chore(deps): update dev-dependencies #3747

konrad merged 2 commits from renovate/dev-dependencies into main 2023-09-27 07:34:55 +00:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
@faker-js/faker devDependencies minor 8.0.2 -> 8.1.0
@rushstack/eslint-patch (source) devDependencies minor 1.4.0 -> 1.5.0
@types/dompurify (source) devDependencies patch 3.0.2 -> 3.0.3
@types/node (source) devDependencies minor 18.17.16 -> 18.18.0
@types/sortablejs (source) devDependencies patch 1.15.2 -> 1.15.3
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin devDependencies patch 6.7.0 -> 6.7.3
@typescript-eslint/parser devDependencies patch 6.7.0 -> 6.7.3
autoprefixer devDependencies patch 10.4.15 -> 10.4.16
browserslist devDependencies minor 4.21.10 -> 4.22.0
caniuse-lite devDependencies patch 1.0.30001534 -> 1.0.30001540
eslint (source) devDependencies minor 8.49.0 -> 8.50.0
histoire devDependencies patch 0.17.0 -> 0.17.2
postcss (source) devDependencies patch 8.4.29 -> 8.4.30
postcss-preset-env (source) devDependencies patch 9.1.3 -> 9.1.4
rollup (source) devDependencies patch 3.29.1 -> 3.29.3
sass devDependencies minor 1.67.0 -> 1.68.0
start-server-and-test devDependencies patch 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1
vitest devDependencies patch 0.34.4 -> 0.34.5
vue-tsc devDependencies patch 1.8.11 -> 1.8.15

Release Notes

faker-js/faker (@​faker-js/faker)


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
Changed Locales
New Locales
8.0.2 (2023-05-27)
Bug Fixes
typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)


Compare Source

Note: Version bump only for package @​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

Note: Version bump only for package @​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@​typescript-eslint/parser)


Compare Source

Note: Version bump only for package @​typescript-eslint/parser

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

Note: Version bump only for package @​typescript-eslint/parser

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

postcss/autoprefixer (autoprefixer)


Compare Source

  • Improved performance (by Romain Menke).
  • Fixed docs (by Christian Oliff).
browserslist/browserslist (browserslist)


Compare Source


Compare Source

  • Added warning to --update-db to move to new CLI (by Ivan Vasilev).
  • Fixed docs (by Tatsunori Uchino).
browserslist/caniuse-lite (caniuse-lite)


Compare Source


Compare Source


Compare Source


Compare Source

eslint/eslint (eslint)


Compare Source


  • 27d5a9e feat: add suggestions to array-callback-return (#​17590) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • f9082ff feat: flat-rule-tester make sure default config always matches (#​17585) (fnx)
  • 83914ad feat: Implement SourceCode#applyInlineConfig() (#​17351) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 22a5582 feat: add rule no-object-constructor, deprecate no-new-object (#​17576) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 85a3d9e feat: allowVoid option in array-callback-return (#​17564) (Tanuj Kanti)

Bug Fixes

  • cc4d26b fix: Ensure deprecated context.parserServices warns (#​17593) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 1ea4cfb fix: Ensure all RuleTester tests all deprecated context methods (#​17587) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • aa1b657 fix: wrong suggestion and message in no-misleading-character-class (#​17571) (Yosuke Ota)


  • 1800537 docs: Fix and standardize JSX code examples (#​17591) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 48a44a7 docs: Add correct/incorrect tags to prefer-arrow-callback (#​17589) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 20893d4 docs: fix incorrect tag's place (#​17575) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • bd7a71f docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)


Akryum/histoire (histoire)


Compare Source

compare changes

🩹 Fixes
  • Update vite-node version to fix __vite_ssr_import_meta__ error (#​588)
  • nuxt: UseNuxtApp error (d8bb144)
🤖 CI
❤️ Contributors
postcss/postcss (postcss)


Compare Source

  • Improved source map performance (by Romain Menke).
csstools/postcss-plugins (postcss-preset-env)


Compare Source

September 18, 2023

rollup/rollup (rollup)


Compare Source


Bug Fixes
  • Fix a bug where code was wrongly tree-shaken after mutating function parameters (#​5153)
Pull Requests


Compare Source


Bug Fixes
  • Export TreeshakingPreset type (#​5131)
Pull Requests
sass/dart-sass (sass)


Compare Source

  • Fix the source spans associated with the abs-percent deprecation.
  • Non-filesystem importers can now set the nonCanonicalScheme field, which
    declares that one or more URL schemes (without :) will never be used for
    URLs returned by the canonicalize() method.

  • Add a containingUrl field to the canonicalize() and findFileUrl()
    methods of importers, which is set to the canonical URL of the stylesheet that
    contains the current load. For filesystem importers, this is always set; for
    other importers, it's set only if the current load has no URL scheme, or if
    its URL scheme is declared as non-canonical by the importer.

Dart API
  • Add AsyncImporter.isNonCanonicalScheme, which importers (async or sync) can
    use to indicate that a certain URL scheme will never be used for URLs returned
    by the canonicalize() method.

  • Add AsyncImporter.containingUrl, which is set during calls to the
    canonicalize() method to the canonical URL of the stylesheet that contains
    the current load. This is set only if the current load has no URL scheme, or
    if its URL scheme is declared as non-canonical by the importer.

Embedded Sass
  • The CalculationValue.interpolation field is deprecated and will be removed
    in a future version. It will no longer be set by the compiler, and if the host
    sets it it will be treated as equivalent to CalculationValue.string except
    that "(" and ")" will be added to the beginning and end of the string

  • Properly include TypeScript types in the sass-embedded package.

bahmutov/start-server-and-test (start-server-and-test)


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
vitest-dev/vitest (vitest)


Compare Source

   🚀 Features
   🐞 Bug Fixes
   🏎 Performance
    View changes on GitHub
vuejs/language-tools (vue-tsc)


Compare Source

  • fix: props type missing in JS component context (#​3592)
  • fix: ignore $emit return type for Vue 2 (#​3596)


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Compare Source

  • fix: generate valid syntax when noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature is not enabled (#​3575) - thanks @​so1ve


Compare Source

  • feat: support vitepress's code snippet import (#​3559) - thanks @​so1ve
  • fix(component-meta): fix modules interoperability with vue-component-type-helper
  • fix: avoid losing generic types with strictTemplates: false (#​3565) - thanks @​so1ve
  • fix: format slots with typeannotation correctly (#​3573) - thanks @​so1ve


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This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [@faker-js/faker]( | devDependencies | minor | [`8.0.2` -> `8.1.0`]( | | [@rushstack/eslint-patch]( ([source]( | devDependencies | minor | [`1.4.0` -> `1.5.0`]( | | [@types/dompurify]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`3.0.2` -> `3.0.3`]( | | [@types/node]( ([source]( | devDependencies | minor | [`18.17.16` -> `18.18.0`]( | | [@types/sortablejs]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`1.15.2` -> `1.15.3`]( | | [@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( | devDependencies | patch | [`6.7.0` -> `6.7.3`]( | | [@typescript-eslint/parser]( | devDependencies | patch | [`6.7.0` -> `6.7.3`]( | | [autoprefixer]( | devDependencies | patch | [`10.4.15` -> `10.4.16`]( | | [browserslist]( | devDependencies | minor | [`4.21.10` -> `4.22.0`]( | | [caniuse-lite]( | devDependencies | patch | [`1.0.30001534` -> `1.0.30001540`]( | | [eslint]( ([source]( | devDependencies | minor | [`8.49.0` -> `8.50.0`]( | | [histoire]( | devDependencies | patch | [`0.17.0` -> `0.17.2`]( | | [postcss]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`8.4.29` -> `8.4.30`]( | | [postcss-preset-env]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`9.1.3` -> `9.1.4`]( | | [rollup]( ([source]( | devDependencies | patch | [`3.29.1` -> `3.29.3`]( | | [sass]( | devDependencies | minor | [`1.67.0` -> `1.68.0`]( | | [start-server-and-test]( | devDependencies | patch | [`2.0.0` -> `2.0.1`]( | | [vitest]( | devDependencies | patch | [`0.34.4` -> `0.34.5`]( | | [vue-tsc]( | devDependencies | patch | [`1.8.11` -> `1.8.15`]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>faker-js/faker (@&#8203;faker-js/faker)</summary> ### [`v8.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **color:** migrate hu human colors ([#&#8203;2157]( ([19635a7]( - **commerce:** add method for generating ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 ([#&#8203;2240]( ([cb4ef28]( - **image:** add image dataUri with base64 ([#&#8203;2273]( ([869b9b4]( - **location:** add en_IE postcodes ([#&#8203;2149]( ([e92c313]( - **location:** add ne postcodes ([#&#8203;2148]( ([36d1d3a]( - **location:** add states for mk ([#&#8203;2271]( ([1b3e5eb]( - **location:** add states for pt_PT ([#&#8203;2269]( ([a4631db]( - **location:** add states for sr_RS_latin ([#&#8203;2270]( ([1de471f]( - **location:** es province should be county ([#&#8203;2156]( ([bbda1d7]( - **location:** fi addresses ([#&#8203;2146]( ([1da6785]( - **location:** Support ISO 3166-1 numeric country codes ([#&#8203;2325]( ([82b779d]( - **location:** update en county list ([#&#8203;2238]( ([6bb4775]( - **lorem:** seed AR lorem ([#&#8203;2147]( ([6137801]( - **metadata:** add method to access metadata ([#&#8203;2143]( ([fd8cfe5]( - split SimpleFaker class from Faker ([#&#8203;2369]( ([d6a4f8c]( ##### Bug Fixes - **helpers:** prevent uniqueArray from hanging ([#&#8203;2239]( ([3dece09]( - **image:** dataUri is not random ([#&#8203;2316]( ([a7d25fa]( - **locale:** invalid date definitions ([#&#8203;2293]( ([3cecae9]( - **locale:** limited ja first names without passing sex ([#&#8203;2190]( ([5de8874]( - **locale:** remove continent from ja countries ([#&#8203;2194]( ([cdd162a]( - **locale:** remove duplicated countries in `ja` locale ([#&#8203;2189]( ([785a38a]( - **location:** avoid hyphenated surnames in city patterns ([#&#8203;2119]( ([7a4bb43]( - **location:** Czech postcode format ([#&#8203;2268]( ([37898ca]( - **location:** Dutch postal codes can never start with '0' ([#&#8203;2326]( ([f195e06]( - **location:** Pad en_US ZIP codes left to 5 characters if needed ([#&#8203;2278]( ([0ca1e44]( - remove unrelated from de_CH country codes ([#&#8203;2304]( ([aa1bb13]( - **test:** fix imports for jsdocs example verification ([#&#8203;2281]( ([2fe1308]( - **test:** typedoc signature test issues ([#&#8203;2280]( ([02fc7ca]( ##### Changed Locales - **locale:** cs_CZ state_abbr not applicable ([#&#8203;2140]( ([e86f3b6]( ##### New Locales - **locale:** add bio, animal, word, music for zh_CN ([#&#8203;2332]( ([8e4ea67]( - **locale:** add company name to zh_CN ([#&#8203;2203]( ([c3b540f]( - **locale:** add da person category ([#&#8203;2331]( ([466b804]( - **locale:** add database for German (de) ([#&#8203;2226]( ([ee12c32]( - **locale:** add direction to ja ([#&#8203;2191]( ([2fa60de]( - **locale:** add Dutch province abbreviations ([#&#8203;2232]( ([4a15bd0]( - **locale:** add Esperanto ([#&#8203;2230]( ([d91057d]( - **locale:** add finance module for zh_CN ([#&#8203;2370]( ([aea4c9b]( - **locale:** add GB subdivision codes ([#&#8203;2233]( ([5eec65f]( - **locale:** add hacker for zh_CN ([#&#8203;2337]( ([9176fcb]( - **locale:** add minimal da locale, start with location ([#&#8203;2324]( ([c158b38]( - **locale:** add person data for yo locale ([#&#8203;2363]( ([76886ad]( - **locale:** add states for Croatia (hr) ([#&#8203;2142]( ([8a6ce49]( - **locale:** add states for Turkey (tr) ([#&#8203;2231]( ([2afa23f]( - **locale:** add states to vi locale and fix city name ([#&#8203;2128]( ([bc2aaab]( - **locale:** add word category for da ([#&#8203;2359]( ([8e5bc22]( - **locale:** added commerce and company data for da ([#&#8203;2378]( ([604d52d]( - **locale:** added word and music to Farsi ([#&#8203;2210]( ([7687511]( - **locale:** fix wide month and add music for zh_CN ([#&#8203;2380]( ([501602b]( - **locale:** improve persons and locations for zh_CN ([#&#8203;2318]( ([87d3423]( - **locale:** improve zh_TW ([#&#8203;2320]( ([c5dfe27]( - **locale:** support color and date for zh_CN ([#&#8203;2223]( ([6736cbf]( - **locale:** update Dutch locale (nl) ([#&#8203;2237]( ([12a511c]( ##### [8.0.2]( (2023-05-27) ##### Bug Fixes - **git:** limit need for Intl to specific method ([#&#8203;2172]( ([a5e73f8]( - **locale:** en_HK last_name_patterns should be last_name_pattern ([#&#8203;2154]( ([03cc391]( - **locale:** ro_MD city should be city_pattern ([#&#8203;2155]( ([c173150]( </details> <details> <summary>typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@&#8203;typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)</summary> ### [`v6.7.3`]( [Compare Source]( **Note:** Version bump only for package [@&#8203;typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v6.7.2`]( [Compare Source]( **Note:** Version bump only for package [@&#8203;typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. </details> <details> <summary>typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@&#8203;typescript-eslint/parser)</summary> ### [`v6.7.3`]( [Compare Source]( **Note:** Version bump only for package [@&#8203;typescript-eslint/parser]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v6.7.2`]( [Compare Source]( **Note:** Version bump only for package [@&#8203;typescript-eslint/parser]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. </details> <details> <summary>postcss/autoprefixer (autoprefixer)</summary> ### [`v10.4.16`]( [Compare Source]( - Improved performance (by Romain Menke). - Fixed docs (by Christian Oliff). </details> <details> <summary>browserslist/browserslist (browserslist)</summary> ### [`v4.22.0`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v4.21.11`]( [Compare Source]( - Added warning to `--update-db` to move to new CLI (by Ivan Vasilev). - Fixed docs (by Tatsunori Uchino). </details> <details> <summary>browserslist/caniuse-lite (caniuse-lite)</summary> ### [`v1.0.30001540`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v1.0.30001539`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v1.0.30001538`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v1.0.30001535`]( [Compare Source]( </details> <details> <summary>eslint/eslint (eslint)</summary> ### [`v8.50.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`27d5a9e`]( feat: add suggestions to array-callback-return ([#&#8203;17590]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`f9082ff`]( feat: flat-rule-tester make sure default config always matches ([#&#8203;17585]( (fnx) - [`83914ad`]( feat: Implement SourceCode#applyInlineConfig() ([#&#8203;17351]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`22a5582`]( feat: add rule `no-object-constructor`, deprecate `no-new-object` ([#&#8203;17576]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`85a3d9e`]( feat: allowVoid option in array-callback-return ([#&#8203;17564]( (Tanuj Kanti) #### Bug Fixes - [`cc4d26b`]( fix: Ensure deprecated context.parserServices warns ([#&#8203;17593]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`1ea4cfb`]( fix: Ensure all RuleTester tests all deprecated context methods ([#&#8203;17587]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`aa1b657`]( fix: wrong suggestion and message in `no-misleading-character-class` ([#&#8203;17571]( (Yosuke Ota) #### Documentation - [`1800537`]( docs: Fix and standardize JSX code examples ([#&#8203;17591]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`48a44a7`]( docs: Add correct/incorrect tags to `prefer-arrow-callback` ([#&#8203;17589]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`20893d4`]( docs: fix incorrect tag's place ([#&#8203;17575]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`bd7a71f`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) #### Chores - [`f8a8a2d`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;8]( ([#&#8203;17599]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`38ada6d`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (ESLint Jenkins) </details> <details> <summary>Akryum/histoire (histoire)</summary> ### [`v0.17.2`]( [Compare Source]( [compare changes]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - Update `vite-node` version to fix ` __vite_ssr_import_meta__ ` error ([#&#8203;588]( - **nuxt:** UseNuxtApp error ([d8bb144]( ##### ✅ Tests - Fix ([483efb7]( ##### 🤖 CI - Fix ([67ec022]( ##### ❤️ Contributors - Guillaume Chau ([@&#8203;Akryum]( - SerKo </details> <details> <summary>postcss/postcss (postcss)</summary> ### [`v8.4.30`]( [Compare Source]( - Improved source map performance (by Romain Menke). </details> <details> <summary>csstools/postcss-plugins (postcss-preset-env)</summary> ### [`v9.1.4`]( [Compare Source]( *September 18, 2023* - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-is-pseudo-class`]( to [`4.0.2`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-logical-viewport-units`]( to [`2.0.2`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-normalize-display-values`]( to [`3.0.1`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-progressive-custom-properties`]( to [`3.0.1`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-text-decoration-shorthand`]( to [`3.0.3`]( (patch) - Updated [`postcss-color-rebeccapurple`]( to [`9.0.1`]( (patch) - Updated [`postcss-custom-properties`]( to [`13.3.1`]( (patch) - Updated [`postcss-image-set-function`]( to [`6.0.1`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-color-function`]( to [`3.0.4`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-color-mix-function`]( to [`2.0.4`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-gradients-interpolation-method`]( to [`4.0.4`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-ic-unit`]( to [`3.0.1`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-oklab-function`]( to [`3.0.4`]( (patch) - Updated [`@csstools/postcss-relative-color-syntax`]( to [`2.0.4`]( (patch) - Updated [`postcss-color-functional-notation`]( to [`6.0.1`]( (patch) - Updated [`postcss-double-position-gradients`]( to [`5.0.1`]( (patch) - Updated [`postcss-lab-function`]( to [`6.0.4`]( (patch) - Updated [`postcss-custom-media`]( to [`10.0.1`]( (patch) - Updated [`postcss-custom-selectors`]( to [`7.1.5`]( (patch) </details> <details> <summary>rollup/rollup (rollup)</summary> ### [`v3.29.3`]( [Compare Source]( *2023-09-24* ##### Bug Fixes - Fix a bug where code was wrongly tree-shaken after mutating function parameters ([#&#8203;5153]( ##### Pull Requests - [#&#8203;5145]( docs: improve the docs repl appearance in the light mode ([@&#8203;TrickyPi]( - [#&#8203;5148]( chore(deps): update dependency [@&#8203;vue/eslint-config-typescript]( to v12 ([@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) - [#&#8203;5149]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance minor/patch updates ([@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) - [#&#8203;5153]( Fully deoptimize first level path when deoptimizing nested parameter paths ([@&#8203;lukastaegert]( ### [`v3.29.2`]( [Compare Source]( *2023-09-15* ##### Bug Fixes - Export `TreeshakingPreset` type ([#&#8203;5131]( ##### Pull Requests - [#&#8203;5131]( fix: exports `TreeshakingPreset` ([@&#8203;moltar]( - [#&#8203;5134]( docs: steps to enable symlinks on windows ([@&#8203;thebanjomatic]( - [#&#8203;5137]( chore(deps): lock file maintenance minor/patch updates ([@&#8203;renovate](\[bot]) </details> <details> <summary>sass/dart-sass (sass)</summary> ### [`v1.68.0`]( [Compare Source]( - Fix the source spans associated with the `abs-percent` deprecation. ##### JS API - Non-filesystem importers can now set the `nonCanonicalScheme` field, which declares that one or more URL schemes (without `:`) will never be used for URLs returned by the `canonicalize()` method. - Add a `containingUrl` field to the `canonicalize()` and `findFileUrl()` methods of importers, which is set to the canonical URL of the stylesheet that contains the current load. For filesystem importers, this is always set; for other importers, it's set only if the current load has no URL scheme, or if its URL scheme is declared as non-canonical by the importer. ##### Dart API - Add `AsyncImporter.isNonCanonicalScheme`, which importers (async or sync) can use to indicate that a certain URL scheme will never be used for URLs returned by the `canonicalize()` method. - Add `AsyncImporter.containingUrl`, which is set during calls to the `canonicalize()` method to the canonical URL of the stylesheet that contains the current load. This is set only if the current load has no URL scheme, or if its URL scheme is declared as non-canonical by the importer. ##### Embedded Sass - The `CalculationValue.interpolation` field is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. It will no longer be set by the compiler, and if the host sets it it will be treated as equivalent to `CalculationValue.string` except that `"("` and `")"` will be added to the beginning and end of the string values. - Properly include TypeScript types in the `sass-embedded` package. </details> <details> <summary>bahmutov/start-server-and-test (start-server-and-test)</summary> ### [`v2.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - bump minimum Node to v16, closes [#&#8203;351]( ([2fc1f98]( </details> <details> <summary>vitest-dev/vitest (vitest)</summary> ### [`v0.34.5`]( [Compare Source]( #####    🚀 Features - **config**: - Add `diff` option  -  by [@&#8203;fenghan34]( and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(b50cf)</samp>]( - **coverage**: - Add `coverage['100']` to istanbul provider  -  by [@&#8203;marcelobotega]( in [<samp>(a7e09)</samp>]( - **vitest**: - Support `vi.waitFor` method  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(d79cb)</samp>]( - Allow using unprocessed environment files  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(1aee1)</samp>]( - Support `vi.waitUntil` method  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(e0ac9)</samp>]( #####    🐞 Bug Fixes - Update HappyDOMOptions to be compatible with v12  -  by [@&#8203;anthonyblond]( in [<samp>(e8797)</samp>]( - Print value shape when .resolves and .rejects fails  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(e649d)</samp>]( - **docs**: - Fix lint errors on onConsoleLog example  -  by [@&#8203;marcelobotega]( in [<samp>(ba1e7)</samp>]( - **expect**: - Improve the error message when nothing is thrown when testing `toThrow`  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in [<samp>(725a0)</samp>]( - **happy-dom**: - Catch errors in happy-dom  -  by [@&#8203;capricorn86]( in [<samp>(c21c0)</samp>]( - **runner**: - Restore leading space in `testNamePattern`  -  by [@&#8203;segrey]( in and [<samp>(3c305)</samp>]( - `test.extend` doesn't work in hooks without test  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in [<samp>(175c7)</samp>]( - **snapshot**: - Support mix of normal/with placeholders snapshots  -  by [@&#8203;RobertPechaCZ]( in [<samp>(01e01)</samp>]( - **ui**: - Correctly render ansi diff  -  by [@&#8203;so1ve]( and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(8c315)</samp>]( - **vite-node**: - Export `SourceMapInput` to fix CYCLIC_CROSS_CHUNK_REEXPORT  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in [<samp>(ca70a)</samp>]( - Align vite dependency version with vitest  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( [<samp>(90ff8)</samp>]( - **vitest**: - Rerun tests if a file loaded with query changes  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(a084c)</samp>]( - Inject "define" in workspaces  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(b4d5a)</samp>]( #####    🏎 Performance - Use lazy require in vm pool  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(21ba4)</samp>]( #####     [View changes on GitHub]( </details> <details> <summary>vuejs/language-tools (vue-tsc)</summary> ### [`v1.8.15`]( [Compare Source]( - fix: props type missing in JS component context ([#&#8203;3592]( - fix: ignore `$emit` return type for Vue 2 ([#&#8203;3596]( ### [`v1.8.14`]( [Compare Source]( - feat: `defineEmit` now able to infer event types with more than 4 overloads ([#&#8203;3379]( ([#&#8203;1855]( - feat: more accurately distinguish component internal context and external context types ([#&#8203;3591]( ([#&#8203;3517]( - thanks [@&#8203;so1ve]( - fix: don't import alias macros ([#&#8203;3576]( - thanks [@&#8203;sxzz]( - fix: make generic components' emit type compactible with Vue core types ([#&#8203;3569]( ([#&#8203;3257]( - thanks [@&#8203;so1ve]( - fix: use universal `__VLS_ConstructorOverloads` when emits type is not inlined ([#&#8203;3585]( - thanks [@&#8203;so1ve]( - fix: inherit emits props and supports generic component emit type for JSX ([#&#8203;3533]( ([#&#8203;3289]( ([#&#8203;3476]( - thanks [@&#8203;so1ve]( - perf: generate less TS virtual code for TS performance ([#&#8203;3581]( ##### Full-time Support by <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <a href=""><img src="" height="80" /></a> </td> <td><h4><a href="">WebContainer API is here.</a></h4></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ##### Our Platinum Sponsors <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <a href=""><img src="" height="60" /></a> </td> <td>The Intuitive Web Framework</td> </tr> <tr> <td> <a href=""><img src="" height="80" /></a> </td> <td>The Progressive JavaScript Framework</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ##### Our Silver Sponsors <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p align="center"> <a href=""><img src="" height="40" /></a> </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h5> Add you via <a href="">GitHub Sponsors</a> or <a href="">Open Collective</a> </h5> ### [`v1.8.13`]( [Compare Source]( - fix: generate valid syntax when `noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature` is not enabled ([#&#8203;3575]( - thanks [@&#8203;so1ve]( ### [`v1.8.12`]( [Compare Source]( - feat: support vitepress's code snippet import ([#&#8203;3559]( - thanks [@&#8203;so1ve]( - fix(component-meta): fix modules interoperability with `vue-component-type-helper` - fix: avoid losing generic types with `strictTemplates: false` ([#&#8203;3565]( - thanks [@&#8203;so1ve]( - fix: format slots with typeannotation correctly ([#&#8203;3573]( - thanks [@&#8203;so1ve]( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "before 4am" (UTC), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get [config help]( if that's undesired. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNi42NS4xIiwidXBkYXRlZEluVmVyIjoiMzYuNjUuMSIsInRhcmdldEJyYW5jaCI6Im1haW4ifQ==-->
renovate added the
label 2023-09-16 00:09:04 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from aeb658f7f5 to f86269fc5c 2023-09-16 07:08:51 +00:00 Compare
renovate changed title from chore(deps): update dependency rollup to v3.29.2 to chore(deps): update dev-dependencies 2023-09-16 07:08:55 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/dev-dependencies from f86269fc5c to fe061bc967 2023-09-18 03:09:12 +00:00 Compare
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konrad added 1 commit 2023-09-27 07:18:18 +00:00
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing Details
chore(deps): update lockfile

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konrad merged commit 5c23343172 into main 2023-09-27 07:34:55 +00:00
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