Fix Assignees being deleted when adding a due date #254

konrad merged 6 commits from fix/assignees-lost-when-adding-due-date into master 2020-10-02 16:40:04 +00:00
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konrad added 2 commits 2020-09-29 20:21:54 +00:00

I started this with adding the current task to global state with the goal of having each task component update the current task only in global state. After I started doing that, I realized this may add more complexity than the problem it solves because now I can't use the v-model bindings for any task property since this.task got replaced by a computed property. I could solve this by adding a lot of variables to the task detail component which I'd then need to manually update and populate with values initially. I'd loose the reactivity from vue. Doesn't seem like a good way.

On second thought, I think adding a v-model binding to the assignees component (should only bind task.assignees) is the way to go. That's also the way labels work. The labels and assignees component are similar in the way they're both using a seperate service to update labels or assignees, not the main taskService.

The idea I had previously seems neat in theory, but is way too complicated and overengineered in practice.

I started this with adding the current task to global state with the goal of having each task component update the current task only in global state. After I started doing that, I realized this may add more complexity than the problem it solves because now I can't use the `v-model` bindings for any task property since `this.task` got replaced by a computed property. I could solve this by adding a lot of variables to the task detail component which I'd then need to manually update and populate with values initially. I'd loose the reactivity from vue. Doesn't seem like a good way. On second thought, I think adding a `v-model` binding to the assignees component (should only bind `task.assignees`) is the way to go. That's also the way labels work. The labels and assignees component are similar in the way they're both using a seperate service to update labels or assignees, not the main taskService. The idea I had previously seems neat in theory, but is way too complicated and overengineered in practice.
konrad added 1 commit 2020-09-29 20:26:24 +00:00
konrad added 3 commits 2020-10-02 16:34:53 +00:00
konrad changed title from WIP: Fix Assignees being deleted when adding a due date to Fix Assignees being deleted when adding a due date 2020-10-02 16:35:48 +00:00
konrad merged commit 4defe4c28a into master 2020-10-02 16:40:04 +00:00
konrad deleted branch fix/assignees-lost-when-adding-due-date 2020-10-02 16:40:12 +00:00
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