 5.4.3 (Stable)](\&q=milestone%3A%22TypeScript+5.4.3%22+is%3Aclosed+). Downloads are available on: - [NuGet package]( </details> <details> <summary>vitejs/vite (vite)</summary> ### [`v5.2.8`]( [Compare Source]( - fix: csp nonce injection when no closing tag ([#&#8203;16281]( ([#&#8203;16282]( ([3c85c6b](, closes [#&#8203;16281]( [#&#8203;16282]( - fix: do not access document in `/@&#8203;vite/client` when not defined ([#&#8203;16318]( ([646319c](, closes [#&#8203;16318]( - fix: fix sourcemap when using object as `define` value ([#&#8203;15805]( ([445c4f2](, closes [#&#8203;15805]( - fix(css): unknown file error happened with lightningcss ([#&#8203;16306]( ([01af308](, closes [#&#8203;16306]( - fix(hmr): multiple updates happened when invalidate is called while multiple tabs open ([#&#8203;16307]( ([21cc10b](, closes [#&#8203;16307]( - fix(scanner): duplicate modules for same id if glob is used in html-like types ([#&#8203;16305]( ([eca68fa](, closes [#&#8203;16305]( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;16325]( ([a78e265](, closes [#&#8203;16325]( - refactor: use types from sass instead of [@&#8203;types/sass]( ([#&#8203;16340]( ([4581e83](, closes [#&#8203;16340]( ### [`v5.2.7`]( [Compare Source]( - chore: deprecate splitVendorChunkPlugin ([#&#8203;16274]( ([45a06da](, closes [#&#8203;16274]( - fix: skip injecting `__vite__mapDeps` when it's not used ([#&#8203;16271]( ([890538a](, closes [#&#8203;16271]( - fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;16258]( ([7caef42](, closes [#&#8203;16258]( - fix(hmr): don't mutate module graph when collecting modules ([#&#8203;16302]( ([dfffea1](, closes [#&#8203;16302]( - fix(hmr): trigger hmr for missing file import errored module after file creation ([#&#8203;16303]( ([ffedc06](, closes [#&#8203;16303]( - fix(sourcemap): don't warn even if the sourcesContent is an empty string ([#&#8203;16273]( ([24e376a](, closes [#&#8203;16273]( - feat(hmr): reload when HTML file is created/deleted ([#&#8203;16288]( ([1f53796](, closes [#&#8203;16288]( ### [`v5.2.6`]( [Compare Source]( - fix: `fs.deny` with globs with directories ([#&#8203;16250]( ([ba5269c](, closes [#&#8203;16250]( ### [`v5.2.5`]( [Compare Source]( - fix: avoid SSR requests in waitForRequestIdle ([#&#8203;16246]( ([7093f77](, closes [#&#8203;16246]( - docs: clarify enforce vs hook.order ([#&#8203;16226]( ([3a73e48](, closes [#&#8203;16226]( ### [`v5.2.4`]( - fix: dont resolve imports with malformed URI ([#&#8203;16244]( ([fbf69d5](, closes [#&#8203;16244]( ### [`v5.2.3`]( - fix: handle warmup request error correctly ([#&#8203;16223]( ([d7c5256](, closes [#&#8203;16223]( - fix: skip encode if is data uri ([#&#8203;16233]( ([8617e76](, closes [#&#8203;16233]( - fix(optimizer): fix `optimizeDeps.include` glob syntax for `./*` exports ([#&#8203;16230]( ([f184c80](, closes [#&#8203;16230]( - fix(runtime): fix sourcemap with `prepareStackTrace` ([#&#8203;16220]( ([dad7f4f](, closes [#&#8203;16220]( - chore: `utf8` replaced with `utf-8` ([#&#8203;16232]( ([9800c73](, closes [#&#8203;16232]( ### [`v5.2.2`]( - fix(importAnalysis): skip encode in ssr ([#&#8203;16213]( ([e4d2d60](, closes [#&#8203;16213]( ### [`v5.2.1`]( - fix: encode path uri only ([#&#8203;16212]( ([0b2e40b](, closes [#&#8203;16212]( ### [`v5.2.0`]( - fix: update client.ts@cleanUrl to accomodate blob protocol ([#&#8203;16182]( ([1a3b1d7](, closes [#&#8203;16182]( - fix(assets): avoid splitting `,` inside query parameter of image URI in srcset property ([#&#8203;16081]( ([50caf67](, closes [#&#8203;16081]( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;16186]( ([842643d](, closes [#&#8203;16186]( - perf(transformRequest): fast-path watch and sourcemap handling ([#&#8203;16170]( ([de60f1e](, closes [#&#8203;16170]( - docs: add `@shikiji/vitepress-twoslash` ([#&#8203;16168]( ([6f8a320](, closes [#&#8203;16168]( ### [`v5.1.7`]( [Compare Source]( Please refer to []( for details. </details> <details> <summary>vite-pwa/vite-plugin-pwa (vite-plugin-pwa)</summary> ### [`v0.19.8`]( [Compare Source]( #####    🐞 Bug Fixes - Pwa assets disabled when using custom inline preset  -  by [@&#8203;userquin]( in [<samp>(99ed1)</samp>]( - Configure favicon preset when using inlined preset  -  by [@&#8203;userquin]( in [<samp>(2cb62)</samp>]( #####     [View changes on GitHub]( ### [`v0.19.7`]( [Compare Source]( #####    🐞 Bug Fixes - PWA icons not generated when PWA disabled  -  by [@&#8203;userquin]( in [<samp>(d1a10)</samp>]( #####     [View changes on GitHub]( ### [`v0.19.6`]( [Compare Source]( #####    🚀 Features - **injectManifest**: Add sw build env options and allow change vite configuration  -  by [@&#8203;userquin]( in [<samp>(1474e)</samp>]( #####     [View changes on GitHub]( </details> <details> <summary>vuejs/language-tools (vue-tsc)</summary> ### [`v2.0.10`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **vscode:** enable `vue.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled` by default ([#&#8203;3646]( - **vscode:** re-add restart server command ([#&#8203;4174]( - **vscode:** automatically enable Hybrid Mode if possible ([#&#8203;4206]( - **component-meta:** add typing resolution for defineModel modifiers ([#&#8203;4175]( - Thanks [@&#8203;stafyniaksacha]( - **language-service:** drag and drop import respects tsconfig path aliases ([#&#8203;4184]( - **language-service:** supports auto insertion of multiple cursors ([#&#8203;4140]( ##### Bug Fixes - **language-server:** `additionalExtensions` option not working for inferred project - **language-core:** avoid interpolation indentation affecting each other - **language-core:** generate each interpolation into separate virtual code ([#&#8203;4165]( - **language-service:** ignore html `wrapAttributes` format settings for vue document ([#&#8203;3987]( - **vscode:** remove duplicate ts version status ([#&#8203;4167]( - **language-server:** `.html`, `.md` file language id incorrect - **typescript-plugin:** formatting settings not working for ts completion - **tsc:** remove fake global types holder for composite projects compatibility ([#&#8203;4196]( - Thanks [@&#8203;blake-newman]( ##### Performance - **language-core:** cache canonical root file names with string Set ##### Other Changes - Upgrade Volar from `v2.1.3` to `v2.2.0-alpha.5` for a few bug fixes and performance improves, please refer to []( for details. - **vscode:** update required VSCode version to `^1.88.0` - **docs:** update readme with neovim lspconfig setup ([#&#8203;4134]( - Thanks [@&#8203;RayGuo-ergou]( - **language-core:** split inline css codegen into separate plugin - **language-core:** move global types codegen into separate script - **language-core:** resolve virtual code features before push code - **test:** added simple tests for vue-tsc and custom SFC extensions. ([#&#8203;4181]( - Thanks [@&#8203;cabal95]( ### [`v2.0.7`]( [Compare Source]( > \[!NOTE] > Hybrid Mode is now disabled by default, you need to enable `vue.server.hybridMode` in settings to enable it explicitly. ##### Features - **language-server:** reintroducing full TS support and disable Hybrid Mode by default ([#&#8203;4119]( - **vscode:** check outdated `@vue/language-plugin-pug` in doctor - **vscode:** significantly reduces the status bar space occupied ##### Bug Fixes - **vscode:** vueCompilerOptions no longer prompts for deprecated options - **component-meta:** `defineSlots` allows empty params ([#&#8203;4093]( - thanks [@&#8203;Evertvdw]( - **typescript-plugin:** fault tolerance for named pipe servers json file ([#&#8203;4075]( - thanks [@&#8203;Simon-He95]( - **language-core:** generate `defineModel` emits type on-demand ([#&#8203;4052]( - thanks [@&#8203;so1ve]( - **language-core:** special treatment for number elements inside `v-for` ([#&#8203;3859]( - thanks [@&#8203;so1ve]( - **language-plugin-pug:** semantic tokens mapping failed ([#&#8203;4070]( ##### Other Changes - **language-service** update neovim lsp set up info ([#&#8203;4085]( - thanks [@&#8203;CofCat456]( - **lint:** add `tsl` linter and auto fix workflow ([#&#8203;4100]( - **vscode:** remove embedded language IDs ([#&#8203;4081]( - thanks [@&#8203;remcohaszing]( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "before 4am" (UTC), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. 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Hi renovate! Thank you for creating a PR! I've deployed the frontend changes of this PR on a preview environment under this URL: You can use this url to view the changes live and test them out. You will need to manually connect this to an api running somewhere. The easiest to use is This preview does not contain any changes made to the api, only the frontend. Have a nice day! > Beep boop, I'm a bot.
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 723fe32198 to 99c5448939 2024-03-21 15:07:35 +00:00 Compare
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renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from eebf979163 to 3452de2298 2024-03-27 20:08:29 +00:00 Compare
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renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from ff139e98c2 to eea00db3a0 2024-03-28 15:08:28 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from eea00db3a0 to bb26a92bfd 2024-03-28 19:06:32 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from bb26a92bfd to 1245fdcf50 2024-03-28 21:07:46 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 1245fdcf50 to 1a1800f294 2024-03-28 23:09:26 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 1a1800f294 to c4e0be905b 2024-03-29 06:07:03 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from c4e0be905b to fd9f76575e 2024-03-29 09:08:15 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from fd9f76575e to 4636e30588 2024-03-29 16:09:46 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 4636e30588 to f0a6112c79 2024-03-30 05:09:52 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from f0a6112c79 to b0a1322685 2024-03-30 06:08:47 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from b0a1322685 to 2290302694 2024-03-31 06:08:29 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 2290302694 to db50a31b00 2024-03-31 14:08:23 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from db50a31b00 to a322f8aaa9 2024-04-01 22:11:00 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from a322f8aaa9 to 10025e65d3 2024-04-01 23:11:13 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 10025e65d3 to 2ae1bbb6c2 2024-04-02 06:07:50 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 2ae1bbb6c2 to 502bb10f7a 2024-04-02 10:09:26 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 502bb10f7a to d06cfc3d70 2024-04-02 12:08:12 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from d06cfc3d70 to 91479b263b 2024-04-02 20:09:46 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 91479b263b to be12d9d818 2024-04-02 21:09:10 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from be12d9d818 to fc6c2b450d 2024-04-03 06:08:03 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from fc6c2b450d to 13cbb95c81 2024-04-03 14:09:22 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 13cbb95c81 to c8ed6880f2 2024-04-03 22:09:10 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from c8ed6880f2 to d3580254b6 2024-04-03 23:09:32 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from d3580254b6 to 1867c2cc82 2024-04-04 01:08:46 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 1867c2cc82 to 924d866648 2024-04-04 15:09:26 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 924d866648 to 8e19159406 2024-04-04 17:09:07 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 8e19159406 to 856c973dba 2024-04-04 18:11:10 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 856c973dba to f7bb47a6af 2024-04-04 23:08:41 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from f7bb47a6af to 55f0336aed 2024-04-05 07:09:11 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from 55f0336aed to 36d447fadd 2024-04-05 17:07:26 +00:00 Compare
konrad approved these changes 2024-04-05 20:21:40 +00:00
konrad added 1 commit 2024-04-05 20:23:39 +00:00
konrad scheduled this pull request to auto merge when all checks succeed 2024-04-05 20:23:54 +00:00
konrad merged commit 90055d063c into main 2024-04-05 20:41:18 +00:00
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Reference: vikunja/vikunja#2229
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