chore(deps): update dev-dependencies (major) #3827

konrad merged 2 commits from renovate/major-dev-dependencies into main 2023-12-06 12:42:16 +00:00

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
@vitejs/plugin-legacy (source) devDependencies major 4.1.1 -> 5.2.0
vite (source) devDependencies major 4.5.1 -> 5.0.6
vite-svg-loader devDependencies major 4.0.0 -> 5.1.0
vitest devDependencies major 0.34.6 -> 1.0.1

Release Notes

vitejs/vite (@​vitejs/plugin-legacy)




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vitejs/vite (vite)


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Vite 5 is out! Read the announcement blog post here

Announcing Vite 5

Today, we mark another big milestone in Vite's path. The Vite team, contributors, and ecosystem partners, are excited to announce the release of Vite 5. Vite is now using Rollup 4, which already represents a big boost in build performance. And there are also new options to improve your dev server performance profile.

Vite 5 focuses on cleaning up the API (removing deprecated features) and streamlines several features closing long-standing issues, for example switching define to use proper AST replacements instead of regexes. We also continue to take steps to future-proof Vite (Node.js 18+ is now required, and the CJS Node API has been deprecated).

Quick links:

Docs in other languages:

Learn more at the Vite 5 announcement blog post.

Breaking changes
Previous Changelogs
5.0.0-beta.20 (2023-11-15)

See 5.0.0-beta.20 changelog

5.0.0-beta.19 (2023-11-14)

See 5.0.0-beta.19 changelog

5.0.0-beta.18 (2023-11-11)

See 5.0.0-beta.18 changelog

5.0.0-beta.17 (2023-11-07)

See 5.0.0-beta.17 changelog

5.0.0-beta.16 (2023-11-03)

See 5.0.0-beta.16 changelog

5.0.0-beta.15 (2023-11-01)

See 5.0.0-beta.15 changelog

5.0.0-beta.14 (2023-10-30)

See 5.0.0-beta.14 changelog

5.0.0-beta.13 (2023-10-27)

See 5.0.0-beta.13 changelog

5.0.0-beta.12 (2023-10-23)

See 5.0.0-beta.12 changelog

5.0.0-beta.11 (2023-10-19)

See 5.0.0-beta.11 changelog

5.0.0-beta.10 (2023-10-17)

See 5.0.0-beta.10 changelog

5.0.0-beta.9 (2023-10-17)

See 5.0.0-beta.9 changelog

5.0.0-beta.8 (2023-10-16)

See 5.0.0-beta.8 changelog

5.0.0-beta.7 (2023-10-12)

See 5.0.0-beta.7 changelog

5.0.0-beta.6 (2023-10-10)

See 5.0.0-beta.6 changelog

5.0.0-beta.5 (2023-10-09)

See 5.0.0-beta.5 changelog

5.0.0-beta.4 (2023-10-02)

See 5.0.0-beta.4 changelog

5.0.0-beta.3 (2023-09-25)

See 5.0.0-beta.3 changelog

5.0.0-beta.2 (2023-09-15)

See 5.0.0-beta.2 changelog

5.0.0-beta.1 (2023-09-08)

See 5.0.0-beta.1 changelog

5.0.0-beta.0 (2023-08-24)

See 5.0.0-beta.0 changelog

jpkleemans/vite-svg-loader (vite-svg-loader)


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What's Changed

Full Changelog:


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Change package type to "module".

Full Changelog:


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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:

vitest-dev/vitest (vitest)


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   🐞 Bug Fixes
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Vitest 1.0 is here! This release page lists all changes made to the project during the beta. For the migration guide, please refer to the documentation.

   🚨 Breaking Changes
   🚀 Features
   🐞 Bug Fixes
   🏎 Performance
    View changes on GitHub


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This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [@vitejs/plugin-legacy]( ([source]( | devDependencies | major | [`4.1.1` -> `5.2.0`]( | | [vite]( ([source]( | devDependencies | major | [`4.5.1` -> `5.0.6`]( | | [vite-svg-loader]( | devDependencies | major | [`4.0.0` -> `5.1.0`]( | | [vitest]( | devDependencies | major | [`0.34.6` -> `1.0.1`]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>vitejs/vite (@&#8203;vitejs/plugin-legacy)</summary> ### [`v5.2.0`]( - test(legacy): add a test to checks all inline snippets are valid JS ([#&#8203;15098]( ([1b9ca66](, closes [#&#8203;15098]( - fix(plugin-legacy): syntax error in variable `detectModernBrowserCode` ([#&#8203;15095]( ([1c605ff](, closes [#&#8203;15095]( ### [`v5.1.0`]( - docs(legacy): clarify that csp hashes could change between minors ([#&#8203;15057]( ([cd353306](, closes [#&#8203;15057]( - fix(legacy): preserve async generator function invocation ([#&#8203;15021]( ([47551a6](, closes [#&#8203;15021]( ### [`v5.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( - feat(plugin-legacy)!: bump vite peer dep ([#&#8203;15004]( ([3c92c7b](, closes [#&#8203;15004]( </details> <details> <summary>vitejs/vite (vite)</summary> ### [`v5.0.6`]( [Compare Source]( - perf: in-memory public files check ([#&#8203;15195]( ([0f9e1bf](, closes [#&#8203;15195]( - chore: remove unneccessary eslint-disable-next-line regexp/no-unused-capturing-group ([#&#8203;15247]( ([35a5bcf](, closes [#&#8203;15247]( ### [`v5.0.5`]( [Compare Source]( - fix: emit `vite:preloadError` for chunks without deps ([#&#8203;15203]( ([d8001c5](, closes [#&#8203;15203]( - fix: esbuild glob import resolve error ([#&#8203;15140]( ([676804d](, closes [#&#8203;15140]( - fix: json error with position ([#&#8203;15225]( ([14be75f](, closes [#&#8203;15225]( - fix: proxy html path should be encoded ([#&#8203;15223]( ([5b85040](, closes [#&#8203;15223]( - fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;15233]( ([ad3adda](, closes [#&#8203;15233]( - fix(hmr): don't consider CSS dep as a circular dep ([#&#8203;15229]( ([5f2cdec](, closes [#&#8203;15229]( - feat: add '\*.mov' to client.d.ts ([#&#8203;15189]( ([d93a211](, closes [#&#8203;15189]( - feat(server): allow disabling built-in shortcuts ([#&#8203;15218]( ([7fd7c6c](, closes [#&#8203;15218]( - chore: replace 'some' with 'includes' in resolveEnvPrefix ([#&#8203;15220]( ([ee12f30](, closes [#&#8203;15220]( - chore: update the website url for homepage in package.json ([#&#8203;15181]( ([282bd8f](, closes [#&#8203;15181]( - chore: update vitest to 1.0.0-beta.6 ([#&#8203;15194]( ([2fce647](, closes [#&#8203;15194]( - refactor: make HMR agnostic to environment ([#&#8203;15179]( ([0571b7c](, closes [#&#8203;15179]( - refactor: use dedicated regex methods ([#&#8203;15228]( ([0348137](, closes [#&#8203;15228]( - perf: remove debug only prettifyUrl call ([#&#8203;15204]( ([73e971f](, closes [#&#8203;15204]( - perf: skip computing sourceRoot in injectSourcesContent ([#&#8203;15207]( ([1df1fd1](, closes [#&#8203;15207]( ### [`v5.0.4`]( [Compare Source]( - fix: bindCLIShortcuts to proper server ([#&#8203;15162]( ([67ac572](, closes [#&#8203;15162]( - fix: revert "fix: js fallback sourcemap content should be using original content ([#&#8203;15135](" ([#&#8203;15178]( ([d2a2493](, closes [#&#8203;15135]( [#&#8203;15178]( - fix(define): allow define process.env ([#&#8203;15173]( ([ec401da](, closes [#&#8203;15173]( - fix(resolve): respect order of browser in mainFields when resolving ([#&#8203;15137]( ([4a111aa](, closes [#&#8203;15137]( - feat: preserve vite.middlewares connect instance after restarts ([#&#8203;15166]( ([9474c4b](, closes [#&#8203;15166]( - refactor: align with Promise.withResolvers() ([#&#8203;15171]( ([642f9bc](, closes [#&#8203;15171]( ### [`v5.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( - fix: `generateCodeFrame` infinite loop ([#&#8203;15093]( ([6619de7](, closes [#&#8203;15093]( - fix: js fallback sourcemap content should be using original content ([#&#8203;15135]( ([227d56d](, closes [#&#8203;15135]( - fix(css): render correct asset url when CSS chunk name is nested ([#&#8203;15154]( ([ef403c0](, closes [#&#8203;15154]( - fix(css): use non-nested chunk name if facadeModule is not CSS file ([#&#8203;15155]( ([811e392](, closes [#&#8203;15155]( - fix(dev): bind plugin context functions ([#&#8203;14569]( ([cb3243c](, closes [#&#8203;14569]( - chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;15145]( ([7ff2c0a](, closes [#&#8203;15145]( - build: handle latest json-stable-stringify replacement ([#&#8203;15049]( ([bcc4a61](, closes [#&#8203;15049]( ### [`v5.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( - fix: make htmlFallback more permissive ([#&#8203;15059]( ([6fcceeb](, closes [#&#8203;15059]( ### [`v5.0.1`]( - test: avoid read check when running as root ([#&#8203;14884]( ([1d9516c](, closes [#&#8203;14884]( - perf(hmr): skip traversed modules when checking circular imports ([#&#8203;15034]( ([41e437f](, closes [#&#8203;15034]( - fix: run htmlFallbackMiddleware for no accept header requests ([#&#8203;15025]( ([b93dfe3](, closes [#&#8203;15025]( - fix: update type CSSModulesOptions interface ([#&#8203;14987]( ([d0b2153](, closes [#&#8203;14987]( - fix(legacy): error in build with --watch and manifest enabled ([#&#8203;14450]( ([b9ee620](, closes [#&#8203;14450]( - chore: add comment about crossorigin attribute for script module ([#&#8203;15040]( ([03c371e](, closes [#&#8203;15040]( - chore: cleanup v5 beta changelog ([#&#8203;14694]( ([531d3cb](, closes [#&#8203;14694]( ### [`v5.0.0`]( Vite 5 is out! Read the [announcement blog post here]( [![Announcing Vite 5](]( Today, we mark another big milestone in Vite's path. The Vite [team](, [contributors](, and ecosystem partners, are excited to announce the release of Vite 5. Vite is now using [Rollup 4](, which already represents a big boost in build performance. And there are also new options to improve your dev server performance profile. Vite 5 focuses on cleaning up the API (removing deprecated features) and streamlines several features closing long-standing issues, for example switching `define` to use proper AST replacements instead of regexes. We also continue to take steps to future-proof Vite (Node.js 18+ is now required, and [the CJS Node API has been deprecated]( Quick links: - [Docs]( - [Migration Guide]( Docs in other languages: - [简体中文]( - [日本語]( - [Español]( - [Português]( - [한국어]( - [Deutsch]( (new translation!) Learn more at [the Vite 5 announcement blog post]( ##### Breaking changes - feat!: add isPreview to ConfigEnv and resolveConfig ([#&#8203;14855]( ([d195860](, closes [#&#8203;14855]( - fix(types)!: expose httpServer with Http2SecureServer union ([#&#8203;14834]( ([ab5bb40](, closes [#&#8203;14834]( - refactor(preview)!: use base middleware ([#&#8203;14818]( ([69737f4](, closes [#&#8203;14818]( - fix(html)!: align html serving between dev and preview ([#&#8203;14756]( ([4f71ae8](, closes [#&#8203;14756]( - refactor!: remove non boolean middleware mode ([#&#8203;14792]( ([deb5515](, closes [#&#8203;14792]( - refactor(esbuild)!: remove esbuild 0.17 -> 0.18 compat ([#&#8203;14804]( ([7234021](, closes [#&#8203;14804]( - feat(resolve)!: remove `resolve.browserField` ([#&#8203;14733]( ([43cc3b9](, closes [#&#8203;14733]( - refactor!: move side effect of restart server to the caller ([#&#8203;8746]( ([521ca58](, closes [#&#8203;8746]( - refactor(shortcuts)!: tweak shortcuts api ([#&#8203;14749]( ([0ae2e1d](, closes [#&#8203;14749]( - fix(resolve)!: remove special .mjs handling ([#&#8203;14723]( ([2141d31](, closes [#&#8203;14723]( - feat!: remove ssr proxy for externalized modules ([#&#8203;14521]( ([5786837](, closes [#&#8203;14521]( - feat(build)!: inline SVGs ([#&#8203;14643]( ([5acda5e](, closes [#&#8203;14643]( - fix!: worker.plugins is a function ([#&#8203;14685]( ([9d09dfe](, closes [#&#8203;14685]( - refactor!: remove https flag ([#&#8203;14681]( ([5b65bfd](, closes [#&#8203;14681]( - feat!: rollup v4 ([#&#8203;14508]( ([dee6067](, closes [#&#8203;14508]( - refactor!: remove `resolvePackageEntry` and `resolvePackageData` APIs ([#&#8203;14584]( ([339f300](, closes [#&#8203;14584]( - refactor!: remove exporting internal APIs ([#&#8203;14583]( ([7861a33](, closes [#&#8203;14583]( - fix!: return 404 for resources requests outside the base path ([#&#8203;5657]( ([40fd2d9](, closes [#&#8203;5657]( - refactor!: remove `server.force` ([#&#8203;14530]( ([33ecfd9](, closes [#&#8203;14530]( - refactor!: remove jest condition ([#&#8203;14544]( ([8d18a91](, closes [#&#8203;14544]( - feat!: deprecate cjs node api ([#&#8203;14278]( ([404f30f](, closes [#&#8203;14278]( - feat(shortcuts)!: remove setRawMode ([#&#8203;14342]( ([536631a](, closes [#&#8203;14342]( - fix!: put manifest files in .vite directory by default ([#&#8203;14230]( ([74fa024](, closes [#&#8203;14230]( - feat!: allow path containing . to fallback to index.html ([#&#8203;14142]( ([1ae4cbd](, closes [#&#8203;14142]( - feat!: bump minimum node version to 18 ([#&#8203;14030]( ([2c1a45c](, closes [#&#8203;14030]( - fix!: avoid rewriting this (reverts [#&#8203;5312]( ([#&#8203;14098]( ([9b7b4ed](, closes [#&#8203;5312]( [#&#8203;14098]( - refactor!: merge `PreviewServerForHook` into `PreviewServer` type ([#&#8203;14119]( ([e0eb07c](, closes [#&#8203;14119]( - refactor(glob)!: remove `import.meta.globEager` ([#&#8203;14118]( ([fdfb61f](, closes [#&#8203;14118]( - feat!: add extension to internal virtual modules ([#&#8203;14231]( ([9594c70](, closes [#&#8203;14231]( - feat(css)!: remove css default export ([b6c44cd]( - fix!: update node types peer dep range ([#&#8203;14280]( ([8f87e86](, closes [#&#8203;14280]( ##### Features - feat: allow providing parent httpServer on middleware mode ([#&#8203;14632]( ([e0c86d4](, closes [#&#8203;14632]( - style(client): overlay frame show scrollbar ([#&#8203;14701]( ([8aa4134](, closes [#&#8203;14701]( - feat: error when failed to resolve aliased import ([#&#8203;14973]( ([6a564fa](, closes [#&#8203;14973]( - feat: add invalid `rollupOptions` warnings ([#&#8203;14909]( ([7c240a0](, closes [#&#8203;14909]( - feat: skip initial clear screen if has logs ([#&#8203;14936]( ([a92bc61](, closes [#&#8203;14936]( - feat(hmr): add full reload reason ([#&#8203;14914]( ([60a020e](, closes [#&#8203;14914]( - feat(hmr): improve circular import updates ([#&#8203;14867]( ([b479055](, closes [#&#8203;14867]( - feat: implement AsyncDisposable ([#&#8203;14648]( ([385d580](, closes [#&#8203;14648]( - feat: expose parseAst and parseAstAsync from rollup ([#&#8203;14833]( ([6229485](, closes [#&#8203;14833]( - feat: upgrade rollup to 4.2.0 and use parseAstAsync ([#&#8203;14821]( ([86a5356](, closes [#&#8203;14821]( - feat(pluginContainer): implement watchChange hook ([#&#8203;14822]( ([9369d8d](, closes [#&#8203;14822]( - feat(server): add warmupRequest api ([#&#8203;14787]( ([8690581](, closes [#&#8203;14787]( - feat(define): handle replacement with esbuild ([#&#8203;11151]( ([e4c801c](, closes [#&#8203;11151]( - feat: add a runtime warning for the old object type transformIndexHtml hook ([#&#8203;14791]( ([17fb5ee](, closes [#&#8203;14791]( - feat: add server.warmup option ([#&#8203;14291]( ([da80372](, closes [#&#8203;14291]( - feat: add import-meta.d.ts ([#&#8203;14615]( ([598d423](, closes [#&#8203;14615]( - feat: add mdx as known js source ([#&#8203;14560]( ([dd213b5](, closes [#&#8203;14560]( - feat: add off method to ViteHotContext (issue [#&#8203;14185]( ([#&#8203;14518]( ([31333bb](, closes [#&#8203;14185]( [#&#8203;14518]( - feat: show better parse error in build ([#&#8203;14600]( ([84df7db](, closes [#&#8203;14600]( - feat(optimizer): check optimizeDeps.extensions for scannable files ([#&#8203;14543]( ([23ef8a1](, closes [#&#8203;14543]( - feat(ssr): support for ssr.resolve.conditions and ssr.resolve.externalConditions options ([#&#8203;14498]( ([d0afc39](, closes [#&#8203;14498]( - feat: show warning to discourage putting process/global to `define` option ([#&#8203;14447]( ([83a56f7](, closes [#&#8203;14447]( - feat(terser): add `maxWorkers` option for terserOptions ([#&#8203;13858]( ([884fc3d](, closes [#&#8203;13858]( - feat: add generic type for plugin api ([#&#8203;14238]( ([830b26e](, closes [#&#8203;14238]( - feat: allow passing down "null" to disable server watcher ([#&#8203;14208]( ([af5a95e](, closes [#&#8203;14208]( - feat: improve deno and bun support ([#&#8203;14379]( ([9884308](, closes [#&#8203;14379]( - feat: build.ssrEmitAssets out of experimental ([#&#8203;14055]( ([f88ab68](, closes [#&#8203;14055]( - feat: ssrTransform support import assertion by default ([#&#8203;14202]( ([70a379f](, closes [#&#8203;14202]( - feat: use `import.meta.url` instead of `self.location` ([#&#8203;14377]( ([e9b1e85](, closes [#&#8203;14377]( - feat: warn if # in project root ([#&#8203;14188]( ([f5ba696](, closes [#&#8203;14188]( - feat(css): stop injecting `?used` ([fc05454]( - feat: export `server.bindCLIShortcuts` ([#&#8203;13675]( ([1a2e5e6](, closes [#&#8203;13675]( - feat: copyPublicDir out of experimental ([#&#8203;14051]( ([443c235](, closes [#&#8203;14051]( - feat(css): build assets with the entry name when it is an entry point ([#&#8203;11578]( ([fd9a2cc](, closes [#&#8203;11578]( - feat(deps): upgrade rollup to 3.28.0 ([#&#8203;14049]( ([490dad8](, closes [#&#8203;14049]( - feat(worker): support a way to name the worker ([#&#8203;14032]( ([1f214a4](, closes [#&#8203;14032]( ##### Performance - perf(define): create simple regex for checks ([#&#8203;14788]( ([bd15537](, closes [#&#8203;14788]( - perf(hmr): implement soft invalidation ([#&#8203;14654]( ([4150bcb](, closes [#&#8203;14654]( - perf: pre transform requests while opening the browser ([#&#8203;12809]( ([96a4ce3](, closes [#&#8203;12809]( - chore(deps): update tsconfck to 3.0.0 ([#&#8203;14629]( ([4dcf9c4](, closes [#&#8203;14629]( - perf: reduce preload marker markup size ([#&#8203;14550]( ([6f12fd8](, closes [#&#8203;14550]( - perf: move up external url check before fs path checks ([#&#8203;13639]( ([c2ebea1](, closes [#&#8203;13639]( - refactor: update to tsconfck3 with lazy cache ([#&#8203;14234]( ([6e0b0ee](, closes [#&#8203;14234]( - perf: reduce one if judgment ([#&#8203;14329]( ([09ba7c6](, closes [#&#8203;14329]( - perf: replace startsWith with === ([#&#8203;14300]( ([75cd29c](, closes [#&#8203;14300]( - perf: replace fromEntries with a for loop ([#&#8203;14041]( ([8b174fd](, closes [#&#8203;14041]( - perf: use `URL.canParse` ([#&#8203;14068]( ([dcee6ef](, closes [#&#8203;14068]( ##### Fixes - fix: caret position was incorrect ([#&#8203;14984]( ([2b4e793](, closes [#&#8203;14984]( - fix: code frame was not generated for postcss errors ([#&#8203;14986]( ([bedfcfa](, closes [#&#8203;14986]( - fix: don't append `/@&#8203;fs/` for bare imports ([#&#8203;14995]( ([2a519a1](, closes [#&#8203;14995]( - fix: server.preTransformRequests https error ([#&#8203;14991]( ([#&#8203;14993]( ([58ff849](, closes [#&#8203;14991]( [#&#8203;14993]( - fix(ssr): skip esm proxy guard for namespace imports ([#&#8203;14988]( ([82a5b11](, closes [#&#8203;14988]( - fix: don't watch SPA fallback paths ([#&#8203;14953]( ([24c2c57](, closes [#&#8203;14953]( - fix: handle addWatchFile in load hooks ([#&#8203;14967]( ([a0ab85b](, closes [#&#8203;14967]( - fix: preload marker duplicate deps ([#&#8203;14955]( ([55335cc](, closes [#&#8203;14955]( - fix: relax overlay frame regex ([#&#8203;14979]( ([0b325bb](, closes [#&#8203;14979]( - fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;14961]( ([0bb3995](, closes [#&#8203;14961]( - fix(esbuild): set js loader for build transpile ([#&#8203;14980]( ([80beede](, closes [#&#8203;14980]( - fix(pluginContainer): run transform in this.load ([#&#8203;14965]( ([3f57b05](, closes [#&#8203;14965]( - fix: `server.headers` after restart in middleware mode ([#&#8203;14905]( ([f9ce9db](, closes [#&#8203;14905]( - fix: add watch in fallback file load ([#&#8203;14938]( ([b24b951](, closes [#&#8203;14938]( - fix: injectQuery check with double slash in the url ([#&#8203;14910]( ([84c5ff6](, closes [#&#8203;14910]( - fix(build): make build error message clearer ([#&#8203;14761]( ([350b4b2](, closes [#&#8203;14761]( - fix(css): correctly set manifest source name and emit CSS file ([#&#8203;14945]( ([28ccede](, closes [#&#8203;14945]( - fix(server): the server restart port should remain unchanged ([#&#8203;14418]( ([8b96e97](, closes [#&#8203;14418]( - fix(worker): prevent inject esm in classic workers ([#&#8203;14918]( ([2687dbb](, closes [#&#8203;14918]( - fix: file link in overlay with custom backend ([#&#8203;14879]( ([1bfb584](, closes [#&#8203;14879]( - fix: processNodeUrl for srcset ([#&#8203;14870]( ([0873bae](, closes [#&#8203;14870]( - fix: resovedUrls is null after server restart ([#&#8203;14890]( ([bd4d29f](, closes [#&#8203;14890]( - fix: use latest module graph in transform middleware ([#&#8203;14892]( ([b6b382c](, closes [#&#8203;14892]( - fix(assets): use base64 when inlining SVG with foreignObject tag ([#&#8203;14875]( ([9e20ed6](, closes [#&#8203;14875]( - fix(build): mixed external and transpiled srcset ([#&#8203;14888]( ([b5653d3](, closes [#&#8203;14888]( - fix(css): fix sourcemap warning in build with lightningCSS ([#&#8203;14871]( ([11b1796](, closes [#&#8203;14871]( - fix(css): initialize lightningCSS targets when not using options ([#&#8203;14872]( ([12f9230](, closes [#&#8203;14872]( - fix: use correct publicDir in ERR_LOAD_PUBLIC_URL ([#&#8203;14847]( ([66caef3](, closes [#&#8203;14847]( - fix(define): correctly replace same define values ([#&#8203;14786]( ([f36fcd2](, closes [#&#8203;14786]( - fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;14729]( ([d5d96e7](, closes [#&#8203;14729]( - fix(worker): force rollup to build workerImportMetaUrl under watch mode ([#&#8203;14712]( ([8db40ee](, closes [#&#8203;14712]( - fix: skip watchPackageDataPlugin for worker builds ([#&#8203;14762]( ([9babef5](, closes [#&#8203;14762]( - fix: suppress addWatchFile invalid phase error ([#&#8203;14751]( ([c3622d7](, closes [#&#8203;14751]( - fix(css): ensure code is valid after empty css chunk imports are removed (fix [#&#8203;14515]( ([#&#8203;14517]( ([72f6a52](, closes [#&#8203;14515]( [#&#8203;14517]( - fix(html): ignore rewrite external urls ([#&#8203;14774]( ([d6d1ef1](, closes [#&#8203;14774]( - fix(assets): fix svg inline in css url ([#&#8203;14714]( ([eef4aaa](, closes [#&#8203;14714]( - fix(resolve): make directory package.json check best effort ([#&#8203;14626]( ([d520388](, closes [#&#8203;14626]( - fix(assets): make timestamp invalidation lazy ([#&#8203;14675]( ([dd610b5](, closes [#&#8203;14675]( - fix(build): add crossorigin attribute to `link[rel="stylesheet"]` ([#&#8203;12991]( ([6e7b25c](, closes [#&#8203;12991]( - fix(hmr): clean importers in module graph when file is deleted ([#&#8203;14315]( ([7acb016](, closes [#&#8203;14315]( - fix(manifest): include assets referenced in html ([#&#8203;14657]( ([f627b91](, closes [#&#8203;14657]( - fix: avoid --open optimization if preTransformRequests is disabled ([#&#8203;14666]( ([d4f62e4](, closes [#&#8203;14666]( - fix(dynamic-import-vars): preserve custom query string ([#&#8203;14459]( ([1f2a982](, closes [#&#8203;14459]( - fix(hmr): add timestamp for assets in dev ([#&#8203;13371]( ([40ee245](, closes [#&#8203;13371]( - fix(html): srcset pointing image in public dir wasn't working during dev ([#&#8203;14663]( ([4496ae7](, closes [#&#8203;14663]( - fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;14635]( ([21017a9](, closes [#&#8203;14635]( - fix(esbuild): handle tsconfck cache undefined ([#&#8203;14650]( ([4e763c5](, closes [#&#8203;14650]( - fix: off-by-one bug in HTML whitespace removal ([#&#8203;14589]( ([f54e6d8](, closes [#&#8203;14589]( - fix(html): import expression in classic script for dev ([#&#8203;14595]( ([ea47b8f](, closes [#&#8203;14595]( - fix(html): inline style attribute not working in dev ([#&#8203;14592]( ([a4a17b8](, closes [#&#8203;14592]( - fix(html): relative paths without leading dot wasn't rewritten ([#&#8203;14591]( ([0a38e3b](, closes [#&#8203;14591]( - fix(proxy): correct the logic of bypass returning false ([#&#8203;14579]( ([261633a](, closes [#&#8203;14579]( - fix(optimizer): limit bundled file name length to 170 characters ([#&#8203;14561]( ([a3b6d8d](, closes [#&#8203;14561]( - fix: esbuild glob resolve error ([#&#8203;14533]( ([3615c68](, closes [#&#8203;14533]( - fix: update transform error message ([#&#8203;14139]( ([e0eb304](, closes [#&#8203;14139]( - fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;14510]( ([eb204fd](, closes [#&#8203;14510]( - fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;14559]( ([6868480](, closes [#&#8203;14559]( - fix(lib): esbuild helper functions injection not working with named exports ([#&#8203;14539]( ([5004d00](, closes [#&#8203;14539]( - fix: allow path ending with .html to fallback to index.html ([dae6d0a]( - fix: handle fs.realpath.native MAX_PATH issue for Node.js <18.10 ([#&#8203;14487]( ([17c5928](, closes [#&#8203;14487]( - fix: update .html fallback in MPA ([b5637a7]( - fix(analysis): warnings for dynamic imports that use static template literals ([#&#8203;14458]( ([ec7ee22](, closes [#&#8203;14458]( - fix(hmr): dev mode reduce unnecessary restart ([#&#8203;14426]( ([6f9d39d](, closes [#&#8203;14426]( - fix(import-analysis): preserve importedUrls import order ([#&#8203;14465]( ([99b0645](, closes [#&#8203;14465]( - fix(preview): allow path containing . to fallback to index.html ([fddc151]( - fix(resolve): support submodules of optional peer deps ([#&#8203;14489]( ([f80ff77](, closes [#&#8203;14489]( - fix: handle errors during `hasWorkspacePackageJSON` function ([#&#8203;14394]( ([c3e4791](, closes [#&#8203;14394]( - fix: unify css collecting order ([#&#8203;11671]( ([20a8a15](, closes [#&#8203;11671]( - fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;14092]( ([68638f7](, closes [#&#8203;14092]( - fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies ([#&#8203;14460]( ([b77bff0](, closes [#&#8203;14460]( - fix(deps): update dependency dotenv-expand to v10 ([#&#8203;14391]( ([d6bde8b](, closes [#&#8203;14391]( - fix: omit 'plugins' since it has no effect ([#&#8203;13879]( ([64888b0](, closes [#&#8203;13879]( - fix: typo ([#&#8203;14334]( ([30df500](, closes [#&#8203;14334]( - fix: typo ([#&#8203;14337]( ([6ffe070](, closes [#&#8203;14337]( - fix: use relative path for sources field ([#&#8203;14247]( ([a995907](, closes [#&#8203;14247]( - fix(manifest): preserve pure css chunk assets ([#&#8203;14297]( ([4bf31e5](, closes [#&#8203;14297]( - fix(resolve): support `pkg?query` ([21bbceb]( - fix(sourcemap): dont inject fallback sourcemap if have existing ([#&#8203;14370]( ([55a3b4f](, closes [#&#8203;14370]( - fix(worker): inline es worker does not work in build mode ([#&#8203;14307]( ([7371c5c](, closes [#&#8203;14307]( - fix: add source map to Web Workers (fix [#&#8203;14216]( ([#&#8203;14217]( ([6f86de3](, closes [#&#8203;14216]( [#&#8203;14217]( - fix: handle sourcemap correctly when multiple line import exists ([#&#8203;14232]( ([627159d](, closes [#&#8203;14232]( - fix: include `vite/types/*` in exports field ([#&#8203;14296]( ([66a97be](, closes [#&#8203;14296]( - fix: use string manipulation instead of regex to inject esbuild helpers ([#&#8203;14094]( ([91a18c2](, closes [#&#8203;14094]( - fix(cli): convert special base ([#&#8203;14283]( ([34826aa](, closes [#&#8203;14283]( - fix(css): remove pure css chunk sourcemap ([#&#8203;14290]( ([2b80089](, closes [#&#8203;14290]( - fix(css): reset render cache on renderStart ([#&#8203;14326]( ([19bf0f1](, closes [#&#8203;14326]( - fix(css): spread lightningcss options ([#&#8203;14313]( ([80c6608](, closes [#&#8203;14313]( - fix(optimizer): define crawlDeps after scanProcessing and optimizationResult are complete (fix [#&#8203;1428]( ([c5f6558](, closes [#&#8203;14284]( [#&#8203;14285]( - fix(vite): precisely check if files are in dirs ([#&#8203;14241]( ([245d186](, closes [#&#8203;14241]( - revert: "fix(css): spread lightningcss options ([#&#8203;14024](" ([#&#8203;14209]( ([5778365](, closes [#&#8203;14024]( [#&#8203;14209]( - fix: breakpoints in JS not working ([#&#8203;13514]( ([0156bd2](, closes [#&#8203;13514]( - fix: if host is specified check whether it is valid ([#&#8203;14013]( ([c39e6c1](, closes [#&#8203;14013]( - fix: initWasm options should be optional ([#&#8203;14152]( ([387a6e8](, closes [#&#8203;14152]( - fix: rollup watch crash on Windows ([#&#8203;13339]( ([4f582c9](, closes [#&#8203;13339]( - fix: ws never connects after restarting server if server.hmr.server is set ([#&#8203;14127]( ([bd9b749](, closes [#&#8203;14127]( - fix(client): correctly display the config file name ([#&#8203;14160]( ([61e801d](, closes [#&#8203;14160]( - fix(css): spread lightningcss options ([#&#8203;14024]( ([63a4451](, closes [#&#8203;14024]( - fix(css): trim esbuild's minified css ([#&#8203;13893]( ([7682a62](, closes [#&#8203;13893]( - fix(glob): trigger HMR for glob in a package ([#&#8203;14117]( ([86cbf69](, closes [#&#8203;14117]( ##### Cleanup - docs: point links in messages at https: ([#&#8203;14992]( ([d3af879](, closes [#&#8203;14992]( - build: dont strip single line comments ([#&#8203;14969]( ([ea9ccb7](, closes [#&#8203;14969]( - build: strip internal parameters ([1168e57]( - chore: refactor as functions ([5684382]( - chore: add `PluginWithRequiredHook` type & extract `getHookHandler` function ([#&#8203;14845]( ([997f2d5](, closes [#&#8203;14845]( - chore(optimizedDeps): remove unused return ([#&#8203;14773]( ([9d744dd](, closes [#&#8203;14773]( - refactor: simplify build optimizer node_env handling ([#&#8203;14829]( ([275907b](, closes [#&#8203;14829]( - chore: fix typo ([#&#8203;14820]( ([eda1247](, closes [#&#8203;14820]( - chore: revert "feat: show warning to discourage putting process/global to `define` option ([#&#8203;14447](" ([0426910](, closes [#&#8203;14447]( [#&#8203;14827]( - chore: update license ([#&#8203;14790]( ([ac5d8a7](, closes [#&#8203;14790]( - chore(shortcuts): resolve generic type error ([#&#8203;14802]( ([a090742](, closes [#&#8203;14802]( - refactor: update es-module-lexer to 1.4.0 ([#&#8203;14937]( ([374e6fd](, closes [#&#8203;14937]( - chore(esbuild): fix typo ([#&#8203;14772]( ([6cfc1e2](, closes [#&#8203;14772]( - revert: remove AsyncDisposable ([#&#8203;14908]( ([b953b0d](, closes [#&#8203;14908]( - refactor(ssr): remove unused metadata code ([#&#8203;14711]( ([c5f2d60](, closes [#&#8203;14711]( - refactor: use dynamic import directly ([#&#8203;14661]( ([af60592](, closes [#&#8203;14661]( - chore(config): improve the readability of warning messages ([#&#8203;14594]( ([b43b4df](, closes [#&#8203;14594]( - build: clean generated type file ([#&#8203;14582]( ([fffe16e](, closes [#&#8203;14582]( - build: use rollup-plugin-dts ([#&#8203;14571]( ([d89725b](, closes [#&#8203;14571]( - refactor(css): make `getEmptyChunkReplacer` for unit test ([#&#8203;14528]( ([18900fd](, closes [#&#8203;14528]( - refactor: ensure HTML is stripped of generated blank lines ([#&#8203;14274]( ([bc97091](, closes [#&#8203;14274]( - refactor: remove unused record flatIdToExports ([#&#8203;14557]( ([7e62710](, closes [#&#8203;14557]( - test(ssr): add import and export ordering snapshot ([#&#8203;14468]( ([ca34c64](, closes [#&#8203;14468]( - refactor: remove CJS ssr output format ([#&#8203;13944]( ([2f60b9e](, closes [#&#8203;13944]( - refactor: replace duplicate code with tryStatSync ([#&#8203;14461]( ([be6b0c8](, closes [#&#8203;14461]( - refactor(config): remove unnecessary esbuild option ([#&#8203;13580]( ([67f4e52](, closes [#&#8203;13580]( - test(ssr): proper test coverage of SSR shebang import hoisting ([#&#8203;14448]( ([fdd4669](, closes [#&#8203;14448]( - chore(optimizer): debug info on cache dir handle process ([#&#8203;12858]( ([21a62da](, closes [#&#8203;12858]( - refactor(css): remove `export {}` ([98fbdc3]( - chore: fix ts error ([#&#8203;14053]( ([6cb397f](, closes [#&#8203;14053]( - chore: use "kB" everywhere with the correct definition ([#&#8203;14061]( ([f97ef58](, closes [#&#8203;14061]( - chore(client): remove redundant if statement ([#&#8203;14137]( ([fe1c0b9](, closes [#&#8203;14137]( - refactor(css): use `preliminaryFileName` to detect pure CSS chunks ([#&#8203;13974]( ([835249d](, closes [#&#8203;13974]( ##### Previous Changelogs ##### [5.0.0-beta.20]( (2023-11-15) See [5.0.0-beta.20 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.19]( (2023-11-14) See [5.0.0-beta.19 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.18]( (2023-11-11) See [5.0.0-beta.18 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.17]( (2023-11-07) See [5.0.0-beta.17 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.16]( (2023-11-03) See [5.0.0-beta.16 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.15]( (2023-11-01) See [5.0.0-beta.15 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.14]( (2023-10-30) See [5.0.0-beta.14 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.13]( (2023-10-27) See [5.0.0-beta.13 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.12]( (2023-10-23) See [5.0.0-beta.12 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.11]( (2023-10-19) See [5.0.0-beta.11 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.10]( (2023-10-17) See [5.0.0-beta.10 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.9]( (2023-10-17) See [5.0.0-beta.9 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.8]( (2023-10-16) See [5.0.0-beta.8 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.7]( (2023-10-12) See [5.0.0-beta.7 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.6]( (2023-10-10) See [5.0.0-beta.6 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.5]( (2023-10-09) See [5.0.0-beta.5 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.4]( (2023-10-02) See [5.0.0-beta.4 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.3]( (2023-09-25) See [5.0.0-beta.3 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.2]( (2023-09-15) See [5.0.0-beta.2 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.1]( (2023-09-08) See [5.0.0-beta.1 changelog]( ##### [5.0.0-beta.0]( (2023-08-24) See [5.0.0-beta.0 changelog]( </details> <details> <summary>jpkleemans/vite-svg-loader (vite-svg-loader)</summary> ### [`v5.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - Revert ESM imports by [@&#8203;jpkleemans]( in **Full Changelog**: ### [`v5.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( Change package type to "module". **Full Changelog**: ### [`v5.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### What's Changed - Lowering required vue version by [@&#8203;gkatsanos]( in - Vite v5 compatibility by [@&#8203;sergiocarracedo]( in - Update example to use Vite v5 by [@&#8203;jpkleemans]( in #### New Contributors - [@&#8203;sergiocarracedo]( made their first contribution in **Full Changelog**: </details> <details> <summary>vitest-dev/vitest (vitest)</summary> ### [`v1.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( #####    🐞 Bug Fixes - Bump vitest packages `peerDependencies` versions  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(42070)</samp>]( #####     [View changes on GitHub]( ### [`v1.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( Vitest 1.0 is here! This release page lists all changes made to the project during the beta. For the migration guide, please refer to the [documentation]( #####    🚨 Breaking Changes - Add support for `pool` and `poolOptions`, remove old flags  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(114a9)</samp>]( - Support multiple parallel `child_process`  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(8b4a4)</samp>]( - Make snapshots more visually pleasing by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in - Set `vitest` peer dependency range for sub packages  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(cd03c)</samp>]( - Bump minimum node version to 18 and match Vite 5 requirement  -  by [@&#8203;ghiscoding]( in [<samp>(263b7)</samp>]( - Remove deprecated node loader  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(29299)</samp>]( - Move browser providers to [@&#8203;vitest/browser]( package  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(5cdeb)</samp>]( - Remove EnhancedSpy type, deprecate SpyInstance, improve mocks and vi documentation  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( and [@&#8203;dammy001]( in [<samp>(d40b3)</samp>]( - **runner**: Correctly process custom tasks, update runner hooks naming by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in - **coverage**: - glob based coverage thresholds by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(18300)</samp>]( - Use `transformMode` and workspace project based source maps  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(28109cc)</samp>]( - Enable `coverage.all` by default  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(5a741)</samp>]( #####    🚀 Features - Add Marko example and include code coverage for Marko files  -  by [@&#8203;DylanPiercey]( in [<samp>(eac77)</samp>]( - Update magic-string  -  by [@&#8203;bluwy]( in [<samp>(fde18)</samp>]( - Implement provide/inject API to transfer data from the main thread  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(a7522)</samp>]( - Improve expectTypeOf error messages  -  by [@&#8203;mmkal](, **Misha Kaletsky** and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(18300)</samp>]( - Add test.sequential() api  -  by [@&#8203;dsyddall]( in [<samp>(c3619)</samp>]( - Allow custom pools  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(a3fd5)</samp>]( - Add --project option to limit what projects are running  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va](, [@&#8203;dammy001]( and [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(58ef5)</samp>]( - **benchmark**: - Move importTinybench to runner  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in [<samp>(c36d2)</samp>]( - **browser**: - Support "none" provider and update lit example to use it  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(d03a2)</samp>]( - **coverage**: - Support `/* v8 ignore...` ignore hints  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(f9e4a)</samp>]( - **expect**: - Support `expect.closeTo` api  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( and **golebiowskib** in [<samp>(7f91c)</samp>]( - ToContain can handle classList and Node.contains  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(ce84f)</samp>]( - Compare URL objects by href  -  by [@&#8203;kleinfreund]( and [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(f7a73)</samp>]( - **snapshot**: - Add option to configure snapshot directory  -  by [@&#8203;d3lm]( in [<samp>(20b2a)</samp>]( - **vite-node**: - Support for vite 5  -  by [@&#8203;bluwy]( in [<samp>(01b1c)</samp>]( - **vitest**: - Expose getBenchFn, getBenchOptions  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(8e5e4)</samp>]( - Run typecheck during tests  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(a1aad)</samp>]( - Filter stacktraces  -  by [@&#8203;clarkf]( in and [<samp>(6b734)</samp>]( - Expose execArgv to the different pools  -  by [@&#8203;adriencaccia]( in [<samp>(9021e)</samp>]( #####    🐞 Bug Fixes - Add multiple globals in VM+JSDOM  -  by [@&#8203;nstepien]( in and [<samp>(fc947)</samp>]( - Ignore "plugins" field in snapshotFormat option  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(db1ff)</samp>]( - `nextTick` mocking error message to mention correct config option  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(98fe3)</samp>]( - Export VitestUtils interface  -  by [@&#8203;fbritoferreira]( in [<samp>(b1439)</samp>]( - Assertion diff message handle non-writable sub-properties  -  by [@&#8203;bfamchon]( in [<samp>(7e1a0)</samp>]( - Don't bundle import from rollup  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(3b584)</samp>]( - Support accessing fixture at same index of dependency fixture  -  by [@&#8203;dsyddall]( in [<samp>(4cd1d)</samp>]( - Make asynchronous fixtures work concurrently  -  by [@&#8203;dsyddall]( in [<samp>(3c9f9)</samp>]( - Coverage.100 crash when using as an cli argument  -  by [@&#8203;marcelobotega]( in [<samp>(0db38)</samp>]( - Support typechecking with Yarn PnP  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(1ecbe)</samp>]( - Support accessing task from test context without accessing fixtures  -  by [@&#8203;dsyddall]( in [<samp>(3397f)</samp>]( - Copy custom asymmetric matchers to local `expect`  -  by [@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in [<samp>(9fe38)</samp>]( - Apply serializer to `Error` instance for thrown snapshot  -  by [@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(ac309)</samp>]( - Throw an error when running "vitest typecheck"  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(7f502)</samp>]( - Don't expand snapshot diff by default  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(8983c)</samp>]( - Handle errors thrown in fixtures  -  by [@&#8203;dsyddall]( [<samp>(f6844)</samp>]( - Default --open to !process.env.CI  -  by [@&#8203;collinstevens]( in [<samp>(088a0)</samp>]( - Disable ESBuild when user config disables it  -  by [@&#8203;Namchee]( in [<samp>(9abde)</samp>]( - Inherit concurrent/sequential in nested suites  -  by [@&#8203;dsyddall]( in [<samp>(ca168)</samp>]( - Provide customTesters to asymmetric matchers  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( [<samp>(ac665)</samp>]( - Apply `retry` and `bail` from test config file  -  by [@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in [<samp>(94f9a)</samp>]( - Respect trailing slash when filtering by file path  -  by [@&#8203;ibuibu]( in [<samp>(f377a)</samp>]( - Date prototype when using setSystemTime  -  by [@&#8203;spiroka]( in [<samp>(3f8c3)</samp>]( - BrowserTestRunner called incorrect super methods  -  by [@&#8203;samthor]( in [<samp>(8385c)</samp>]( - Set process name for idle workers  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(eca25)</samp>]( - **bench**: - Extract ChainableBenchmarkAPI type  -  by [@&#8203;dsyddall]( in [<samp>(79e9b)</samp>]( - **browser**: - Improve error handling and don't rely on Node.js builtin modules in browser mode  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(e7e8c)</samp>]( - Disable hijacking ES modules until vi.mock is implemented  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(ab556)</samp>]( - Add vitest/ imports to entries  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(648bc)</samp>]( - Wait until vite finishes prebundling of vitest dependencies  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(56ee7)</samp>]( - Allow for `pretty-format` as a sibling dependency  -  by [@&#8203;nicojs]( in [<samp>(ed50a)</samp>]( - Don't go into an infinite reload loop, don't fail if "error" event is caught  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(ec3d6)</samp>]( - Respect "server" option in vite config  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(723f6)</samp>]( - **cli**: - Do not capture `stdin` when in run mode  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(fc51a)</samp>]( - **config**: - Type issue of `pool` and `poolMatchGlobs` in defineConfig  -  by [@&#8203;InfiniteXyy]( in [<samp>(9112c)</samp>]( - **coverage**: - `thresholdAutoUpdate` to detect zero limits  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(a29fe)</samp>]( - Exclude files and directories starting with dot by default  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(b3327)</samp>]( - Improve memory usage by writing temporary files on file system  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(4166c)</samp>]( - **deps**: - Update dependency v8-to-istanbul to ^9.2.0  -  by [@&#8203;renovate](\[bot] in [<samp>(a70f2)</samp>]( - Update dependency std-env to ^3.5.0  -  by [@&#8203;renovate](\[bot] in [<samp>(1fdd6)</samp>]( - **example**: - Resolve type error  -  by [@&#8203;jqkk]( in [<samp>(2d1b4)</samp>]( - **expect**: - Publish types file  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( [<samp>(5996c)</samp>]( - `Object.freeze` breaks `toEqual`  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in [<samp>(a4501)</samp>]( - Publish semantically correct chai types  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(80a70)</samp>]( - Print full error if promise is rejected  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(cadb9)</samp>]( - Don't fail when using jest expect  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(60d6d)</samp>]( - **happy-dom**: - Don't crash when calling useFakeTimers with empty config  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(2e1a1)</samp>]( - **jsdom**: - Don't go into an infinite recusion when calling atob  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( [<samp>(da794)</samp>]( - **runner**: - Fixture needs to be initialized for each test  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in [<samp>(76a93)</samp>]( - Nested tests should throw errors  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in [<samp>(8ac9f)</samp>]( - Removes deprecated `error` option from TaskResult  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in [<samp>(4cee6)</samp>]( - Preserve fixtures when calling runif and skipif  -  by [@&#8203;dsyddall]( in and [<samp>(515ea)</samp>]( - PassWithNoTests option not work  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in [<samp>(8d183)</samp>]( - **vite-node**: - Have a separate cache for web/ssr transforms  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(ca5db)</samp>]( - Mjs files watch not work  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in [<samp>(77ea9)</samp>]( - **vitest**: - Make [@&#8203;types/node]( optional  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(a5383)</samp>]( - Inline chai types instead of using [@&#8203;types/chai](  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(5f477)</samp>]( - Don't initialize globalSetup if workspace doesn't run tests  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(06461)</samp>]( - Deduplicate vitest when running globally or in a workspace  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(93504)</samp>]( - Print file path instead of "unknown test" when logging  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( in [<samp>(ec2e8)</samp>]( - Failed to load custom environment from js/ts file  -  by [@&#8203;Dunqing]( and [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(da8d0)</samp>]( - Support assets in new URL in Vite 5  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(d280f)</samp>]( - Correctly hoist `vi.hoisted` if assigned  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(ff93a)</samp>]( - Run globalSetup from the root config even if it's not in a workspace  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(4293e)</samp>]( - Pass correct mode in vitest config function  -  by [@&#8203;adriencaccia]( in [<samp>(b8ca3)</samp>]( - Throw an error if vitest is imported using require()  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(e5cf1)</samp>]( - Use correct type for defineProject to allow usage in mergeConfig  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(7dee8)</samp>]( - Throw an error if Vite wasn't able to resolve aliased path  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(50333)</samp>]( - Improve vi.waitUntil type to excude falsy types  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(23652)</samp>]( - Add import-meta.d.ts  -  by [@&#8203;macdaddyaz]( in [<samp>(dd802)</samp>]( - Correctly support CSS variable when using happy-dom  -  by [@&#8203;sheremet-va]( in [<samp>(9fbf3)</samp>]( - Pass correct server options in workspace  -  by [@&#8203;hironytic]( in and [<samp>(241a8)</samp>]( - Independently mock each instance's methods for mocked class  -  by [@&#8203;hi-ogawa]( in [<samp>(05b05)</samp>]( - **vm**: - Remove sequencer usage from createVmThreadsPool function  -  by [@&#8203;mhogeveen]( in [<samp>(54d52)</samp>]( #####    🏎 Performance - Update `log-update` v9  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(ba1df)</samp>]( - Close pool early in run-mode  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(e0e20)</samp>]( - **coverage-istanbul**: `all: true` instruments already instrumented files  -  by [@&#8203;AriPerkkio]( in [<samp>(d1e1b)</samp>]( #####     [View changes on GitHub]( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "before 4am" (UTC), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get [config help]( if that's undesired. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNy41MC4xIiwidXBkYXRlZEluVmVyIjoiMzcuNTAuMSIsInRhcmdldEJyYW5jaCI6Im1haW4ifQ==-->
renovate added the
label 2023-11-17 00:14:12 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from 68dcc5aebb to d80a59578f 2023-11-17 00:14:15 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from d80a59578f to c18c3da546 2023-11-17 21:13:35 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from c18c3da546 to 14b4bfa6df 2023-11-17 22:16:02 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from 14b4bfa6df to bc3371d236 2023-11-17 23:15:26 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from e6c46be009 to 6cc56d2cc0 2023-11-18 14:12:56 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from 6cc56d2cc0 to ec87b34dc1 2023-11-20 15:13:08 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from ec87b34dc1 to d2e198fc82 2023-11-21 11:13:37 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from d2e198fc82 to 11515b7dd5 2023-11-21 13:13:34 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from 11515b7dd5 to 80110da57e 2023-11-21 14:14:04 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from 80110da57e to 3dd3a38d86 2023-11-22 09:13:08 +00:00 Compare

⚠ Artifact update problem

Renovate failed to update an artifact related to this branch. You probably do not want to merge this PR as-is.

♻ Renovate will retry this branch, including artifacts, only when one of the following happens:

  • any of the package files in this branch needs updating, or
  • the branch becomes conflicted, or
  • you click the rebase/retry checkbox if found above, or
  • you rename this PR's title to start with "rebase!" to trigger it manually

The artifact failure details are included below:

File name: pnpm-lock.yaml
[11:13:09.266] INFO (10): Installing tool node v20.9.0...
[11:13:09.778] ERROR (10): failed to check url
    url: ""
    err: {
      "type": "HTTPError",
      "message": "Response code 401 (Unauthorized)",
          HTTPError: Response code 401 (Unauthorized)
              at _Request.<anonymous> (/snapshot/dist/containerbase-cli.js:42795:32)
              at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:652:26)
              at _Request.emit (node:events:549:35)
              at _Request.emit (node:domain:482:12)
              at _Request._onResponseBase (/snapshot/dist/containerbase-cli.js:42363:14)
              at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
              at async _Request._onResponse (/snapshot/dist/containerbase-cli.js:42398:7)
      "code": "ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE",
      "timings": {
        "start": 1700651589363,
        "socket": 1700651589364,
        "lookup": 1700651589365,
        "connect": 1700651589366,
        "secureConnect": 1700651589370,
        "upload": 1700651589370,
        "response": 1700651589773,
        "end": 1700651589776,
        "phases": {
          "wait": 1,
          "dns": 1,
          "tcp": 1,
          "tls": 4,
          "request": 0,
          "firstByte": 403,
          "download": 3,
          "total": 413
      "name": "HTTPError",
      "options": {
        "agent": {},
        "decompress": true,
        "timeout": {},
        "prefixUrl": "",
        "ignoreInvalidCookies": false,
        "context": {},
        "hooks": {
          "init": [],
          "beforeRequest": [],
          "beforeError": [],
          "beforeRedirect": [],
          "beforeRetry": [],
          "afterResponse": []
        "followRedirect": true,
        "maxRedirects": 10,
        "throwHttpErrors": true,
        "username": "",
        "password": "",
        "http2": false,
        "allowGetBody": false,
        "headers": {
          "user-agent": "got (",
          "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br"
        "methodRewriting": false,
        "retry": {
          "limit": 2,
          "methods": [
          "statusCodes": [
          "errorCodes": [
          "backoffLimit": null,
          "noise": 100
        "method": "HEAD",
        "cacheOptions": {},
        "https": {},
        "resolveBodyOnly": false,
        "isStream": false,
        "responseType": "text",
        "url": "",
        "pagination": {
          "countLimit": null,
          "backoff": 0,
          "requestLimit": 10000,
          "stackAllItems": false
        "setHost": true,
        "enableUnixSockets": false
[11:13:09.782] FATAL (10): Response code 401 (Unauthorized)
    err: {
      "type": "HTTPError",
      "message": "Response code 401 (Unauthorized)",
          HTTPError: Response code 401 (Unauthorized)
              at _Request.<anonymous> (/snapshot/dist/containerbase-cli.js:42795:32)
              at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:652:26)
              at _Request.emit (node:events:549:35)
              at _Request.emit (node:domain:482:12)
              at _Request._onResponseBase (/snapshot/dist/containerbase-cli.js:42363:14)
              at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
              at async _Request._onResponse (/snapshot/dist/containerbase-cli.js:42398:7)
      "code": "ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE",
      "timings": {
        "start": 1700651589363,
        "socket": 1700651589364,
        "lookup": 1700651589365,
        "connect": 1700651589366,
        "secureConnect": 1700651589370,
        "upload": 1700651589370,
        "response": 1700651589773,
        "end": 1700651589776,
        "phases": {
          "wait": 1,
          "dns": 1,
          "tcp": 1,
          "tls": 4,
          "request": 0,
          "firstByte": 403,
          "download": 3,
          "total": 413
      "name": "HTTPError",
      "options": {
        "agent": {},
        "decompress": true,
        "timeout": {},
        "prefixUrl": "",
        "ignoreInvalidCookies": false,
        "context": {},
        "hooks": {
          "init": [],
          "beforeRequest": [],
          "beforeError": [],
          "beforeRedirect": [],
          "beforeRetry": [],
          "afterResponse": []
        "followRedirect": true,
        "maxRedirects": 10,
        "throwHttpErrors": true,
        "username": "",
        "password": "",
        "http2": false,
        "allowGetBody": false,
        "headers": {
          "user-agent": "got (",
          "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br"
        "methodRewriting": false,
        "retry": {
          "limit": 2,
          "methods": [
          "statusCodes": [
          "errorCodes": [
          "backoffLimit": null,
          "noise": 100
        "method": "HEAD",
        "cacheOptions": {},
        "https": {},
        "resolveBodyOnly": false,
        "isStream": false,
        "responseType": "text",
        "url": "",
        "pagination": {
          "countLimit": null,
          "backoff": 0,
          "requestLimit": 10000,
          "stackAllItems": false
        "setHost": true,
        "enableUnixSockets": false
[11:13:09.817] INFO (10): Installed tool node with errors in 551ms.

### ⚠ Artifact update problem Renovate failed to update an artifact related to this branch. You probably do not want to merge this PR as-is. ♻ Renovate will retry this branch, including artifacts, only when one of the following happens: - any of the package files in this branch needs updating, or - the branch becomes conflicted, or - you click the rebase/retry checkbox if found above, or - you rename this PR's title to start with "rebase!" to trigger it manually The artifact failure details are included below: ##### File name: pnpm-lock.yaml ``` [11:13:09.266] INFO (10): Installing tool node v20.9.0... [11:13:09.778] ERROR (10): failed to check url url: "" err: { "type": "HTTPError", "message": "Response code 401 (Unauthorized)", "stack": HTTPError: Response code 401 (Unauthorized) at _Request.<anonymous> (/snapshot/dist/containerbase-cli.js:42795:32) at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:652:26) at _Request.emit (node:events:549:35) at _Request.emit (node:domain:482:12) at _Request._onResponseBase (/snapshot/dist/containerbase-cli.js:42363:14) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async _Request._onResponse (/snapshot/dist/containerbase-cli.js:42398:7) "code": "ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE", "timings": { "start": 1700651589363, "socket": 1700651589364, "lookup": 1700651589365, "connect": 1700651589366, "secureConnect": 1700651589370, "upload": 1700651589370, "response": 1700651589773, "end": 1700651589776, "phases": { "wait": 1, "dns": 1, "tcp": 1, "tls": 4, "request": 0, "firstByte": 403, "download": 3, "total": 413 } }, "name": "HTTPError", "options": { "agent": {}, "decompress": true, "timeout": {}, "prefixUrl": "", "ignoreInvalidCookies": false, "context": {}, "hooks": { "init": [], "beforeRequest": [], "beforeError": [], "beforeRedirect": [], "beforeRetry": [], "afterResponse": [] }, "followRedirect": true, "maxRedirects": 10, "throwHttpErrors": true, "username": "", "password": "", "http2": false, "allowGetBody": false, "headers": { "user-agent": "got (", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br" }, "methodRewriting": false, "retry": { "limit": 2, "methods": [ "GET", "PUT", "HEAD", "DELETE", "OPTIONS", "TRACE" ], "statusCodes": [ 408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524 ], "errorCodes": [ "ETIMEDOUT", "ECONNRESET", "EADDRINUSE", "ECONNREFUSED", "EPIPE", "ENOTFOUND", "ENETUNREACH", "EAI_AGAIN" ], "backoffLimit": null, "noise": 100 }, "method": "HEAD", "cacheOptions": {}, "https": {}, "resolveBodyOnly": false, "isStream": false, "responseType": "text", "url": "", "pagination": { "countLimit": null, "backoff": 0, "requestLimit": 10000, "stackAllItems": false }, "setHost": true, "enableUnixSockets": false } } [11:13:09.782] FATAL (10): Response code 401 (Unauthorized) err: { "type": "HTTPError", "message": "Response code 401 (Unauthorized)", "stack": HTTPError: Response code 401 (Unauthorized) at _Request.<anonymous> (/snapshot/dist/containerbase-cli.js:42795:32) at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:652:26) at _Request.emit (node:events:549:35) at _Request.emit (node:domain:482:12) at _Request._onResponseBase (/snapshot/dist/containerbase-cli.js:42363:14) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async _Request._onResponse (/snapshot/dist/containerbase-cli.js:42398:7) "code": "ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE", "timings": { "start": 1700651589363, "socket": 1700651589364, "lookup": 1700651589365, "connect": 1700651589366, "secureConnect": 1700651589370, "upload": 1700651589370, "response": 1700651589773, "end": 1700651589776, "phases": { "wait": 1, "dns": 1, "tcp": 1, "tls": 4, "request": 0, "firstByte": 403, "download": 3, "total": 413 } }, "name": "HTTPError", "options": { "agent": {}, "decompress": true, "timeout": {}, "prefixUrl": "", "ignoreInvalidCookies": false, "context": {}, "hooks": { "init": [], "beforeRequest": [], "beforeError": [], "beforeRedirect": [], "beforeRetry": [], "afterResponse": [] }, "followRedirect": true, "maxRedirects": 10, "throwHttpErrors": true, "username": "", "password": "", "http2": false, "allowGetBody": false, "headers": { "user-agent": "got (", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br" }, "methodRewriting": false, "retry": { "limit": 2, "methods": [ "GET", "PUT", "HEAD", "DELETE", "OPTIONS", "TRACE" ], "statusCodes": [ 408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524 ], "errorCodes": [ "ETIMEDOUT", "ECONNRESET", "EADDRINUSE", "ECONNREFUSED", "EPIPE", "ENOTFOUND", "ENETUNREACH", "EAI_AGAIN" ], "backoffLimit": null, "noise": 100 }, "method": "HEAD", "cacheOptions": {}, "https": {}, "resolveBodyOnly": false, "isStream": false, "responseType": "text", "url": "", "pagination": { "countLimit": null, "backoff": 0, "requestLimit": 10000, "stackAllItems": false }, "setHost": true, "enableUnixSockets": false } } [11:13:09.817] INFO (10): Installed tool node with errors in 551ms. ```
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from 3dd3a38d86 to cdb43eae81 2023-11-22 11:13:20 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from cdb43eae81 to f821cfd204 2023-11-28 15:14:09 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from f821cfd204 to 8ada457901 2023-11-29 12:14:22 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from 8ada457901 to a1b09d23ec 2023-12-01 11:15:57 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from a1b09d23ec to 10e5264b29 2023-12-04 10:16:25 +00:00 Compare
renovate changed title from chore(deps): update dev-dependencies to v5 (major) to chore(deps): update dev-dependencies (major) 2023-12-04 16:14:32 +00:00
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from 10e5264b29 to 002ec8641a 2023-12-04 16:14:36 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from 002ec8641a to fcd0a242d1 2023-12-04 18:15:04 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from fcd0a242d1 to ad31cbad1c 2023-12-06 09:15:06 +00:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from ad31cbad1c to cae2362eb3 2023-12-06 12:16:54 +00:00 Compare
konrad force-pushed renovate/major-dev-dependencies from cae2362eb3 to 26f59b0d63 2023-12-06 12:29:06 +00:00 Compare
konrad approved these changes 2023-12-06 12:29:13 +00:00
konrad scheduled this pull request to auto merge when all checks succeed 2023-12-06 12:29:21 +00:00

Hi renovate!

Thank you for creating a PR!

I've deployed the changes of this PR on a preview environment under this URL:

You can use this url to view the changes live and test them out.
You will need to manually connect this to an api running somehwere. The easiest to use is

Have a nice day!

Beep boop, I'm a bot.

Hi renovate! Thank you for creating a PR! I've deployed the changes of this PR on a preview environment under this URL: You can use this url to view the changes live and test them out. You will need to manually connect this to an api running somehwere. The easiest to use is Have a nice day! > Beep boop, I'm a bot.
konrad merged commit b1fc5dbd97 into main 2023-12-06 12:42:16 +00:00
This repo is archived. You cannot comment on pull requests.
No description provided.